Aircraft Accident Report
Loss of Control and Impact with Pacific
Ocean Alaska Airlines Flight 261
McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS
About 2.7 Miles North of
Anacapa Island, California
January 31, 2000
Safety Board
Washington, D.C.
this page intentionally left blank
Aircraft Accident Report
Loss of Control and Impact with Pacific Ocean
Alaska Airlines Flight 261
McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS
About 2.7 Miles North of
Anacapa Island, California
January 31, 2000
PB2002-910402 National Transportation Safety Board
Notation 7263E 490 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Adopted December 30, 2002 Washington, D.C. 20594
National Transportation Safety Board. 2003. Loss of Control and Impact with Pacific Ocean, Alaska
Airlines Flight 261, McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS, About 2.7 Miles North of Anacapa Island,
California, January 31, 2000. Aircraft Accident Report NTSB/AAR-02/01. Washington, DC.
Abstract: This report explains the accident involving Alaska Airlines flight 261, a McDonnell Douglas
MD-83, which crashed
into the Pacific Ocean about 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, California.
Safety issues discussed in this report include lubrication and inspection of the jackscrew
assembly, extension of lubrication and end play check intervals, jackscrew assembly overhaul
procedures, the design and certification of the MD-80 horizontal stabilizer trim control system,
Alaska Airlines’ maintenance program, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversight of
Alaska Airlines. Safety recommendations are addressed to the FAA.
The National Transportation Safety Board is an independent Federal agency dedicated to promoting aviation, railroad, highway, marine,
pipeline, and hazardous materials safety. Established in 1967, the agency is mandated by Congress through the Independent Safety Board
Act of 1974 to investigate transportation accidents, determine the probable causes of the accidents, issue safety recommendations, study
transportation safety issues, and evaluate the safety effectiveness of government agencies involved in transportation. The Safety Board
makes public its actions and decisions through accident reports, safety studies, special investigation reports, safety recommendations, and
statistical reviews.
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iii Aircraft Accident Report
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
1. Factual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 History of Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Injuries to Persons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 Damage to Airplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Other Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Personnel Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5.1 The Captain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5.2 The First Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6 Airplane Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6.1 MD-80 Longitudinal Trim Control System Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Primary Trim Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Alternate Trim Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Autopilot Pitch Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.6.2 Design and Certification of MD-80 Series Airplanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Longitudinal Trim Control System Certification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.6.3 Maintenance Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Alaska Airlines’ MD-80 Maintenance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Maintenance Program Development Guidance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Alaska Airlines’ Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program . . . . . . . 26 Alaska Airlines’ Reliability Analysis Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Jackscrew Assembly Lubrication Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Jackscrew Assembly Lubrication Intervals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Manufacturer-Recommended Lubrication Intervals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Alaska Airlines’ Lubrication Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Chronology of Grease Type Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 July 19, 2002, Alaska Airlines Maintenance Information Letter . . . . . . . . . 36 Procedures for Monitoring Acme Nut Thread Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Defining and Calculating Wear Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Development of End Play Check Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Alaska Airlines’ End Play Check Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Horizontal Stabilizer Restraining Fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Alaska Airlines-Manufactured Restraining Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 End Play Check Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Manufacturer-Recommended End Play Check Intervals . . . . . . . . . . 47 Alaska Airlines’ End Play Check Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Accident Airplane’s Maintenance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Accident Airplane’s Last C Check Requiring an End Play Check . . . . . . . . 50
Contents iv Aircraft Accident Report Maintenance Personnel Statements Regarding the Accident
Airplane’s Last End Play Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
1.7 Meteorological Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
1.8 Aids to Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
1.9 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
1.10 Airport Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.11 Flight Recorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.11.1 Cockpit Voice Recorder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CVR Sound Spectrum Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.11.2 Flight Data Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.12.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.12.2 Horizontal Stabilizer Jackscrew Assembly Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.13 Medical and Pathological Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
1.14 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
1.15 Survival Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
1.16 Tests and Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
1.16.1 Airplane Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Airplane Performance Simulation Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
1.16.2 Metallurgical Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Horizontal Stabilizer Forward Spar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Acme Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Acme Screw Torque Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Lower Mechanical Stop and Corresponding Spline Area on the Acme Screw . . 71 Acme Nut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Acme Nut Thread Remnant Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
1.16.3 Shear Load Capability of the Acme Nut Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
1.16.4 Studies of Thread Stress and Deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
1.16.5 Torque Tube Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
1.16.6 Additional Safety Board Jackscrew Assembly Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 February 2000 Post-AD 2000-03-51 Jackscrew Assembly Examinations . . . . . 80 Examinations of Hawaiian Airlines’ Jackscrew Assemblies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Examinations of Alaska Airlines Reports of Acme Screw “Wobble”. . . . . . . . . 83
1.16.7 Chemical and Microscopic Analyses of Grease Residues from the Accident
Jackscrew Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
1.16.8 Additional Grease Testing, Experiments, and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Standardized Grease Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Experiments and Analysis on the Surface Chemistry of Acme
Nut Material When Exposed to Various Greases or Grease Mixtures . . . . . . . . 85 Wear Testing Under Various Grease Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
1.17 Organizational and Management Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
1.17.1 Alaska Airlines, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
1.17.2 Alaska Airlines Flight Crew Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Stabilizer Trim Check Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Runaway Stabilizer Checklist Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Stabilizer Inoperative Checklist Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Postaccident Boeing Flight Operations Bulletin on Stabilizer
Trim Inoperative/Malfunction Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
1.17.3 FAA Oversight of Alaska Airlines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Contents v Aircraft Accident Report Preaccident FAA National Aviation Safety Inspection Program Inspection. . . . 93 FAA Air Transportation Oversight System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Seattle CMO Memorandum on Staff Shortages for Surveillance
of Alaska Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 FAA Postaccident Special Inspection of Alaska Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 FAA Proposed Suspension of Alaska Airlines’ Heavy Maintenance
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Alaska Airlines Airworthiness and Operations Action Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 FAA Followup Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 DOT Office of the Inspector General Report on FAA Oversight
of Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
1.17.4 Other Safety Evaluations of Alaska Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 DoD Capability Survey of Alaska Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Criminal Investigation of Alaska Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Postaccident Independent Safety Assessment of Alaska Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . 104
1.18 Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
1.18.1 Postaccident Airworthiness Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Safety Board and FAA Correspondence Regarding the 2,000-Flight-Hour
End Play Check Interval Specified in ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15 . . . . . 106
1.18.2 Safety Board Statistical End Play Data Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
1.18.3 Previous Safety Recommendations Resulting from the Alaska Airlines
Flight 261 Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
1.18.4 Alaska Airlines Fleetwide MD-80 Jackscrew Assembly Data and Tracking
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
1.18.5 MD-11 Jackscrew Assembly Acme Nut Wear History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
1.18.6 Safety Board Observations of Jackscrew Assembly Lubrications. . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
1.18.7 End Play Check Anomalies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Safety Board End Play Check Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Postaccident Alaska Airlines-Reported Near-Zero End Play Measurements . . 118
1.18.8 Jackscrew Assembly Overhaul Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Jackscrew Overhaul Specifications and Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Review of the Boeing DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Safety Board Maintenance Facility Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Overhauled Jackscrew Assembly Data From 1996 to 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
1.18.9 Industrywide Jackscrew Assembly Maintenance Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
1.18.10 FAA Commercial Airplane Certification Process Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
1.18.11 Fail-Safe Jackscrew Assembly Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
2. Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
2.2 Accident Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
2.2.1 Takeoff and Climbout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
2.2.2 Jamming of the Horizontal Stabilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Cause of the Jam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
2.2.3 Release of the Jam and the Initial Dive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
2.2.4 The Second and Final Dive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
2.2.5 Flight Crew Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Decision to Continue Flying Rather than Return to PVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Use of the Autopilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Contents vi Aircraft Accident Report Activation of the Primary Trim Motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Adequacy of Current Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2.3 Evaluation of Potential Reasons for Excessive Acme Nut Thread Wear . . . . . . . . . . . 140
2.3.1 Use of Aeroshell 33 for Lubrication of the Jackscrew Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
2.3.2 Acme Screw Thread Surface Finish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
2.3.3 Foreign Debris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
2.3.4 Abnormal Loading of the Acme Nut Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
2.3.5 Summary of Possibilities Ruled Out as Reasons for the Excessive Acme
Nut Thread Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
2.3.6 Insufficient Lubrication of the Jackscrew Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Analysis of How Many Recently Scheduled Lubrications Might Have
Been Missed or Inadequately Performed Before the Accident . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Alaska Airlines’ Lubrication Interval Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Safety Implications of Lubrication Interval Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Adequacy of Lubrication Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
2.4 Monitoring Acme Nut Thread Wear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
2.4.1 Alaska Airlines’ Preaccident End Play Check Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Adequacy of Existing Process for Establishing Maintenance Task Intervals . . 153
2.4.2 Adequacy of Current End Play Check Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
2.4.3 Adequacy of End Play Check Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
2.5 Deficiencies of Jackscrew Assembly Overhaul Procedures and Practices. . . . . . . . . . 159
2.6 Horizontal Stabilizer Trim System Design and Certification Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
2.6.1 Acme Nut Thread Loss as a Catastrophic Single-Point Failure Mode . . . . . . . . . 162
2.6.2 Prevention of Acme Nut Thread Loss Through Maintenance and Inspection. . . . 165
2.6.3 Elimination of Catastrophic Effects of Acme Nut Thread Loss Through Design . 166
2.6.4 Consideration of Wear-Related Failures During Design and Certification . . . . . . 167
2.7 Deficiencies in Alaska Airlines’ Maintenance Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
2.7.1 April 2000 FAA Special Inspection Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
2.7.2 Maintenance-Related Deficiencies Identified During This Accident
Investigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 General Policy Decisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Specific Maintenance Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
2.7.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
2.8 FAA Oversight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
3. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
3.1 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
3.2 Probable Cause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
4. Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
4.1 New Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
4.2 Previously Issued Recommendations Resulting From This Accident Investigation . . 184
Board Member Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
5. Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
vii Aircraft Accident Report
1. The accident airplane’s flightpath, starting about 1609 (about the time of the initial dive)
and ending about 1620 (about the time of the second and final dive). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Radar altitude data and selected ATC transmissions from about 1609 to 1620.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3. Installation of jackscrew assembly within the horizontal and vertical stabilizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4. The MD-80 horizontal and vertical stabilizer tail structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5. Acme screw and nut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6. Detailed schematic of the longitudinal trim actuating mechanism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7. Cockpit switches, handles, and indicators for the longitudinal control system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8. Depiction of how restraining fixture should be placed on the horizontal stabilizer during an
end play check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
9. View of a typical dial indicator set up for end play checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
10. Two Alaska Airlines-fabricated restraining fixtures and three Boeing- manufactured fixtures. . . . . 46
11. The September 27, 1997, MIG-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
12a. The acme screw immediately after it was brought on board the recovery ship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
12b. The acme screw immediately after it was brought to shore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
12c. The acme screw during initial inspection.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
13. A photograph of the acme screw thread remnants wrapped around the screw, the red rust
areas, and the white deposits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
14. A photograph of the sand/grease mixture packed between the acme screw’s lower threads. . . . . . . 69
15. A photograph of an overall view of the recovered acme nut assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
16. A photograph of a closer view of the interior of the acme nut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
17. A diagram of a cross-section through the acme nut’s grease passageway and fitting. Red areas
denote the locations where red grease was found, and gray areas denote the location where the
dry residue was found. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
18. A photograph of the grease passageway and counterbore after the acme nut was sectioned. . . . . . . 75
Figures viii Aircraft Accident Report
19. A summary of the results of the high-load wear tests, including the contamination
and low-temperature tests.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
20. A graphical depiction of the stages of acme nut thread wear to the point of fracture. . . . . . . . . . . 131
ix Aircraft Accident Report
AC advisory circular
AD airworthiness directive
ALPA Air Line Pilots Association
AMFA Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association
AOL all operators letter
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
ASB alert service bulletin
ATC air traffic control
ATOS Air Transportation Oversight System
ATP airline transport pilot
CAM cockpit area microphone
CAR Civil Aeronautics Regulations
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CG center of gravity
CMO Certificate Management Office
CMR certification maintenance requirement
CSP comprehensive surveillance plan
CVR cockpit voice recorder
DFGC digital flight guidance computer
DoD Department of Defense
DOT Department of Transportation
EDS (x-ray) energy dispersive spectroscopy
E.O. engineering order
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FARs Federal Aviation Regulations
FDR flight data recorder
Abbreviations x Aircraft Accident Report
FEA finite element analysis
FL flight level
FSAW Flight Standards Information Bulletin for Airworthiness
FSDO Flight Standards District Office
Ftu minimum ultimate strength
GMM General Maintenance Manual
KIAS knots indicated airspeed
LAX Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles,
MAC mean aerodynamic chord
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MSG Maintenance Steering Group
MSI maintenance significant item
MTBR mean time between removal
MTBUR mean time between unscheduled removal
NASIP National Aviation Safety Inspection Program
OAK Oakland International Airport, Oakland, California
OAMP on-aircraft maintenance planning
OJT on-the-job training
P/N part number
PMI principal maintenance inspector
psi pounds per square inch
PST Pacific standard time
PTRS Program Tracking and Reporting System
PVR Lic Gustavo Diaz Ordaz International Airport, Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico
QRH Quick Reference Handbook
RMS root mean squared
S/N serial number
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
Abbreviations xi Aircraft Accident Report
SB service bulletin
SEA Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Seattle,
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SFO San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco,
UNS unified numbering system
xii Aircraft Accident Report
Executive Summary
On January 31, 2000, about 1621 Pacific standard time, Alaska Airlines, Inc.,
flight 261, a McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS, crashed into the Pacific Ocean about
2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, California. The 2 pilots, 3 cabin crewmembers, and
83 passengers on board were killed, and the airplane was destroyed by impact forces.
Flight 261 was operating as a scheduled international passenger flight under the
provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121 from Lic Gustavo Diaz Ordaz
International Airport, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport,
Seattle, Washington, with an intermediate stop planned at San Francisco International
Airport, San Francisco, California. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the
flight, which operated on an instrument flight rules flight plan.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of
this accident was a loss of airplane pitch control resulting from the in-flight failure of the
horizontal stabilizer trim system jackscrew assembly’s acme nut threads. The thread
failure was caused by excessive wear resulting from Alaska Airlines’ insufficient
lubrication of the jackscrew assembly.
Contributing to the accident were Alaska Airlines’ extended lubrication interval
and the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) approval of that extension, which
increased the likelihood that a missed or inadequate lubrication would result in excessive
wear of the acme nut threads, and Alaska Airlines’ extended end play check interval and
the FAAs approval of that extension, which allowed the excessive wear of the acme nut
threads to progress to failure without the opportunity for detection. Also contributing to
the accident was the absence on the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 of a fail-safe mechanism
to prevent the catastrophic effects of total acme nut thread loss.
The safety issues discussed in this report include lubrication and inspection of the
jackscrew assembly, extension of lubrication and end play check intervals, jackscrew
assembly overhaul procedures, the design and certification of the MD-80 horizontal
stabilizer trim control system, Alaska Airlines’ maintenance program, and FAA oversight
of Alaska Airlines. Safety recommendations are addressed to the FAA.
Factual Information 1 Aircraft Accident Report
1. Factual Information
1.1 History of Flight
On January 31, 2000, about 1621 Pacific standard time (PST),
Alaska Airlines,
Inc., flight 261, a McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (MD-83), N963AS, crashed into the Pacific
Ocean about 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, California. The 2 pilots, 3 cabin
crewmembers, and 83 passengers
on board were killed, and the airplane was destroyed by
impact forces. Flight 261 was operating as a scheduled international passenger flight
under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 121 from Lic Gustavo
Diaz Ordaz International Airport (PVR), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport (SEA), Seattle, Washington, with an intermediate stop planned at
San Francisco International Airport (SFO), San Francisco, California. Visual
meteorological conditions prevailed for the flight, which operated on an instrument flight
rules flight plan.
The accident airplane arrived at PVR about 1239 on the day of the accident.
inbound pilots stated that they met the accident pilots outside the airplane and briefly
discussed its status.
FDR information from the accident flight indicated that during taxi for takeoff,
when the FDR started recording, the horizontal stabilizer
was at the 7° airplane-nose-up
position, which was the takeoff pitch trim
setting. About 1337, the accident airplane
departed PVR as flight 261. A National Transportation Safety Board review of FAA air
traffic control (ATC) tapes and FDR data from the accident flight indicated that the first
Unless otherwise indicated, all times are PST, based on a 24-hour clock. The times reported in the
cockpit voice recorder (CVR) transcript were based on a coordinated universal time reference clock used by
the Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) Southern California Terminal Radar Approach Control facility
for recorded radar data. CVR times were also correlated to flight data recorder (FDR) data. After the
correlation was accomplished, all times from both recorders were converted to PST.
The 83 passengers included 3 children who were less than 2 years old. These children were lap-held
FDR data indicated that the accident airplane landed at PVR with a horizontal stabilizer angle of
6º airplane nose up.
The inbound captain described the accident flight crew as rested, relaxed, and in good spirits. The
inbound first officer stated that the accident captain was happy to see them, upbeat, rested, and ready to go to
The MD-80’s horizontal stabilizer is a critical flight control located at the top of the vertical stabilizer.
The horizontal stabilizer is hinged near its trailing edge so that the leading edge can traverse up and down to
provide trim for the airplane in the pitch axis. For a description of the airplane’s horizontal stabilizer and
other components of the longitudinal trim control system, see section 1.6.1.
Pitch trim (also known as longitudinal trim) is the adjustment of the airplane’s horizontal stabilizer to
achieve a balanced, or stable, flight condition. The longitudinal trim control system is designed to minimize
or eliminate the pilot control forces needed to hold the flight controls in the proper position to achieve the
desired pitch for a particular phase of flight.
Factual Information 2 Aircraft Accident Report
officer was the pilot flying immediately after the airplane’s departure.
The flight plan
indicated that flight 261’s cruising altitude would be flight level (FL) 310.
FDR data indicated that during the initial portion of the climb, the horizontal
stabilizer moved at the primary trim motor rate of 1/3º per second from 7º to 2º airplane
nose up. According to FDR data, the autopilot was engaged at 1340:12, as the airplane
climbed through an altitude of approximately 6,200 feet. Thereafter, the FDR recorded
horizontal stabilizer movement at the alternate trim motor rate of 1/10º per second from 2°
airplane nose up to 0.4° airplane nose down.
At 1349:51, as the airplane continued to
climb through approximately 23,400 feet at 331 knots indicated airspeed (KIAS), the
CVR recorded the horizontal stabilizer move from 0.25° to 0.4° airplane nose down.
This was the last horizontal stabilizer movement recorded until the airplane’s initial dive
about 2 hours and 20 minutes later. At 1353:12, when the airplane was climbing through
28,557 feet at 296 KIAS, the autopilot disengaged.
FDR information and airplane performance calculations indicated that, during the
next 7 minutes, the airplane continued to climb at a much slower rate. During this part of
the ascent, the elevators were deflected between -1° and -3°, and the airplane was flown
manually using up to as much as 50 pounds of control column pulling force.
reaching level flight, the airplane was flown for about 24 minutes using approximately
30 pounds of pulling force at approximately 31,050 feet and 280 KIAS. The airspeed was
then increased to 301 KIAS, and the airplane was flown for almost another 1 hour
22 minutes using about 10 pounds of pulling force. At 1546:59, the autopilot was
According to Alaska Airlines documents, ATC and CVR information, and
postaccident interviews with Alaska Airlines dispatch and maintenance personnel, the
flight crew contacted the airline’s dispatch and maintenance control facilities in SEA some
time before the beginning of the CVR transcript at 1549:49
to discuss a jammed
horizontal stabilizer and a possible diversion to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX),
Los Angeles, California.
These discussions were conducted on a shared company radio
According to FDR data, the No. 2 autopilot was selected during the initial part of the flight. Selection
of the No. 2 autopilot commands the No. 2 digital flight guidance computer (DFGC) to provide steering
guidance to the first officer’s instruments.
FL 310 is 31,000 feet mean sea level, based on an altimeter setting of 29.92 inches of mercury.
Operation of the alternate trim motor during this period is consistent with pitch control being
commanded by the autopilot, which was engaged at 1340:12.
KIAS is the speed of the airplane as shown on the airspeed indicator on the cockpit control panel. All
airspeed information from the FDR is given in KIAS.
All estimates of pulling force in this report refer to the combined control column forces from both the
captain’s and the first officers control columns. It is not known whether these forces were applied by the
captain, the first officer, or both.
For a complete transcript of the 31-minute CVR recording, see appendix B.
FDR data indicated that a continuing series of radio transmissions began over the very-high
frequency 2 channel (used for all non-ATC radio transmissions) about 1521 and continued until the end of
the FDR recording about 1620:56.
Factual Information 3 Aircraft Accident Report
frequency between Alaska Airlines’ dispatch and maintenance facilities at SEA and its
operations and maintenance facilities at LAX.
At 1549:56, the autopilot was disengaged; it was re-engaged at 1550:15.
According to the CVR transcript, at 1550:44, SEA maintenance asked the flight crew,
“understand you’re requesting…diversion to LA…is there a specific reason you prefer LA
over San Francisco?”
The captain replied, “well a lotta times its windy and rainy and wet
in San Francisco and uh, it seemed to me that a dry runway…where the wind is usually
right down the runway seemed a little more reasonable.”
At 1552:02, an SEA dispatcher provided the flight crew with the current SFO
weather (wind was 180° at 6 knots; visibility was 9 miles). The SEA dispatcher added, “if
uh you want to land at LA of course for safety reasons we will do that…we’ll…tell you
though that if we land in LA…we’ll be looking at probably an hour to an hour and a half
we have a major flow program going right now.”
At 1552:41, the captain replied, “I
really didn’t want to hear about the flow being the reason you’re calling us cause I’m
concerned about overflying suitable airports.” At 1553:28, the captain discussed with the
first officer potential landing runways at SFO, stating, “one eight zero at six…so that’s
runway one six what we need is runway one nine, and they’re not landing runway one
nine.” The first officer replied, “I don’t think so.” At 1553:46, the captain asked SEA
dispatch if they could “get some support” or “any ideas” from an instructor to troubleshoot
the problem; he received no response. At 1555:00, the captain commented, “it just blows
me away they think we’re gonna land, they’re gonna fix it, now they’re worried about the
flow, I’m sorry this airplane’s [not] gonna go anywhere for a while…so you know.” A
flight attendant replied, “so they’re trying to put the pressure on you,” the captain stated,
“well, no, yea.”
At 1556:08, the SEA dispatcher informed the flight crew that, according to the
SFO automatic terminal information service, the landing runways in use at SFO were 28R
and 28L and that “it hasn’t rained there in hours so I’m looking at…probably a dry
runway.” At 1556:26, the captain stated that he was waiting for a requested center of
gravity (CG) update (for landing), and then he requested information on wind conditions
at LAX. At 1556:50, the SEA dispatcher replied that the wind at LAX was 260° at 9 knots.
Nine seconds later, the captain, comparing SFO and LAX wind conditions, told the
SEA dispatcher, “versus a direct crosswind which is effectively no change in
groundspeed…I gotta tell you, when I look at it from a safety point I think that something
that lowers my groundspeed makes sense.”
The SEA dispatcher replied, “that’ll mean
LAX then for you.” He then asked the captain to provide LAX operations with the
information needed to recompute the airplane’s CG because “they can probably whip out
that CG for you real quick.” At 1558:15, the captain told the SEA dispatcher, “we’re goin
This is the first reference on the CVR recording to the accident flight crew’s request to divert to LAX.
The SEA dispatchers comment refers to ongoing departure delays at LAX caused by heavy air traffic
If the airplane had landed at SFO, it would have encountered a direct crosswind from the south. If the
airplane had landed at LAX, it would have encountered a minimal crosswind from the southwest.
Factual Information 4 Aircraft Accident Report
to LAX we’re gonna stay up here and burn a little more gas
get all our ducks in a row,
and then we’ll uh be talking to LAX when we start down to go in there.” At 1558:45, the
captain asked LAX operations if it could “compute [the airplane’s] current CG based on
the information we had at takeoff.”
At 1602:33, the captain asked LAX operations for wind information at SFO. LAX
operations replied that the winds at SFO were 170° at 6 knots. The captain replied, “that’s
what I needed. We are comin in to see you.” At 1603:56, the first officer began giving
LAX operations the information it needed to recompute the airplane’s CG for landing.
At 1607:54, a mechanic at Alaska Airlines’ LAX maintenance facility contacted
the flight crew on the company radio frequency and asked, “are you [the] guys with the
uh, horizontal [stabilizer] situation?” The captain replied, “affirmative,” and the mechanic,
referring to the stabilizers primary trim system, asked, “did you try the suitcase handles
and the pickle switches?”
At 1608:03, the captain replied, “yea we tried everything
together.” At 1608:08, the captain added, “we’ve run just about everything if you’ve got
any hidden circuit breakers we’d love to know about ‘em.”
The mechanic stated that he
would “look at the uh circuit breaker uh guide just as a double check.” The LAX mechanic
then asked the flight crew about the status of the alternate trim system, and, at 1608:35, the
captain replied that “it appears to be jammed…the whole thing, it [the AC load meter]
spikes out when we use the primary, we get AC [electrical] load that tells me the motors
tryin to run but the brake won’t move it. when we use the alternate, nothing happens.”
At 1608:50, the LAX mechanic asked, “you say you get a spike…on the meter up
there in the cockpit when you uh try to move it with the…primary right?” According to
the CVR transcript, at 1608:59, the captain addressed the first officer before responding to
the mechanic, stating, “I’m gonna click it off you got it.” One second later, the first officer
replied, “ok.” At 1609:01, the captain reiterated to the LAX mechanic that the spike
occurred “when we do the primary trim but there’s no appreciable uh change in the uh
electrical uh when we do the alternate.” The LAX mechanic replied that he would see
them when they arrived at the LAX maintenance facility.
The airplane did not have an in-flight fuel dumping system.
“Suitcase handles” is a colloquial term for the longitudinal trim handles located on the center control
pedestal. “Pickle switches” is a colloquial term for the trim switches located on the outboard side of each of
the control wheels.
According to the CVR transcript, at 1550:14, the first officer had asked the captain to move his seat
forward so that he could check a panel behind the captain’s seat that contained circuit breakers for the
horizontal stabilizer trim system. The first officer then stated to the captain, “I don’t think there’s anything
beyond that we haven’t checked.”
According to postaccident testing, the indicator needle on the AC load meter in the cockpit normally
“spikes,” or rises, to a maximum indication when the primary trim motor is engaged. Once the acme screw
begins to rotate, the amount of electrical current required to sustain the rotation drops significantly, and the
indicator needle will quickly drop to near zero. However, if the acme screw is held fixed or jammed while
the primary trim motor is engaged, the indicator needle will remain at the maximum indication. Engagement
of the alternate trim motor, regardless of the acme screw’s condition, does not cause the indicator needle to
spike because of its significantly lower electrical current requirements. For more information about the
primary and alternate trim systems, see sections and
Factual Information 5 Aircraft Accident Report
At 1609:13, the captain stated, “lets do that.” At 1609:14.8, the CVR recorded the
sound of a click and, at the same time, the captain stating, “this’ll click it off.” According
to FDR data, the autopilot was disengaged at 1609:16. At the same time, the CVR
recorded the sound of a clunk, followed by two faint thumps in short succession at
1609:16.9. The CVR recorded a sound similar to the horizontal stabilizer-in-motion tone
at 1609:17. At 1609:19.6, the CVR again recorded a sound similar to the horizontal
stabilizer-in-motion tone, followed by the captain’s comment, “you got it?” (FDR data
indicated that during the 3 to 4 seconds after the autopilot was disengaged, the horizontal
stabilizer moved from 0.4° to a recorded position of 2.5° airplane nose down, and the
airplane began to pitch nose down, starting a dive that lasted about 80 seconds as the
airplane went from about 31,050 to between 23,000 and 24,000 feet.)
Figure 1 shows the
accident airplane’s flightpath, starting about 1609 (about the time of the initial dive) and
ending about 1620 (about the time of the second and final dive). Figure 2 shows the radar
altitude data and selected ATC transmissions for about the same time period.
Figure 1. The accident airplane’s flightpath, starting about 1609 (about the time of the
initial dive) and ending about 1620 (about the time of the second and final dive).
The MD-80 is equipped with a sensor to detect movement of a cable loop that is connected to the
horizontal stabilizer. If the horizontal stabilizer continuously moves through about 1.1°, a 1-second audible
signal is produced in the cockpit by the sensor. This audible signal is produced about every 0.55° of
continuous movement thereafter. The sensor resets when the horizontal stabilizer stops moving.
During the initial dive, the airplane accelerated to a maximum speed of 353 KIAS, and this value
remained nearly constant until 1610:23 as the airplane was descending through 24,200 feet.
Factual Information 6 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 2. Radar altitude data and selected ATC transmissions from about 1609 to 1620.
At 1609:26, the captain stated, “it got worse,” and, 5 seconds later, he stated
“you’re stalled.” One second later, the CVR recorded a sound similar to airframe vibration
getting louder. At 1609:33, the captain stated, “no no you gotta release it ya gotta release
it.” This statement was followed by the sound of a click 1 second later. At 1609:52, the
captain stated, “help me back help me back.” Two seconds later, the first officer
responded, “ok.”
One second later, at 1609:55, the captain contacted the Los Angeles Air Route
Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)
and stated, “center Alaska two sixty one we are uh in a
dive here.” At 1610:01.6, the captain added, “and I’ve lost control, vertical pitch.”
At 1610:01.9, the CVR recorded the sound of the overspeed warning (which continued for
the next 33 seconds). At 1610:05, the controller asked flight 261 to repeat the
transmission, and, at 1610:06, the captain responded, “yea we’re out of twenty six
According to the CVR and ATC transcripts, flight 261 had established contact with the Los Angeles
ARTCC controller about 1551:21.
Factual Information 7 Aircraft Accident Report
thousand feet, we are in a vertical dive…not a dive yet…but uh we’ve lost vertical control
of our airplane.” At 1610:20, the captain stated, “just help me.”
At 1610:28.2, the captain informed the Los Angeles ARTCC controller, “we’re at
twenty three seven request uh.” At 1610:33, the captain added, “yea we got it back under
control here.” One second later, the first officer transmitted, “no we don’t.” At 1610:45,
the first officer stated, “let’s take the speedbrakes off.” One second later, the captain
responded, “no no leave them there. it seems to be helping.” At 1610:55, the captain
stated, “ok it really wants to pitch down.” At 1611:06.6, the captain stated that they were
at “twenty four thousand feet, kinda stabilized.” Three seconds later he added, “we’re
slowin’ here, and uh, we’re gonna uh do a little troubleshooting, can you gimme a block
[altitude] between uh, twenty and twenty five?”
FDR data indicated that, by 1611:13, the
airplane’s airspeed had decreased to 262 KIAS, and the airplane was maintaining an
altitude of approximately 24,400 feet with a pitch angle of 4.4°. At 1611:21, the controller
assigned flight 261 a block altitude of between FL 200 and 250. Airplane performance
calculations indicated that between about 130 and 140 pounds of pulling force was
required to recover from the dive.
At 1611:43, the first officer stated, “whatever we did is no good, don’t do that
again.” One second later, the captain responded, “yea, no it went down it went to full nose
down.” Four seconds later, the first officer asked, “uh it’s a lot worse than it was?” At
1611:50, the captain replied, “yea yea we’re in much worse shape now,” adding, at
1611:59, “I think it’s at the stop, full stop…and I’m thinking…can it go any worse…but it
probably can…but when we slowed down, lets slow it lets get down to two hundred knots
and see what happens.”
At 1612:33, the captain told LAX maintenance, “we did both the pickle switch and
the suitcase handles and it ran away full nose trim down.” At 1612:42, the captain added,
“and now we’re in a pinch so we’re holding uh we’re worse than we were.” At 1613:04,
the captain indicated to LAX maintenance that he was reluctant to try troubleshooting the
trim system again because the trim might “go in the other direction.” At 1613:10, the LAX
mechanic responded, “ok well your discretion uh if you want to try it, that’s ok with me if
not that’s fine. um we’ll see you at the gate.” At 1613:22, the captain stated, “I went tab
down…right, and it should have come back instead it went the other way.” At 1613:32, the
captain asked the first officer, “you wanna try it or not?” The first officer replied, “uhh no.
boy I don’t know.” Airplane performance calculations indicated that about 120 pounds of
pulling force was being applied to the pilots’ control columns at this point.
At 1614:54, the Los Angeles ARTCC controller instructed the flight crew to
contact another ARTCC controller on frequency 126.52, which the flight crew
acknowledged. At 1615:19, the first officer contacted another ARTCC controller on
126.52 and stated, “we’re with you we’re at twenty two five, we have a jammed stabilizer
and we’re maintaining altitude with difficulty. uh but uh we can maintain altitude we
think…our intention is to land at Los Angeles.” The controller cleared the airplane direct
A block altitude assignment allows an airplane to operate between the assigned upper and lower
altitude limits.
Factual Information 8 Aircraft Accident Report
to LAX and then asked, “you want lower [altitude] now or what do you want to do sir?” At
1615:56, the captain replied, “I need to get down about ten, change my configuration,
make sure I can control the jet and I’d like to do that out here over the bay if I may.”
At 1616:32, the Los Angeles ARTCC controller issued flight 261 a heading of
280° and cleared the flight to descend to 17,000 feet. At 1616:39, the captain
acknowledged, “two eight zero and one seven seventeen thousand Alaska two sixty one.
and we generally need a block altitude.” At 1616:45, the controller responded, “ok and
just um I tell you what do that for now sir, and contact LA center on one three five point
five they’ll have further uh instructions for you sir.” At 1616:56.9, the first officer
acknowledged, “ok thirty five five say the altimeter setting.” The controller responded,
“the LA altimeter is three zero one eight.” At 1617:02, the first officer responded, “thank
you.” According to the CVR and ATC recordings, this was the last radio transmission
made from flight 261.
After the radio transmission, the captain told a flight attendant that he needed
“everything picked up” and “everybody strapped down.” At 1617:04, the captain added,
“I’m gonna unload the airplane and see if we can…we can regain control of it that way.”
At 1617:09, the flight attendant stated, “ok we had like a big bang back there,” and, the
captain replied, “yea I heard it.” At 1617:15, the captain stated, “I think the stab trim thing
is broke.” At 1617:21, the captain again told the flight attendant to make sure the
passengers were “strapped in now,” adding 3 seconds later, “cause I’m gonna I’m going to
release the back pressure and see if I can get it…back.”
At 1617:54, the captain stated, “gimme slats extend,” and, at 1617:56.6, a sound
similar to slat/flap handle movement was recorded by the CVR. At 1617:58, the captain
added, “I’m test flyin now.” At 1618:05, the captain commanded an 11° flap deployment,
and, at 1618:07, a sound similar to slat/flap handle movement was recorded. At 1618:17,
the captain stated, “its pretty stable right here…see but we got to get down to a hundred
an[d] eighty [knots].” At 1618:26, the captain stated, “OK…bring bring the flaps and slats
back up for me,” and, at 1618:36.8, sounds similar to slat/flap handle movement were
recorded. At 1618:47, the captain stated, “what I wanna do…is get the nose up…and then
let the nose fall through and see if we can stab it when it’s unloaded.”
At 1618:56, the first officer responded, “you mean use this again? I don’t think we
should…if it can fly.” At 1619:01, the captain replied, “it’s on the stop now, it’s on the
stop.” At 1619:04, the first officer replied, “well not according to that it’s not.” At this
time, FDR data indicated a horizontal stabilizer angle of 2.5° airplane nose down. Three
seconds later, the first officer added, “the trim might be, and then it might be uh, if
something’s popped back there… it might be mechanical damage too.” At 1619:14, the
first officer stated, “I think if it’s controllable, we oughta just try to land it.” Two seconds
later, the captain replied, “you think so? ok lets head for LA.”
About 5 seconds later, the CVR recorded the sound of a series of at least four
distinct “thumps.”
At 1619:24, the first officer asked, “you feel that?” and the captain
The CVR transcript describes this sound as a “faint thump.”
Factual Information 9 Aircraft Accident Report
replied, “yea.” At 1619:29, the captain stated, “ok gimme sl---.” At 1619:32.8, the CVR
recorded the sound of two clicks similar to the sound of slat/flap movement. At 1619:36.6,
the CVR recorded the sound of an “extremely loud noise” and the sound of background
noise increasing, which continued until the end of the recording. At the same time, the
CVR also recorded sounds similar to loose articles moving around the cockpit. FDR data
indicated that at 1619:36.6, the flaps were extending and the slats were moving to the mid
position. The next few seconds of FDR data indicated a maximum airplane-nose-down
pitch rate of nearly 25° per second. The FDR recorded a significant decrease in vertical
acceleration values (negative Gs),
a nose-down pitch angle, and a significant decrease in
lateral acceleration values. By 1619:40, the airplane was rolling left wing down, and the
rudder was deflected 3° to the right.
FDR data indicated that, by 1619:42, the airplane had reached its maximum valid
recorded airplane-nose-down pitch angle of -70°. At this time, the roll angle was passing
through -76° left wing down. At 1619:43, the first officer stated, “mayday,” but did not
make a radio transmission. Six seconds later, the captain stated, “push and roll, push and
roll.” FDR data indicated that, by 1619:45, the pitch angle had increased to -28°, and the
airplane had rolled to -180° (inverted). Further, the airplane had descended to 16,420 feet,
and the indicated airspeed had decreased to 208 knots.
At 1619:54, the captain stated, “ok, we are inverted…and now we gotta get it.”
FDR data indicated that at this time, the left aileron moved to more than 16° (to command
right wing down), then, during the next 6 seconds, it moved in the opposite direction to
-13° (to command left wing down). At 1619:57, the rudder returned to the near 0°
position, the flaps were retracted, and the airplane was rolling through -150° with an
airplane-nose-down pitch angle of -9°. After 1619:57, the airplane remained near inverted
and its pitch oscillated in the nose-down position.
At 1620:04, the captain stated, “push push push…push the blue side up.” At
1620:16, the captain stated, “ok now lets kick rudder…left rudder left rudder.” Two
seconds later, the first officer replied, “I can’t reach it.” At 1620:20, the captain replied,
“ok right rudder…right rudder.” At 1620:38, the captain stated, “gotta get it over
again…at least upside down we’re flyin.” At 1620:49, the CVR recorded sounds similar to
engine compressor stalls and engine spooldown.
At 1620:54, the captain commanded
deployment of the speedbrakes, and, about 1 second later, the first officer replied, “got it.”
At 1620:56.2, the captain stated, “ah here we go.” The FDR recording ended at 1620:56.3,
and the CVR recording ended at 1620:57.1.
The airplane impacted the Pacific Ocean near Port Hueneme, California. Pieces of
the airplane wreckage were found floating on and beneath the surface of the ocean. The
main wreckage was found at 34° 03.5' north latitude and 119° 20.8' west longitude.
A G is a unit of measurement of force on a body undergoing acceleration as a multiple of its weight.
The normal load factor for an airplane in straight and level flight is about 1 G. As the load factor decreases
from 1 G, objects become increasingly weightless, and at 0 G, those objects float.
An engine compressor stall, or surge, results from interruption of normal airflow through the engine,
which can be caused by an engine malfunction or disturbance of inlet airflow at high angles-of-attack.
Factual Information 10 Aircraft Accident Report
1.2 Injuries to Persons
Table 1. Injury chart.
1.3 Damage to Airplane
The airplane was destroyed by impact forces.
1.4 Other Damage
No other damage resulted from this accident.
1.5 Personnel Information
The accident flight crew spent the night before the accident at Alaska Airlines’
layover hotel, which was in a resort located outside of Puerto Vallarta. Witness statements
and hotel records indicated that the captain and first officer watched the Super Bowl in the
hotel lounge and ate both breakfast and dinner in the hotel restaurant.
The flight crew
that flew the accident airplane into PVR spoke to the accident flight crewmembers, and
they indicated that the flight crew appeared rested before the accident flight.
1.5.1 The Captain
The captain, age 53, was hired by JetAmerica
on August 16, 1982. The captain
held an airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate, issued March 16, 1984, with a type rating
Injuries Flight Crew Cabin Crew Passengers Other Total
2 3 83 0 88
For more information about the flight crew’s preaccident activities, see the Operations/Human
Performance Group Chairman’s report and addendums in the Safety Board’s public docket for this accident.
JetAmerica merged with Alaska Airlines in 1987. According to Alaska Airlines records, the captain
began JetAmerica merger training on September 8, 1987.
Factual Information 11 Aircraft Accident Report
in the Douglas DC-9 (DC-9)/McDonnell Douglas MD-80 (MD-80). Additionally, he held
a turbojet flight engineer certificate and ground and flight instructor certificates. The
captain’s most recent FAA first-class medical certificate was issued on November 15,
1999, and contained the limitation that he must wear corrective lenses.
According to Alaska Airlines records, the captain had flown approximately
17,750 total flight hours, including 10,460 hours as pilot-in-command, of which about
4,150 hours were as pilot-in-command in the MD-80. He had flown approximately 133,
52, and 24 hours in the last 90, 30, and 7 days, respectively, before the accident.
According to company records, the captain satisfactorily completed his last line check on
July 15, 1999; his last recurrent training on November 19, 1999; and his last proficiency
check on November 23, 1999. Company records also indicated that the captain was
off-duty for 2 days before the day of the accident flight. A search of FAA and company
records showed no accident, incident, or enforcement or disciplinary actions, and a search
of records at the National Driver Register found no history of drivers license revocation
or suspension.
1.5.2 The First Officer
The first officer, age 57, was hired by Alaska Airlines on July 17, 1985.
The first
officer held an ATP certificate, issued April 3, 1985, with type ratings in the DC-9/MD-80,
DC-6, and DC-7. The flight officer’s most recent FAA second-class medical certificate
was issued on April 7, 1999, and contained the limitation that he must wear corrective
According to Alaska Airlines records, the first officer had flown approximately
8,140 total flight hours, including about 8,060 hours as first officer in the MD-80. He had
flown approximately 142, 78, and 15 hours in the past 90, 30, and 7 days, respectively,
before the accident. According to company records, the first officer satisfactorily completed
his last line check on March 16, 1997; his last recurrent training on April 23, 1999; and his
last proficiency check on April 25, 1999. Company records also indicated that the first
officer was off-duty for 3 days before the day of the accident flight. A search of FAA and
company records showed no accident, incident, or enforcement or disciplinary actions, and
a search of records at the National Driver Register found no history of drivers license
revocation or suspension.
1.6 Airplane Information
The MD-80 is a low-wing, twin engine, transport-category airplane. The MD-80,
which the FAA certified in August 1980, was derived from earlier DC-9 series model
airplanes. As a result, much of the MD-80’s structure and many of its systems,
components, and installations are similar to the earlier DC-9 model. According to
According to Alaska Airlines records, the first officer also began JetAmerica merger training on
September 8, 1987.
Factual Information 12 Aircraft Accident Report
the first DC-9 airplane entered service in December 1965; the final DC-9
airplane entered service in October 1982. MD-80 series model airplanes—the MD-81,
-82, -83, and -88—were in production through 1999.
The DC-9 family of airplanes also
includes McDonnell Douglas MD-90 (MD-90) and Boeing 717 (717) series airplanes.
Alaska Airlines began operating MD-80 airplanes on June 30, 1984. The accident
airplane, N963AS, an MD-83, serial number (S/N) 53077, was manufactured in 1992 and
added to Alaska Airlines’ operating certificate on May 27, 1992.
According to Alaska
Airlines records, the airplane had accumulated about 26,584 total hours of operation
(14,315 flight cycles)
at the time of the accident. The airplane was configured to seat a
maximum of 12 first-class and 128 economy-class passengers and to carry cargo.
The accident airplane was equipped with two Pratt & Whitney JT8D-217C
turbofan engines. Company records indicated that the No. 1 (left) engine, S/N 728068,
was manufactured in May 1995 and installed on the accident airplane on April 20, 1999,
and had operated about 16,970 hours (8,994 flight cycles) since new. At the time of the
accident, the No. 1 engine had 3,006 flight cycles remaining until a limited inspection of
its low-pressure turbine shaft was required. The No. 2 (right) engine, S/N 726852, was
manufactured in April 1992 and installed on the accident airplane on May 24, 1999, and
had operated about 24,034 hours (13,266 flight cycles) since new. At the time of the
accident, the No. 2 engine had 6,305 flight cycles remaining until a limited inspection of
its low-pressure turbine shaft was required.
According to Alaska Airlines dispatch documents for the accident flight, the accident
airplane’s takeoff weight was calculated to be 136,513 pounds,
including 34,902 pounds
of fuel. Alaska Airlines’ load sheet for the accident flight indicated that there were 10
passengers in the first-class cabin, 70 passengers (not including 3 children)
in the coach
cabin, and 5 crewmembers (2 flight crewmembers and 3 cabin crewmembers) on board the
airplane. The dispatch documents indicated that the airplane’s takeoff CG was calculated to
be 12.8 percent mean aerodynamic chord (MAC).
The Boeing Commercial Airplane Group and the McDonnell Douglas Corporation merged in
August 1997. The Douglas Aircraft Company became the McDonnell Douglas Corporation in April 1967
when it merged with the McDonnell Aircraft Company.
A total of 1,191 MD-80 series airplanes were produced.
A total of 117 MD-90 series airplanes were produced from February 13, 1993, to October 23, 2000. A
total of 104 717s have been produced, starting on September 23, 1999, and 717s are still in production.
According to Alaska Airlines, the registered airplane owner was the First Security Bank of Utah.
A flight cycle is one complete takeoff and landing sequence.
The accident airplane’s weight and balance were calculated using the January 10, 2000, revision of
the Alaska Airlines MD-80 Loading Handbook. The maximum certificated takeoff gross weight for the
accident airplane was 160,000 pounds, the maximum climb weight for takeoff was 153,900 pounds, and the
maximum landing weight was 130,000 pounds.
According to the Alaska Airlines MD-80 Loading Handbook, passengers under 2 years of age are not
considered for weight and balance purposes during normal operations.
The maximum forward CG limit for the accident airplane was 8.0 percent MAC, and the maximum
aft CG limit was 26.0 percent MAC.
Factual Information 13 Aircraft Accident Report
1.6.1 MD-80 Longitudinal Trim Control System Information
Longitudinal control for the MD-80 (and for all DC-9, MD-90, and 717 series
airplanes), that is, control of the airplane’s pitch movements, is provided by the horizontal
stabilizer and the elevators. The horizontal stabilizer is mounted on top of the 18-foot-high
vertical stabilizer; they are connected by two hinges at the aft spar of the horizontal
stabilizer and with a single jackscrew assembly at the front spar of the stabilizer in a T-tail
configuration (see figure 3). The horizontal stabilizer is about 40 feet long and comprises a
center box and a left and a right outboard section. Each outboard section of the horizontal
stabilizer has an elevator hinged to its trailing edge. Coarse pitch movements are achieved
with elevator movement via mechanical linkage from the elevator control tabs to the
cockpit control columns (see figure 4). Finer adjustments to pitch are achieved by
changing the angle of the entire horizontal stabilizer. The leading edge of the horizontal
stabilizer is raised or lowered by the jackscrew assembly as the stabilizers trailing edge
pivots (rotates) about its hinge points.
Figure 3. Installation of jackscrew assembly within the horizontal and vertical stabilizers.
Factual Information 14 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 4. The MD-80 horizontal and vertical stabilizer tail structure.
Movement of the horizontal stabilizer is provided by the jackscrew assembly,
which consists of an acme screw and nut, a torque tube inside the acme screw, two
gearboxes, two trim motors (an alternate and a primary), and associated components and
supports. (See figures 3 through 6 for details of the longitudinal trim system actuating
mechanism and the jackscrew assembly.) The upper end of the jackscrew assembly is
attached to the front spar of the horizontal stabilizer, and the lower end is threaded through
the acme nut, which is attached to the vertical stabilizer with a gimbal ring and retaining
pins. The acme screw and nut each have two threads that rotate in a spiral along their
length. Figure 6 shows the longitudinal trim system and the jackscrew assembly.
Factual Information 15 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 5. Acme screw and nut.
Movement of the horizontal stabilizer is commanded either automatically by the
autopilot when it is engaged, or manually by the flight crew by depressing either set of
dual trim switches (located on each control wheel), moving the dual longitudinal trim
handles on the center control pedestal, or moving the dual alternate trim control switches
on the center pedestal (see figure 7). Any of these commands activates one of the two
electric motors that rotate the acme screw by applying torque to the titanium torque tube
that is held fixed inside the acme screw. The motors are deenergized whenever either the
autopilot senses that the horizontal stabilizer has reached the desired pitch trim condition,
when pilot commands are terminated, or when the horizontal stabilizer reaches its
maximum travel limits. Electrical travel limit shutoff switches (also known as the
electrical stops) stop the motors at the maximum limits of travel. The MD-80 horizontal
stabilizers design limits are 12.2° leading edge down, which results in airplane-nose-up
trim, and 2.1° leading edge up, which results in airplane-nose-down trim, as set by the
electrical stops.
Factual Information 16 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 6. Detailed schematic of the longitudinal trim actuating mechanism.
Factual Information 17 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 7. Cockpit switches, handles, and indicators for the longitudinal control system.
The jackscrew assembly also has upper and lower mechanical stops splined to the
acme screw to stop screw rotation if the travel limit shutoff switches malfunction. The
mechanical stops rotate with the acme screw as it turns and act as the mechanical limits for
Factual Information 18 Aircraft Accident Report
its range of travel.
Stopping action is provided by contact between the head of a steel
stop bolt in the mechanical stop and the head of a similar bolt in the acme nut. Primary Trim Control System
As previously stated, the primary trim control system is activated by depressing
either set of control wheel trim switches or moving the dual longitudinal trim handles. The
pair of switches located on each control wheel is designed to be depressed simultaneously.
Both switches on the same control wheel must be moved simultaneously in the same
direction to command up or down movement of the horizontal stabilizer. One switch is a
motor control switch; the other switch is a brake control switch. Moving the motor control
switch energizes the airplane-nose-up or nose-down circuits. Moving the brake control
switch energizes the corresponding brake control relay and releases the brake in the trim
motor. Energizing the brake control relay automatically disengages the autopilot.
The pair of longitudinal trim handles on the left side of the control pedestal also
serve as a mechanical means of activating the trim control system in the event of an
electrical circuit failure in the control wheel switches. The pair of handles is designed to
be gripped with one hand and moved simultaneously in the same direction. Operation of
the handles in a trim direction opposite that being commanded by the control wheel trim
switches will override the control wheel trim switch command. A primary trim brake
switch is also installed on the center pedestal; it is designed to stop horizontal stabilizer
movement, when activated, if a malfunction occurs in the primary trim control system.
The primary trim control system uses the primary trim motor, which is mounted on
top of the jackscrew assembly. When powered by the primary trim motor, the horizontal
stabilizer moves about 1/3° per second. The primary trim motor rotates the acme screw at
speeds of about 35 rpm and has a maximum torque capability (stall torque) of 18,850
inch-pounds. Alternate Trim Control System
As previously mentioned, the alternate trim control system is activated by
autopilot commands or by activation of a pair of alternate trim control switches, which are
located in the center of the control pedestal, aft of the throttles. These alternate trim
control switches must be moved simultaneously in the same direction to activate the
alternate trim system. As with the primary trim system, one switch controls the motor, and
the other switch controls the brake.
The alternate trim control system uses the alternate trim motor, which is mounted
on the jackscrew assembly next to the primary trim motor. When powered by the alternate
trim motor, the horizontal stabilizer moves about 1/10° per second. The alternate trim
Boeing engineering data, computer modeling, and ground demonstrations on an actual airplane
indicated that the maximum possible horizontal stabilizer position when the acme screw lower mechanical
stop is pulling up on, but is restrained by, the acme nut is about 3.1º airplane nose down.
Factual Information 19 Aircraft Accident Report
motor rotates the acme screw at speeds of about 10 rpm and has a maximum torque
capability of 4,400 inch-pounds. Autopilot Pitch Control
When the autopilot is engaged and the flight crew selects a desired flight mode (for
example, maintaining a constant altitude, pitch angle, or rate of climb), the autopilot will
transmit pitch control signals to the DFGC. The DFGC processes the signals and sends
them to the elevator control tab servos, which move the elevator control tabs the proper
amount to execute the commanded pitch maneuver. If the signals to the servos are
sustained for more than 5 seconds, the DFGC will then command the alternate trim motor
to move the horizontal stabilizer in a direction that will relieve the elevator deflection.
Autopilot trim annunciator warning lights in the cockpit illuminate to alert the
flight crew if a horizontal stabilizer out-of-trim condition exists while the autopilot is
engaged. Specifically, after 10 seconds if there is no horizontal stabilizer movement in
response to autopilot commands, the autopilot trim annunciator warning lights illuminate.
If such a condition exists, the autopilot will not automatically disengage. The light will
remain on until the autopilot is manually disengaged. According to Boeing, both the
captain’s and the first officers control panels have flight mode annunciators to annunciate
“A/P [autopilot] TRIM.”
1.6.2 Design and Certification of MD-80 Series Airplanes General
The original DC-9 was certified in 1965 under Civil Aeronautics Regulations
(CAR) 4b, as revised through Amendment 12, March 30, 1962, as were other early models
in the DC-9 series. The MD-80 was certified in 1980. More recent models of the DC-9,
MD-80, MD-90, and 717 were certified under 14 CFR Part 25 and applicable
amendments. However, systems that were similar to or that did not change significantly
from the earlier DC-9 models, such as the longitudinal trim control system, were not
required to be recertified under 14 CFR Part 25. Therefore, CAR 4b remained the
certification basis for those parts of the MD-80, MD-90, and 717. Longitudinal Trim Control System Certification
Pertinent sections of CAR 4b that were applicable to the original certification of
the DC-9’s longitudinal trim control system are outlined below.
CAR Section 4b.201(a), “Strength and Deformation,” stated that structure “shall
be capable of supporting limit loads without suffering detrimental permanent
CAR Section 4b.270, “Fatigue Evaluation of Flight Structure,” stated the
Substantially similar requirements are currently contained in 14 CFR 25.305.
Substantially similar requirements are currently contained in 14 CFR 25.571.
Factual Information 20 Aircraft Accident Report
The strength, detail design, and fabrication of those portions of the airplane’s
flight structure in which fatigue may be critical shall be evaluated in accordance
with the provisions of either paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.
(a) Fatigue strength. The structure shall be shown by analysis and/or tests to be
capable of withstanding the repeated loads of variable magnitude expected in
(b) Fail safe strength. It shall be shown by analysis and/or tests that catastrophic
failure or excessive structural deformation, which could adversely affect the
flight characteristics of the airplane, are not probable after fatigue failure or
obvious partial failure of a single principal structural element. After such
failure, the remaining structure shall be capable of withstanding static loads
corresponding with the flight loading condition specified [in CAR 4b]. These
loads shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.15 unless the dynamic effects of
failure under static load are otherwise taken into consideration.
CAR Section 4b.320(d), “Control Systems,” stated the following:
adjustable stabilizer must have a means to allow any adjustment necessary for continued
safety of flight after the occurrence of any reasonably probable single failure of the
actuating system.”
CAR Section 4b.322, “Trim Controls and Systems,” described the trim control
systems requirements as follows:
(a) Trim controls shall be designed to safe guard against inadvertent or abrupt
(e) Trim devices shall be capable of continued normal operation in the event of
failure of any one connecting or transmitting element of the primary flight
control system.
CAR Section 4b.325, “Control System Stops,” stated the following:
(a) All control systems shall be provided with stops which positively limit the
range of motion of the control surfaces.
(b) Control system stops shall be so located in the systems that wear, slackness, or
take-up adjustments will not affect adversely the control characteristics of the
airplane because of a change in the range of surface travel.
(c) Control system stops shall be capable of withstanding the loads corresponding
with the design conditions for the control systems.
Substantially similar requirements are currently contained in 14 CFR 25.671.
Substantially similar requirements are currently contained in 14 CFR 25.677.
Substantially similar requirements are currently contained in 14 CFR 25.675.
Factual Information 21 Aircraft Accident Report
CAR Section 4b.606, “Equipment, Systems, and Installations,” Subsection (b),
“Hazards,” stated, “All equipment, systems, and installations shall be designed to
safeguard against hazards to the airplane in the event of their malfunctioning or failure.”
Similar requirements are currently contained in 14 CFR 25.1309. Specifically, 14 CFR
25.1309 requires that airplane systems and associated components be designed so that “the
occurrence of any failure condition which would prevent the continued safe flight and
landing of the airplane
is extremely improbable.” Further, FAA AC 25.1309-1A,
“System Design and Analysis,” defines “extremely improbable” failure conditions as
“those so unlikely that they are not anticipated to occur during the entire operational life of
all airplanes of one type” and “having a probability on the order of 1 x 10
or less each
flight hour, based on a flight of mean duration for the airplane type.” AC 25.1309-1A
specifies that in demonstrating compliance with 14 CFR 25.1309, “the failure of any
single element, component, or connection during any one flight…should be assumed,
regardless of its probability,” and “such single failures should not prevent continued safe
flight and landing, or significantly reduce the capability of the airplane or the ability of the
crew to cope with the resulting failure condition.”
According to Boeing, the longitudinal trim control system on the DC-9 was similar
to the one used on earlier Douglas DC-8 (DC-8) airplanes. However, the DC-8 was
equipped with a dual jackscrew design that provided structural and operational
redundancy. According to Boeing, even though the DC-9 had a single jackscrew assembly,
structural redundancy was accomplished by inserting a torque tube within the acme screw.
A Safety Board review of DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplane certification
indicated that the manufacturer provided material strength and loads
information, stress calculations, and analyses to support assertions that the acme screw
and torque tube were designed so that each of these two components could withstand
tensile and compressive loads well beyond that which could be generated by aerodynamic
forces acting on the horizontal stabilizer.
The documents also indicated that these
assertions were based on the assumption of a new, intact acme screw and nut that met
design specifications and that the acme screw and nut threads were intact and engaged to
act as a load path.
Certification documents also included calculations and analyses to support the
assertions that the jackscrew assembly was capable of carrying limit loads, with a margin
A failure that would prevent continued safe flight and landing is referred to in Advisory Circular (AC)
25.1309-1A as a “catastrophic” failure condition.
The Safety Board requested all available documentation addressing the certification of these airplane
designs. Documentation provided by Boeing included the April 15, 1965, DC-9 Flight Controls System
Fault Analysis Report (revised July 14, 1997); the 1964 DC-9 Control System Design Criteria; and the April
1998 MD-95-30 Control Systems Loads and Criteria Report. (The MD-95 was renamed the Boeing 717
when McDonnell Douglas and Boeing merged.) Internal design memorandums that addressed the horizontal
stabilizer trim system were also reviewed.
According to certification documents provided by Boeing, the DC-9/MD-80 series horizontal
stabilizer acme screw was designed to carry an ultimate tension load of about 53,000 pounds. This load was
calculated by assuming the highest aerodynamic loads that could be safely carried by the horizontal
stabilizer structure in flight and then multiplying that load by 150 percent.
Factual Information 22 Aircraft Accident Report
of safety, in either pure tension or compression, without failing, for each of the following
A fractured acme screw. According to the certification documents, this was
accomplished by designing the inner torque tube with the capability to support
limit operational tension and compression loads (in addition to the normal
operational torsion loads) generated by the horizontal stabilizer.
A fractured torque tube. According to the certification documents, this was
accomplished by designing the jackscrew assembly so that if a torque tube
fractured, trim operation would immediately cease. Under this failure scenario,
the loads generated by the horizontal stabilizer would continue to be carried by
the acme screw and nut, and pitch control would still be possible through the
The loss of 90 percent of acme screw and nut threads. According to the
certification documents, this was accomplished by designing the acme screw
and nut with more threads than were structurally necessary.
The failure of one entire thread spiral in the acme screw or nut. According
to the certification documents, this was accomplished by incorporating two
independent thread spirals along the acme screw’s length. A Boeing Airplane
Services structures engineering manager who testified at the Safety Board’s
public hearing on the flight 261 accident confirmed that “the reason behind
having two independent threads is that if one of the threads were to fail, the
other thread will carry the load.”
A Safety Board review of the April 15, 1965, DC-9 Flight Controls System Fault
Analysis Report (revised July 14, 1997) indicated that no contingency for the complete
loss of the acme nut threads was incorporated into the design for the longitudinal trim
control system. According to the fault analysis, the acme nut was designed with a softer
material than the acme screw and its threads were designed to wear.
Acme nut threads are
made of an aluminum-bronze alloy and are about 0.15 inch thick at the minor diameter
when new. The acme screw threads are made of case-hardened steel.
The DC-9 jackscrew assembly was originally designed for a service life of
30,000 flight hours and was not originally subject to periodic inspections for wear.
In 1966, 1 year after the DC-9 went into service, the discovery of several assemblies with
excessive wear resulted in the development and implementation of an on-wing end play
check procedure to measure the gap between the acme screw and nut threads as an
indicator of wear.
Thereafter, Douglas guidance specified that acme nut thread wear
periodically be measured using an end play check procedure, and the acme nut was to be
replaced when the specified end play measurement (0.040 inch) was exceeded.
An FAA senior Aircraft Certification Office aerospace engineer testified at the
public hearing that the jackscrew assembly was considered “primary structure because it
End play is an indirect measurement of acme nut thread wear. For more information, see sections and
Factual Information 23 Aircraft Accident Report
is the primary load-carrying load path from the horizontal [stabilizer] to the vertical
[stabilizer], other than the pivot attaches at the rear spar.” The FAA certification engineer
also testified that it was not considered a principal structural element and added that “not
all primary structure is a principal structural element.” He defined a principal structural
element, “in damage tolerance philosophy,” as an element “whose failure, if it remained
undetected, could lead to loss of the aircraft.”
The FAA senior certification engineer further testified that the “jackscrew
assembly and acme nut in particular…have to comply with the ultimate strength and limit
load deflection criteria which provides for their strength.” However, according to the FAA
certification engineer, “because of the evaluation which indicates that the fatigue stresses
are so low as to preclude the initiation or a propagation of a crack in the thread, they need
not be considered under Part A or Part B of [CAR] 4b.270 [Fatigue Evaluation of Flight
Structure].” According to the FAA certification engineer, who was referring to Boeing
information, the “normal flight load…in the jackscrew to be transmitted from the screw
through the nut to the vertical stabilizer is in the neighborhood of 4,000 or 5,000 pounds.”
A Boeing structures engineering manager testified at the public hearing that “if the
torque tube fails, the acme screw will carry the load, and if the acme screw fails, the torque
tube will carry the load.” The Boeing manager also stated that “we have no reported cases
of fatigue failures or fatigue damage on this torque tube design for the four basic models,
DC-9, MD-80, MD-90 and 717, and that is over 95 million accumulated flight hours,
and…over 2,300 airplanes [were] delivered.”
The FAA senior certification engineer testified at the public hearing that the
jackscrew assembly was a “combination structural element and systems element…and
[that] as such, the systems portion would fall under the systems requirements, and the
structures portion would be required to address the structural requirements.” The FAA
certification engineer also indicated that the acme nut was not considered a system and,
therefore, was not required to comply with airplane systems’ certification requirements.
The Boeing structures engineering manager testified at the public hearing that “the
acme nut thread is a wear component. Since the two independent threads in the acme nut
are both subject to wear due to jackscrew rotation, we took this into account when we
designed the system and defined the maintenance procedures to manage and inspect the
wear.…When the acme nut is new, the strength of the threads is over 15 times in excess of
design loads.” The Boeing manager further testified that an acme screw and nut “unit
worn to an end play reading of 0.040 of an inch remains 10 times stronger [than the
maximum design loads].” He added, “Taking the end play reading to 0.080 of an inch, or
twice the removal threshold, still leaves us with an installation five times stronger than the
maximum design loads. [The] current in-service end play limit 0.040 of an inch is
conservative from both the strength and the design standpoint. This assembly is
Before the accident, there was no requirement to record or track end play measurements obtained
during end play check procedures. After the accident, Airworthiness Directives (AD) 2000-03-51 and
2000-15-15 required that end play measurements be reported to Boeing. For more information about these
ADs, see section 1.18.1.
Factual Information 24 Aircraft Accident Report
recognized as a wear component which is addressed initially by its robust design and later
by in-service maintenance action to control and monitor that wear.”
The FAA senior certification engineer testified that wear is “not considered as a
mode of failure for either a systems safety analysis or for structural considerations.” The
FAA certification engineer further stated that the “Douglas design of the acme nut and
acme screw provided enough over-strength so that the regulatory requirements could be
met with a significant amount of wear.” He indicated that even if 14 CFR 25.1309 had
been applicable to the entire jackscrew assembly, acme nut thread wear would not have
been considered in the required systems safety analysis. He explained, “if you refer to a
[section 25.1309] type safety analysis to try and determine a failure rate for a wear item,
there are not, and there’s really no such thing as a wear-critical item, never has been. The
question of wear being a quantifiable element so that one could do a safety-type analysis
for structure—it’s not feasible. The data to do such an evaluation is not available. It
doesn’t exist.”
The FAA senior certification engineer stated that regulatory definitions of type
design safety assume that the “safety of that type design is maintained…[because] the type
certificate holder is required to recommend a maintenance program for [operators] such
that the level of safety is maintained….We presume that those maintenance requirements
are complied with.” The FAA certification engineer added, “wear is considered as part of a
design…and, as with any mechanism, maintenance is necessary.” He concluded by
stating, “I believe that the current design of the MD-80, DC-9, 717 and MD-90 pitch trim
system demonstrates compliance to the applicable regulations and provides the level of
safety associated with those certification requirements.”
1.6.3 Maintenance Information Alaska Airlines’ MD-80 Maintenance Program Maintenance Program Development Guidance
In 1968, an aviation industry team Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) developed
a maintenance program development document for the then-new Boeing 747 (747). This
guidance document contained decision logic and procedures for use in developing initial
minimum maintenance and inspection requirements. Using the experience gained through
the 747 project, in 1970, another MSG developed an updated guidance document, known
as the MSG-2, which was designed to be applicable to all future newly type-certificated
aircraft and/or powerplants, not just the 747. According to the MSG-2 guidance document,
it was intended “to present a means for developing a maintenance program” that will be
acceptable to the FAA, operators, and manufacturers.
In September 1980, through the combined efforts of the FAA, the Air Transport
Association of America, U.S. and European aircraft and engine manufacturers, and U.S.
The Boeing manager confirmed that “the condition of wear or wear-out was not included in the
original DC-9 fault analysis.”
Factual Information 25 Aircraft Accident Report
and foreign airlines, a third guidance document, known as MSG-3, was issued. The
MSG-3 guidance document, which incorporated data from more than 10 years of airline
maintenance programs analysis and service experience, was developed, in part, to reduce
confusion about how to interpret maintenance processes defined in the MSG-2
methodology, including hard-time, on-condition, condition-monitoring, and overhaul.
The MSG-3 task-oriented logic methodology used a “consequence of failure approach.”
For example, servicing and lubrication were included in the MSG-3 guidance document as
part of the logic diagram to ensure that this category of task was considered each time an
item was analyzed. After using MSG-3 analysis procedures on a number of new aircraft
and powerplants in the first half of the 1980s, the airline industry decided that the
experience should be used to improve the document for future applications, and, in 1988,
Revision 1 to MSG-3 was issued; Revision 2 was issued in 1993.
The MSG-2 and MSG-3 guidance documents are accepted by the FAA and are
used by Maintenance Review Boards (MRB) that are convened to develop reports
containing guidance specific to an airplane type or model. MRB reports outline the
recommended initial minimum scheduled maintenance and inspection requirements for a
particular transport-category airplane and on-wing engine program. MRB reports are
initially developed by an industry steering committee that is headed by an FAA
chairperson. The steering committee directs working groups that include representatives
from aircraft manufacturers and operators. The working groups are responsible for the
development of initial minimum scheduled maintenance and inspection requirements for
new or derivative aircraft to be used in the development of an operators continuing
airworthiness maintenance program. MRB reports are published and distributed by the
manufacturer, but they contain FAA requirements. According to FAA AC 121-22A, the
MRB report is “a means, in part, of developing instructions for continuing airworthiness,
as required by [14 CFR section] 25.1529.” The MRB report is submitted to the FAA for
approval as part of these instructions.
On the basis of the guidance in the applicable MRB report, manufacturers issue
on-aircraft maintenance planning (OAMP) documents and generic task cards outlining
specific maintenance tasks. The tasks and intervals in an OAMP document are typically
the same as those contained in the associated MRB report. Two MRB reports and
associated OAMP documents are currently used as the basis for the maintenance of the
MD-80: those derived from MSG-2, issued in 1993, and those derived from MSG-3,
issued in 1996. Carriers can use the guidance in the MRB report and OAMP documents to
Hard-time is a maintenance process that requires an item to be removed from service or overhauled at
or before a previously specified time. On-condition is a maintenance process that requires periodic
inspections or checks of a unit against an appropriate physical standard to determine whether it can continue
in service until the next scheduled check and to remove the unit from service before failure occurs during
normal operations. Condition-monitoring is a maintenance process for items that do not have hard-time or
on-condition as the primary maintenance process and is accomplished through continuous data collection
and analysis of components or systems. Analysis of failures or other indications of deterioration are used to
evaluate the continuing airworthiness of the airplane. Overhaul is the disassembly, cleaning, inspection,
repair, and testing of a component to the extent necessary to ensure (substantiated by service experience and
accepted practices) that it is in satisfactory condition to operate for a given period. It includes the
replacement, repair, adjustment, or refinishing of such parts as required, which, if not properly
accomplished, would adversely affect the airworthiness of the airplane.
Factual Information 26 Aircraft Accident Report
develop their maintenance programs.
Carriers with maintenance programs based on the
MSG-2 MRB report are permitted to use the MSG-3 MRB report and its listed intervals to
adjust existing intervals in coordination with the airline’s FAA principal maintenance
inspector (PMI).
53 Alaska Airlines’ Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program
Alaska Airlines’ continuous airworthiness maintenance program for its MD-80
fleet received initial FAA approval in March 1985 and was based on the FAA-accepted
MRB report for DC-9/MD-80 airplanes derived from the MSG-2 maintenance program
development document. The MRB report and the resulting OAMP document
recommended C-check intervals of 3,500 flight hours or 15 months, whichever came first.
Alaska Airlines’ initial C-check interval was 2,500 flight hours. In 1988, it was extended
to every 13 months (which, based on the average airplane utilization rate at Alaska
Airlines at the time, was about 3,200 flight hours). In 1996, the C-check interval was
extended to 15 months (which, based on the average airplane utilization rate at Alaska
Airlines at the time, was about 4,775 flight hours).
In addition to the 15-month C-check interval, Alaska Airlines’ General
Maintenance Manual (GMM), dated February 5, 1998, revealed that Alaska Airlines had
the following maintenance inspections and intervals for its MD-80 fleet at the time of the
Walk-around check—accomplished by Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel
after each arrival.
Service check—accomplished when the airplane remains on the ground for 8
or more hours at a maintenance facility capable of conducting at least A check
A check—accomplished at intervals not to exceed 250 flight hours. Alaska Airlines’ Reliability Analysis Program
CFR Section 121.373(a), “Continuing Analysis and Surveillance,” requires
operators to establish and maintain a system for the continuing analysis and surveillance
of the performance and effectiveness of their maintenance and inspection programs and
for the correction of any deficiency found in those programs. According to FAA
Order 8300.10, chapter 37, continuing analysis and surveillance programs should have, as
a minimum, procedures for monitoring mechanical performance, which should be done
FAA AC 121-22A states that an MRB report “contains the initial minimum scheduled
maintenance/inspection requirements for a particular…aircraft…[it should] not to be confused with, or
thought of, as a maintenance program. After approval by the FAA, the requirements become a base or
framework around which each air carrier develops its own individual maintenance program.”
Alaska Airlines used the MSG-2 MRB report as the basis for its maintenance program; however, it
used the MSG-3 MRB report to extend some maintenance task intervals by replacing them with the newer
intervals specified in the MSG-3 MRB report. The FAAs MD-80 MRB Chairman confirmed that existing
MSG-2 operators, such as Alaska Airlines, could use intervals from MSG-3. Alaska Airlines’ manager of
reliability and maintenance programs testified that the airline had done so in some areas.
Factual Information 27 Aircraft Accident Report
through emergency response, day-to-day and long-term monitoring, and auditing
functions. The handbook states that “some operators with approved reliability programs
use the reliability program to fulfill the monitoring mechanical performance functions
requirement of its [continuing analysis and surveillance] program.” Typical sources of
data collection for reliability programs are unscheduled removals, mechanical delays and
cancellations, pilot reports, sampling inspections, shop findings, functional checks, bench
checks, service difficulty reports, and mechanical interruption summaries. The objective
of data analysis is to recognize the need for corrective action, establish what corrective
action is needed, and determine the effectiveness of that action. Other indicators of
component reliability used to detect unfavorable trends are operational incident reports
and direct information from maintenance control, component shops, or repair control
about component discrepancies.
Alaska Airlines’ reliability analysis program was authorized on April 3, 1995, as
part of the airline’s FAA-approved operations specifications. According to reliability
analysis program guidelines, Alaska Airlines managed its maintenance program by
implementing decisions based on continuing analysis of operational data. All scheduled
maintenance/inspection tasks, checks, and intervals were included in the reliability
analysis program. Reliability analysis program findings could result in changes, additions,
or deletions of maintenance tasks, intervals, or operating limits.
Alaska Airlines has made changes to its reliability analysis program since the
flight 261 accident. This discussion describes Alaska Airlines’ reliability analysis program
up until the time of the accident. The Reliability Analysis Program Control Board, which
reported to Alaska Airlines’ vice president of maintenance and engineering, was
responsible for the overall program.
The Reliability Analysis Program Control Board
was authorized to determine what course of remedial action was necessary and to order
implementation of its decisions. The Reliability Department, which reported to the
Reliability Analysis Program Control Board, administered the program and was
responsible for reviewing and analyzing collected data, issuing alert notices, and
providing notification of reliability issues.
The Reliability Analysis Program Control Board also included a smaller
Reliability Action Board that addressed problems considered critical or urgent and that
had to be considered before the next Reliability Analysis Program Control Board
Reliability Action Board decisions that required changes to the activities
controlled by the reliability analysis program required the preparation and approval of a
Reliability Analysis Program Control Board directive.
Alaska Airlines Reliability Analysis Program Control Board, which met once per month, comprised
the airline’s reliability manager (who served as board chairman), the director of base maintenance, the
director of line maintenance, the director of quality control, the director of engineering, the manager of
maintenance control/technical services, the manager of maintenance programs and publications, and the
director of maintenance planning and production control.
A Reliability Action Board meeting did not require the attendance of the full Reliability Analysis
Program Control Board but had to be attended by the Reliability Analysis Program Control Board Chairman
(or designee) and other members, as appropriate to the issue being discussed.
Factual Information 28 Aircraft Accident Report
In addition, a company MRB at Alaska Airlines met biweekly to review and
approve changes to the maintenance program.
The MRB also reviewed ME-01 change
that required MRB approval. Under Alaska Airlines’ MRB program, the
manager of maintenance programs and publications reviewed ME-01 change requests to
determine whether the change required MRB approval. If the ME-01 did not require
MRB/Reliability Analysis Program Control Board approval, the request was routed to
management personnel in the following order: reliability, director of engineering, director
of line maintenance, director of base maintenance, manager of maintenance control,
director of quality control, director of maintenance planning and production control. The
MRB/Reliability Analysis Program Control Board voting member representing the
department that requested the change reviewed the ME-01 and then decided whether to
sign it. If signed, the ME-01 is forwarded to the manager of the maintenance programs and
technical publications department for processing.
MRB approval was required for any change to Alaska Airlines’ GMM. Reliability
analysis program approval was required for any maintenance program change, some of
which required FAA approval. According to Alaska Airlines’ reliability analysis program,
maintenance program changes that required FAA approval included the following:
Addition or deletion of an aircraft manufacturers MSG-2 OAMP
recommended maintenance significant item (MSI),
or an aircraft
manufacturers MSG-3 OAMP document recommended systems maintenance,
structural, or zonal task.
Addition or deletion of an MSG-2 MRB recommended MSI or an MSG-3
MRB recommended systems maintenance, structural, or zonal task.
Escalation of hard-time component overhaul intervals, periodic maintenance
check intervals, or structural inspection intervals to greater than 10 percent of
the present interval.
Escalation of an individual maintenance task interval (currently performed at
or in excess of the interval recommended in the applicable aircraft’s OAMP
document) to greater than 10 percent of the current interval.
Changes that did not require FAA approval included the following:
Alaska Airlines’ company MRB members were the same as those who served on the Reliability
Analysis Program Control Board.
The ME-01 form is used by Alaska Airlines to process requests and recommendations to change
existing maintenance program procedures, intervals, and documents (task cards, maintenance manuals, and
policy and procedures manuals), and other documents under the control of the airline’s engineering and
quality departments. The ME-01 is not required for typographical errors, P/N changes, clarification of
existing procedures, changes to torques, clearances and limits required to reflect manual revisions, and
changes generated by previously authorized airplane modifications or actions to meet AD or Federal
Aviation Regulations (FAR) requirements.
An MSI is an item identified by the manufacturer, the failure of which is undetectable during
operations and could affect safety (on ground or in flight) or could have significant operational economic
Zonal tasks are tasks associated with specific areas of the airplane, such as the wing and fuselage.
Factual Information 29 Aircraft Accident Report
Escalation of hard-time component overhaul intervals, periodic maintenance
check intervals, or structural inspection intervals that did not exceed 10 percent
of the current interval. (Although FAA approval is not required for these
escalations, data justifying the change must be available to the FAA on
Escalation of an individual maintenance task interval (which is not listed on
the airplane’s MRB) up to the interval recommended in the applicable
airplane’s OAMP document, regardless of the increase of the current interval.
Periodic maintenance intervals of MSIs identified as condition-monitored
items, which have a periodic maintenance activity or task at some determined
Items that cannot be changed or that required approval beyond the local FAA
Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) included the following:
Those tasks listed as certification maintenance requirements (CMR),
airworthiness limitation items,
or fixed maintenance intervals unless
approval is granted from the FAA Aircraft Certification Office.
Life limits mandated by the manufacturer.
Time limits mandated by an AD, except in accordance with the AD.
Time limits mandated by an aircraft’s type certificate data sheet. Jackscrew Assembly Lubrication Procedures
The Alaska Airlines maintenance task card for elevator and horizontal stabilizer
lubrication (No. 28312000) specified the following steps for lubricating the jackscrew
A. Open access doors 6307, 6308, 6306 and 6309.
B. Lube per the following
According to AC 25-19, “Certification Maintenance Requirements,” dated November 28, 1994, “a
CMR is a required periodic task, established during the design certification of the airplane as an operating
limitation of the type certificate…[and is] intended to detect safety-significant latent failures that would, in
combination with one or more other specific failures or events, result in a hazardous or catastrophic failure
condition.” According to the AC, “CMRs are designed to verify that a certain failure has or has not occurred,
and does not
provide any preventative maintenance function.” (Emphasis in original.)
Airworthiness limitation items are documents that contain information that defines mandatory
replacement times for safe-life structure and inspection requirements for principal structural elements and
provide specific nondestructive inspection techniques and procedures for each principal structural element.
Illustrations were attached to the task card to show the areas to be lubricated.
Factual Information 30 Aircraft Accident Report
C. Close doors 6307, 6308, 6306 and 6309.
General lubrication guidance contained in Boeing’s Maintenance Manual states
that, when lubricating vented bearings, “force grease into fittings until all old grease is
extruded.” According to a February 25, 2002, letter from Boeing to the Safety Board, this
lubrication task requires about 4.5 person hours to accomplish, including removal and
closure of the access panels.
During the investigation, Safety Board investigators conducted interviews with
Alaska Airlines mechanics who had lubricated the accident airplane’s elevators and
horizontal stabilizer components to determine how they understood and practiced the
lubrication procedures. The Alaska Airlines mechanic who was responsible for lubricating
the accident airplane’s elevators and horizontal stabilizer components during a C check at
the airline’s maintenance facility at Oakland International Airport (OAK), Oakland,
California, in September 1997
told Safety Board investigators that lubrication of the
elevators and horizontal stabilizer components “takes a couple of hours.” The mechanic
stated that if the lubrication of the elevators and horizontal stabilizer components is
accomplished during a C check, the task is accomplished by a mechanic standing on a
Check oil level and fill to
fill plug with approved jet
engine oil. Oil capacity is
approximately 0.6 pint.
Apply light coat of grease to
threads, then operate
mechanism through full
range of travel to distribute
lubricant over length of
Fill cavity between screw and
stop with Parker-O-Lube.
Factual Information 31 Aircraft Accident Report
tail-stand platform in the hangar. He stated that he would apply grease to acme nut grease
fittings until “the grease starts to come out…the sides where you’re greasing, where it
starts to bulge out.” The mechanic stated that he would also use a “paint brush” to apply
grease to the acme screw threads. He added, “When I do it, I do the brush, too, but I don’t
feel it’s enough. I always do an over-kill. I always like to put more on…[to] put a big glob
on my hand and make sure it’s on. More’s better. It’s not going to hurt anything.”
The Alaska Airlines mechanic who was responsible for performing the accident
airplane’s last elevator and horizontal stabilizer components lubrication at SFO in
September 1999 told Safety Board investigators that he would know if the grease fitting
for the acme nut was clogged “because you’d feel it in the [grease] gun as you try to put it
in. If it wasn’t going in, you could feel it.” When asked how he determined whether the
lubrication was being accomplished properly and when to stop pumping the grease gun,
the mechanic responded, “I don’t.” When asked whether he would be able to see grease
coming out of the top of the acme nut during lubrication, the mechanic responded, “You
know, I can’t remember looking to see if there was.” He added that lubrications at SFO
were accomplished most often during the evening, outside of the hangar (even if it was
raining), and in the basket of a lift-truck. He added that he used a battery-operated head
lamp during night lubrication tasks. He stated that the lubrication task took
“roughly…probably an hour” to accomplish. It was not entirely clear from his testimony
whether he was including removal of the access panels in his estimate. When asked
whether his 1-hour estimate included gaining access to the area, he replied, “No, that
would probably take a little—well, you’ve got probably a dozen screws to take out of the
one panel, so that’s—I wouldn’t think any more than an hour.” The questioner then stated,
“including access?” and the mechanic replied, “Yeah.” The mechanic also stated that he
applied grease to the acme screw with a brush, adding, “You basically take out a little bit
of grease with you, or you pump it out of the grease gun onto a paint brush and just paint a
real light coat on there.”
64 Jackscrew Assembly Lubrication Intervals Manufacturer-Recommended Lubrication Intervals
Original DC-9 certification documents, including Douglas Process
Standard 3.17-49 (issued August 1, 1964), specified a lubrication interval for the
jackscrew assembly of 300 to 350 flight hours. The manufacturers initial OAMP
document for the DC-9 and the MD-80 specified lubrication intervals of 600 to 900 flight
hours. In 1996, McDonnell Douglas issued another OAMP document, which was
developed to reflect the guidance and philosophy in the MSG-3 MSG-3 MRB report for
the MD-80. The MSG-3 MRB called for lubrication of the jackscrew assembly at C-check
There were three scheduled lubrications after the September 1997 C check. The C check performed in
September 1997 was the last C check accomplished on the accident airplane that required an end play check
of the acme screw and nut. For more information about the accident airplane’s maintenance history, see
For information about Safety Board observations of jackscrew assembly lubrications performed by
maintenance personnel from two MD-80 operators, see section 1.18.6.
Factual Information 32 Aircraft Accident Report
intervals (every 3,600 flight hours or 15 months, whichever comes first). The MSG-3
OAMP also called for lubrication of the jackscrew assembly at C-check intervals (every
3,600 flight hours).
Testimony at the Safety Board’s public hearing and Boeing documents indicated
that Douglas’ earlier recommended lubrication interval of 600 to 900 flight hours was not
considered during the MSG-3 decision-making process to extend the recommended
interval. Further, Boeing design engineers were not consulted about nor aware of the
extended lubrication interval specified in the MSG-3 documents. The FAAs MD-80 MRB
chairman testified at the public hearing that the longer interval in the MSG-3 documents
was supported by reliability data from the carriers and the manufacturer. He explained that
the MSG-3 MD-80 MRB considered the jackscrew lubrication task change as part of a
larger C-check “package” and that the extension of C-check intervals in the MSG-3
MD-80 MRB did not involve a task-by-task analysis of each task that would be affected
by the changed interval. Alaska Airlines’ Lubrication Intervals
Alaska Airlines maintenance records chronicled the following changes in
lubrication intervals from 1985 to April 2000:
In March 1985, the B-check interval was 350 flight hours, and the jackscrew
assembly lubrication was to be accomplished at every other B check, or every
700 flight hours.
In March 1987, the B-check interval was increased to 500 flight hours, and the
jackscrew assembly lubrication was changed to be accomplished at every
B check, or every 500 flight hours.
In July 1988, B checks were eliminated from Alaska Airlines’ MD-80
maintenance program, and the tasks accomplished during B checks were
incorporated into the A and C checks. A checks were to be accomplished every
125 flight hours. The jackscrew assembly lubrication was to be accomplished
at every eighth A check, or every 1,000 flight hours.
In February 1991, A-check intervals were increased to 150 flight hours.
Jackscrew assembly lubrication was still to be accomplished at every eighth
A check, or every 1,200 flight hours.
In December 1994, the A-check interval was increased to 200 flight hours.
Jackscrew assembly lubrication was still to be accomplished at every eighth
A check, or every 1,600 flight hours.
In July 1996, the jackscrew assembly lubrication task was removed from the A
check and placed on a time-controlled task card with a maximum interval of
8 months.
There was no accompanying flight-hour limit; however, based on
airplane utilization rates at that time, 8 months was about 2,550 flight hours.
The FAAs MD-80 MRB Chairman testified at the public hearing that he assumed the absence of any
calendar-time interval in the MSG-3 OAMP document was a typographical error.
Factual Information 33 Aircraft Accident Report
Jackscrew assembly lubrication was also to be performed at each C check
using time-controlled task card No. 28312000. According to the FAA PMI for
Alaska Airlines, who reviewed and accepted the 1996 lubrication interval
extension, the extended MSG-3 interval (3,600 flight hours or 15 months,
whichever comes first) was presented as justification for the interval increase.
In October 1996, jackscrew assembly lubrication was combined with the
lubrication of the elevators and elevator tabs. The interval remained at
8 months, or about 2,550 flight hours, and this was the lubrication interval in
effect at the time of the accident.
On April 6, 2000, after the accident, the jackscrew assembly lubrication
interval was changed from 8 months to 650 flight hours, in accordance with
ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15.
Table 2 shows a comparison of
manufacturer-recommended jackscrew assembly lubrication intervals with
Alaska Airlines’ intervals.
Table 2. Comparison of manufacturer-recommended jackscrew assembly lubrication
intervals with Alaska Airlines’ intervals.
A time-controlled task card is a stand-alone maintenance task card that is tracked individually by the
For more information about ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15, see section 1.18.1.
Not included in logic
600 to 900 flight
C check
(3,600 flight hours or 15
whichever comes first)
C check
(3,600 flight hours)
1996 to April
2000 to
a. All carriers currently meet this requirement.
Every other
B check
(700 flight
B check
(500 flight
eighth A
eighth A
(1,200 flight
eighth A
ed task
8 months
(About 2,550
flight hours)
650 flight
Factual Information 34 Aircraft Accident Report Chronology of Grease Type Changes
Boeing’s Airplane Maintenance Manual for DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series
airplanes specifies the use of MIL-G-81322
grease to lubricate the jackscrew assembly.
Initially, Alaska Airlines used Mobilgrease 28, which meets the requirements of
MIL-G-81322. On January 16, 1996, Alaska Airlines asked its McDonnell Douglas field
representative if Aeroshell 33 could be used in place of Mobilgrease 28 on suitable areas
of its MD-80 fleet airplanes, including the jackscrew assembly. Aeroshell 33 was a
relatively new type of grease that was developed to meet Boeing Material
Specifications 3-33 and subsequently qualified under MIL-G-23827.
According to Alaska Airlines, this change was part of an effort to standardize and
reduce the number of greases used by the airline in its mixed fleet of 737s and MD-80s.
On February 23, 1996, McDonnell Douglas engineers replied that laboratory testing
would be required to determine whether Aeroshell 33 could be approved for use on
Douglas airplanes. Alaska Airlines was informed on January 24, 1997, that laboratory
testing of Aeroshell had begun and that the testing could take about a year.
On June 19, 1997, Douglas informed its Alaska Airlines field service
representative that it was pursuing the possibility of a “no technical objection” for Alaska
Airlines to use Aeroshell 33 on Douglas airplanes. However, the message stated, “this is
not a sure thing, considering the liability of providing consent for the use of such an
important substance…before the substance has been fully evaluated.” The message stated
that another possibility was an in-service evaluation of the grease by Alaska Airlines. On
June 23, 1997, the Douglas field service representative sent a message to Douglas
headquarters noting that Alaska Airlines welcomed the offer to conduct an in-service
evaluation of Aeroshell 33 and was awaiting guidelines regarding its use.
On July 23, 1997, Alaska Airlines initiated an internal form titled, “Maintenance
Programs/Technical Publications Change Request” (ME-01 No. 97-002974), to revise its
maintenance lubrication task cards by replacing Mobilgrease 28 with Aeroshell 33 for use
on flight controls, including the jackscrew assembly, doors, and landing gear (except
wheel bearings), on MD-80 series airplanes in its fleet. This form was signed by the
initiator of the request, the manager of maintenance programs and technical publications
(dated September 17, 1997), and the director of engineering (dated July 25, 1997).
Signature blocks for the director of base maintenance and the director of maintenance
planning and production control were blank but struck out by hand. The “special action
The “MIL” specification is a U.S. military material specification that defines the requirements for a
material. Requirements that are defined for grease MIL specification categories include, in part, viscosity,
temperature range, and corrosion protection. A part’s function and exposure to such factors as loads, friction,
extreme temperatures, and water and other contaminants determine which grease MIL specification category
is appropriate. In 1999, the MIL-G nomenclature (in which G stands for grease) was replaced with MIL-PRF
(in which PRF stands for performance); no change in specifications was made. Several products from
different manufacturers may meet a specific MIL specification. After testing and qualification, these greases
are listed on the Qualified Products List for each MIL specification. For example, greases that meet the
specifications for MIL-G-81322 include Mobilgrease 28, Aeroshell Grease 22, and Royco Grease 22.
MIL-PRF-23827 superseded MIL-G-23827 in 1998, with no change in specifications.
Factual Information 35 Aircraft Accident Report
section was blank, as was the signature block at the bottom of the form to
indicate “Change Request accomplished.” At the Safety Board’s public hearing, Alaska
Airlines former director of engineering (who at the time that the grease change was
initiated was Alaska Airlines manager of maintenance programs and technical
publications) and the current director of engineering indicated that Reliability Analysis
Program Control Board approval was required to implement the change. However, neither
individual could explain how the change was implemented without the required signatures
or Reliability Analysis Program Control Board approval.
On September 26, 1997, McDonnell Douglas informed Alaska Airlines in Douglas
Communication SVC-SEA-0122/MRL that it had “no technical objection to the use of
[Aeroshell 33] grease in place of MIL-G-81322 grease on Alaska Airlines MD-80 aircraft
with one known restriction. Aeroshell 33 grease may not be used in areas subjected to
temperatures in excess of 250° F including landing gear wheel bearings.” The McDonnell
Douglas communication added the following:
It should also be noted that the initial results of laboratory testing that compared
Aeroshell 33 grease with Mobile grease 28 (MIL-G-81322) indicated that
Aeroshell 33 grease is somewhat less resistant to water wash-out than Mobile
grease 28. It is not known whether the difference in water wash-out resistance
noted in the laboratory will result in any notable difference of the in-service
grease performance. However, the potential exists that the required frequency of
lubrication could be affected in areas of the aircraft exposed to outside ambient
conditions or aircraft washing and cleaning.
This no technical objection is provided prior to the completion of a Douglas study
intended to determine the acceptability of Aeroshell 33 grease for use in
Douglas-built aircraft.
As such, Douglas cannot yet verify the performance of
this grease. It will be the responsibility of Alaska Airlines to monitor the areas
where Aeroshell 33 grease is used for any adverse reactions. Further, it will be the
responsibility of Alaska Airlines to obtain any FAA approval required by their
principal maintenance inspector for the use of Aeroshell 33 grease in their MD-80
The McDonnell Douglas communication concluded with the following:
Because the Douglas study of Aeroshell 33 grease will be based on laboratory
tests rather than an in-service test, any data we can obtain from in-service aircraft
would be valuable to help confirm or refute the laboratory results. Any
information Alaska Airlines is able to provide to Douglas, positive or negative,
regarding the in-service performance of Aeroshell 33 grease on the MD-80 will be
greatly appreciated.
The possible choices in this section, each preceded by a block to check off, were “MRB action
required,” “[Reliability Analysis Program] Control Board action required,” or “Routine.”
According to Boeing, McDonnell Douglas never completed this testing.
Factual Information 36 Aircraft Accident Report
On December 18, 1997, Alaska Airlines task card No. 24312000 for lubrication of
the horizontal stabilizer components was revised (based on ME-01 No. 97-002974) to
reflect the change from Mobilgrease 28 to Aeroshell 33.
On January 6, 1998, task card
No. 28312000 for lubrication of the elevators and horizontal stabilizer components was
also revised to reflect the change from Mobilgrease 28 to Aeroshell 33.
According to Alaska Airlines records, it sent the monthly maintenance task card
audit report for December 1997, which included all task card changes since its last report,
including revision dates, to the FAA. Although Alaska Airlines notified the FAA of the
change in the grease type specified in its maintenance instructions, as required, it did not
provide any substantiating justification at that time nor was such action required. The FAA
PMI for Alaska Airlines at the time of the lubrication change stated during postaccident
interviews that such changes could be made without prior FAA approval under provisions
of the airline’s FAA-approved maintenance program.
As a result of the flight 261 accident, in March 2000, the FAA requested
documentation from Alaska Airlines that supported the grease change to lubricate the
jackscrew assembly. Alaska Airlines subsequently submitted the requested
In an April 5, 2000, response letter, the FAA informed Alaska Airlines
that the substantiating documents it had submitted did not support the change, and it
disapproved the use of Aeroshell 33 as a substitute for Mobilgrease 28. After receiving
this disapproval notification, Alaska Airlines modified its maintenance procedures to
again specify the use of Mobilgrease 28 to lubricate the jackscrew assembly. July 19, 2002, Alaska Airlines Maintenance Information Letter
On July 19, 2002, Alaska Airlines issued Maintenance Information Letter
No. 05-00-02-21, “MD-80 Rudder Trim Tab Hinge Support Bearings Lubrication,”
According to Alaska Airlines records, 34 additional lubrication task cards, including lubrication tasks
for flaps, slats, spoilers, ailerons, and landing gear components, were revised in December 1997. These task
cards also reflected the change to Aeroshell 33.
The GMM was not modified to reflect the grease change to Aeroshell 33; it still specified the use of
Mobilgrease 28 to lubricate the elevators and horizontal stabilizer components.
According to the PMI, changes to “accepted [maintenance] manuals” used as part of an overall
FAA-approved maintenance program can be made and then submitted to the FAA as part of a routine change
notification process. The PMI stated, “in accepted manuals, they go ahead and make the change, publish it,
and send you a copy and you read it. And if you have any objection to it, [you] notify them in writing that
you have objections. If you don’t tell them, then it’s accepted.” Referring to the Alaska Airlines lubrication
change and the task card change notification in 1997, the PMI stated, “I don’t know that anybody caught that
or noticed it or bought off on it or looked into it at all.”
The copies provided to the Safety Board of these documents included a trade magazine article on
Aeroshell 33, excerpts of Boeing 737 and McDonnell Douglas MD-80 maintenance manuals, Boeing
service letters, internal correspondence and messages between Alaska Airlines and Boeing, and existing
specifications on MIL-G-81322 and MIL-G-23827 greases. None of the documents provided any
information or performance data specifically applicable to the use of Aeroshell 33 on McDonnell Douglas
airplanes or these airplanes’ horizontal stabilizer trim systems.
Maintenance Information Letter No. 05-00-02-21 is valid for 1 year, expiring on July 19, 2003, or
when rescinded.
Factual Information 37 Aircraft Accident Report
because of “findings [that] have revealed that the MD-80 rudder trim tab support bearings
may not always be receiving adequate lubrication.” Alaska Airlines maintenance task card
No. 24612000 specifies lubrication of each of the four bearings that support the MD-80
rudder trim tab at every C check. However, the letter stated that “shop inspection of tabs
from two aircraft…only recently out of C-check indicated extreme bearing wear, with
little or no evidence of new grease” and that “one bearing fell apart upon removal.” The
letter stated that the solution was adherence to the lubrication instruction in task card
No. 24612000. In an October 3, 2002, letter to the Safety Board, Alaska Airlines indicated
that the “[maintenance information letter] was incorrect when it described these aircraft as
‘only recently out of C-check.’” Alaska Airlines stated that one of the airplanes had last
been in for a C check about 6 months before the discovery of the worn bearing and that the
other airplane had last been in for a C check about 15 months before the discovery of the
worn bearing. In an October 24, 2002, facsimile to the Safety Board, Alaska Airlines
stated further that as a result of additional analysis, the rudder trim tab lubrication interval
had been reduced “from the current ‘C’ check (approximately 4,350 flight hours) to the
Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) MSG-2 On Aircraft Maintenance Planning…‘Low’ end
interval of 1,200 flight hours.” Procedures for Monitoring Acme Nut Thread Wear Defining and Calculating Wear Rate
The only portion of the jackscrew assembly that wears significantly is the
aluminum-bronze acme nut. Therefore, the terms “wear” and “wear rate” refer to the wear
of the acme nut.
As will be discussed in section, acme nut thread wear can be inferred by
measuring the amount of movement, or end play, between the acme nut and screw threads.
In other words, end play is an indirect measurement of acme nut wear. End play
measurements are typically performed either on-wing or after removal from the airplane
during a bench check. The Safety Board conducted a statistical analysis of end play data
that concluded that the reliability and validity of the on-wing end play check is very low
and is susceptible to measurement error.
Because the bench end play check is conducted
in a more controlled environment, it is presumably less susceptible to measurement error;
however, the reliability and validity of the bench end play check was not statistically
Unless otherwise specified, the term “wear rate” used in this report refers to an
approximate wear rate determined by comparing end play measurements from the
beginning and the end of an elapsed time. The amount of the change in end play over that
period of time is used to calculate the approximate rate of wear. (Wear rate calculations are
generally converted so that they can be expressed as an average wear rate per 1,000 flight
hours.) The wear rate at any given point during the elapsed time is not known; it may be
higher or lower than the approximated wear rate.
For more information about the Safety Board’s end play data study, see section 1.18.2.
Factual Information 38 Aircraft Accident Report Development of End Play Check Procedures
The DC-9 jackscrew assembly was originally certified with an expected service
life of 30,000 hours. According to Douglas documents,
after 30,000 hours, the gap
between the acme screw and nut threads was expected to be 0.0265 inch. Specifications
for newly manufactured jackscrew assemblies stipulate that this gap be between 0.003 to
0.010 inch. No regular inspections to monitor acme nut thread wear were recommended at
the time the DC-9 was certified. However, when the DC-9 entered service in 1965,
Douglas initiated a program, which closely monitored a sample of DC-9 airplanes. As part
of this program, an end play check procedure was used to monitor wear by measuring the
gap, or end play, between the acme screw and nut threads.
This procedure was conducted
during bench checks to determine whether the wear rate of the acme nut threads was
comparable to the DC-8 wear rate of 0.001 inch per 1,000 hours.
As a result of excessive wear rates discovered through this sampling program,
Douglas issued Douglas Design Memorandum C1-250-DES-DC9-683 in February 1967.
The memorandum stated that DC-9 operators had reported six jackscrew assemblies that
indicated “a wear rate considerably in excess of that predicted”
and provided the
following information about the flight hours and end play measurements from the six
jackscrew assemblies: (The Safety Board calculated the wear rate per 1,000 hours, taking
into account the end play measurement of the jackscrew assembly when new. If the end
play measurement when new was known, that value was used. Otherwise, a presumed end
play measurement of 0.007 inch was used.)
The documents were All Operators Letter (AOL) 9-48, dated November 4, 1966, and Douglas Design
Memorandum C1-250-DES-DC9-683, dated February 28, 1967.
The sampling program ended in 1970. As will be discussed, by this time, Douglas had determined that
wear rates for the DC-9 jackscrew assembly made with new materials and manufacturing procedures were
0.001 inch per 1,000 hours or lower.
A 1967 Douglas test report on DC-8 jackscrew assemblies indicated an average wear rate of not
greater than 0.001 inch per 1,000 hours.
The design memorandum also noted, “there is evidence from screws in service, which have been
returned to [Douglas], that lubrication practices as defined in the Maintenance Manual have not been
followed. Operators should be advised of the importance of relubrication as specified.”
Airplane No. Flight Hours End Play (inches)
Wear Rate (inches per
1,000 hours)
1 4,086 0.030 0.0056
2 3,300 0.026 0.0058
3 3,322 0.026 0.0057
4 3,390 0.029 0.0065
5 3,400 0.028 0.0062
6 2,200 0.023 0.0073
Factual Information 39 Aircraft Accident Report
As a result of these operator reports, Douglas conducted a series of full-scale tests,
which involved operating several jackscrew assemblies under varying conditions in a test
fixture. The Douglas engineering test report stated that the purposes of the tests were “to
simulate a rate of wear in the laboratory that is comparable to that being experienced in
service on the DC-9 horizontal stabilizer screw and nut [and to] determine the right
material of the jackscrew end nut, and/or lubrication, which would generate a minimum of
wear to provide a service life of 30,000 flight hours.” As a result of these tests, Douglas
established the end play measurement limit of 0.040 inch after determining that this limit
would not create aerodynamic flutter or other structural problems.
Douglas also changed
some of the materials specifications and manufacturing processes for the acme screw
(increased heat treating and nitriding) to reduce wear. Douglas conducted laboratory tests
of the DC-9 acme screws made with the newly specified materials and manufacturing
processes, which revealed that the screws had an average wear rate of about 0.001 inch per
1,000 hours.
To allow operators to monitor acme nut wear without removing the jackscrew
assembly from the airplane, Douglas developed the on-wing end play check procedure.
The procedure calls for pulling down on the horizontal stabilizer by applying a specified
amount of torque to a tool known as a restraining fixture to change the load on the acme
screw from tension to compression.
The load reversal allows movement, or end play,
between the acme screw and nut threads. This play is measured using a dial indicator,
which is mounted on the lower rotational stop (fixed to the screw) with the movable
plunger set against the lower surface of the acme nut, that measures the vertical movement
of the acme screw when the load is applied. The amount of end play is used as an
indication of the amount of acme nut thread wear (and acme screw thread wear, if there is
any). The procedure calls for the restraining fixture load to be applied and removed
several times until consistent measurements are achieved. Figure 8 shows how the
restraining fixture should be placed on the horizontal stabilizer during the end play check
procedure. Figure 9 shows a view of a typical dial indicator set up for end play checks.
In AOL 9-48A, Douglas stated that jackscrew assemblies could remain in service as long as the end
play measurement remained within tolerances (between 0.003 and 0.040 inch). End play checks that
indicated measurements within the specified limits were not required to be recorded before the issuance of
AD 2000-15-15 in July 2000.
For more information about restraining fixtures, see section
Factual Information 40 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 8. Depiction of how restraining fixture should be placed on the horizontal stabilizer
during an end play check.
Factual Information 41 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 9. View of a typical dial indicator set up for end play checks.
On May 29, 1984, McDonnell Douglas issued AOL 9-1526, which reported that
“two operators have reported three instances of premature removal/replacement of a
horizontal stabilizer actuator assembly” and reiterated the OAMP document’s
recommendation that all DC-9 operators lubricate the jackscrew assembly at
600-flight-hour intervals. AOL 9-1526 added, “these assemblies, which had accumulated
less than 6,000 flight hours each since new, were replaced due to excessive end play
between the acme screw and acme nut.” AOL 9-1526 stated that the jackscrew assemblies
were returned to McDonnell Douglas for investigation and that “the acme nut installed in
each assembly exhibited severe wear of the thread surfaces. In addition, grease samples
taken from the lubrication passages…on two of these [jackscrew] assemblies were dry and
without evidence of recent renewal. Accordingly, Douglas is of the opinion that the most
probable cause of the observed acme nut thread wear and subsequent excessive end play
was inadequate lubrication of the actuator assemblies.”
The AOL concluded, “In view of
the foregoing, Douglas wishes to emphasize the importance of maintaining a
conscientious lubrication program to minimize acme nut thread wear and extend the
service life of the actuator assembly.”
In 1990, another airline reported that a DC-9 acme nut had worn beyond the
0.040-inch end play measurement limit after accumulating 5,780 flight hours, a wear rate
Factual Information 42 Aircraft Accident Report
of 0.0057 inch per 1,000 flight hours. In AOL 9-2120, dated December 6, 1990,
McDonnell Douglas asked operators of DC-9 and MD-80 airplanes to report on the
lubrication frequency of the jackscrew assembly, the mean time between removal
(MTBR) and mean time between unscheduled removal (MTBUR), and the average wear
rate of the assembly as measured by an on-wing end play check. On the basis of responses
from 10 DC-9 operators and 11 MD-80 operators,
on September 5, 1991, McDonnell
Douglas issued AOL 9-2120A, which provided the following results:
In AOL 9-2120A, McDonnell Douglas noted that the prematurely worn jackscrew
assembly was not typical but, because the assembly was not examined by McDonnell
Douglas, the cause of the premature wear was unknown.
However, McDonnell Douglas
again reiterated its 600-flight-hour lubrication interval recommendations.
On April 13 and November 20, 2000, Boeing issued revisions to the end play
check procedure, including the following:
Clarification of which part number (P/N) restraining fixture could be used on
specific airplanes;
Clarification of how and where to install dial indicator mounting bracket and
According to a McDonnell Douglas field service representative report dated March 13, 1984, the end
play measurement of one of the jackscrew assemblies removed and returned to the company was 0.043 inch.
The report stated that the acme nut threads were “worn and serrated.” The report added that “it should be
noted that lubrication cycle of jackscrew has been sporadic on this and other DC-9 [aircraft] at this
location.” The maintenance facility returned the assembly to McDonnell Douglas with a letter attached to
the field representative report, which was addressed to product support and asked McDonnell Douglas to
compare the returned assembly to drawing specifications and check the “trueness of the screw shaft
assembly.” The letter also asked, “What is the hardness spec of the nut?” The letter concluded, “I would
appreciate an expeditious response in this matter for I have a later delivered aircraft with only 4,000 hours
and within .001 of the maximum backlash [end play] limit.”
No information was available about reported wear rates for each of the operators that responded to the
survey or for any individual jackscrew assembly that was included in the survey results. Therefore, the
variability among operators or assemblies is unknown.
Model Lube Interval MTBR MTBUR Wear Rate
DC-9 1,329 hours 34,054 hours 34,395 hours 0.0011 inch per 1,000 hours
MD-80 804 hours 24,397 hours 28,397 hours 0.0013 inch per 1,000 hours
Before issuing AOL 9-1526 in 1984, McDonnell Douglas examined six jackscrew assemblies that
had been reported to have excessive wear. However, McDonnell Douglas could not examine the jackscrew
assembly removed in 1990 because it was not delivered for inspection.
The Safety Board confirmed that Alaska Airlines’ maintenance department had received a copy of
AOL 9-2120A from McDonnell Douglas.
Factual Information 43 Aircraft Accident Report
Addition of a note to specify that restraining fixture threads are to be cleaned
and lubricated before the procedure is performed;
Addition of a step to apply 100 inch-pounds to the restraining fixture in the
lengthening direction and then 300 inch-pounds (instead of a range from 250 to
300 inch-pounds as previously stated in step [8]) on the restraining fixture in
the shortening direction to get the end play; and
Specification of the allowable end play limits in step (11) as “not less than
0.003 and not more than 0.040 inch” instead of “between 0.003 and 0.040.” Alaska Airlines’ End Play Check Procedure
The Alaska Airlines maintenance task card for the acme screw and nut end play
check, dated October 7, 1996, which was in effect at the time of the accident airplane’s last
end play check, described the end play check procedure as follows:
(1) Using control wheel trim switches, move horizontal stabilizer to
approximately 1 degree airplane noseup position.
(2) Open the following circuit breakers.
(3) Remove panel and stabilizer fairing to gain access to work area.
(4) Install horizontal stabilizer restraining fixture.
(5) Clamp dial indicator mounting bracket to jackscrew torque tube restraining
nut and position dial indicator probe against acme nut.
(6) Clamp dial indicator mounting bracket to upper stop on jackscrew and
position dial indicator probe against lower plate of support assembly.
(7) Preload indicator probe to a least .100 inch and record dial indicator reading.
Circuit Breaker Panel
Panel Area
Autopilot & Alternate upper epc Left Radio
Longitudinal Trim (3) AC Bus
Trim (2) upper epc Left Radio
DC Bus
Factual Information 44 Aircraft Accident Report
(8) Apply 250 to 300 inch pounds of torque to horizontal stabilizer by shortening
restraining fixture and record dial indicator readings.
(9) Relieve torque on restraining fixture. Check that dial indicator has returned to
initial reading.
(10) Repeat steps (8) and (9) several times to insure consistent results (within
.001 inch).
(11) Check that end play limits are between .003 and .040 inch. Readings in
excess of above are cause for replacement of the acme jackscrew and nut.
Should replacement become necessary accomplish E.O. [engineering order]
8-55-10-01 if not previously accomplished.
(12) Check that free play between jackscrew and upper support does not exceed
.010 inch. If free play exceeds this dimension, upper bearing must be
(13) Remove restraining fixture, dial indicator and attaching brackets and clamps.
Install stabilizer fairing and panel.
(14) Close circuit breakers identified in step (2).
(15) Return horizontal stabilizer to neutral. Horizontal Stabilizer Restraining Fixture General
The McDonnell Douglas MD-80 generic task card for the acme screw and nut
operation (No. 0855, dated December 1991) describes the end play check procedure and
identifies a McDonnell Douglas-manufactured horizontal stabilizer restraining fixture,
P/N 4916750-1, for use in the procedure. The task card also noted that equivalent
substitutes could be used in place of these tools. The original Douglas engineering
drawing for the restraining fixture indicates that the -503 configuration was to be used on
MD-80 series airplanes, which would include the accident airplane. Alaska Airlines-Manufactured Restraining Fixtures
The Safety Board’s investigation revealed that up until the time of the accident,
Alaska Airlines had only one restraining fixture in its inventory (at its OAK maintenance
facility). The fixture was manufactured in-house; it was not manufactured by Boeing.
Since June 30, 1984, when Alaska Airlines began operating MD-80s, the restraining
fixture was tracked through a general component tracking system as P/N 0-1301-0-0169
(manufacturers P/N 4916750-1). There were no records of an initial inspection or any
recurrent inspections of the restraining fixture. According to Alaska Airlines records, after
the accident, it manufactured 11 additional restraining fixtures similar in design to its
Factual Information 45 Aircraft Accident Report
original fixture and purchased 7 fixtures manufactured by Boeing. The Alaska Airlines
manager of tool control, who participated in the fabrication of the fixtures ordered by
airline management after the accident, told Safety Board investigators in an interview that
“what they [Alaska Airlines personnel] were making [the 11 restraining fixtures] wasn’t
even close” to Boeing’s engineering drawing requirements.
He added that “we were
directed to build the tools, and we did exactly what we were told.”
During the investigation, Safety Board investigators conducted several on-wing
end play checks using both restraining fixtures fabricated by Alaska Airlines
and those
manufactured by Boeing. Examination of the restraining fixtures indicated that none of the
fixtures manufactured by Alaska Airlines met Boeing’s engineering drawing requirements
for the fixtures. During several of these tests, the restraining fixtures fabricated by Alaska
Airlines yielded lower end play measurements than the measurements obtained using the
Boeing-manufactured fixture.
Figure 10 shows two of the restraining fixtures fabricated
by Alaska Airlines and three of the fixtures manufactured by Boeing.
After the accident, on April 13, 2000, Boeing sent Message M-7200-00-00975 to
all DC-9, MD-80, MD-90, and 717 operators to ensure that horizontal stabilizer inspection
tooling conformed to the tool’s engineering drawing requirements. Regarding the
restraining fixture, the Boeing message stated the following:
recent reports received by Boeing indicate that tooling not manufactured by
Boeing is being utilized to perform the subject checks. In some cases, this tooling
may not conform to the tool’s drawing requirements...any variation in the tooling
thread quality, pitch or amount of thread engagement can [a]ffect the wear check
The Boeing message asked operators to “ensure the restraining fixtures being utilized
fully conform to the tool’s drawing requirements” to “maintain consistent results from
wear checks.”
In its submission, Alaska Airlines does not dispute that it had only one restraining fixture during this
time. However, it contends that this fixture was manufactured by Douglas. As support for this contention,
Alaska Airlines cites the July 11, 2002, deposition testimony (taken in connection with civil litigation
arising from this accident) of the mechanic who conducted the September 1997 end play check of the
accident jackscrew assembly that he thought the restraining fixture at the OAK maintenance facility in 1997
was “a Douglas part.”
Alaska Airlines did not have the Boeing engineering drawing requirements. The manager of tool
control was given a copy of the engineering drawing for the in-house manufactured fixture for use in
fabricating the additional 11 fixtures.
The Safety Board did not use the actual restraining fixture that was used for the accident airplane’s
last end play check because it was not in serviceable condition.
Discrepancies up to a maximum of about 0.005 inch were recorded.
Factual Information 46 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 10. Two Alaska Airlines-fabricated restraining fixtures and three Boeing-
manufactured fixtures.
On June 26, 2000, Safety Board investigators submitted a written request to
Alaska Airlines for information about the restraining fixture it used during the
September 1997 end play check on the accident airplane. The Board also requested
information and documents regarding the physical properties of all of Alaska Airlines’
in-house fabricated restraining fixtures. Investigators contacted Alaska Airlines on several
occasions to follow up on these requests; however, Alaska Airlines did not provide the
requested information until August 2, 2000.
On August 2, 2000, Alaska Airlines notified the FAA that it was concerned that the
restraining fixtures it had manufactured in-house might not be “an equivalent substitute”
for a Boeing fixture and, therefore, could produce erroneous measurements. Alaska
Airlines thereafter suspended use of its in-house manufactured fixtures and temporarily
grounded 18 of its 34 MD-80 series airplanes after determining that these airplanes might
have received end play checks with the in-house manufactured tools. Before placing the
airplanes back in service, Alaska Airlines performed end play checks on the grounded
airplanes using Boeing-manufactured restraining fixtures; all of the rechecked assemblies
had end play measurements within permissible limits. According to Alaska Airlines
records, on August 4, 2000, it acquired 15 Boeing-manufactured restraining fixtures, all of
which conformed to Boeing’s engineering drawing requirements.
On December 4, 2000, the FAA issued Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin for
Airworthiness 00-20A, “Equivalency of Special Equipment or Test Apparatus as Provided
Factual Information 47 Aircraft Accident Report
by Parts 43 and 145,” which provides guidance for PMIs regarding the acceptability for
equivalency of special equipment and/or test apparatus used in maintaining aircraft and
their components. According to the FAA, the handbook bulletin was issued in connection
with AD 2000-03-51, which referenced Boeing Alert Service Bulletin (ASB)
DC9-27A362. ASB DC9-27A362, which specified the use of a restraining fixture for the
required end play check, stated that the tool was currently unavailable from Boeing but
that Boeing would supply the drawing necessary for operators to produce the tool. The
ASB included eight items of guidance to PMIs for determining that repair stations and
operators complied with the equivalency requirements, but it also stated, “[i]n instances
involving the use of equivalent equipment and/or apparatus, the determination of
equivalency for such equipment is the primary responsibility of the repair station or the air
carrier, not the FAA.” End Play Check Intervals Manufacturer-Recommended End Play Check Intervals
In the initial OAMP document for the DC-9, Douglas recommended that end play
checks be performed at C-check intervals, or every 3,600 flight hours. Subsequently, in
both the MSG-2 and MSG-3 MRB reports and OAMP documents for the DC-9 and
MD-80 airplanes, the recommended end play check interval was increased to every other
C check. Therefore, the MSG-2 OAMP document recommended that end play checks be
performed every 7,000 flight hours, or 30 months, whichever comes first, and the MSG-3
OAMP document recommended that end play checks be performed every 7,200 flight
hours, or 30 months, whichever comes first.
92 Alaska Airlines’ End Play Check Intervals
At the time of the flight 261 accident, Alaska Airlines’ end play check interval was
every 30 months, or about every 9,550 flight hours. The following is a chronology of acme
screw and nut end play check intervals at Alaska Airlines:
In March 1985, end play checks were scheduled for every other C check,
which were accomplished every 2,500 flight hours; therefore, end play checks
were to be accomplished every 5,000 flight hours.
By July 1988, C-check intervals had been extended to 13 months, with no
accompanying flight-hour limit; therefore, end play checks were to be
accomplished every 26 calendar months, or about every 6,400 flight hours.
In April 1996, C-check intervals were extended to 15 months, or about every
4,775 flight hours. Alaska Airlines’ director of reliability and maintenance
programs testified at the public hearing that this C-check interval extension
was approved after the airline prepared a data package “that looked at five
separate tail numbers [airplanes] that we selected as a stratified sample of the
As stated previously, the MSG-2 recommended C-check interval was 3,500 flight hours, and the
MSG-3 recommended C-check interval was 3,600 flight hours.
Factual Information 48 Aircraft Accident Report
fleet. At that time I believe there were a little over 40 aircraft. We reviewed in
detail all of the nonroutine discrepancies that had been written against the
aircraft during those C checks.” He indicated that individual maintenance tasks
tied to C-check intervals (such as the end play check) were not separately
considered in connection with the extension. However, he stated that based on
the history of maintenance discrepancies noted for the five sample airplanes,
two lubrication tasks were identified as inappropriate for extension along with
the C check, and these tasks were converted to time-controlled (stand-alone)
items to be performed at shorter intervals.
He indicated that all of the
information was submitted to the FAA and that, approximately 1 month later,
the extension was approved and implemented. The end play check interval
remained at every other C check, which was then 30 calendar months, or about
9,550 flight hours.
On April 6, 2000, after the accident, in accordance with ADs 2000-03-51 and
2000-15-15, the end play check became a time-controlled item required to be
performed every 2,000 flight hours. Table 3 shows a comparison of
manufacturer-recommended end play check intervals with Alaska Airlines’
Table 3. Comparison of manufacturer-recommended end play check intervals with
Alaska Airlines’ intervals.
The two tasks identified as requiring shorter intervals based on service history were (1) lubrication of
the bent-up trailing-edge wing doors and (2) lubrication of bearings and bushings in the elevator hinges.
and OAMP
C Check
3,600 flight hours 3,500 flight
hours or 15
comes first
3,600 flight
hours or 15
comes first
3,600 flight
End Play
C check
(3,600 flight hours)
Every other C
(7,000 flight
hours or 30
comes first)
Every other
C check
(7,200 flight
hours or 30
comes first)
Every other
C check
(7,200 flight
Factual Information 49 Aircraft Accident Report Accident Airplane’s Maintenance Information
Alaska Airlines maintenance records documented that the following maintenance
tasks and checks relevant to the jackscrew assembly were performed on the accident
On May 27, 1993, a C check was accomplished at the OAK maintenance
facility. The airplane had accumulated 2,674 flight hours. This C check
included an end play check. Four nonroutine discrepancies were noted and
On April 27, 1994, a C check was accomplished at the OAK maintenance
facility. The airplane had accumulated 5,484 flight hours. No end play check
was required, and no nonroutine discrepancies related to the horizontal
stabilizer were noted.
On May 17, 1995, a C check was accomplished at the OAK maintenance
facility, including an end play check. The airplane had accumulated
9,194 flight hours. Five nonroutine discrepancies related to the horizontal
stabilizer were noted. Maintenance action taken included cleaning the
horizontal stabilizer jackscrew compartment around the vertical stabilizer and
the areas around the right and left elevator hydraulic actuators.
On June 20, 1996, a C check was accomplished at the OAK maintenance
facility. The airplane had accumulated 12,906 flight hours. No end play check
was required. Seven nonroutine discrepancies were noted and corrected. The
records indicated that the elevators and horizontal stabilizer, including the
jackscrew assembly, were lubricated.
Airlines 1985
Airlines 1988
Alaska Airlines
1996 to April
C Check
2,500 flight
13 months
(About 3,200
flight hours)
15 months
(About 4,775
flight hours)
15 months
End Play Check
Every other C
(5,000 flight
Every other C
26 months
(About 6,400
flight hours)
Every other C
30 months
(About 9,550
flight hours)
2,000 flight
a. All carriers currently meet this requirement.
Factual Information 50 Aircraft Accident Report
On February 27, 1997, according to maintenance records, the elevators and
horizontal stabilizer, including the jackscrew assembly, were lubricated at the
SFO maintenance facility.
On September 26, 1997, the airplane entered a C check (which was completed
on October 1, 1997) at the OAK maintenance facility, which included an end
play check.
The airplane had accumulated 17,699 flight hours. The records
indicated that the elevators and horizontal stabilizer, including the jackscrew
assembly, were lubricated. The task card (No. 28312000) specified
Mobilgrease 28 as the lubricant grease.
On June 26, 1998, according to maintenance records, the elevators and
horizontal stabilizer, including the jackscrew assembly, were lubricated at the
SFO maintenance facility. The task card specified Aeroshell 33 as the lubricant
On January 13, 1999, a C check was accomplished at the OAK maintenance
facility. The airplane had accumulated 22,407 flight hours. No end play check
was required. No nonroutine discrepancies related to the horizontal stabilizer
were noted. The records indicated that the elevators and horizontal stabilizer,
including the jackscrew assembly, were lubricated. The task card specified
Aeroshell 33 as the lubricant grease.
On September 24, 1999, according to maintenance records, the elevators and
horizontal stabilizer, including the jackscrew assembly, were lubricated at the
SFO maintenance facility.
The task card specified Aeroshell 33 as the
lubricant grease.
The Safety Board’s review also revealed that, between July 4, 1999, and January 11,
2000, nine A checks were performed on the accident airplane. No nonroutine discrepancies
related to the horizontal stabilizer were noted during any of these inspections. The accident
airplane’s last walk-around checks were performed at Anchorage International Airport,
Anchorage, Alaska, and SEA on January 30, 2000. The airplane’s last service check was
also performed at SEA on January 30, 2000. Accident Airplane’s Last C Check Requiring an End Play Check
As stated previously, the accident airplane entered a C check, which included an
acme screw and nut end play check (and several rechecks), at Alaska Airlines’ OAK
maintenance facility
on September 26, 1997. Completion of the C check and estimated
time of release was scheduled for September 30, 1997, at 2300. According to Alaska
For more details about the September 1997 C check, including the end play measurement, see
Alaska Airlines maintenance records indicated that this was the last time that the accident airplane’s
jackscrew assembly was lubricated.
The Alaska Airlines OAK maintenance facility operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The work day
is divided into the following three shifts: the graveyard shift, from about 2230 to 0630; the day shift, from
about 0600 to 1430; and the swing shift, from about 1430 to 2300.
Factual Information 51 Aircraft Accident Report
Airlines records, on September 30, 1997, the estimated time of release was changed to
October 1
at 2300. According to the October 2
graveyard-shift turnover plan, the
accident airplane was released on October 2
at 2300. The following items were noted
during the Safety Board’s review of Alaska Airlines maintenance records for this
C check:
September 27
(Saturday)—a nonroutine work card (MIG-4) was generated
following an initial end play check on the accident airplane by a day-shift
mechanic and an inspector. The MIG-4 noted the following discrepancy:
“Horizontal Stab—acme screw and nut has maximum allowable end play limit
(.040 in.).” The “planned action” box, which was filled out by the day-shift
lead mechanic and inspector, stated, “Replace nut and perform
E.O. 8-55-10-01.” The swing-shift supervisor also signed off on the planned
action. See figure 11.
Figure 11. The September 27, 1997, MIG-4.
All of the shift turnover plans were available except for the September 27 and 28, 2000, day-shift
turnover plans. When asked by Safety Board investigators why these shift turnover plans were not available,
Alaska Airlines responded that they were most likely not generated because of personnel problems at the
Factual Information 52 Aircraft Accident Report
September 28
(Sunday)—according to the day-shift turnover plan, the
horizontal stabilizer was lubricated per task card No. 24312000 (which called
for Mobilgrease 28).
The swing-shift lead mechanic made the following
entry in the swing-shift turnover plan: “Ref MIG…horz stab:…get copy of
E.O. & see what we need to do & order.” The swing-shift turnover plan also
contained the following entry related to the tail area: “N/R’s [nonroutines],
lube & treat C/W [complied with], still parts to order.”
September 29
(Monday)—the graveyard-shift lead mechanic made several
entries in the graveyard-shift turnover plan, including “continue parts ordering
“need copy of E.O. 8-55-10-01 for horiz stab acme screw and nut
excessive end play,” and “Tuesday [September 30
] departure looks doubtful.”
The day-shift turnover plan contained the following entry related to the tail
area: “E.O. 8-55-10-01 needed for acme screw nut [excessive] end play.” The
swing-shift lead mechanic made the following entry on the swing-shift
turnover plan: “re-do acme screw [check] to confirm problem…E.O. # is
…have [dayshift]…follow up.”
September 30
(Tuesday)—the graveyard-shift lead mechanic marked through
the line on the MIG-4 that called for replacement of the jackscrew assembly
and wrote, “re-evaluate test per WC [work card] 24627000.” A different
mechanic and inspector made an entry in the MIG-4’s “corrective action”
section, which stated, “Rechecked acme screw and nut end play per WC
24627000. Found end play to be within limits .033 for step 11 and .001 for step
12. Rechecked five times with same result.” (See figure 11.) The MIG-4 was
then reviewed by the graveyard-shift lead mechanic, who made the following
entry in the graveyard-shift turnover plan: “stabilizer jackscrew acme nut
C/W.” The day-shift lead mechanic noted in the day-shift turnover plan, “tail
close – I/W.”
The day-shift turnover plan also noted, “partial O.K. to close
up.” The swing-shift turnover plan noted, “tail close (I/W).”
Alaska Airlines maintenance records did not include the task card for the lubrication of the horizontal
stabilizer. Because lubrication of the jackscrew assembly was a “repeated” maintenance item, the
maintenance records only contained a complete task card for the most recent lubrication on September 24,
1999, at SFO.
Alaska Airlines officials stated that jackscrew assemblies were not stocked as inventory items at the
time of this C check and were only available through third-party vendors. Alaska Airlines’ director of safety,
quality control, and training told Safety Board investigators that “we do not believe a jackscrew was
ordered. Our procedures call for the creation of a ‘field requisition’ whenever we order aircraft parts that are
not in stock, such as the subject jackscrew.” He added that field requisitions are noted in a field request log.
He stated that a review of requisitions and logs related to the C check found no “jackscrew components
listed in these documents. Based on this information, we do not believe a jackscrew or jackscrew
components were ordered.” He added, “we believe that the reference in the planned action to ‘replace nut’
caused some confusion since the nut should only be replaced as part of the jackscrew assembly…We also
believe that the incorrect reference in the MIG-4 to perform E.O. 8-55-10-01 caused further confusion and
interrupted the normal parts ordering process.”
The E.O. reference number was incorrect because it applied to another airplane model.
“I/W” generally means “in accordance with.”
Factual Information 53 Aircraft Accident Report
October 1
(Wednesday)—the graveyard-shift turnover plan noted, “[tail] close
up needs work, 2 items closed without QA [quality assurance] OK.”
day-shift turnover plan noted, “tail closed up.”
October 2
(Thursday)—the graveyard-shift turnover plan noted that the
accident airplane “departed 0300 local time, so far so good.” Maintenance Personnel Statements Regarding the Accident
Airplane’s Last End Play Check
During postaccident interviews, the Alaska Airlines mechanic who conducted the
end play check on September 27, 1997, stated that he did not recall what end play
measurements were obtained, adding, “I don’t remember the exact number, but it was
below 40 [thousandths of an inch] I believe.” He stated that he had previously
accomplished about six end play checks and that “the ones I have done were well below
the limits.” He explained that during the procedure, “while I’m torqueing, he’s [the
inspector] looking at the dial indicator gauge.” He also stated that he could not recall how
many measurements were taken during the procedure. He stated that he noted the
discrepancy on the MIG-4, adding that he did not consider the measurement to be beyond
allowable limits. Referring to the decision to generate the MIG-4, he stated, “I don’t really
remember why. But, you know, maybe…maybe to have somebody take a look…you
know, like a second opinion, maybe.”
The September 27
day-shift inspector who was working with the mechanic
(noting dial indicator readings) and who wrote the “planned action” instructions to replace
the jackscrew assembly stated that he considered a 0.040-inch end play check result to be
“at the end of the limit.” He added, “It’s not in excess. I would consider anything over 40
thousandths to be excess. So 40 thousandths would be right on the edge. How much
further do you have to go before you’re out of limits, especially if you got another two
years before you’re going to check it again?” The mechanic stated that he had never
encountered similar wear during other end play checks and added the following:
I’ve worked on every MD-80 that Alaska Airlines owns extensively. I have never
come across any jackscrew that was worn to that extent. And we have aircraft, at
that time we had aircraft that were 15 years old. We have what would be a
relatively young aircraft [the accident airplane] that, for whatever reason, is, if it’s
at its limit or if it’s at the end…it has a significant amount more wear than I’ve
ever noticed in the past, and that’s compared against aircraft that are three times
its age.
The September 30
graveyard-shift lead mechanic who crossed out the planned
action to replace the jackscrew assembly stated that he did so “because the MIG should
not have been generated to begin with. There shouldn’t have been a[n] MIG at all for the
problem because it was within the allowable limits on the work card.” He stated that he
The Safety Board’s investigation did not determine which two items were closed without quality
assurance approval because Alaska Airlines records did not provide this information.
Factual Information 54 Aircraft Accident Report
ordered a recheck of the end play “to take it one step beyond and prove that, in fact, it was
as stated in the spec, 0.040 or less.” He added the following:
At that point in time, the planned action was inappropriate for the discrepancy.
The discrepancy should have never existed. It fell within the work card limits, so,
therefore, the discrepancy should have never been written. The planned action
was inappropriate and…we could have opted to go ahead and sign it off right then
and there. But I opted to re-evaluate to make sure that the limits stated were, in
fact, either at 0.040 or below.
The inspector who worked with the mechanic who performed the recheck on
September 30
stated that he had performed about three end play checks and never
encountered results that were not within limits. He stated that the recheck “verified that
the jackscrew was within limits.” The mechanic who performed the recheck stated that all
five end play measurements of 0.033 inch, as noted on the MIG-4, were “within a
thousandths of it.” He stated that the inspector and the lead mechanic were present during
the recheck procedure.
1.7 Meteorological Information
According to the automatic terminal information service weather information
recorded by the CVR at 1559:50, the following LAX weather conditions were current
beginning about 1550:
Wind two three zero at eight. Visibility eight. Few clouds at two thousand eight
hundred. One two thousand scattered. Ceiling two zero thousand overcast
temperature one six dew point one one. Altimeter three zero one seven.
Simultaneous ILS [instrument landing system] approaches in progress runway
two four right and two five left or vector for visual approach will be provided.
Simultaneous visual approaches to all runways are in progress and parallel
localizer approaches are in progress between Los Angeles International and
Hawthorne airports. Simultaneous instrument departure in progress runway two
four and two five.
1.8 Aids to Navigation
No problems with navigational aids were reported.
1.9 Communications
No external communication difficulties were reported.
Factual Information 55 Aircraft Accident Report
1.10 Airport Information
Not applicable.
1.11 Flight Recorders
1.11.1 Cockpit Voice Recorder
The accident airplane was equipped with a Fairchild model A-100A CVR,
S/N 62892. On February 2, 2000, the CVR was transported to the Safety Board’s
Washington, D.C., headquarters for readout and evaluation.
The exterior case was
severely damaged by impact forces, but it had not been punctured. The tape and spool
were wet but were otherwise intact and in good condition. The recording comprised four
channels of good quality audio information:
one channel contained audio information
recorded by the cockpit area microphone (CAM),
one channel contained audio
information recorded by the public address system, and the other two channels contained
audio information recorded through the radio/intercom selector panels at the captain and
first officer positions. The CVR recording began about 1549:49 during cruise flight and
ended about 1620:57, when the airplane impacted the water. A transcript was prepared of
the 31-minute recording (see appendix B). CVR Sound Spectrum Study
The Safety Board further examined the audio information recorded by the four
CVR channels using a spectrum analyzer (which provides a visual representation of the
frequency of the sound signals) and a computer signal analyzer (which allows analysis of
the analog wave form and frequency content of the sounds and provides detailed timing
information of the events).
The Safety Board analyzed the sound of two distinct “clicks” recorded on the CVR
(referred to as “snaps” in the sound spectrum study report). The first click was recorded at
1549:54.8 and lasted about 0.01 second.
The first click was compared with a second
The CVR was transported to Safety Board headquarters immersed in water in a sealed, plastic
The Safety Board ranks the quality of CVR recordings in five categories: excellent, good, fair, poor
and unusable. In a recording of good quality, most of the crew conversations can be accurately and easily
understood. The transcript that was developed might indicate several words or phrases that were not
intelligible. Any loss in the transcript can be attributed to minor technical difficulties or momentary dropouts
in the recording system or to a large number of simultaneous cockpit/radio transmissions that obscure each
The CAM is mounted in the overhead panel between the captain and first officer. The CAM is
designed to capture sounds and conversations in the cockpit whenever the CVR is powered.
According to the FDR, the autopilot disengaged about 1549:56.
Factual Information 56 Aircraft Accident Report
click recorded at 1609:14.8 (just before the accident airplane’s initial dive),
and the
Board determined that the two sounds had identical frequency and energy characteristics.
The Safety Board also analyzed several distinct, very faint “thump” sounds
recorded on the CAM channel. A set of thump sounds was recorded at 1609:16.9 (also just
before the accident airplane’s initial dive) and comprised two distinct thumps that were
about 0.4 second apart. A series of distinct thumps was recorded at 1619:21.1 and
comprised four thumps that were less than 0.1 second apart
and were recorded about
15 seconds before the second and final dive occurred at 1619:36.6. Analysis determined
that all of the thumps had low-to-mid range frequency characteristics, which were not
consistent with impulse sounds associated with metal-to-metal tapping or metal
failure/tearing sounds. The frequency characteristics were determined to be similar to
sounds produced by airflow.
The Safety Board conducted a test to determine whether the failure of the acme
screw torque tube would produce sounds consistent with those recorded on the CVR. In
the laboratory, a hydraulic ram was used to pull the torque tube to failure, and the sounds
associated with the torque tube failure were recorded.
The sounds recorded during the
test were then compared with the sounds recorded on the accident airplane’s CVR.
Comparison of the data determined that the sound signatures recorded during the failure
test did not match any of the sound signatures recorded by the accident airplane’s CVR.
1.11.2 Flight Data Recorder
The accident airplane was equipped with a Sundstrand Data Control Universal
FDR, S/N 9182. The FDR recorded information digitally on eight tracks using a
1/4-inch-wide magnetic tape that had a recording duration of 25 hours. On February 3,
2000, the FDR was transported to the Safety Board’s Washington, D.C., headquarters for
readout and evaluation. Although the FDR’s outer protective case was severely damaged
by high-impact forces, data were retrieved and analyzed.
The FDR began recording data
from the accident flight about 1332 (after airplane startup and shortly before takeoff).
During its examination of the data, the Safety Board determined that two
parameters, angle-of-attack and left brake-pressure, were not functioning properly and
were recording faulty engineering values.
According to the FDR, the autopilot disengaged about 1609:16.
These four thump sounds were referred to as the “sound of faint thump” in the CVR transcript.
Although the Safety Board could not determine the direct source of the sounds, they were similar to
sounds recorded during previously conducted flight tests involving wake vortex encounters.
The data were collected using a calibrated sound pressure transducer and an accelerometer attached to
a mount used to hold the torque tube in place during the test.
For information on airplane performance studies based on an analysis of the FDR data, see sections
1.16.1 and
Factual Information 57 Aircraft Accident Report
1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information
1.12.1 General
The on-site phase of the investigation, including wreckage recovery, examination,
and documentation, was accomplished between February 1 and March 15, 2000.
Throughout most of the on-site investigation, remote-operated vehicles and side-scan
sonar equipment were used to search the underwater debris field.
The majority of the
debris field was cleared using the remote-operated vehicles to either load baskets with, or
wrap cables around, the wreckage. In the late stages of wreckage recovery, a commercial
trawler was used to drag the ocean bottom and recover smaller wreckage pieces.
All of
the recovered wreckage was unloaded at Port Hueneme, California, for examination and
About 85 percent of the fuselage was recovered. The largest sections were from
below the airplane’s floor line. The fuselage’s upper crown structure was broken into
smaller pieces and had substantial compression damage. The recovered fuselage segments
increased in size from the forward section of the airplane (where they were the smallest) to
the aft section of the airplane (where they were the largest).
No evidence indicated any pre- or postimpact fire damage. Fractures found on
pieces of fuselage wreckage were consistent with failures generated by high-energy
impact. Examination of the fracture surfaces found no evidence of preexisting cracking or
foreign impact damage.
The majority of both wings were recovered. The right wing exhibited more
damage than the left wing.
About 85 percent of the empennage, which comprises the horizontal and vertical
stabilizers and the engines, was recovered. Most of the horizontal stabilizer was
recovered, including the center box and the left and right outer sections. All of the
empennage’s control surfaces were recovered except for a 4-foot section of the left
elevator and the geared tab.
The Safety Board examined the horizontal stabilizer wreckage for evidence of
preimpact failures and structural damage that might have occurred during the accident
flight. Damage and/or witness marks on the horizontal stabilizer were visually examined
to determine what degree of horizontal stabilizer movement (travel) would have been
necessary to create the witness marks or damage.
Floating wreckage debris was recovered throughout the on-site phase of the investigation.
Side-scan sonar searching preceded the underwater wreckage recovery to determine the boundaries of
the underwater debris field, which was spread over a 1/4-mile area of the ocean bottom at a depth of about
700 feet.
About 15 percent of the wreckage was recovered using this method. Ten percent of the wreckage was
not recovered.
Factual Information 58 Aircraft Accident Report
The horizontal stabilizer was found fragmented into several pieces. The right side
of the horizontal stabilizer was more fragmented than the left side. A 1.5-foot section of
the vertical stabilizer was found attached to the horizontal stabilizers pivot fitting lugs.
The bottom side of both lugs were scraped, and the grease fittings located on the bottom
side of each lug were found sheared off. Examination determined that the leading edge of
the horizontal stabilizer would have to rotate up to a position about 16.2° leading edge up
for the grease fittings to sheer off. The adjacent vertical stabilizer pivot structure had
contact marks (in line with the grease fitting location) consistent with the leading edge of
the horizontal stabilizer having rotated to a position of about 80°. The vertical stabilizer
was found fragmented, consistent with high-energy impact damage. The vertical
stabilizers tip fairing was recovered broken into two segments. The recovered segments
of the vertical stabilizer’s tip fairing were placed together, and the two fracture surfaces
were matched. The forward 25 percent of the vertical tip fairing was not recovered.
Examination of the matched fairings portions showed upward deformation damage that
was also consistent with the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer having rotated to a
position of about 80°.
The horizontal stabilizer front spar lower cap had a 1.5-inch semicircular
indentation about 3.5 inches left of the centerline, consistent with contact by the acme
screw. The jackscrew assembly side attachment plates were bent about 1.25 inches to the
left, and the side plate lugs were partially fractured, consistent with high-energy impact
Both engines were recovered separated. The left (No. 1) engine was found
separated into three sections at the high-speed compressor.
No evidence indicated an
engine fire or an uncontained engine failure. Examination of the recovered compressor
groups from the left engine revealed marks and signatures consistent with the engine
producing significant rotational energy at impact. The thrust reverser was found in the
stowed position.
The right (No. 2) engine was recovered in one piece except for the entire fan front
and rear cases, which were not recovered. None of the recovered fan blades exhibited
significant blade tip rubbing. No evidence indicated integral fan hub and disk distress or
rupture. No evidence indicated an engine fire or an uncontained engine failure. The
recovered compressor blades and vanes did not exhibit signs of distress from engine
rotation. Examination of the recovered compressor groups from the right engine revealed
signatures consistent with the engine producing little rotational energy at impact. The
thrust reverser was found in the stowed position.
1.12.2 Horizontal Stabilizer Jackscrew Assembly Components
The main supporting elements of the horizontal stabilizer jackscrew assembly
were found intact and attached to the horizontal stabilizers front spar. The acme screw
was found cracked but attached to the support assembly. Metallic filaments were found
The high-speed compressor was not recovered.
Factual Information 59 Aircraft Accident Report
wrapped around the central part of the acme screw.
(Figures 12a and 12b show the acme
screw immediately after it was brought on board the recovery ship and immediately after
it was brought to shore, respectively; figure 12c shows the acme screw during initial
inspection.) The acme screw was rinsed with fresh water immediately after its recovery by
directing the water from a hose similar to a garden hose over the gearbox and allowing the
water to flow down over the screw. To preserve the acme screw and the thread remnants
wrapped around the screw in their as-recovered condition, the stream of water used to
rinse the screw was not directly sprayed on it. The acme screw might have been rinsed
again with a garden-type hose after it was brought to shore.
Figure 12a. The acme screw immediately after it was brought on board the recovery ship.
These metallic filaments were later identified as acme nut thread remnants. After initial mechanical
and metallurgical examinations, the acme screw, thread remnants, and acme nut were removed from the
surrounding structure and sent to the Safety Board’s Materials Laboratory for examination. For details about
the metallurgical examinations of these components, see section 1.16.2.
Factual Information 60 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 12b. The acme screw immediately after it was brought to shore.
Factual Information 61 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 12c. The acme screw during initial inspection.
The upper mechanical stop was found attached to the splines of the acme screw,
and the clamp bolt for this stop was in place. The lower mechanical stop and its clamp bolt
were recovered as a separate unit from the acme screw. Several impact/scrape marks were
found on the upper surface of the lower mechanical stop, and a round impact mark was
found on the lower surface of the stop. Evidence of damage to the splines on the inside
diameter of the lower mechanical stop was observed.
The portion of the torque tube that extended beyond the lower end of the acme
screw was fractured. The lower end of the torque tube, the torque tube nut washer, and the
torque tube nut were not recovered.
The acme nut and gimbal assembly were found attached in the vertical stabilizer
structure. The gimbal assembly was found to be movable on both rotational axes, except
in areas distorted by surrounding structure.
The primary trim motor was found detached from the differential gearbox, but it
was mostly intact. The alternate gearbox was found attached to the primary motor along
with a portion of the upper housing of the differential gearbox. Both electrical connectors
to the primary motor were present; however, the connection wires were missing.
For more information about the damage to the splines on the inside diameter of the lower mechanical
stop, see section
Factual Information 62 Aircraft Accident Report
All recovered pieces of the accident airplane’s primary trim motor were examined.
No evidence of any thermal damage was noted. The primary trim motors auxiliary
gearbox was removed from the motor, disassembled, and examined. No evidence
indicated any preimpact mechanical damage.
All recovered pieces of the accident
airplane’s alternate trim motor were examined. Impact damage and gouging were
predominantly located toward the left rear portion of the motor. No evidence indicated any
preimpact mechanical damage.
The primary up-trim relay, the down-trim relay, the up-trim brake relay, the
down-trim brake relay, and the trim brake override switch were examined. No evidence of
thermal damage or excessive wear was observed on either the down-trim or the up-trim
relay contacts. Corrosion was observed on all metal components of both trim relays. No
evidence of any preimpact mechanical malfunction was found on either relay.
Examination and testing of the up-trim and down-trim brake relays found no evidence of
any preimpact mechanical malfunction or abnormal wear. An electrical continuity check
of the trim brake override switch determined that it was in the neutral position. No
evidence indicated any preimpact mechanical malfunction.
1.13 Medical and Pathological Information
Tissue specimens from both pilots were transported to the FAAs Civil Aerospace
Medical Institute laboratory for toxicological analysis. The laboratory performed its
routine analysis for major drugs of abuse
and prescription and over-the-counter
medications, and the results were negative. Although the analysis detected ethanol in the
tissue specimens of both pilots, the analysis report noted that the ethanol found was
consistent with postmortem ethanol production.
1.14 Fire
There was no evidence of an in-flight fire.
1.15 Survival Aspects
The airplane was destroyed by high-impact forces, and no occupiable space
remained intact. The Ventura County, California, Coroners report stated that all of the
accident airplane’s occupants died as a result of blunt force impact trauma.
According to the manufacturer of the primary trim motor (Sunstrand), it had overhauled the accident
airplane’s primary trim motor on February 22, 1994, and again on October 4, 1996.
The five drugs of abuse tested are marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine, and amphetamines.
Factual Information 63 Aircraft Accident Report
1.16 Tests and Research
1.16.1 Airplane Performance
The Safety Board used FDR, CVR, ATC transcript, and radar
data to determine
the accident airplane’s motions and performance during the accident sequence. These data
(and associated calculations) indicated the following:
The last horizontal stabilizer movement before the initial dive was recorded at
1349:51 (about 2 hours and 20 minutes before the initial dive) during the
climbout from PVR when the airplane was climbing through approximately
23,400 feet at 331 KIAS. At that time, the horizontal stabilizer moved from
0.25° to 0.4° airplane nose down.
Following the horizontal stabilizer movement at 1359:51, the airplane
continued to climb at 330 KIAS. The airplane began to level off at
approximately 26,000 feet and slowed to 320 KIAS. At 1351:51, the airplane
began to climb again, and, by 1352:50, it had slowed to about 285 KIAS as it
climbed to approximately 28,600 feet and then leveled off.
At 1353:12, the airplane was at approximately 28,557 feet and 296 KIAS, and
the autopilot disengaged.
The airplane began to climb at a much slower rate over the next 7 minutes.
During this part of the ascent, the elevators were deflected between -1° and -3°,
and the airplane was flown manually using up to 50 pounds of pulling force.
By 1400:00, the airplane had reached an altitude of approximately 31,050 feet.
For about the next 24 minutes, the airplane was flown manually using
approximately 30 pounds of pulling force while maintaining level flight at
280 KIAS. Starting at 1424:30, the airspeed increased, eventually reaching
301 KIAS,
at which time the airplane was flown using about 10 pounds of
pulling force. At 1546:59, the autopilot was re-engaged.
At 1609:16, the autopilot disengaged, and the CVR recorded the sound of a
clunk. At 1609:16.9, the CVR recorded the sound of two faint thumps in
succession. During the 3 to 4 seconds after the autopilot was disengaged, the
horizontal stabilizer moved from 0.4° airplane nose down to a recorded
position of 2.5° airplane nose down,
and the airplane began to pitch down,
starting a dive that lasted about 80 seconds as the airplane went from
approximately 31,050 feet to between 23,000 and 24,000 feet. During the
Air Route Sur\veillance Radar data were obtained from the FAAs Los Angeles ARTCC, and Airport
Surveillance Radar data were collected from several airport facilities in the Southern California Terminal
Radar Control area and from the U.S. Air Force 84
Radar Evaluation Squadron.
The flight plan called for a cruise speed of 283 knots calibrated airspeed.
The horizontal stabilizer remained at the recorded position of 2.5° until the last minute of the flight.
For details about simulation studies conducted by the Safety Board to determine the actual position of the
horizontal stabilizer during this time, see section
Factual Information 64 Aircraft Accident Report
movement of the horizontal stabilizer, the CVR recorded the sound of the
stabilizer-in-motion tone for 3 to 4 seconds. During the next several seconds,
the load factor oscillated between 0.4 and 1.0 G, and the elevators moved to the
trailing-edge-up direction from -0.4° to -7.0°,
consistent with control inputs
being made to bring the nose up.
By 1609:42, the airplane had descended to approximately 29,450 feet and had
accelerated to about 322 KIAS. At this time, the airplane’s pitch angle was
-7.9° airplane nose down, and the elevators had moved to about a -8° position.
The speed brakes deployed 1 second later and remained deployed for the next
1 minute 30 seconds.
At 1610:00, the airplane was accelerating through 343 KIAS (the airplane’s
maximum allowable airspeed). At 1610:01.9, the CVR recorded the sound of
the overspeed warning.
By 1610:16, the airplane had accelerated to 353 KIAS, the maximum airspeed
it reached during the initial dive, and this airspeed remained nearly constant
until 1610:23 as the airplane was descending through 24,200 feet. By this time,
the airplane’s pitch angle had increased from -8° to -5° airplane nose down,
and the elevators had moved to about a -11° position.
About 1611:13, the speed brakes were stowed. By this time, the airplane’s
airspeed had decreased to 262 KIAS, and the airplane was maintaining an
altitude of approximately 24,400 feet with a pitch angle of 4.4°. During the
next 10 seconds, the airplane’s airspeed decreased to 254 KIAS. The airplane
remained between 23,000 and 24,000 feet for the next 5 minutes, and the
airspeed gradually increased to 335 KIAS. During this period, elevator
movements ranged from between -7° to -9°. Airplane performance calculations
indicated that a control column force of between about 130 and 140 pounds
was required to recover from the dive.
At 1614:44, the speed brakes deployed again, and the airplane’s airspeed began
to decrease.
At 1617:50, the speed brakes were being stowed. By this time, the airplane had
leveled off at approximately 18,000 feet, and the airspeed had decreased to 253
KIAS. At this time, the elevators were operating between -10° and -13°, and
the airplane’s pitch angle was between -2° and 0°, with a constant indicated
horizontal stabilizer angle of 2.5° airplane nose down.
At 1617:54, the CVR recorded the captain order deployment of the slats.
About 1618:00, when the airplane was passing through 17,800 feet at
252 KIAS, the FDR recorded the extension of the leading edge slats.
About 1618:05, the CVR recorded the captain order deployment of the flaps.
About 3 seconds later, the flaps began extending to 11°, and the airspeed
The available range of the airplane’s elevators is from +15° to -25°.
As stated previously, this estimated force could be applied by either the captain, the first officer, or
Factual Information 65 Aircraft Accident Report
decreased about 4 knots. The flaps remained at this value for about 20 seconds,
during which time the airplane’s pitch angle was about 0°, with changes of less
than 1°. About 1618:26, the CVR recorded the captain order retraction of the
slats and flaps. During the 50 seconds after retraction of the slats and flaps, the
airplane’s indicated airspeed increased from 245 to 270 knots, and the airplane
climbed from approximately 17,400 to 17,900 feet with a pitch angle of about
Beginning at 1619:09, the FDR recorded small oscillations in elevator angle,
pitch angle, and vertical acceleration values for about 15 seconds.
At 1619:21, the CVR recorded the sound of a faint thump. At 1619:21.5, the
FDR recorded a 0.09° change, from 2.51° to 2.60°, in the horizontal stabilizer
position (this was the first change in recorded horizontal stabilizer position
since the one that coincided with the airplane’s initial dive from 31,050 feet
about 10 minutes earlier) and elevator deflections increasing from -9° to -13°.
Pitch angle and elevator oscillations ceased 2 seconds after the stabilizer
position changed.
At 1619:29, the CVR recorded the captain order redeployment of the slats and
flaps. At 1619:35, when the airplane was at an altitude of 17,900 feet, an
indicated airspeed of 270 knots, and a pitch angle of 2°, the flaps were
transitioning from 7° to 11°.
At 1619:36, the left elevator value was -12°, the right elevator value was -11°,
and the load factor was 1 G. At 1619:36.6, the CVR recorded an extremely
loud noise, and the FDR recorded a right elevator position of -25°.
1619:36.6, the load factor had increased to 1.45 Gs. At 1619:36.9, the pitch
angle began to change to the airplane-nose-down direction, and the load factor
decreased to 0.67 G. At this time, radar data detected several small primary
returns. Within 3 seconds, the load factor quickly decreased to -3 Gs. The next
several seconds of FDR data indicated a maximum airplane-nose-down pitch
rate of nearly 25° per second.
By 1619:40, the airplane was rolling left wing down, and the rudder was
deflected 3° to the right.
By 1619:42, the airplane had reached its maximum valid recorded
airplane-nose-down pitch angle of -70°, and the load factor had increased to
-1.45 Gs. At this time, the roll angle was passing through -76° left wing down.
During the next 2 seconds, the load factor decreased to -2.1 Gs.
By 1619:45, the load factor had increased to -1.75 Gs, the pitch angle had
increased to -28°, and the airplane had rolled to a -180° inverted position.
Further, the airplane had descended to approximately 16,420 feet, and the
indicated airspeed had decreased to 208 knots.
All subsequent recorded elevator values exceeded the physical ranges of the airplane’s elevator
system and were considered invalid.
Factual Information 66 Aircraft Accident Report
At 1619:54, the left aileron moved to more than 16° (to command right wing
down), and, during the next 6 seconds, moved in the opposite direction to -13°
(to command left wing down).
At 1619:57, the rudder was returned to the near 0° position, the flaps were
retracted, and the airplane was rolling through -150° with an
airplane-nose-down pitch angle of -9°.
After 1619:57, the airplane remained near inverted, and its pitch oscillated in
the nose-down position until it impacted the ocean. FDR data indicated large
rudder and aileron movements during the final minute before impact. Further,
engine pressure ratio
parameters fluctuated erratically during the final dive,
which is consistent with airflow disturbances associated with extreme
angles-of-attack. Airplane Performance Simulation Studies
The Safety Board conducted several performance studies to reproduce, in
simulation models, the flight data parameters on the accident airplane’s FDR using the
same control inputs recorded on the FDR (for example, aileron, elevator, horizontal
stabilizer angle, and engine torque). Additionally, kinematics studies
using MD-80
aerodynamic data obtained from Boeing calculated the control deflections required to
match the airplane response on the FDR. These calculations provided an estimate of
control inputs for use in simulations when control inputs recorded on the FDR did not
produce the same response in the simulations as those recorded on the FDR. These
kinematics calculations also provided the tension load on the jackscrew assembly.
The airplane performance studies focused on the airplane’s initial dive
(about 1609:16), which occurred after the autopilot was disengaged, and the second and
final dive (about 1619:37), which occurred after an extremely loud noise was recorded by
the CVR. Results of simulation and kinematics studies indicated that, before the autopilot
was disengaged, the values recorded for the horizontal stabilizer, elevator, aileron, and
rudder produced the same airplane responses as those recorded on the FDR during cruise
flight. After the autopilot was disengaged and the airplane subsequently pitched down, the
simulation results showed considerable discrepancies between FDR data and simulated
airplane response. With the use of the recorded horizontal stabilizer angle, simulations
were conducted using control inputs based on those recorded by the FDR. The simulations
showed that the airplane would have recovered quickly and climbed using the stabilizer
angle and elevator positions and movements recorded on the FDR, indicating that
recorded values of the longitudinal controls were not accurate representations of the actual
positions on the accident airplane after the initial dive.
Engine pressure is a measure of engine thrust, comparing total turbine discharge pressure to the total
pressure of the air entering the compressor.
Kinematics is a process that involves fitting curves through available FDR data (such as heading,
pitch, and roll) and calculating accelerations, forces, and moments from these rates. The flight control
surface positions required to match the FDR angular and position data are then calculated using
aerodynamic data for the airplane that have been provided by the manufacturer.
Factual Information 67 Aircraft Accident Report
Kinematics studies were conducted to account for the discrepancies between the
FDR data and the simulation results. One study assumed that the stabilizer value was
accurate and calculated the elevator movement required to match the FDR-recorded
values. A second study assumed that the elevator values were accurate and calculated the
stabilizer movement required to match the FDR-recorded values. Simulations indicated
favorable matching with FDR values using a constant, increased offset in the horizontal
stabilizer position compared with the recorded elevator position. On the basis of these
findings, further kinematics and simulator studies assumed that the elevator positions
recorded by the FDR after the initial dive were accurate and that the recorded horizontal
stabilizer positions recorded by the FDR were inaccurate.
Results of kinematics and simulation studies indicated that the accident airplane’s
performance was consistent with the horizontal stabilizer position moving beyond the 2.5°
airplane-nose-down value recorded on the FDR during the initial dive (causing the
airplane to pitch nose down as recorded, assuming the elevator positions were as recorded
on the FDR). Kinematics study results indicated a relatively steady and consistent
airplane-nose-down horizontal stabilizer angle in the 10 minutes between the initial dive
and the second dive, followed by a large increase in stabilizer angle at about the time valid
elevator data were lost on the FDR and the loud noise was recorded on the CVR.
Calculated tension loads on the acme screw between the first and second dives were
considerably larger than the loads encountered in the normal operational envelope.
The studies indicated that the performance of the accident airplane during the second dive
was consistent with the horizontal stabilizer moving quickly to a higher leading-edge-up
position (which corresponds to airplane nose down) of at least 14° just after the loud noise
was recorded by the CVR.
1.16.2 Metallurgical Examinations
The Safety Board’s metallurgical investigation included on-scene and laboratory
examinations. Initially, recovered wreckage was examined at a dockside facility at Port
Hueneme, California, from February 9 to 11, 2000. Metallurgical examinations focused on
the horizontal stabilizer, the jackscrew assembly, and related components. After the
on-scene examinations concluded, laboratory examinations were conducted at the Safety
Board’s Materials Laboratory, Washington, D.C.; the Boeing Commercial Aircraft
Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory, Long Beach, California; and Integrated
Aerospace, Santa Ana, California. Horizontal Stabilizer Forward Spar
The jackscrew assembly (not including the lower mechanical stop, the lower end
of the torque tube, the torque tube retaining nut and washer, and the trim motors) was
recovered attached to the front of the horizontal stabilizer forward spar.
Spar brackets
through which the acme screw attachment bolts pass were found severely bent. The lower
The jackscrew assembly is attached to spar brackets on the front of the horizontal stabilizer by six
bolts, three on each side of the spar.
Factual Information 68 Aircraft Accident Report
legs of both brackets were fractured at bend locations. A visual inspection determined that
the fractures were consistent with overstress separations. Acme Screw
Several contact marks were found on the acme screw surface. A downward-facing,
C-shaped contact mark on cadmium plating was found overlaying one end of a crack at
the upper end of the acme screw. An inspection of the adjacent horizontal stabilizer
structure found a mating dent in the horizontal stabilizer forward spars lower flange. The
spar flange dent was smoothly curved with a radius that matched the acme screw at the
C-shaped contact mark location. A visual inspection also determined that the upper end of
the acme screw had contacted the bore of the pass-through hole in the lower gearbox
support plate. Marks indicated several major impacts at various aft positions and minor
impacts at the forward positions within the bore.
Corrosion pitting and red rust areas were found along most of the acme screw’s
length, with the heaviest areas of corrosion and rust along its lower half. Large areas of the
acme screw were also found covered by white deposits, which chemical analysis
determined were consistent with corrosion debris from the magnesium gearbox case
attached to the top of the acme screw assembly. Figure 13 shows the acme screw thread
remnants wrapped around the screw, the red rust areas, and the white deposits.
Figure 13. A photograph of the acme screw thread remnants wrapped around the screw,
the red rust areas, and the white deposits.
Factual Information 69 Aircraft Accident Report
On-scene visual and tactile inspections by Safety Board metallurgists of the acme
screw’s threaded areas found no evidence of grease in any condition, either semi-fluid
(that is, fresh) or solid/dry (that is, old or degraded), or other lubricants in the central
“working region” of the screw threads.
Laboratory examinations found small flakes of
dried and hardened grease attached to some of the thread remnants in this region. The
acme screw’s lower threads (which are outside of the working region) were found partially
packed with a mixture consistent with sand and grease. (Figure 14 shows the sand/grease
mixture packed between the acme screw’s lower threads.) Parts of the acme screw’s upper
six to eight threads had an oily sheen, and small deposits of greaselike material were found
between the threads.
Figure 14. A photograph of the sand/grease mixture packed between the acme screw’s
lower threads.
The acme screw working region is that part of the screw that can come in contact with the acme nut
during its operation between the upper and lower electrical stop limits.
Factual Information 70 Aircraft Accident Report
The acme screw was locally bent about 5° at the point of a crack in the area of the
C-shaped contact mark above the acme screw threads and below the upper stop splines.
The crack was gapped open about 1/16 inch and extended about 270° around the acme
screw’s circumference. An initial visual inspection of the crack surfaces and subsequent
microscopic laboratory examination determined that the crack was on a 45° plane,
consistent with an overstress fracture. No evidence indicated any preexisting cracks.
The acme screw was cleaned with soap and water for more detailed laboratory
examination. Cleaning removed most of the dried and hardened grease and some of the
white magnesium deposits; however, most of the red-rusted, corrosion-pitted areas
remained. Laboratory examination revealed that there was less pitting at the upper and
lower parts of the acme screw where the screw’s black-oxide coating was more intact.
No wear was visible on the flanks of the acme screw’s 10 lower and 7 upper threads. The
upper flanks of the threads in the working region showed evidence of polishing and
removal of the black-oxide coating that increased toward the center of the acme screw.
Examination of the surfaces through the black-oxide coating found no machining
steps (indentations worn into the surface) or sharp features. Thread flank surfaces in areas
that did not have a black-oxide coating appeared circumferentially worn and lustrous with
no wear steps or sharp features found in these areas. Surface roughness was measured at
four locations on the flanks of the acme screw threads, and all locations recorded a surface
finish of 32 root mean squared (RMS) value
or finer, as required by the manufacturers
The lower end of the acme screw, including about 19 threads, was cleaned
which completely removed the corrosion debris and most of the white
magnesium deposits but left the black-oxide coating, paint, and cadmium plating (on the
splined areas) intact. Subsequent microscopic examination determined that corrosion had
deeply pitted the acme screw surface. Surface finish was measured on the thread flank in
the cleaned lower end and determined to be 32 RMS or finer. Chemical and metallurgical
tests established that the acme screw met material and process specifications. Acme Screw Torque Tube
The acme screw torque tube was fractured approximately in line with the bottom
of the screw, through the first full thread just below the external splines at the lower end of
the tube. Neither the mating lower piece of the torque tube nor the retaining nut and
washer from this area of the assembly were recovered. The upper end of the torque tube
A black-oxide coating is a thin surface finish treatment that provides limited corrosion and wear
RMS is a numerical measurement of surface roughness. The acme screw’s engineering drawing
specifications require a surface finish of 32 RMS or finer in the threaded area. In later specifications, RMS
has been replaced by R
(arithmetic average).
Electrolytic cleaning is accomplished by applying a small amount of voltage to the part while it is
immersed in a mildly caustic solution.
Factual Information 71 Aircraft Accident Report
was bent about 5° in a location corresponding to the location of the crack in the acme
Macroscopic fracture traces indicated that the torque tube fracture initiated from a
broad front at the tube’s right forward quadrant (with the torque tube oriented as
recovered) and propagated through the tube’s cross-section. Macroscopic fracture features
emanated from a thin reflective fracture band adjacent to the thread root that was
determined to be a preexisting fatigue crack. Fatigue striations were identified throughout
the band, consistent with low-cycle fatigue cracking.
The fatigue band followed the first
thread root around almost 330° of the torque tube’s circumference and extended about
0.03 inch onto the fracture surface in the initiation area. The remaining fracture area was
ductile overstress stemming from the fatigue. Chemical and metallurgical tests established
that the torque tube material met material and process specifications.
The large diameter upper end of the torque tube displayed a 0.1-inch-wide and
0.028-inch-deep wear band. The band ran completely around the torque tube at the
location corresponding to the upper end of the acme screw. Lower Mechanical Stop and Corresponding Spline Area on the
Acme Screw
The lower mechanical stop of the acme screw assembly was recovered with a
section of the vertical stabilizer that had been separated from the jackscrew assembly and
related structure. The lower mechanical stop was covered by dark, partially dried grease,
and the stop bolt and nut were in place.
Numerous dents and mechanical marks were found on the upper and lower
surfaces of the lower mechanical stop. Mechanical damage was also found on the lower
mechanical stop’s internal splines and on the clamp bolt. The lower mechanical stop’s
clamp bolt and nut were found in place.
Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and x-ray energy
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) examinations identified multiple damage features on the
lower mechanical stop’s upper surface, consistent with contact with the lower end of the
acme nut and the nut’s lower stop lug that protrudes below the main body of the nut. The
features ranged from light marks in the primer paint to severe dents and substantial
deformation of the metal. The damage surface was consistent with both clockwise
(rotational) scoring and substantial deformation and rotational sliding contact (in both
directions) with the acme nut.
Rotational stripping was observed in circumferential bands at the upper and lower
ends of the internal spline teeth in the lower mechanical stop.
The middle area of the
For more information on torque tube testing, see section 1.16.5.
In an intact jackscrew assembly, clockwise rotation of the acme screw results in movement of the
horizontal stabilizer toward airplane-nose-down pitch, and counter-clockwise rotation of the acme screw
results in movement of the horizontal stabilizer toward airplane-nose-up pitch.
Factual Information 72 Aircraft Accident Report
splines, which was about 1/4 inch wide, was damaged but not stripped at any
circumferential location. Circumferential scoring marks associated with the stripped areas
of the spline teeth were on a plane slightly offset from directly circumferential. The
stripping pattern and offset circumferential marks were consistent with the lower
mechanical stop being at two or more skewed angles to the acme screw’s splines during
stripping. Most spline tooth peaks were found smeared in a counter-clockwise direction,
consistent with a clockwise rotation of the acme screw (as viewed from above). However,
many splines were damaged consistent with acme screw rotation in both directions.
Imprint marks created by upward motion of the acme screw spline teeth through
the lower mechanical stop were observed across the peaks of the stop’s spline teeth that
were not stripped (the middle portion of the splines). The orientation of the marks was
consistent with the lower mechanical stop being skewed (at an angle) to the splines of the
acme screw as the screw pulled upward through the stop.
Damage along the length of the portion of the shank of the lower mechanical stop
clamp bolt that was exposed to the interior of the stop was consistent with rotational
contact with acme screw spline teeth. The exposed area of the bolt shank also had imprint
marks oriented transverse to the length of the bolt, consistent with upward motion of the
acme screw relative to the lower mechanical stop. These transverse marks on the bolt
shank were superimposed upon the rotational damage, consistent with this damage being
created, at least in part, after the rotational damage of the lower mechanical stop spline
teeth. Acme Nut
The acme nut was recovered attached to vertical stabilizer wreckage in its normal
position but separate from the acme screw and the remainder of the jackscrew assembly.
On-scene visual inspection of the thread area on the inside diameter of the acme nut
showed a relatively smooth, flat surface, with only small ridges of the acme thread
remaining. (Figure 15 shows an overall view of the recovered acme nut assembly.
Figure 16 shows a closer view of the interior of the acme nut.) In addition, a pattern of dry,
black deposits also spiraled around the diameter, following the raised ridges. The inside
surface also contained random areas of white deposits. No evidence of grease was found
inside the acme nut during on-scene visual and tactile inspections or during
high-magnification examination in the laboratory. Various quantities of reddish-brown and
black grease were found on the exterior of the acme nut and gimbal ring, and areas of
Stripping was considered present in any region where individual spline teeth were indistinguishable
from each other.
Factual Information 73 Aircraft Accident Report
green-tinted, black and red grease deposits were found on the surrounding airplane
Figure 15. A photograph of an overall view of the recovered acme nut assembly.
Figure 16. A photograph of a closer view of the interior of the acme nut.
The acme nut has a grease fitting on the forward, upper side of the nut through
which grease can be applied to the acme nut threads. A solid, black, claylike, dry residue
coated with white, powdery material was found in the internal counterbore of the acme
nut’s grease passageway where it intersected the inside surface of the nut, as well as in the
smaller diameter grease passageway behind the counterbore. When the grease fitting was
Factual Information 74 Aircraft Accident Report
removed to allow collection of material samples from the grease passageway, translucent,
reddish grease consistent with the appearance of Mobilgrease 28 was observed on the
fitting’s external threads. (Figure 17 shows a cross-section through the acme nut’s grease
passageway and fitting.) Traces of translucent, reddish grease were also found inside the
grease passageway in the acme nut and in the bore of the grease fitting, a section distinct
from the grease passageway. (Figure 18 shows the grease passageway and counterbore
after the acme nut was sectioned.) Microscopic examination determined that the sample
from the counterbore consisted mostly of black powdery material, larger chunks of black
and white material, and particles of copper-colored metallic debris identified as acme nut
Figure 17. A diagram of a cross-section through the acme nut’s grease passageway and
fitting. Red areas denote the locations where red grease was found, and gray areas
denote the location where the dry residue was found.
Factual Information 75 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 18. A photograph of the grease passageway and counterbore after the acme nut
was sectioned.
Magnified visual inspections of the acme nut’s interior after the nut was
longitudinally sectioned confirmed the presence of the spiraling pattern consistent with
the original location of the internal nut threads. For comparison with the accident acme nut
interior, an exemplar nut was similarly sectioned.
The spiral patterns comprised a small
raised ridge followed by a lustrous depression with spiral machining or wear marks
transitioning into a dark band of surface deposits that rose to the next ridge. Under higher
magnifications, longitudinal smearing and shear fractures were identified on the raised
edges. The smearing and shearing directions were consistent with upward movement of
the acme screw threads in relation to the nut body. Material was observed folded upward
and smeared over adjacent surfaces along most of the ridges. Typical ridges were between
0.013 and 0.020 inch wide.
Most of the markings observed on the acme nut’s interior surface spiraled around
the bore in the same manner as the original thread pattern. However, some circumferential
and longitudinal marks were observed in isolated locations overlaying the spiral marks.
Two circumferentially oriented bands of scratches were observed partially around the
The exemplar nut, which was removed during the overhaul of a jackscrew assembly, had a reported
0.0036-inch end play measurement at the time of overhaul.
Factual Information 76 Aircraft Accident Report
inner diameter near the top of the acme nut on the forward side. Several longitudinal scuff
marks were also observed on the upper aft side of the acme nut’s interior above the grease
passageway. The scuff marks appeared to have been produced by the contacting object
moving vertically upward. Acme Nut Thread Remnant Examination
Twelve acme nut thread remnants
were found wrapped around the central part of
the acme screw when it was recovered. Most of the thread remnants were found spiraled
around the acme screw oriented primarily along the path of the screw threads, although
some were found tangled together and bent in multiple directions. The thread remnants
were clustered into two closely spaced groups extending about 6 to 8 inches along the
acme screw. The thread remnants were copper colored with a greenish tint, consistent with
copper-alloy oxidation. After recovery, each thread remnant was numbered, and its width,
maximum thickness, estimated length, and number of 360° turns were measured. The
accumulated length of the thread remnants was equivalent to about 75 percent of the total
length of the original threads.
High-magnification optical examinations revealed that all of the thread remnants
were roughly rectangular in shape with a mostly flat upper side and a multibeveled lower
side. The outer diameters edges were fractured, corresponding to the approximate major
(outer) diameter of the acme nut. Examination also revealed that some of the thread
remnants had corrosion pitting.
A representative sample of a thread remnant (No. 4) was further examined by SEM
and EDS. EDS examination determined that thread remnant No. 4 was composed of an
aluminum-nickel-bronze alloy, consistent with acme nut material specified in the
manufacturers engineering drawing (unified numbering system [UNS] alloy C95500).
High-magnification SEM examination revealed smearing deformation and shearing
dimples along thread remnant No. 4’s outer edge fracture surface. The orientation of the
shear dimples was consistent with thread remnant No. 4 moving upward relative to the
body of the acme nut. The following measurements were made at one of the fractured ends
of thread remnant No. 4: the shear fracture on the outer edge measured 0.0131 inch, the
nearby minimum section thickness measured 0.0076 inch, and the maximum section
thickness at the central ridge measured 0.0184 inch.
Additionally, two metallographic cross-sections were cut radially through another
representative remnant (No. 6). The metallographic sections showed that thread remnant
No. 6’s flat face exhibited a slight, concave curvature, which was also identified on thread
remnant No. 4. The following measurements were made on one of the metallographic
sections of thread remnant No. 6: the shear fracture on the outer edge measured 0.0174
One of these acme screw thread remnants was removed by Safety Board investigators on scene.
UNS alloy C95500 is a copper alloy containing aluminum, nickel, iron, and manganese. The
engineering drawing specified an aluminum-nickel-bronze alloy per QQ-B-671, type 2, class 4 Cond HT.
This designation has been superseded with UNS alloy C95500.
Factual Information 77 Aircraft Accident Report
inch, the nearby minimum section thickness measured 0.0099 inch, and the maximum
section thickness at the central ridge measured 0.0180 inch.
1.16.3 Shear Load Capability of the Acme Nut Threads
The ultimate shear load capability of the acme nut threads was approximated by
assuming that the thread root cross-section was uniformly at the material’s ultimate shear
stress. This calculation was performed for three thread thicknesses: 0.15-inch-thick
threads, as measured on newly manufactured threads; 0.0131-inch-thick threads, as
measured on thread remnant No. 4; and 0.0174-inch-thick threads, as measured on the
metallographic section of thread remnant No. 6. The calculations were based on the
specified minimum ultimate strength (Ftu) for the nut material and assumed a shear
strength equal to 77 percent Ftu. Table 4 shows the results of the shear load calculations.
Table 4. Shear load calculations for three acme nut thread thicknesses.
1.16.4 Studies of Thread Stress and Deformation
In connection with this investigation, the Safety Board asked Boeing to conduct a
study to estimate the maximum wear that the acme nut threads could sustain and still
maintain their ultimate load capability. Additionally, the Board, in collaboration with the
State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, initiated a study of the stresses
and deformations in the acme nut. Both studies utilized the ABAQUS
finite element
analysis (FEA) code and axisymmetric models of the acme screw and nut to address
thread-by-thread distribution of the load transfer from the screw to the nut. The Boeing
study also used an axisymmetric model to evaluate the stresses in a loaded thread section
of the same geometry as one of the remnants recovered from the accident airplane. The
Safety Board/Stony Brook study used a three-dimensional FEA to examine the change in
deformation and stress in a single thread revolution as a function of acme nut thread wear.
For more information about these calculations, see the Materials Laboratory Group Chairman’s
Factual Report in the public docket for this accident.
Shear Load Calculations of the Acme Nut Threads
Shear load for
0.15-inch-thick thread
(newly manufactured)
Shear load for
.0131-inch-thick thread
(as measured on
thread remnant No. 4)
Shear load for
.0174-inch-thick thread
(as measured on the
metallographic section of
thread remnant No. 6)
Load for 32
2,200,999 pounds 191,263 pounds 249,782 pounds
Load for 1 thread 68,781 pounds 5,977 pounds 6,806 pounds
Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc. ABAQUS/Standard Users Manual. Version 6.2. Pawtucket, Rhode
Island. 2001.
Factual Information 78 Aircraft Accident Report
Both studies indicated that the load transfer among the 32 thread revolutions was
not uniform along the length of the acme nut, with thread revolutions near the top and
bottom of the nut receiving greater loads than those near the center of the nut. Further, the
studies showed that the load distribution varied depending on specific temperature and
load conditions. The Boeing study concluded that the maximum load carried by any
individual thread revolution was approximately 30 percent of the applied load, whereas
the Safety Board/Stony Brook study concluded that the maximum load carried by any
individual thread revolution was approximately 23 percent of the applied load. On the
basis of the results of the thread remnant stress analysis, Boeing concluded that the only
way to develop the large plastic bending observed in the thread remnant was for the thread
loading to be concentrated near the tip of the thread rather than near the root.
The Safety Board/Stony Brook study examined the acme screw-to-nut contact
pressure distribution on a single nut thread revolution and determined that the pressure
distribution was nonuniform across the thread surface (radial to the nut), with a small
region near the thread root (major diameter) having a much higher pressure than the
remainder of the contact surface. When material removal was modeled in the region of
highest stress, the stress pattern stayed the same with the high-contact pressure region
moving radially inward across the thread from the material removal region to the adjacent
material on the remaining thread surface. The Safety Board/Stony Brook study concluded
that the wear mechanism consisted of material removal proceeding on a layer-by-layer
removal process along the thread surface and that, within each layer, wear progressed
from the root to the tip (major diameter to minor [inner] diameter).
The Safety Board/Stony Brook study ran a series of FEAs to evaluate the effect of
the sequential wear process on the stress and deformation in acme nut threads. The study
found that the stresses in the acme nut remained low compared to the yield stress
of the
aluminum-bronze acme nut material, even at wear levels exceeding the maximum amount
allowed for an acme screw to remain in service. At an axial wear level of approximately
0.090 inch, the maximum stress was beginning to approach the yield stress under a load of
2,000 pounds per thread revolution. When the axial wear level reached 0.09265 inch and
approximately 50 percent of the radial thread surface had worn, the bending deflection of
the thread tip began to increase rapidly with load increase. When approximately
75 percent of the radial thread surface was removed, the bending reduced the available
contact surface to a value too small for the FEA to provide valid data. The study
concluded that, at this point, the acme screw thread would begin to slide axially across the
thread surface rather than slide during rotation.
1.16.5 Torque Tube Testing
Under the Safety Board’s supervision, Boeing conducted static load tests on torque
tubes. Torque tube assemblies from MD-80 airplanes other than the accident airplane were
Yield stress is the largest value of stress for which all deformation within the material is recoverable
when the material is unloaded.
Factual Information 79 Aircraft Accident Report
tested to failure in tension to generate the sound signature
of the predicted torque tube
fracture and to validate and generate data for a subsequent FEA.
To conduct the static load tests, the threads on two acme nuts were machined away
to their roots (the major diameter) so that the acme screw could move freely through the
nut vertically (without rotating). The tests were conducted in a computer-controlled
hydraulic load frame by pulling the acme screw upward through the altered nuts until the
torque tube fractured.
In the first static load test, the lower mechanical stop on the acme screw contacted
the acme nut in a manner that did not create any bending loads in the torque tube. This
produced pure tension loading in the torque tube similar to loading that occurs during
normal flight conditions. The first static load test produced a tension failure of the torque
tube at a load of 74,400 pounds.
In the second static load test, the lower mechanical stop on the acme screw
contacted the acme nut in a manner that caused the entire load to be applied to one side of
the stop in an offset manner. This type of load was similar to that indicated by lower
mechanical stop damage on the accident airplane; however, the load was applied on top of
the stop lug, creating a moment arm slightly greater than that indicated on the accident
lower mechanical stop. This loading condition produced a combination of tension and
bending in the torque tube. The second static load test produced a tension failure of the
torque tube at a load of 25,576 pounds.
For the FEA, Boeing generated a numerical model for the geometry and material
parameters of the accident acme screw, torque tube, lower mechanical stop and clamp
bolt, washer, and lower assembly nut. This model was used to analytically calculate the
static offset load capability of the accident torque tube using the loads derived from the
two static load tests. The Boeing model predicted that the accident torque tube fractured at
a load of 25,500 pounds.
Neither of the two static load test conditions accounted for fatigue damage to the
torque tube (similar to damage found on the accident torque tube). Low-cycle fatigue
testing of small diameter torque tube material specimens was performed to estimate the
stress conditions that would generate a similar low-cycle fatigue fracture surface. To test
the torque tube material, tensile specimens were machined from torque tubes; threads
were added to the center portions of the specimens (simulating the threads at the lower end
of the torque tube); and constant-amplitude cyclic loading at calculated stress levels
140,000, 166,000, and 185,000 pounds per square inch (psi)
were applied to the
For more information on the Safety Board’s sound spectrum study, see section
When the airplane is subjected to the ultimate design loads specified for certification, the torque tube
sustains a 57,000-pound load.
According to the Boeing torque tube test report summary, “the fracture load of just over
25,000 [pounds]…is based on a loading configuration that provides for the largest offset moment arm with
the nut stop resting directly upon the lower rotational stop.” Boeing’s summary noted that the accident
airplane’s “lower rotational stop exhibits evidence that the orientation of the two stops provides a smaller
moment arm” and thus had a higher predicted fracture load.
Factual Information 80 Aircraft Accident Report
individual test specimens until a fracture was produced. Low-cycle fatigue fractures were
created under all three of the test conditions. The fracture surfaces on the accident torque
tube were more similar to those produced when 140,000- and 166,000-psi cyclic loads
were applied than to those produced when a 185,000-psi cyclic load was applied. The
140,000-psi specimen fractured after application of 1,549 load cycles, the 166,000-psi
specimen fractured after application of 389 load cycles, and the 185,000-psi specimen
fractured after application of 100 load cycles.
1.16.6 Additional Safety Board Jackscrew Assembly
Examinations February 2000 Post-AD 2000-03-51 Jackscrew Assembly
The Safety Board examined eight jackscrew assemblies removed from airplanes
shortly after the issuance of FAA AD 2000-03-51 in February 2000,
including two
assemblies from Alaska Airlines’ airplanes.
The jackscrew assemblies were removed in
accordance with AD 2000-03-51 for various reasons, including wear and the presence of
metal shavings. In addition, the Board examined five Alaska Airlines acme nuts that had
been removed from jackscrew assemblies that were being overhauled.
The Safety Board performed a loaded acme nut end play test on all eight of the
removed jackscrew assemblies by mounting each jackscrew assembly (in as-received
condition) in a frame and attaching the gimbal ring to a moment arm. During the tests, the
acme nut was loaded by applying 180 pounds in both directions (up and down).
Movement of the acme nut on the screw was measured using a dial indicator and recorded
as end play. End play measurements were made with the acme nut positioned in three
locations: near the center of the acme screw, near the lower mechanical stop, and near the
upper mechanical stop. The free play was also measured at the middle position during the
loaded end play test.
After lubricating the middle section of the acme screw with Aeroshell 33 by hand
and injecting it through the acme nut’s grease fitting (the original grease was not
removed), end play measurements were repeated on each jackscrew assembly with the nut
in the middle position. The procedures were repeated again after removing by hand all of
the grease from the middle section of the acme screw. The test data show that the
as-received end play measurements changed slightly in both directions for both the
regreased and new grease conditions.
The stress level was calculated by dividing the applied load by the measured cross-sectional area in
the threaded region of the test specimens.
These values were used to ensure that testing occurred in the high-stress region of the torque tube and
produced a fracture in a short timeframe. The values were first estimates of the possible stress range that the
torque tube might have experienced and were not intended to reproduce actual conditions.
For more information about postaccident ADs, see section 1.18.1.
These jackscrew assemblies were DCA 3000 from N982AS and DCA 3008 from N981AS.
Factual Information 81 Aircraft Accident Report
All eight of the removed jackscrew assemblies were disassembled to separate the
gimbal ring from the acme nut, the acme nut from the acme screw, the acme screw from
the torque tube, and the torque tube from the spherical bearing. Individual items of each
jackscrew assembly were cleaned and visually examined. Visual inspections of the
disassembled acme nuts from the eight removed jackscrew assemblies and the other five
Alaska Airlines acme nuts identified sharp edges, or burrs, at the minor diameter of all of
the threads on all of the nuts. The burrs on all of the acme nuts extended inward from the
lower flanks of the threads. Some burrs were partially disconnected, forming long, thin
metal slivers. The lower flanks and major diameters of the threads were bright and shiny
with a finely scratched and worn appearance. The scratches followed the spiral threads
and had obliterated the original surface finish.
One of the acme nuts from an Alaska Airlines jackscrew assembly that was being
overhauled was cut along its longitudinal axis to inspect its thread surfaces. Burrs and
slivers were identified along the entire length of the cut. In many areas, slivers were
separating from the threads in thin, wide flakes. The lower flanks and the major diameter
of the threads were worn along the entire acme nut. Almost no wear marks were identified
on the minor diameters or on the upper flanks.
Most of the acme screws from the disassembled assemblies were very similar in
wear characteristics, showing only polishing of the lower thread flanks and major
diameter. However, the acme screw from one of the removed jackscrew assemblies
(S/N DL-96) showed much heavier wear with steps worn into both the upper and lower
flanks of the threads. During the disassembly of DL-96, gritty, gray-colored material was
noted on the upper surfaces of the gearbox support plates.
The torque tubes from all of the jackscrew assemblies were undamaged, except for
DCA 3000 from N982AS. The upper end of this torque tube displayed a .0065-inch-deep
wear band all around the large diameter section. Examinations of Hawaiian Airlines’ Jackscrew Assemblies
On February 17, 2000, a jackscrew assembly, S/N DCA 110, was removed from a
Hawaiian Airlines DC-9 (N601AP) after an on-wing end play measurement of 0.043 inch
was recorded.
The assembly had accumulated 2,582 flight hours (6,377 flight cycles)
since a 1997 overhaul.
A bench end play check conducted by Integrated Aerospace
after the jackscrew assembly was removed and cleaned yielded an end play measurement
of 0.048 inch. The acme nut and screw were forwarded to the Safety Board’s Materials
Laboratory for examination.
Before the flight 261 accident, Hawaiian Airlines’ lubrication interval for the jackscrew assembly
was every 1,000 flight hours, and its end play check interval was every 3,000 flight hours.
After the 1997 overhaul, the DCA 110 jackscrew assembly had a recorded end play measurement of
0.010 inch. The jackscrew assembly was sent to Hawaiian Airlines, where it was stored until its installation
on N601AP on June 22, 1998.
Integrated Aerospace, formerly Trig Aerospace, Inc., is the only original manufacturer and supplier
of new jackscrew assemblies.
Factual Information 82 Aircraft Accident Report
Metallurgical examination of the acme screw identified visible wear steps in both
the upper and lower flanks of the threads. No other mechanical or corrosion damage was
noted on the acme screw. Examination of the acme nut showed that both flanks of the nut
threads were lustrous with circumferential marks consistent with wear. However, no burr
was noted at the minor diameter as seen on other acme nuts previously examined. The
major diameter of the threads (the root area) was also worn and lustrous with a fine pattern
of parallel scratches on both the upper and lower flank surfaces. The parallel scratch
pattern ran circumferentially around the thread flanks. The major diameter surfaces also
showed heavy localized wear that enlarged the diameter in some areas of the acme nut.
The diametrical wear was determined to be nonuniform in both the circumferential and
vertical directions, consistent with an angular misalignment of the acme screw axis to the
acme nut axis with the upper end of the screw displaced to the right and the lower end to
the left. The calculated wear rate of this jackscrew assembly (using the 0.048-inch n end
play measurement obtained during the overhaul bench check and accounting for the
0.010-inch end play measurement obtained when the jackscrew assembly was first
installed) was 0.0147 inch per 1,000 flight hours.
On June 18, 2001, another jackscrew assembly, also partially stamped with
S/N DCA 110,
was removed from the same airplane after an on-wing end play
measurement of 0.036 inch. The acme screw and nut had accumulated 2,514 flight hours
(6,071 flight cycles). Metallurgical examination at the Safety Board’s Materials
Laboratory identified polishing on the acme screw’s upper thread flanks and major
diameter in the central part of the screw. No steps in the thread flanks were identified. The
lower flanks of the acme nut threads were worn with a circular pattern, and the shape of
the acme screw thread major diameter chamfer was worn into the nut threads.
Examination of the acme nut’s profile and interior surfaces after sectioning identified
small burrs on all threads extending from the lower thread flank into the minor diameter
area. The major diameter surfaces displayed some localized contact damage, but the
diameter was not enlarged at any location. The calculated wear rate of this jackscrew
assembly (assuming a starting end play measurement of 0.006 inch after overhaul and a
final bench-check end play measurement of 0.027 inch) was 0.0084 inch per 1,000 flight
The Safety Board’s examination also revealed evidence of pink-colored grit
material inside the counterbore of the acme nut grease passageway in the jackscrew
assembly removed in February 2000. A Hawaiian Airlines maintenance work card dated
December 4, 1999, stated, “Grit blast accumulated in vertical stab as seen thru access
panel 6401 and panel 3703 (left lower banana fairing). Area to be inspected after
cleaning.” The corrective action noted on the card was the following: “Cleaned area.
Inspected area. No discrepancies noted.” According to Hawaiian Airlines personnel, the
Although S/N DCA 110 was stamped on the gearbox support assembly, the S/N stamped on the acme
screw and nut was D 3351, indicating that the acme screw and nut from the first DCA 110 assembly were
replaced by a new acme screw and nut. Hawaiian Airlines personnel stated that they kept the DCA 110
gearbox support assembly, torque tube, and stop nut with N601AP (after sending the acme screw and nut for
overhaul) when they installed the newly acquired D 3351 acme nut and screw in February 2000. Records
indicated that the D 3351 assembly was manufactured in 1998 and delivered to Boeing with an end play
measurement of 0.006 inch.
Factual Information 83 Aircraft Accident Report
area noted on the work card was located inside the vertical stabilizer where the jackscrew
assembly is installed.
Several grease samples taken from the original acme nut and screw of jackscrew
assembly DCA 110 and from the area of the assembly near the inside of the vertical
stabilizer contained translucent, pink particles, consistent with the fine grains of a sandlike
material. EDS chemical analysis indicated that the grains were composed of iron, silicon,
aluminum, calcium, oxygen, and magnesium. Examination of grease samples taken from
the D 3351 assembly also revealed pink particles, consistent with those found in the grease
sample taken from DCA 110.
An on-site inspection of Hawaiian Airlines’ maintenance facilities in August 2001
revealed that it had been using either Australian garnet or glass beads to remove corrosion
from airplane structure. Examinations of a sample of the garnet material found that it
visually and chemically matched the pink, sandlike material found in the grease of both
jackscrew assemblies removed from Hawaiian Airlines. Examinations of Alaska Airlines Reports of Acme Screw “Wobble”
On November 26, 2000, Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel observed the
acme screw “wobble” while operating the horizontal stabilizer trim system on N965AS.
According to the personnel, the wobble appeared as a slight rocking motion of the acme
nut as the acme screw was rotated within it. Alaska Airlines removed the jackscrew
assembly from N965AS and notified the Safety Board about the wobble.
On February 21, 2001, Safety Board investigators observed the jackscrew
assembly as it was operated on an Integrated Aerospace fixture and a wobble was noted.
The end play of the wobbling acme screw was checked several times (before disassembly)
while installed on the Integrated Aerospace fixture. The acme screw was rotated before
each end play check to identify any variance in end play caused by wobble-induced acme
nut and screw position changes. No differences were noted, and the end play measured
0.018 inch consistently.
After the jackscrew assembly was disassembled, the technician who removed the
lower torque tube nut indicated that the torque nut was looser than what he considered to
be typical.
A wear band was noted on the large diameter section near the top portion of
the torque tube. The depth of the wear band was not uniform around the periphery of the
groove and measured 0.035 inch at its deepest point. According to Boeing, a wear band
frequently occurs in this area because the clearances are small and, at times, the torque
tube contacts the inside wall of the acme screw. The Boeing DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance
Manual requires a steel-sleeve repair of the wear band during overhaul if the wear band is
deeper than 0.025 inch.
The technician used a wrench to remove the torque nut. No measuring device was used to measure the
torque required to loosen the nut. The technician’s comments were based on his personal experience of feel.
Factual Information 84 Aircraft Accident Report
In a March 27, 2001, letter, Alaska Airlines asked the Safety Board to investigate
the wear band. Alaska Airlines noted that the torque tubes from N982AS and the accident
airplane had similar wear bands.
Alaska Airlines also expressed concern that the
wobble could produce erroneous end play measurements and/or excessive acme nut wear.
The Board collected data from Integrated Aerospace and Boeing to determine if a
relationship existed between acme nut wear rate and torque tube wear band depth. The
collected data included information about 161 jackscrew assemblies examined by
Integrated Aerospace in 2000. Of these assemblies, only 77 had torque tubes. Of the
77 jackscrew assemblies with torque tubes, only 49 had a recorded bench-check end play
measurement, a torque tube wear band measurement, and a valid flight-hour total. A
Board examination found no statistically significant difference regarding acme nut wear
between the torque tubes with no (or a slight) wear band and the torque tubes with deeper
wear bands.
1.16.7 Chemical and Microscopic Analyses of Grease Residues
from the Accident Jackscrew Assembly
The Safety Board contracted the U.S. Navy’s Air System Command’s Aerospace
Materials Laboratory, Patuxent River, Maryland,
to conduct chemical and microscopic
analyses of eight grease residue samples taken from the accident jackscrew assembly. An
organic analysis method, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, was used to compare
the grease residue samples taken from the accident jackscrew assembly to control samples
of Aeroshell 33 and Mobilgrease 28. The spectra resulting from the residue samples were
weak, which was attributed to the degraded quality of the grease. None of the grease
residue samples could be matched perfectly to either Aeroshell 33 or Mobilgrease 28.
However, the resulting analysis indicated that most of the residue samples displayed
infrared spectra consistent with the presence of both Aeroshell 33 and Mobilgrease 28. On
the basis of a comparison of the residue samples to the control samples, the Naval
laboratory concluded that both greases were likely present on the accident jackscrew
assembly. An independent review of this work conducted by a private consultant
commissioned by the Board also concluded that the residue samples had infrared
signatures consistent with the presence of both Aeroshell 33 and Mobilgrease 28.
According to the Naval laboratory report, the microscopic analysis of the residue
samples found that the “sample grease was heavily loaded with particles
from…aluminum bronze” and that “these particles were consistent with wear debris.” The
Metallurgical examination determined that the wear band on the torque tube from jackscrew assembly
DCA 3000 was 0.0065 inch deep and that the wear band on the accident torque tube was 0.028 inch deep.
The U.S. Navy’s Aerospace Materials Laboratory is the Department of Defense’s (DoD) steward of
the MIL PRF specifications for both Aeroshell 33 and Mobilgrease 28 and qualifies greases to these
The Naval laboratory report stated that “a couple of larger metal particles were extracted from the
grease with tweezers and examined individually. One was a large flake and the other was a long shaving.
Both were aluminum bronze, equivalent in composition to the smaller particles.”
Factual Information 85 Aircraft Accident Report
Naval report stated that “no other particle contamination was found other than that
attributed to the environment of the crash site and the recovery operation.”
1.16.8 Additional Grease Testing, Experiments, and Analysis Standardized Grease Testing
The Safety Board also contracted the U.S. Navy’s Aerospace Materials Laboratory
to conduct a series of standardized grease tests. Pure quantities of Aeroshell 33 and
Mobilgrease 28, as well as several mixture ratios of each grease, were tested using several
American Society for Testing and Materials standard test methods for lubricating greases.
These tests examined the greases’ firmness (when new and after being mixed), storage
stability, and oil bleedout caused by elevated temperature and elapsed time. The results of
these tests indicated that, in general, the physical properties of Aeroshell 33 and
Mobilgrease 28 did not change significantly when mixed; however, the change in the
physical properties of the two greases noted in 90/10 and 10/90 mixture ratios exceeded
that of the standard for compatibility of mixed greases. The Naval laboratory report
concluded that the change in properties was insignificant and would not significantly
affect the greases’ performance.
The Naval laboratory also conducted seawater immersion tests on control samples
of Aeroshell 33 and Mobilgrease 28 and on a 50/50 mixture of the two grease types. The
Naval report concluded that, after being immersed in seawater for 2 weeks, the three test
samples “exhibited only slight color changes, with no other adverse effects noted.” The
report concluded that “deterioration of the aircraft grease sample [from the accident
airplane] was not due to exposure to seawater for two weeks following the incident.”
157 Experiments and Analysis on the Surface Chemistry of Acme Nut
Material When Exposed to Various Greases or Grease Mixtures
The Safety Board contracted the U.S. Navy’s Aerospace Materials Laboratory and
Science Applications International Corporation, San Diego, California, to conduct a series
of experiments to examine the surface chemistry of acme nut material when exposed to
Mobilgrease 28, Aeroshell 33, and mixtures of the two greases under various conditions
that can occur during flight, including exposure to ambient and elevated temperatures and
fluid contamination (water, deicing fluid, and anti-icing fluid).
During the experiments, it was found that under certain circumstances
Aeroshell 33 would produce a visible brownish discoloration to small, localized regions of
the acme nut material. The surface chemistry of the discolored regions was analyzed using
x-ray photoelectric spectroscopy. The analysis indicated that the discolored region was
In another example, the Safety Board observed that an acme screw recovered from a China Northern
MD-80 airplane that crashed into a salt water bay near Dalian, China, on May 7, 2002, still had a coating of
grease clearly visible on it after it had been immersed in seawater for 5 days. According to the Civil Aviation
Administration of China, the last scheduled lubrication of the jackscrew assembly was during an A check
that took place March 27 through April 2, 2002, and the specified grease was Aeroshell 5 (MIL-G-3545C).
Factual Information 86 Aircraft Accident Report
caused by additives in the Aeroshell 33 grease chemically reacting with each other and
depositing on the surface of the acme nut material, which is an intended chemical reaction
between antiwear additives in the grease. Science Applications International Corporation
concluded that this was not a corrosion process and, therefore, would not corrode the acme
nut material. Wear Testing Under Various Grease Conditions
The Safety Board contracted the Tribological Materials Laboratory at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, and the tribology division of Battelle Memorial
Institute, Columbus, Ohio, to conduct a series of wear tests on grease-lubricated,
aluminum-bronze and steel couples in sliding wear. The test program concentrated on the
American Society for Testing and Materials D3704 Block-on-Ring wear test method,
which involves a steel ring sliding in reciprocating motion upon an aluminum bronze
block. Contact pressure ranges and sliding speeds used in these tests reflected those
experienced in an operational jackscrew under flight and static loads. Additionally, test
specimens were fabricated from actual jackscrew assembly steel and aluminum-bronze
Because Mobilgrease 28 has been demonstrated to effectively lubricate the
jackscrew assembly, the wear test program examined the lubricating effectiveness of
Aeroshell 33 relative to Mobilgrease 28. The wear tests were run under the following
conditions: (1) with a mixture of Aeroshell 33 and Mobilgrease 28; (2) with greases
contaminated with water, deicing fluid, and salt water; (3) with aged and wear-debris
laden grease; (4) with greases exposed to subzero temperatures; and (5) with a complete
lack of lubrication. Over 50 wear tests were performed. During the wear tests, the wear
rates were continuously monitored so that the steady-state wear behavior, which governs
the long-term jackscrew assembly wear, could be identified separately from the transient
wear behavior experienced during the break-in period that began each test.
The results of the wear tests showed that, in all ranges of contact pressure, lower
wear rates were generated when Aeroshell 33 was used than when Mobilgrease 28 was
used. Additionally, the effects of contamination, aging, and subzero temperature exposure
were determined to have little effect on the lubricating effectiveness of Aeroshell 33. Only
the tests run without any lubrication generated wear rates significantly higher than those
generated when Mobilgrease 28 was used. In these cases, wear rates were seen to
transition up to 10 times higher than those with equivalent conditions lubricated with
Mobilgrease 28. Figure 19 shows a summary of the results of the high-load wear tests,
including the contamination and low-temperature tests.
Factual Information 87 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 19. A summary of the results of the high-load wear tests, including the
contamination and low-temperature tests.
1.17 Organizational and Management Information
1.17.1 Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Alaska Airlines, Inc., was organized in 1932 and incorporated in 1937 and, at the
time of the accident, was one of two subsidiaries of Alaska Air Group, Inc., which was
incorporated in 1985. At the time of the accident, Alaska Airlines employed about
10,000 people and served more than 40 domestic and international destinations (including
5 cities in Mexico) from hubs in Anchorage, Alaska; Seattle, Washington (the location of
the company’s headquarters); and Portland, Oregon. According to FAA documents, at the
time of the accident, Alaska Airlines operated a fleet of 88 airplanes, including 49 737s
and 39 MD-80 series airplanes.
According to a June 20, 2000, FAA special inspection report on Alaska Airlines, the airline was
operating a fleet of 89 airplanes, of which, 55 were 737s and 34 were MD-80 series airplanes. The FAA
special inspection report added that Alaska Airlines planned to add 9 737-700 and 10 737-900 series
airplanes to its fleet over the next 2 years. For more information about the FAA special inspection report, see
Steady-State Wear Factor (mm
/N.m) x10
Neat Grease Tests Fluid Contaminated Tests Low
Tests (-29C)
Used Grease Test
Avg. 3 tests
50/50 Mix
Avg. 4 Tests
Avg. 5 Tests
Avg. 3 Tests
+5% Salt Water
+5% De-Icing Fluid
50/50 Mix
Used A33
+5% DI Water
Factual Information 88 Aircraft Accident Report
1.17.2 Alaska Airlines Flight Crew Training
According to FAA and Alaska Airlines documents, Alaska Airlines conducted
training for its MD-80 fleet under the Advanced Qualification Program, which was
effective March 1, 1985. A Safety Board review of the airline’s MD-80 training
curriculum indicated that the primary and alternate horizontal trim system components
were covered during the airplane-specific ground school. During the second segment of
maneuver briefing (before the full-flight simulator session), pilots were asked to describe
situations that might require use of the runaway stabilizer checklist and to perform the
Application and performance of the runaway stabilizer checklist was also
required during the third and fourth segments of the curriculum.
Classroom materials for the MD-80 continuing qualification program, which were
effective in 1999, included normal and abnormal procedures for flight control systems.
Supplemental instructional material given to pilots contained a quiz that included
questions addressing electrical failures and associated stabilizer inoperative indications. Stabilizer Trim Check Procedures
The stabilizer trim check procedures listed in the Alaska Airlines MD-80 Flight
Handbook included checking both the primary and alternate trim systems. Specifically, the
“Before Start Expanded Procedures” included the following steps:
Move PRIMARY MOTOR BRAKE switch to ‘STOP.’ Operate both Captain’s
control wheel trim switches in NOSE UP and NOSE DN [down] directions.
Observe stabilizer does not move and aural warning does not sound. Unless
stabilizer is running away, NEVER PLACE THE PRIMARY MOTOR
Damage will result. Move the PRIMARY MOTOR BRAKE switch to NORM
and verify guard is down. The PRIMARY MOTOR BRAKE switch does not
affect operation of the alternate stabilizer trim system. While observing the
stabilizer indicator, hold Captain’s control wheel left trim switch to NOSE UP and
then to NOSE DN momentarily.
CAUTION – Do not hold single switch position longer than 3 seconds.
The stabilizer should not move and aural warning should not sound. Repeat
this check using Captain’s control wheel right trim switch. Observe stabilizer does
not move and aural warning does not sound.
Operate both Captain’s control wheel trim switches in NOSE UP and then NOSE
DN directions and note corresponding direction of stabilizer indicator and aural
warning. Operate First Officer’s control wheel trim switches and check stabilizer
indicator. Moving Captain’s and First Officer’s control wheel trim switches in
opposition directions will stop stabilizer movement. This is not a required
test. If test is used, do not exceed 3-second limit.
For more information about the runaway stabilizer checklist, see section
Factual Information 89 Aircraft Accident Report
Operate both LONG TRIM HANDLES in the same direction and check for
corresponding trim indicator movement, release handles to neutral. While
observing horizontal trim indicator, momentarily operate each ALT LONG TRIM
switch individually to NOSE UP and NOSE DN. Observe stabilizer does not
move and aural warning does not sound. Operate both ALT LONG TRIM
switches and check for direction of travel at slower rate. To obtain maximum
service life, do not maintain switch positions longer than necessary to check
response. If there is no response, release switches and determine cause.
Should either trim handle or any control switch bind, hesitate or stick when
released to neutral, it should be corrected before flight. Any time LONG
TRIM handles, control wheel trim switches, or ALT LONG TRIM
(secondary) controls are used, they should be moved to their fully deflected
switch/lever position to ensure both motor and brake circuits are actuated.
The “Taxi Expanded Procedures” in the Flight Handbook outlined the following
Rotate the FLAP thumbwheel, in the LONG TRIM Takeoff Position Display, until
the computed TO (takeoff) FLAP value appears in the FLAP window.
Rotate the CG thumbwheel, in the LONG TRIM Takeoff Position Display, until
the computed CG value appears in the CG window.
when the FLAP and CG values are set for takeoff, the Stabilizer TAKEOFF
CONDTN LONG TRIM Readout window will display the proper trim setting.
using the Primary LONG TRIM Control Wheel Switches, or LONG TRIM
Handles, set the LONG TRIM (White) Indicator opposite the Long Trim
Takeoff Position (Green) Indicator.
if the indicators are not within specified tolerance, after takeoff flaps have
been selected, the aural warning will sound when the throttles are advanced
for takeoff. Runaway Stabilizer Checklist Procedures
The Alaska Airlines MD-80 Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) included the
following checklist procedures to troubleshoot a runaway stabilizer:
Factual Information 90 Aircraft Accident Report
Factual Information 91 Aircraft Accident Report Stabilizer Inoperative Checklist Procedures
The Alaska Airlines MD-80 QRH included the following checklist procedures to
troubleshoot an inoperative stabilizer:
Factual Information 92 Aircraft Accident Report Postaccident Boeing Flight Operations Bulletin on Stabilizer Trim
Inoperative/Malfunction Procedures
On February 10, 2000, Boeing issued a flight operations bulletin for DC-9,
MD-80, MD-90, and 717 airplanes that addressed stabilizer trim inoperative/malfunction
procedures. On the basis of information gathered in the flight 261 accident investigation to
that date, the bulletin recommended the following:
If a horizontal stabilizer trim system malfunction is encountered, complete the
flight crew operating manual (FCOM) checklist(s). Do not attempt additional
actions beyond that contained in the checklist(s). If completing the checklist
procedures does not result in an operable trim system, consider landing at the
nearest suitable airport. If an operable trim system is restored, the captain should
consider proceeding to an airport where suitable maintenance is available, or to
the original destination based on such factors as distance, weather, etc.
The Boeing bulletin added the following:
The primary and alternate trim motors are each equipped with a thermal cut-off
device which interrupts electrical current to the motor if that trim motor overheats.
Repeated or continuous use of the trim motor may cause a thermal cutoff. After
the motor cools, it will automatically restore trim function when the thermal cutoff
resets. Because an overheat cutoff in one trim motor does not affect the functions
of the other, if the alternate trim motor overheats, the primary trim system may be
used to retrim the stabilizer; the reverse is also true. However, if the flight crew
uses the primary trim system repeatedly to resist a runaway in the alternate trim
system, the primary motor could overheat, and the crew may be left with a
runaway alternate trim if the primary trim thermal cutoff occurs. This action could
also cause both trim motors to overheat, and result in a temporarily inoperative
Also, if a runaway trim motor overheats and stops, it could again runaway once it
has cooled and the thermal cutoff resets. If the crew determines that the stabilizer
is inoperative, and suspects that they may have a thermal cutoff, and if flight
conditions permit, the captain may delay the diversion to an alternate airfield long
enough to allow for a cooling period/thermal reset. After a reset, the crew should
refer to the recommendations paragraph above.
The Boeing bulletin also advised flight crews that “excessive or prolonged testing
of the trim system on the ground before departure may generate enough heat to produce a
thermal cutoff during routine trimming shortly after takeoff.”
After the flight 261 accident, there were reports of flight crews overtesting the trim systems, causing
them to overheat.
Factual Information 93 Aircraft Accident Report
1.17.3 FAA Oversight of Alaska Airlines General
The Alaska Airlines operating certificate was issued in September 1946 and was
managed by the FAAs Certificate Management Office (CMO) in Seattle, Washington. The
CMO reported to the Seattle FSDO. The Seattle CMO staffing at the time of the flight 261
accident included a supervisor, five operations inspectors, and three principal inspectors:
the PMI, the principal operations inspector, and the principal avionics inspector. The
Seattle CMO staffing also included three geographic inspectors to assist with surveillance
of Alaska Airlines: one from the Alaska Region, one from the Northwest Mountain
Region, and one from the Western Pacific Region. Preaccident FAA National Aviation Safety Inspection Program
From August 13 to August 23, 1995, a nine-member FAA National Aviation
Safety Inspection Program (NASIP) inspection team conducted operations and
airworthiness inspections at Alaska Airlines. During the inspection, the FAA team found
“potential problems [with the airline’s] systems for assuring compliance with FAR
requirements” in the areas of “operations training, flight control, maintenance training
programs, and contractual arrangements.”
The final NASIP inspection report listed 16 noncompliance findings: 8 of the
findings were related to operations, and the other 8 findings were related to airworthiness
issues. Five of the operations findings were deficiencies in the flight attendant training
manual, emergency drill training, and record-keeping procedures. Two operations findings
were related to flight dispatcher and preflight briefings and guidance to flight crews
related to weather issues. One of the airworthiness findings related to a maintenance
action that was contrary to the certificate holders manual and the FARs. The report stated
that the mechanic tested the wrong system (the system tested was not the one reported to
be inoperative) and that the mechanic was “not trained and qualified to perform
maintenance on…[low visibility landing] maintenance program systems.”
In addition, the report noted several deficiencies related to maintenance
record-keeping and replacement part storage and found that the airline’s GMM, which
stated that repairs and overhauls could be conducted by another approved carrier, did “not
contain a procedure, or a requirement, that will assure that the other carrier must meet the
manufacturers approved repair procedures.” FAA Air Transportation Oversight System
Alaska Airlines transitioned from the FAAs existing oversight system, the
Program Tracking and Reporting System (PTRS), to the Air Transportation Oversight
System (ATOS) in October 1998.
According to the FAA, ATOS was designed to focus
The 10 largest U.S. air carriers were selected for the implementation of ATOS.
Factual Information 94 Aircraft Accident Report
on “system failures” rather than “random events” and to improve the reporting and
evaluation of system failures and trends for more aggressive intervention. Further, ATOS
was designed to conduct inspections in 7 air carrier systems (aircraft configuration
control, manuals, flight operations, personnel training and qualifications, route structure,
flight rest and duty time, and technical administration), 14 air carrier subsystems, and
88 elements.
The ATOS program office manager testified that the transition to ATOS at some
airlines, including Alaska Airlines, was difficult because of staff levels and training issues.
He stated, “I think it would have been real prudent for us maybe to have overlaid some
type of transition plan when we did implement ATOS, so that maybe we had a few of
those comfortable things that worked well under our traditional surveillance still available
when we implemented ATOS…We didn’t really have that transition plan. We shut off the
old one and started the new one.” He also stated that, although some ATOS modules were
“still at a rudimentary level of development…we’re still far, far above where we were with
just a compliance-based, event-based PTRS surveillance system. We have a lot better and
a lot richer and a lot more robust data in that ATOS data repository right now than we’ve
ever had under our traditional surveillance for these 10 carriers.”
The former PMI for Alaska Airlines, who retired from the FAA in November 1999
after 8 1/2 years in that position, stated that the implementation of ATOS resulted “in a
terrible transition.” He also stated the following:
The first thing that happened was the geographic support that we were
accustomed to getting totally disappeared. We ended up with three other offices
supporting us geographically; airworthiness, avionics and an operations inspector
from each region that Alaska operated into. And between them coming up here
and getting training and ATOS training and learning how to understand…all this
stuff, they actually…[weren’t] doing any surveillance. None of us were…we were
too caught up doing ATOS things to actually go out and do any surveillance, do
the system evaluations. They wouldn’t let any geographic inspectors that weren’t
assigned to the carrier…look at the carrier. We used to get PTRS reports regularly
from all over the field out there. We had about nine officers that were giving us
geographic support. And after ATOS we ended up with about three officers, one in
each region. And they were too busy doing all these complex…stuff. Nobody was
out there looking at the carrier.
The Seattle CMO supervisor at the time of the ATOS implementation at Alaska
Airlines stated that “the amount of surveillance that we have done since the introduction
of ATOS has probably generally decreased. The [ATOS] concept is great. Translating that
into some real life implementation is tougher than it sounds.” Seattle CMO Memorandum on Staff Shortages for Surveillance of
Alaska Airlines
A November 12, 1999, memorandum, from the supervisor of the FAAs CMO in
Seattle to the FAAs Director, Flight Standards Service, stated that staffing at the Seattle
CMO “has reached a critical point” and added that “to accomplish our assigned activities,
Factual Information 95 Aircraft Accident Report
we require at least four additional airworthiness inspectors and one cabin safety
inspector.” The memorandum noted the following:
[Alaska Airlines] one of the country’s top ten air carriers, is undergoing a state of
aggressive growth and expansion…We are not able to properly meet the workload
demands. Alaska Airlines has expressed continued concern over our inability to
serve it in a timely manner. Some program approvals have been delayed or
accomplished in a rushed manner at the ‘eleventh hour’ and we anticipate this
problem will intensify with time. Also, many enforcement investigations,
particularly in the area of cabin safety, have been delayed as a result of resource
The memorandum stated that the Seattle CMO had implemented an ATOS
comprehensive surveillance plan (CSP) and that the
current CSP for airworthiness consists of 50 safety attribute inspections…and 176
element performance inspections...The CSP for operations consists of 50 [safety
attribute inspections] and 103 [element performance inspections]. Effective
execution of the ATOS inspections requires a significant expenditure of inspector
resources. In order for the Seattle FSDO [CMO] to accommodate the significant
volume of Alaska Airline’s ‘demand’ work and effectively meet the objectives of
the ATOS program, additional inspector staffing must be made available.
The memorandum concluded that, if the Seattle CMO “continues to operate with
the existing limited number of airworthiness inspectors and without a cabin safety
inspector, diminished surveillance is imminent and the risk of incidents or accidents at
Alaska Airlines is heightened.”
A May 3, 2002, memorandum from the FAAs Director, Flight Standards Service,
in response to the Safety Board’s request for information regarding staffing changes at the
Seattle CMO since the flight 261 accident indicated that the authorized staffing level had
increased from 15 to 37 and that the on-board staffing level had increased from 12 to 30
and would increase to 32 by May 19, 2002.
The memorandum indicated that the staffing
included an operations research analyst and a cabin safety inspector. FAA Postaccident Special Inspection of Alaska Airlines
As a result of the flight 261 accident, the FAA conducted a special inspection of
Alaska Airlines from April 3 to April 19, 2000, to determine its compliance with the
FARs. The inspection team was headed by a member of the FAAs System Process Audit
staff from Washington, D.C., and team members included several FAA inspectors from
the Seattle FSDO and CMO. According to the special inspection report, dated June 20,
The Safety Board confirmed that the Seattle CMO on-board staffing level had increased to 32 by
May 19, 2002, and determined that, as of September 2002, its on-board staffing level had further increased
to 35.
Factual Information 96 Aircraft Accident Report
the 15-member inspection team focused on Alaska Airlines maintenance and
operations at its SEA and OAK facilities.
The special inspection report included the following findings:
Lack of Management Personnel:
Director of Maintenance position has been vacant for nearly two years (since
6/12/98). Currently two individuals are sharing the position.
Director of Operations position is currently vacant.
The Director of Safety is also the Director of Quality Control and Training.
This position also does not report directly to the highest level of management.
Maintenance Training:
Alaska Airlines training] manual does not specify maintenance training
curriculums or on-the-job training (OJT) procedures or objectives.
The OJT program is informal, and is administered at the discretion of the
appointed instructors. The program is not structured, there is no identification
of subjects to be covered, and there are no criteria for successful completion
Maintenance Program:
General Maintenance Manual (GMM) does not reflect the procedures that the
company is actually using to perform maintenance on its aircraft at the
company’s maintenance facilities.
The GMM does not include ‘how to’ procedures regarding heavy check
planning and/or production control.
The GMM does not contain complete procedures for the issuance of an
airworthiness release to an aircraft coming out of a heavy check.
Two aircraft were released to service from a ‘C’ check without the completion
of all necessary paperwork. This causes the inspection team to question the
completion of all work on the aircraft before [it is] issu[ed] an airworthiness
release and…used in revenue service.
Spot checks of [Alaska Airlines’] shelf-life program for consumables revealed
numerous discrepancies with the expiration dates that were exceeded or
Details of the FAA special inspection report were officially released in a June 2, 2000, FAA press
Factual Information 97 Aircraft Accident Report
Shift turnover forms (MIG-48) are not being used consistently within the
company as required by the GMM. Forms that are being used are incomplete
and/or missing required signatures. There were also various other methods of
shift turnover forms in use within the company that are not listed in the GMM.
Numerous nonroutine work cards (MIG-4) were signed off using a company
issued stamp, rather than an actual signature, as required by the GMM.
Numerous MIG-4 forms had the box checked for ‘partial work completed’ but
there were no entries on the back of the card for any partial work initiated or
Work cards being used for heavy checks are being modified or deleted without
approval of engineering or quality control. Mechanics on the floor are making
these changes on their own.
There are no procedures in the GMM on how routine and nonroutine work
cards will be distributed and controlled during a heavy check.
Continuous Analysis and Surveillance Program:
[Alaska Airlines] manuals do not contain facsimiles of audit checklists to be
used to administer the program.
Data gathering is not continuous, but periodic. Audits are performed at 12 or
24-month intervals and an allowance for a six-month extension is available.
Audit methods and techniques do not address compliance with regulatory
safety standards. Rather, audit checklists are modeled after the CASE audit
program, which is a generic program that is not specifically designed or
tailored for [Alaska Airlines].
The report also stated, “the area that showed the highest potential of systems
breakdowns is in the Maintenance Program (15 findings). This is probably because Alaska
Airlines maintenance personnel are not following the procedures that the company has in
its manuals thereby increasing the probability for errors.” The report added that “by not
having a functional [continuing analysis and surveillance program], numerous other areas
suffer from the lack of oversight and reform. This was evident within [Alaska Airlines]. It
is controlled by the Quality Assurance department, which appears to be understaffed.
Audits are not being completed in a timely manner and are incomplete, so problem areas
are not being identified.”
The special inspection report concluded the following:
The procedures that are in place at [Alaska Airlines] are not being followed.
The FAAs former director of Flight Standards Service stated at the Safety Board’s public hearing that
he was “staggered at the results of that inspection that showed that there were broad and systemic problems
in the company’s continuous analysis and surveillance program.”
Factual Information 98 Aircraft Accident Report
The controls that are in place are clearly not effective, as measured by the
number of findings that the team had during the inspection.
The authority and responsibilities are not very well defined. This situation is
aggravated [by] the fact that three positions [the director of maintenance, the
director of operations, and the director of safety] are not filled. One of the
positions, [director of maintenance], is being filled by two people, but the
division of duties and responsibilities has not been made in the GMM;
consequently, there is confusion as to who is responsible for what tasks.
Control of the deferral system is missing. Items are being deferred without
using the approved MEL [minimum equipment list]/CDL [configurations
deviations list], resulting in items not being repaired for long periods of time.
Quality Control and Quality Assurance Programs are ineffective. This is
evident through things such as ‘C’ check packages that are missing signatures,
open work cards, partial work completed, forms incomplete, etc.
The special inspection report’s final assessment of Alaska Airlines’ condition was
that “most of the findings can be attributed to (a) the processes (both those in place and
those that are missing) at the carrier and (b) ineffective quality control and quality
assurance departments. Correcting these areas would eliminate the majority of the issues
identified in this report.”
The special inspection team also evaluated Alaska Airlines based on FAA criteria
“for monitoring operators during periods of growth or major change.” The inspection
report stated that the airline planned to add additional aircraft, “which would result in a 20
percent increase over 3 years,”
and that the “company has a very high utilization rate,
particularly with the MD-80 fleet, to accommodate its very aggressive flight schedule.”
The report noted that there was an “apparent shortage of [flight] instructors” at the airline,
which “will become an even more prominent issue when aircraft are added to the fleet and
more flight crews are needed, along with the increase in the summer schedule.” The report
further noted that because of a shortage of maintenance personnel at OAK, “contractors
will be used more for accomplishing their ‘C’ checks” and that “Quality Assurance…and
Quality Control…are not adequately staffed at contract maintenance facilities.” The report
suggested that the key elements of Alaska Airlines’ system, including the maintenance
deferrals, quality assurance and control, internal evaluation, maintenance control, and
GMM “should be monitored to determine if the carriers system is able to support
additional aircraft.” FAA Proposed Suspension of Alaska Airlines’ Heavy
Maintenance Authority
In its June 2, 2000, press release regarding the special inspection findings, the FAA
proposed the suspension of Alaska Airlines’ heavy maintenance authority. The FAA press
These criteria are found in handbook bulletins HBAW 98-21 and HBAT 98-36. The inspection team’s
report noted that, according to these handbook bulletins, “a growth rate of 10 percent or more is high.”
Factual Information 99 Aircraft Accident Report
release stated, “approximately six to seven aircraft, of the airline’s fleet of 89 aircraft, are
in heavy maintenance in any given month.” The FAA stated that Alaska Airlines was
working with the FAA “to correct the deficiencies outlined in the inspection.” On June 29,
2000, the FAA accepted an Airworthiness and Operations Action Plan submitted by
Alaska Airlines, and its authority to conduct heavy maintenance was not suspended. Alaska Airlines Airworthiness and Operations Action Plan
Alaska Airlines’ June 29, 2000, Airworthiness and Operations Action Plan stated
that the airline had “instituted both interim and long-term measures that will ensure that its
maintenance operations meet or exceed all Federal Aviation Regulations and that all
aircraft released from heavy maintenance are safe and airworthy with all maintenance
properly documented.” The action plan stated that the airline had “initiated a
top-to-bottom review of all operations” and was developing a continuing analysis and
surveillance program “that will not only detect and correct any deficiencies in Alaska’s
maintenance program, but will constantly improve the program through a process of data
collection, analysis and corresponding changes.”
The action plan stated that the Alaska Airlines maintenance training program had
been reorganized to develop a “training profile for all maintenance personnel by area” and
that OJT would be “standardized and formalized.” The action plan stated that Alaska
Airlines would take the following actions regarding its maintenance program:
audit 100 percent of the maintenance documents produced during a heavy
maintenance check, for every airplane, at every location, whether accomplished in
house or by an approved vendor. We also conduct random audits on every airplane
during each heavy check. We analyze the findings to validate the new heavy
maintenance procedures. If the analysis indicates a problem with a new procedure,
it is corrected immediately…heavy maintenance procedures contained in our
GMM have been completely revised utilizing a meticulous process implemented
by Alaska Airlines personnel in conjunction with highly-qualified outside
consultants under the supervision of the FAA.
Further, the action plan stated that Alaska Airlines had “created an executive level
safety position, vice president of safety, that reports directly to our CEO.” In addition, the
plan stated that Alaska Airlines had created more than 130 new positions in its
maintenance and engineering division, 28 new positions in its flight operations division,
and 11 new positions in its safety division.
The action plan also stated that new procedures and policies had been
implemented to improve monitoring of contract maintenance vendors and “to ensure that
all heavy maintenance performed at a vendor meets or exceeds requirements of applicable
A Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of the Inspector General report on FAA oversight of
continuing analysis and surveillance programs, dated December 12, 2001, concluded that, if the continuing
analysis and surveillance program “had been operating effectively, Alaska Airlines’ own internal monitoring
process should have identified the deficiencies in its maintenance program.” The FAA acknowledged the
findings in the DOT report. For more information about the DOT report, see section
Factual Information 100 Aircraft Accident Report
FARs and the Alaska maintenance program.” The plan added that a policies and
procedures manual was developed for heavy maintenance vendors to “ensure
consistency…and consideration of industry best practices. This manual provides the basis
for vendor representative accountability, consistency of policies and training of new
vendor representatives.”
Finally, the action plan stated that Alaska Airlines had developed an internal audit
program “to provide oversight of all operating departments within Alaska Airlines…[and]
to develop an effective process to validate major changes to process or procedures at
Alaska Airlines.” The plan stated that this internal audit would be “mandatory for flight
operations, in-flight services, maintenance and engineering and airport operations.” FAA Followup Evaluation
During the week of September 18, 2000, the FAA conducted a focused followup
evaluation of Alaska Airlines’ SEA and LAX maintenance facilities and a contract
maintenance facility in Everett, Washington.
According to a September 22, 2000, FAA memorandum, the purpose of the
evaluation was to “assist the [FAAs] Alaska Airlines Certificate Management Office
(CMO) in completing an assessment of the carriers revised heavy maintenance process,
nonroutine work cards (MIG-4), vendor maintenance process, quality assurance program,
and continuing analysis and surveillance.” The memorandum added that “during the
second day of this evaluation it was determined that the new programs were not
completely implemented and the scope of the evaluation would be limited to a ‘progress
The September 22, 2000, memorandum listed procedural discrepancies and several
recurring findings, including the following:
Alaska Airlines does record and transmit information and instructions to their
counterparts for shift turnovers as required by the GMM. Two Alaska Airlines
forms titled, Priority Items and Engineering Report, are being utilized during shift
turnovers. Alaska Airlines has neither identified the aforementioned forms [n]or
implemented procedures in their [GMM] for the use of the forms.
Not all of the quality assurance (QA) auditors have been trained on the new
[continuing analysis and surveillance] procedures, and the company personnel
that were explaining the new [continuing analysis and surveillance] procedures to
us [the evaluation team] did not appear to understand their own process of
qualifying and authorizing QA auditors.
There is no formal course or syllabus for [continuing analysis and surveillance]
auditor training. The training program consists of only informal instruction
accomplished during OJT. There are no checklists or guides being used to
standardize the OJT. There are no controls or testing requirements in place to
determine how much the students were comprehending and retaining.
Factual Information 101 Aircraft Accident Report
The September 22, 2000, memorandum also noted that Alaska Airlines appeared
not to have “implemented procedures for documenting the qualifications and
authorizations of QA auditors” and that “there was a lack of standardization between
facilities, both internal and external, on following the instructions for reference material
attached to the MIG-4.” The memorandum concluded that “these [finding] areas should be
re-visited after the manuals have been re-written, the programs have been fully
implemented, and all personnel have been trained. This is projected to be in
January 2001.”
A September 25, 2000, FAA memorandum summarized an inspection team
evaluation of Alaska Airlines’ maintenance reliability program document, which was the
basis of the airline’s reliability analysis program.
The memorandum listed irregularities
concerning the document, which included that the document did not
define all of the aircraft components controlled by the program,
identify the individual responsible for analyzing trend-related information,
address the individuals responsible for conducting further analysis for
corrective action of program deficiencies or negative trends as identified by the
program’s analytical process,
contain a specific method to follow so that data are routed to the proper
organizational element for review,
contain a method for ensuring that changes in operating flight hours or cycles
as appropriate to the trend level of reliability experienced occurs,
contain a procedure to assign the appropriate personnel to find the cause of all
identified areas that exceed performance standards,
contain a method for establishing extension limits, and
contain a method for determining the analysis of nonroutine maintenance work
forms as a significant analytical factor in…maintenance program
The September 25, 2000, memorandum concluded the following:
Of concern is that the maintenance reliability program [document] adequately
depicts an accurate portrait of the maintenance program’s total effectiveness in a
single source document. And further, that changes to the maintenance as identified
through the reliability program analysis, are reviewed, controlled, and FAA
CMO-approved as warranted. The validity of a maintenance reliability program,
as reflected in Operations Specifications, does not imply carte blanche to an
operator for maintenance program changes without sufficient analytical data
presented as justification. The analytical data should accompany any notice or
request for a maintenance program change. Sufficient FAA guidance in
publications exists in support of this assertion.
For a description of Alaska Airlines’ reliability analysis program, see section
Factual Information 102 Aircraft Accident Report
In July 2001, an FAA 12-member panel again reviewed Alaska Airlines’ progress
in implementing its action plan.
According to an FAA briefing document on the review,
the review consisted of presentations by Alaska Airlines representatives, a visit by some
of the panel members to Alaska Airlines’ SEA maintenance facility, and discussions about
Alaska Airlines’ progress. According to the briefing document, Alaska Airlines
“convincingly demonstrated [its] completion of all initiatives and commitments set forth
in their action plan.” The briefing document indicated that the panel members who visited
the SEA maintenance facility found that, “with one exception, Alaska Airlines technicians
[had] an acceptable working knowledge of the automated General Procedures Manual.”
Further, the briefing document stated that the panel had “reached a consensus that Alaska
Airlines met or exceeded all commitments set forth in their action plan...[and that the
airline had demonstrated] strong and visible leadership from the top executives…for
safety, compliance and a strong and healthy safety culture.”
The FAA briefing document stated that Alaska Airlines had added
341 maintenance positions, enhanced its internal evaluation program, created a Board of
Directors’ Safety Committee “that interfaces with the director of safety,” improved
General Procedures Manual written procedures, and revised “flight operations procedures
and corresponding training that address critical operational control issues and the interface
between maintenance and flight operations with emphasis on abnormal and emergency
procedures.” The briefing document concluded that Alaska Airlines had
“demonstrated…that previously identified systemic deficiencies have been corrected and
verified as corrected” and that the FAA had verified “significant changes and
improvements at Alaska.” The briefing document was signed by the manager of the FAAs
Northwest Mountain Region Flight Standards Division. DOT Office of the Inspector General Report on FAA Oversight of
Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Programs
In its December 12, 2001, report on FAA oversight of continuing analysis and
surveillance programs, the DOT Office of the Inspector General stated that the findings of
the FAAs postaccident inspection of Alaska Airlines “raised questions as to why the
FAAs routine surveillance had not identified the deficiencies in Alaska Airlines’
[continuing analysis and surveillance program] and ensured that they were corrected.” The
DOT report stated that the FAA “needs to place greater emphasis on [continuing analysis
and surveillance program] oversight” and must “ensure [that continuing analysis and
surveillance program] deficiencies identified through its oversight inspections are
Four of the panel members were participants in the April 2000 special inspection.
Factual Information 103 Aircraft Accident Report
The DOT report added the following:
The lack of effective oversight of air carriers’ [continuing analysis and
surveillance programs] perpetuates a system where [the] FAA relies on its own
inspections to ensure carriers maintain their aircraft in an airworthy condition.
This system is ineffective because the FAA does not have sufficient resources to
physically inspect every aircraft. While it is clearly the responsibility of air
carriers to ensure day-to-day safe operation and maintenance of their aircraft,
[the] FAA must be more proactive in identifying deficiencies in air carriers’
[continuing analysis and surveillance programs].
The DOT report also noted that to properly evaluate a maintenance program, an
airline should have the following:
procedures in its [continuing analysis and surveillance program] to assess aircraft
mechanical performance. For example, the carrier should review data such as
engine removal rates and pilot reports of mechanical disruptions to identify
negative trends or premature failures. Mechanical monitoring programs can help
carriers maintain reliable aircraft operating rates by identifying [the] cause of
maintenance-related delays and cancellations. More importantly, a properly
designed and utilized [continuing analysis and surveillance program] establishes a
culture of safety with an airline’s operations.
The DOT report concluded that FAA inspectors “need to better document their
[continuing analysis and surveillance program] inspections” and “better train its
inspectors to evaluate carriers’ [continuing analysis and surveillance programs] for
systemic weaknesses.”
1.17.4 Other Safety Evaluations of Alaska Airlines DoD Capability Survey of Alaska Airlines
In September 1998, the DoD’s Air Carrier Survey and Analysis Office conducted a
biennial capability survey of Alaska Airlines’ operations.
The DoD survey report stated
the following:
The commendable practices we observed during the survey were Alaska Airlines’
overall training program to include the excellent crew coordination exhibited
during DoD cockpit observations. Operations management conducts ongoing
internal audits that include effective cross-divisional audits. Alaska’s safety
program also exceeds standards with a highly motivated staff and exceptional
projects like their flight operational quality assurance…program.
Regarding operations management, the DoD survey report stated that Alaska
Airlines had a “well-defined organizational structure, with staffing levels commensurate
DoD capability surveys of air carriers are part of a routine approval process for participation in the
DoD’s air transportation program.
Factual Information 104 Aircraft Accident Report
for their scope of operations” and “very experienced personnel in key positions with
minimal management turnover.” Regarding maintenance management, the survey report
stated that Alaska Airlines management provided “strong oversight of maintenance” and
that “company structure and lines of authority [were] satisfactorily defined.” The report
added that “excellent communications exist[ed] with both operations and mechanics.”
The DoD survey report stated that Alaska Airlines had a “strong safety program
that is responsive to employee inputs” and that “interaction between safety, functional
managers, and unions occurs frequently through formal meetings, written
communications, and informal discussion.” The survey report further stated that Alaska
Airlines “[continuing analysis and surveillance] program provides strong oversight of all
maintenance activities” and that a formal internal audit program provided “excellent
supervision of the company’s internal maintenance functions.” The report noted that
“during summer 1998, [the] carrier experienced difficulty accomplishing some heavy
checks on time due to high summer operations tempo and fluctuating heavy check flow.”
The report concluded that the Alaska Airlines’ operations and maintenance management
and operations safety program and training “exceed [DoD] standards.” Criminal Investigation of Alaska Airlines
In October 1998, an Alaska Airlines senior lead mechanic alleged to the FAA that
maintenance records had been falsified at Alaska Airlines’ OAK maintenance facility. His
statements triggered a 3-year criminal investigation into the allegations by a Federal grand
jury. In December 2001, Federal prosecutors stated that no charges would be filed against
Alaska Airlines as a result of the investigation. Postaccident Independent Safety Assessment of Alaska Airlines
After the accident, Alaska Airlines hired a consulting firm to conduct an
independent safety assessment of the airline. The firm assembled a 13-member team of
subject matter experts in flight operations, hazardous materials handling, security, and
maintenance and engineering. These areas included organizational structure and training,
flight dispatch, crew scheduling, station and ramp operations, cabin safety, maintenance
quality assurance programs, maintenance records systems, mechanical reliability
reporting, and maintenance contracting. The assessment teams inspections of Alaska
Airlines were conducted from April 10 to May 19, 2000.
The final safety assessment report, dated June 19, 2000, stated that the purpose of
the assessment was to examine “the prevailing operational situation from a safety
perspective (i.e., the ‘safety culture’) and to identify areas where Alaska Airlines’ overall
operational safety and efficiencies could be enhanced or improved through strengthening
or modifying existing policies, procedures or practices, or through new initiatives.” The
report added that the assessment focused on “examination of safety issues from the
standpoint of organizational functionality and management oversight and the evaluation of
Alaska Airlines’ internal policies, procedures and practices.”
Factual Information 105 Aircraft Accident Report
The safety assessment team made more than 170 recommendations that it stated
were intended to “guide both strategic planning and tactical action by Alaska Airlines as
they move to strengthen the foundation of an effective safety culture that anticipates the
potential for problems and acts swiftly and effectively to mitigate such threats.” The
recommendations suggested, in part, that Alaska Airlines develop clearer lines of
managerial authority and responsibilities; increase staffing; enhance standardization of
operating and training manuals; revise its GMM to clarify and update policies,
responsibilities, and procedures; increase maintenance training; and create a new
corporate safety department that reports directly to the highest levels of the airline. The
report also recommended that Alaska Airlines appoint a vice president of corporate safety
to manage the department.
1.18 Additional Information
1.18.1 Postaccident Airworthiness Directives
On February 11, 2000, as a result of information gathered immediately after the
flight 261 accident, the FAA issued AD 2000-03-51 to all operators of DC-9, MD-90-30,
MD-88, and 717-200 series airplanes. AD 2000-03-51 stated the following:
[after the Alaska Airlines crash, the] FAA…received a report from an operator
that indicated two instances of metallic shavings in the vicinity of the jackscrew
assembly and gimbal [acme] nut of the horizontal stabilizer. Metallic shavings in
the vicinity of the horizontal stabilizer indicate excessive wear of the jackscrew
assembly. Such excessive wear, if not corrected, could result in possible loss of
pitch trim capability, which could result in loss of vertical control of the airplane.
AD 2000-03-51 required operators to “perform a general visual inspection of the
lubricating grease on the jackscrew assembly and the area directly below the jackscrew
and surrounding areas for the presence of metal shavings and flakes” and to replace the
assembly before further flight if shavings or flakes were found.
The AD also required
inspection and lubrication of the jackscrew assembly, “prior to the accumulation of
650 hours total time-in-service…or within 72 hours” after receipt of the AD and were to
be repeated “at intervals not to exceed 650 flight hours.”
In addition, AD 2000-03-51 required operators to “perform a general visual
inspection of the jackscrew assembly to detect the presence of corrosion, pitting or
distress” and to replace the assembly if these conditions were found. Further, the AD
required an inspection of the lubrication of the jackscrew assembly, an inspection of the
acme screw and nut upper and lower mechanical stops, testing of the horizontal stabilizer
shutoff control, and the performance of end play checks “within 2,000 flight hours since
On February 11, 2000, Boeing issued ASBs for DC-9, MD-90-30, MD-88, and 717-200 series
airplanes that described the “procedures for inspecting the general condition of the jackscrew assembly and
the area around the jackscrew assembly to detect the presence of metal shavings and flakes.”
Factual Information 106 Aircraft Accident Report
the last acme screw and nut wear check” and, thereafter, to be repeated at intervals not to
exceed 2,000 flight hours.
On July 28, 2000, the FAA issued AD 2000-15-15, which superseded
AD 2000-03-51. AD 2000-15-15, which had an effective date of August 23, 2000,
included the same requirements as AD 2000-03-15, but AD 2000-15-15 also required
operators to look for the presence of metallic particles in the jackscrew assembly
lubrication. The AD stated the following:
Since the issuance of AD 2000-03-51, the FAA has received numerous reports of
incidents in which metallic particles (including slivers and dust, as well as
shavings and flakes) were found [e]mbedded within the grease on the threaded
portion of the jackscrew assembly of the horizontal stabilizer actuator and on the
area directly below the jackscrew assembly. Findings by the manufacturer indicate
that such metallic particles can be identified as a non-magnetic metallic substance
which is golden in consideration of new findings by the manufacturer
regarding the types of material found in the jackscrew assembly of the horizontal
stabilizer since issuance of AD 2000-03-51, the FAA has determined that the
required inspections should be expanded to include metallic particles such as
slivers and dust, as well as the metal shavings and flakes identified in
AD 2000-03-51.
AD 2000-15-15 concluded that “the FAA has determined that it is necessary for
operators to report the results of the end play checks” performed at the 2,000-flight-hour
intervals prescribed in AD 2000-03-51 “to provide information regarding the wear rates of
the jackscrew assembly.” The AD stated that the FAA would use this reported end play
data “to confirm that the repetitive intervals of 650 flight hours [for the general visual
inspection of the jackscrew assembly and lubrication]…and the repetitive intervals of
2,000 flight hours [for the end play checks]…are appropriate compliance times for
accomplishment of the end play check and are adequate for ensuring the safety of the
fleet.” Safety Board and FAA Correspondence Regarding the 2,000-Flight
-Hour End Play Check Interval Specified in ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15
In a May 14, 2001, letter to the FAA, the Safety Board indicated that the results of
a February 17, 2000, end play check on a Hawaiian Airlines DC-9,
which yielded an
end play measurement of 0.043 inch after having accumulated only about 2,500 flight
hours, called into question the adequacy of the 2,000-flight-hour end play check interval
required by AD 2000-15-15. The Board stated that, because of the wear observed on the
Hawaiian Airlines jackscrew assembly and the potential that other assemblies with
higher-than-normal wear rates are in service, it was concerned that the 2,000-flight-hour
end play check interval might not be adequate to ensure the safety of the fleet affected by
AD 2000-15-15. The Board requested any additional information regarding the
background data and analysis that the FAA used to establish the 2,000-flight-hour end
For more information about the Hawaiian Airlines DC-9 jackscrew assembly, see section
Factual Information 107 Aircraft Accident Report
play check interval identified in ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15 and any final or
terminating actions it had identified in this case.
In a June 26, 2001, letter, the FAA responded that Boeing initially recommended
the 2,000-flight-hour end play check interval in ASB DC-9-27A362. The FAA stated that,
while evaluating this recommendation, it had numerous discussions with Boeing
regarding the acceptability of the 2,000-flight-hour interval. The FAA added the
These discussions focused on the robust design of the acme nut, structural test
data, structural analysis, existing wear rate data, and the service history of the
fleet. The original Boeing wear rate data showed a wear rate of 0.001 inch per
1,000 flight hours when the jackscrew was lubricated at 400-hour intervals. The
Boeing data was supplemented with recent wear rate information provided to
Boeing by one of the largest MD-80 operators. These new data showed a wear rate
which closely correlated with the existing Boeing wear rate but was obtained from
aircraft with jackscrews that were being lubricated at approximately
940-flight-hour intervals…analysis showed that a jackscrew worn beyond
0.080-inch end play could still safely carry limit load. Based on FAA review of
the analytical data and on the discussions with Boeing, we concluded that
Boeing’s recommendation for endplay checks at 2,000-flight-hour intervals
supported by lubrication and inspections at 650-flight-hour intervals was
sufficient to produce predictable wear rates and detect worn jackscrew assemblies
well before their structural capability would be compromised.
In response to the Safety Board’s concern that the 2,000-flight-hour end play check
interval would be inadequate to identify a jackscrew assembly that is wearing at a
higher-than-normal rate, the FAA stated, in part, the following:
The FAA is also concerned about jackscrews found with excessive wear rates
because these are seen as indicators not only of possible improper lubrication or
contaminated grease but also of a potential design problem. With one
exception…the current endplay check intervals have shown to be adequate to
detect jackscrews with accelerated wear rates….If [the Hawaiian Airlines]
jackscrew were to have remained in service…and if it continued to wear at the
same rate, the lubrication and inspections requirements of AD 2000-15-15 would
have provided at least two opportunities for maintenance personnel to detect
excessive wear before the next required endplay check. This is because
jackscrews wearing at an excessive rate will produce an excessive amount of
debris. The AD requires an inspection for debris at each lubrication interval and, if
found, a requirement to perform an endplay check. Were the excessive wear not
detected before the next endplay check, the jackscrew assembly with the amount
of endplay identified in your letter...would retain sufficient structural capability to
safely support limit load.
In response to the Safety Board’s query about whether any terminating actions had
been identified on this issue, the FAA stated, in part, the following:
Factual Information 108 Aircraft Accident Report
The FAA has had discussions with Boeing regarding the effectiveness of the
existing inspections and the appropriateness of design changes to the jackscrew
assembly. To date, these discussions have yielded no firm conclusions that a
design change is either appropriate or warranted.
1.18.2 Safety Board Statistical End Play Data Study
The Safety Board statistically examined the end play data collected as a result of
ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15. The Board received a total of 3,174 end play
measurements from 1,493 airplanes at 44 operators.
Because end play was measured at repeated intervals for individual jackscrew
assemblies, it was possible to estimate whether the end play measurement was reliable.
According to Boeing estimates, very little change in end play was expected to occur over
the 2,000-flight-hour interval between checks because end play was expected to increase
at a rate of about 0.001 inch per 1,000 flight hours. Because this expected change was
small and unidirectional, the Safety Board used the test-retest method to estimate
measurement reliability.
End play measurements reported on three consecutive occasions
for the same
airplanes were compared using a correlation analysis that measures the strength of the
relationship between two sets of numbers and produces a value known as the correlation
coefficient (represented in notation as “r”). The correlation coefficient ranges between
The correlation coefficient for the first and second measurements was +0.553 and
+0.416 for the second and third measurements. The coefficients of determination,
(represented in notation as “R
”), representing shared, or common, variance, were
0.306 for the first and second measurements and 0.173 for the second and third
measurements, indicating low measurement reliability.
In addition to analyzing on-wing end play measurements collected as a result of
ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15, a second portion of the end play data study focused on
Reliability refers to the ability of a measurement tool to yield reproducible results.
Measurement reliability is often assessed using a test-retest method in which two consecutive
measurements are recorded and, if the entity being measured has not changed (or has changed in a consistent
manner) during the measurement interval, subsequent correlation of the two measurements should reveal a
strong relationship. The absence of such a correlation suggests that other variables, such as measurement
error, may have caused variability in the observed measurement.
After screening the data for errors (missing data, duplicate cases, multiple measurement conventions,
incorrect flight hours, and incorrect fuselage numbers), the resulting set contained 1,388 cases at the first
measurement; 852 cases at the second measurement; and 482 cases at the third measurement.
A coefficient of +1.0, known as a perfect positive correlation, means that in each case changes in one
measurement resulted in an identical change in the other measurement. A coefficient of -1.0, known as a
perfect negative correlation, means that changes in one measurement resulted in an identical change in the
other measurement but that the change was in the opposite direction. A coefficient of 0 means that no
relationship existed between the two measurements and that changes in one measurement had no effect on
the second measurement.
Two alternative test-retest analyses that accounted for varying time intervals between checks for
individual aircraft were performed and yielded similar results.
Factual Information 109 Aircraft Accident Report
an examination of a small subset of cases in which both on-wing and bench-check end
play measurement data were available. Boeing collected and reported data on jackscrew
assemblies that were returned to Integrated Aerospace during 2000. Integrated Aerospace
reported that 157 jackscrew assemblies were returned for overhaul during the 2000
calendar year, a marked increase over those received in previous years,
and likely
affected by the AD requiring end play checks for the entire fleet of DC-9, MD-90-30,
MD-88, and 717-200 series airplanes. Of the 157 jackscrew assemblies, 49 were removed
because of end play measurements that exceeded operators’ criteria for removal. Other
reasons for removal included the presence of metal flakes, excessive free play, or damage
to the assembly.
Jackscrew assemblies returned to Integrated Aerospace are cleaned and then bench
end play checks are conducted. Because some of the conditions that can create variation in
the end play measurement are controlled during bench checks, they are expected to yield
more accurate end play measurements than on-wing checks conducted by maintenance
personnel. Of the 157 jackscrew assemblies removed in 2000, bench end play checks for
142 of the assemblies resulted in end play measurements that fell within in-service end
play tolerances (between 0.003 and 0.040 inch). Twelve assemblies had bench-check end
play measurements greater than 0.040 inch. No bench-check end play measurements were
reported for three assemblies. Boeing contacted operators and obtained a matched sample
(both on-wing and bench-check end play measurements) for 64 jackscrew assemblies.
After correcting documentation errors, the Safety Board calculated the difference
in end play measurements between the on-wing and the bench-check settings. In 45 of the
64 cases (70.3 percent), the on-wing end play measurements were higher than the
bench-check measurements; in 6 of the 64 cases (9.4 percent), the on-wing and
bench-check end play measurements were equal; and in 13 of the 64 cases (20.3 percent),
the on-wing end play measurements were lower than the bench-check measurements.
After removing one outlier,
the validity of the on-wing end play measurement
was approximated using a correlation analysis between the on-wing and bench-check end
play measurements.
The analysis determined that the resulting correlation coefficient
was +0.442 (R
=0.195), suggesting low measurement validity. The Safety Board end play
data study report, dated March 18, 2002, concluded, “in the absence of additional
information such as the rate of acme nut wear and the thread thickness at which failure
may occur, the observed level of measurement error raises doubts about the utility of the
existing end play measurement procedure.”
According to Integrated Aerospace records, 59 jackscrew assemblies were returned in 1999, 54 in
1998, 59 in 1997, and 42 in 1996.
An outlier is an extreme measurement that is not representative of the rest of the data set.
This method assumed that the bench-check end play measurement was a criterion, or a standard, that
represented the true end play in the jackscrew assembly. If the on-wing end play measurement is valid
(representing the actual state of end play), then the correlation coefficient representing the relationship
between the on-wing and bench-check end play measurements should be close to +1.0.
Factual Information 110 Aircraft Accident Report
1.18.3 Previous Safety Recommendations Resulting from the
Alaska Airlines Flight 261 Investigation
On October 1, 2001, the Safety Board issued Safety Recommendations A-01-41
through -48. In the safety recommendation letter, the Board expressed concern that
lubrication procedures for the acme screw and nut were not sufficient to ensure thorough
lubrications and that end play check procedures were not adequate to ensure accurate
measurements of acme screw and nut wear. In addition, the Board expressed concern that
use of an inappropriate grease type or a mixture of incompatible grease types could cause
adverse effects and that technical information and practical experience about aviation
lubrication was not being shared by the aviation industry.
Safety Recommendation A-01-41 asked the FAA to do the following:
Require the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group to revise the lubrication
procedure for the horizontal stabilizer trim system of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell
Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series airplanes to minimize the probability
of inadequate lubrication.
In a December 12, 2001, response letter, the FAA stated that it agreed with the
intent of Safety Recommendation A-01-41 and that it was “working with the Boeing
Commercial Airplane Group to rewrite the lubrication procedures to the optimal
standard.” The FAA also stated that it was “evaluating the necessity of an additional task
to perform a detailed inspection of the lubricant at a ‘C’ check interval to check for
indications of metal shavings.”
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation A-01-41
“Open—Acceptable Response,” pending the revisions to the lubrication procedure for the
horizontal stabilizer trim system of DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplanes. On
July 25, 2002, Boeing representatives provided the Board with a briefing on new
lubrication procedures currently being developed and tested.
Safety Recommendation A-01-42 asked the FAA to do the following:
Require the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group to revise the end play check
procedure for the horizontal stabilizer trim system of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell
Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series airplanes to minimize the probability
of measurement error and conduct a study to empirically validate the revised
procedure against an appropriate physical standard of actual acme screw and acme
nut wear. This study should also establish that the procedure produces a
measurement that is reliable when conducted on-wing.
In its December 2001 response letter, the FAA stated that it agreed with the intent
of Safety Recommendation A-01-42 and that it had asked Boeing to “revise the end play
check procedure…to minimize the probability of measurement error.” The FAA further
stated that it had asked Boeing “to conduct a study to validate the revised procedure
empirically against an appropriate physical standard of actual acme screw and acme nut
Factual Information 111 Aircraft Accident Report
wear. The study will also establish procedures that produce a measurement that is reliable
when conducted on-wing.”
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation A-01-42
“Open—Acceptable Response,” pending the revisions to the end play check procedure
and the validation of the revised procedure. On July 25, 2002, Boeing representatives
provided the Board with a briefing on revised end play check procedures currently being
developed and tested.
Safety Recommendation A-01-43 asked the FAA to do the following:
Require maintenance personnel who lubricate the horizontal stabilizer trim system
of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series
airplanes to undergo specialized training for this task.
Safety Recommendation A-01-44 asked the FAA to do the following:
Require maintenance personnel who inspect the horizontal stabilizer trim system
of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series
airplanes to undergo specialized training for this task. This training should include
familiarization with the selection, inspection, and proper use of the tooling to
perform the end play check.
In its December 2001 response letter, the FAA stated that it believed that “current
regulatory requirements of 14 CFR 121.375 adequately address maintenance training
programs.” The FAA added that the agency was “revising [AC] 120-16C, Continuous
Airworthiness Maintenance Programs, to expand the intent of the requirement for
maintenance training programs.” The FAA stated that the AC revisions would address
basic training, initial training, recurrent training, specialized training, vendor training, and
competence-based training. In addition, the FAA asserted that “current regulatory
requirements of 14 CFR 65.81 and 14 CFR 65.103 adequately address the inspection
requirements for maintenance personnel and repairmen.” The FAA concluded that
“current regulatory requirements in place to require maintenance training programs and
inspection requirements for maintenance personnel and repairmen address the full intent
of these safety recommendations.”
In its June 14, 2002, response letter to the FAA, the Safety Board stated that it
“continues to believe that current FAA regulations do not result in maintenance personnel
being properly trained to perform lubrication and end play inspection of the acme screw
and nut assembly” and urged the FAA to reconsider its position. The Board classified
Safety Recommendations A-01-43 and -44 “Open—Unacceptable Response,” pending
accomplishment of the recommended actions.
Factual Information 112 Aircraft Accident Report
Safety Recommendation A-01-45 asked the FAA to do the following:
Before the implementation of any proposed changes in allowable lubrication
applications for critical aircraft systems, require operators to supply to the FAA
technical data (including performance information and test results) demonstrating
that the proposed changes will not present any potential hazards and obtain
approval of the proposed changes from the principal maintenance inspector and
concurrence from the FAA applicable [Aircraft Certification Office].
Safety Recommendation A-01-46 asked the FAA to do the following:
Issue guidance to principal maintenance inspectors to notify all operators about
the potential hazards of using inappropriate grease types and mixing incompatible
grease types.
In its December 2001 response letter, the FAA stated that it was “issuing a flight
standards information bulletin to address these safety recommendations.” The FAA added
that the bulletin would do the following:
provide inspectors with guidance on processing an operators proposed
substitution of a lubricant or a lubrication application method change. The bulletin
will direct aviation safety inspectors to request that the operator supply technical
data on the substitute lubricant or [lubrication application method change] that
affects critical aircraft systems and include performance information, along with
test results, demonstrating that the proposed change will not present any potential
hazard. The bulletin will also direct aviation safety inspectors to have the analysis
test data reviewed by the appropriate FAA Aircraft Certification Office to
determine if the substitute lubricant meets the required specifications.
In addition, the FAA stated that it was “incorporating a revision in Order 8300.10,
Airworthiness Inspectors Handbook, to state that if there is any doubt as to the soundness
of the request, the aviation safety inspector should coordinate the request with the
appropriate Aircraft Certification Office.” In an April 2, 2002, letter, the FAA further
responded to Safety Recommendations A-01-45 and -46, stating that, on February 15,
2002, it had issued Flight Standards Information Bulletin for Airworthiness
(FSAW) 02-02, “The Potential Adverse Effects of Grease Substitution” and revised Order
8300.10 per its previous letter.
On July 29, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendations A-01-45
and -46 “Closed—Acceptable Action” based on the issuance of FSAW 02-02 and the
revisions to Order 8300.10.
Safety Recommendation A-01-47 asked the FAA to do the following:
Survey all operators to identify any lubrication practices that deviate from those
specified in the manufacturers airplane maintenance manual, determine whether
any of those deviations involve the current use of inappropriate grease types or
incompatible grease mixtures on critical aircraft systems and, if so, eliminate the
use of any such inappropriate grease types or incompatible mixtures.
Factual Information 113 Aircraft Accident Report
Safety Recommendation A-01-48 asked the FAA to do the following:
Within the next 120 days, convene an industrywide forum to disseminate
information about and discuss issues pertaining to the lubrication of aircraft
components, including the qualification, selection, application methods,
performance, inspection, testing, and incompatibility of grease types used on
aircraft components.
In its December 2001 response letter, the FAA stated that it agreed with the intent
of Safety Recommendations A-01-47 and -48 and had scheduled an FAA/industry forum
that would include “representatives from domestic and international airlines [and] will
address the issues raised in these safety recommendations.” The FAA/industry forum was
held in January 2002.
In its June 14, 2002, response letter to the FAA, the Safety Board requested that the
FAA provide copies of any proceedings or recommendations that resulted from the
FAA/industry forum.
The Board also requested that the FAA indicate whether it was
able to survey all operators’ lubrication practices, as called for in Safety Recommendation
A-01-47, and to describe any long-term actions planned as a result of the forum. Pending
receipt of the requested information, the Board classified Safety Recommendations
A-01-47 and -48 “Open—Acceptable Response.”
1.18.4 Alaska Airlines Fleetwide MD-80 Jackscrew Assembly
Data and Tracking History
Alaska Airlines and Boeing provided data to the Safety Board so that it could
produce a complete inventory of all jackscrew assemblies used in the Alaska Airlines
fleet. The data included the tail numbers of the airplanes in which the jackscrew
assemblies were installed, information about whether the airplanes were original airline
airplanes, the date that the airplanes were delivered to Alaska Airlines, the total flight
hours on the jackscrew assemblies, the bench-check end play measurements for the
jackscrew assemblies,
the date of removal and replacement of the jackscrew assemblies,
and the computed wear rate of the jackscrew assemblies.
The data indicated that three jackscrew assemblies, including the accident
assembly and the assemblies from N981AS and N982AS, had excessive wear
rates. According to maintenance records and information provided by Alaska Airlines, the
FSAW 02-02C, “The Potential Adverse Effects of Grease Substitution,” (amended on May 22, 2002)
stated that presentations at the FAA/industry forum indicated that “there have been no equipment failures
attributed to changing greases when lubrication practices (lubrication type, frequency, and technique) are per
the original equipment manufacturers recommendations; and each lubrication point is properly purged” and
that “when properly purged, the resulting intermixing of greases does not pose an airworthiness concern.
However, the lack of lubrication can result in damage to mechanisms that require lubrication for normal
Most of the end play measurements were taken during bench checks after the jackscrew assemblies
were removed. If no bench-check end play measurements could be obtained, the measurement from the most
recent on-wing end play check was used.
Factual Information 114 Aircraft Accident Report
jackscrew assemblies from N981AS and N982AS received their most recent lubrications
at Alaska Airlines’ maintenance facility at OAK (during C checks) and the lubrications
before that at its maintenance facility at SFO.
On February 9, 2000, metal shavings were found in another Alaska Airlines
MD-83, N981AS, during a fleet inspection in Portland, Oregon. An on-wing end play
check was performed on N981AS, and the end play measurement was 0.055 inch. At the
time of the end play check, the airplane had accumulated 10,201 flight hours.
The jackscrew assembly was removed and sent to the Safety Board’s Materials
Laboratory for examination. Safety Board investigators found metal shavings, some
measuring 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, in the area directly beneath the acme screw and in the
grease on the acme screw. Several semicircular shavings about 2 1/5 inches long were also
found. After the assembly was cleaned, an end play check was performed; the end play
measurement was 0.053 inch in a loaded condition.
Also on February 9, 2000, metal shavings were found in an Alaska Airlines
MD-83, N982AS, during a fleet inspection at SEA. Several on-wing end play checks were
performed on N982AS, which had accumulated 9,980 flight hours. At a torque of
275 inch-pounds, the end play measurements were 0.0510, 0.0525, and 0.0525 inch on
three successive attempts. At a torque of 250 inch-pounds, the end play measurement was
0.082 inch on three successive attempts.
The jackscrew assembly was removed and sent to the Safety Board’s Materials
Laboratory for examination. Safety Board investigators found metal shavings, some
measuring 1/8 inch long, in the area directly beneath the acme screw and in the grease on
the acme screw. A semicircular shaving about 2 1/5 inches long was also found. After the
assembly was cleaned, an end play check was performed; the end play measurement was
0.048 inch in a loaded condition.
The data also indicated that, in 1999, Alaska Airlines had removed and replaced
the jackscrew assemblies from the following MD-80s in its fleet: N947AS, N975AS, and
Jackscrew assembly S/N DCA 1935 was removed from N947AS in June 1999 at
Alaska Airlines’ OAK maintenance facility during a 30,000-flight-hour check because of
excessive wear. N947AS was delivered new to Alaska Airlines in December 1990. At the
As previously mentioned, the accident jackscrew assembly received its last lubrication at Alaska
Airlines’ SFO maintenance facility. According to Alaska Airlines, nearly all of its MD-80s had received at
least one jackscrew assembly lubrication at its SFO or OAK maintenance facility during the 3 years before
the flight 261 accident.
Factual Information 115 Aircraft Accident Report
time of the jackscrew assembly removal, N947AS had accumulated 27,860 flight hours
(15,906 flight cycles). No end play measurements were recorded. However, a bench end
play check conducted at Trig Aerospace (currently Integrated Aerospace) on February 27,
2000, indicated an end play measurement of 0.029 inch.
Jackscrew assembly S/N DCA 2272 was removed from N975AS on November 17,
1999, at Alaska Airlines’ OAK maintenance facility during a C check because the
assembly had a 0.042-inch end play measurement. N975AS was delivered new to Alaska
Airlines in May 1994. At the time of the jackscrew assembly removal, N975AS had
accumulated 19,960 flight hours (10,786 flight cycles).
Mitchell Aircraft Spares had jackscrew assembly DCA 2272 overhauled by
Aerotron AirPower on January 17, 2000. Assembly DCA 2272 was repurchased by
Alaska Airlines and sent to Trig Aerospace with an order stating that the unit “needs
overhaul to bring to serviceable condition.” The assembly was overhauled by Trig
Aerospace on February 27, 2000, according to specifications outlined in the
Boeing/Douglas Overhaul Maintenance Manual 27-41-1, revision 24, dated April 15,
Jackscrew assembly S/N “AC951” was removed from N951AS on November 26,
1999, by Aviation Management Systems, Phoenix, Arizona, during a 30,000-flight-hour
check because the assembly had a 0.045-inch end play measurement. Alaska Airlines
purchased N951AS from JetAmerica in October 1987. At the time of the jackscrew
assembly removal, N951AS had accumulated 52,894 flight hours (30,284 flight cycles).
No maintenance history or information about the jackscrew assembly before or after the
acquisition was found.
According to records from a computer-based, statistical component reliability (or
alert) program that Alaska Airlines used to track the purchasing of appliances, parts, and
components, the airline had not replaced a jackscrew assembly on any airplanes in its
MD-80 fleet until 1999.
The Alaska Airlines director of reliability and maintenance
programs testified at the Safety Board’s public hearing that the program, which began in
1995, tracks components “at a rate of 1,000 unit hours in service.”
Alaska Airlines’ reliability analysis program database indicated that the airline had
purchased three replacement jackscrew assemblies in 1999. After replacement of the first
jackscrew assembly in June 1999, Alaska Airlines began tracking jackscrew assemblies as
rotable components.
No earlier maintenance histories (for example, overhaul status, last
maintenance, and vendor tear down reports) were available for Alaska Airlines’ jackscrew
Alaska Airlines started operating MD-80s in 1985.
Factual Information 116 Aircraft Accident Report
1.18.5 MD-11 Jackscrew Assembly Acme Nut Wear History
In 1995, five operators of McDonnell Douglas MD-11 (MD-11) airplanes reported
excessive wear of acme nuts on these airplanes. Subsequent investigations by McDonnell
Douglas and operators determined that the excessive wear was a result of improper acme
screw thread surface finish.
On the basis of this evidence, McDonnell Douglas issued
Service Bulletin (SB) MD11-27-067 on July 31, 1997, which provided instructions for
measurement, inspection for excessive wear on the actuator assemblies, and repair and
replacement, if necessary.
In 1998, another MD-11 operator reported that the acme nut threads on one
jackscrew assembly had completely worn away. Boeing determined that this excessive
wear was also a result of improper acme screw thread surface finish. The trim system was
rendered inoperative by the subsequent failure of the shear pins installed in the drive
mechanism that connects the two acme nuts. As a result of this incident, on November 19,
1999, SB MD11-27-067 was escalated to an “Alert” status (ASB MD11-27A-067,
revision 5). The summary section of the ASB stated, “If not corrected, this condition, in
conjunction with a failure of the opposite side jackscrew assembly, could result in a free
horizontal stabilizer that would cause loss of airplane pitch control.” On July 30, 1998, the
FAA issued an AD that reiterated this concern and required MD-11 operators to comply
with ASB MD11-27A-067.
1.18.6 Safety Board Observations of Jackscrew Assembly
Safety Board investigators observed lubrications of jackscrew assemblies
performed by maintenance personnel from two MD-80 operators and discussed the
lubrication procedure with these and other maintenance personnel from these operators.
Investigators observed that different methods were used by maintenance personnel to
accomplish certain steps in the lubrication procedure, including the manner in which
grease was applied to the acme nut fitting and the acme screw
and the number of times
the trim system was cycled to distribute the grease immediately after its application. In
addition, Safety Board investigators who attempted to perform the lubrication procedure
noted that, because of the access panel’s size, it could be difficult to insert a hand into the
access panel and that after a hand was inserted, it blocked their view of the jackscrew
assembly, thereby requiring them to accomplish the task primarily by “feel.”
Before its first jackscrew assembly replacement in June 1999, Alaska Airlines tracked the assemblies
as nonstocked items. After the first jackscrew assembly replacement, the assemblies were added to the
airline’s reliability program rotable component statistical alerting system. Rotables are parts and appliances
that are economically repairable and are periodically overhauled to a fully serviceable condition. These parts
and appliances have specific requirements to track time and location at a serialized level.
No evidence of improper surface finish was found on the accident acme screw threads. For details
about the accident acme screw thread surface finish, see section
The various grease application procedures included the use of a brush, a grease gun nozzle, a glove, a
bare hand, or a rag.
Factual Information 117 Aircraft Accident Report
A lubrication test performed under Safety Board supervision determined that,
when only the grease fitting was lubricated, grease went into the top six or seven acme nut
threads before extruding out of the top of the nut. Grease began to extrude out of the top of
the acme nut after seven pumps of the grease gun. Lubricating the acme nut through the
grease fitting did not provide lubrication to all of the acme screw and nut pressure flanks.
designed to compare the effectiveness of various methods of
lubricating the acme screw and nut assembly found that a thorough application of grease
onto the entire length of the acme screw, followed by the cycling of the trim several times,
maximized the distribution of lubrication on the acme nut threads. Several of the methods
observed by or reported to Safety Board investigators did not involve either the
application of grease to the entire length of the acme screw or cycling of the trim several
1.18.7 End Play Check Anomalies Safety Board End Play Check Observations
Safety Board investigators observed end play checks performed by maintenance
personnel from several MD-80 operators, including Alaska Airlines (at its OAK
maintenance facility),
and observed bench end play checks performed by Integrated
Aerospace. Results of hundreds of end play checks submitted to the FAA in accordance
with ADs 2000-03-51 and 2000-15-15 were also reviewed.
In its October 2001 safety recommendation letter, the Safety Board noted that the
accuracy of the end play results could be affected by deviations in one or more of the
following areas: (1) calibration and interpretation of the dial indicator; (2) installation of
the dial indicator; (3) application and direction of the specified torque to the restraining
(4) calibration of the torque wrench; (5) fabrication, lubrication, and
maintenance of the restraining fixture; (6) rotation of the acme screw within its gearbox
during the procedure;
and (7) the individual mechanics knowledge of the procedures.
The demonstrations involved the use of acme nuts manufactured from a transparent plastic, which
allowed a view of the acme nut threads during lubrication and operation of an acme screw being rotated
through the nut under a static load.
In March 2000, Safety Board investigators observed jackscrew assembly end play checks on
N932AS, which was undergoing a 17-day C check. The end play check was performed by two sets of
mechanics and inspectors.
As stated previously, AD 2000 15-15 requires all U.S. operators of DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series
airplanes to perform end play checks every 2,000 flight hours and report the end play measurements to the
manufacturer after every check. Before the flight 261 accident, operators performed end play checks at
various intervals, all but one of which exceeded 2,000 hours. These intervals were based on each airline’s
maintenance program and were approved by the airline’s PMI. For more information about AD 2000-15-15
and the Safety Board’s statistical end play data study, see sections 1.18.1 and 1.18.2, respectively.
Torquing the restraining fixture in the wrong direction results in end play measurements of 0.
Rotation of the acme screw can effect the movement of the dial indicator plunger and cause higher
end play readings.
Factual Information 118 Aircraft Accident Report
During some of the end play check observations, Safety Board investigators
evaluated different methods of accomplishing the end play check procedure. Investigators
observed that, when the dial indicator was mounted above the acme nut instead of below it
(as is called for in the current end play check procedure), the dial indicator was easier to
install, its face could be seen more easily (without the need for an inspection mirror, as
was the case when it was installed below the acme nut), and the end play measurement
could be more easily discerned from the movement of the indicator needle.
Investigators also observed that, when the dial indicator was mounted such that the
plunger contacted the canted surface of the acme nut stop lug at a skewed angle to the
plunger axis, the end play measurement was lower than it was when it contacted a level
surface on the acme nut at a right angle to the plunger axis. On April 13 and November 20,
2000, Boeing issued revisions to the end play check procedure.
193 Postaccident Alaska Airlines-Reported Near-Zero End Play
In March and April 2002, Alaska Airlines removed two jackscrew assemblies from
MD-80 airplanes in its fleet following near-zero end play measurements. One jackscrew
assembly was removed after a scheduled end play check at Alaska Airlines’ maintenance
facility at OAK, and the other assembly was removed during a scheduled C check at a
contract facility near SEA. Both jackscrew assemblies were removed because of reported
end play measurements of 0.001 inch during all iterations of the end play check.
Board investigators examined these jackscrew assemblies and determined that the end
play measurements were actually higher (within normal and expected limits) and that the
0.001-inch end play measurements were caused by procedural errors made by
maintenance personnel while performing the end play check procedure.
the investigators determined that the maintenance personnel must have torqued the
restraining fixture in the wrong direction before measuring the end play.
After these two anomalous end play measurements,
the FAA conducted
followup inspections at the two facilities. According to the FAA inspectors, all of the
restraining fixtures, torque wrenches, and dial indicators used to perform the end play
When the dial indicator was mounted below the acme nut, as called for in the current procedure, the
dial indicator plunger moved upward as the acme nut moved, causing the needle to move counter-clockwise,
or opposite the intended direction. This movement required maintenance personnel to read the dial indicator
backward and interpret the total needle movement to obtain the end play measurement.
For more information about Boeing’s revisions to the end play check procedure, see section
The end play check was reiterated about eight times on the jackscrew assembly removed at OAK and
about six times on the jackscrew assembly removed at the contract facility near SEA.
A Safety Board examination of the bore of the acme nut from one of the jackscrew assemblies
revealed the presence of green grease near the grease fitting entrance and red grease along the bore in all
other locations. Grease samples taken from the other jackscrew assembly, from various locations along the
acme screw threads immediately above and below the acme nut, exhibited the appearance of a mixture of
green and red grease.
Because the manufacturing specifications require a minimum end play of 0.003 inch, the 0.001-inch
end play measurements were considered anomalous.
Factual Information 119 Aircraft Accident Report
checks were the correct tools and properly calibrated. Further, FAA inspectors indicated
that, before these anomalous end play measurements were reported, Alaska Airlines had
provided 4 hours of specialized training to all maintenance personnel who perform end
play checks at these two facilities. The specialized training focused on how to properly
conduct the end play check procedure.
According to Boeing, during the 6-month period from December 2001 to
May 2002, six end play measurements of less than 0.004 inch were reported, not including
the two 0.001-inch end play measurements reported by Alaska Airlines.
1.18.8 Jackscrew Assembly Overhaul Information Jackscrew Overhaul Specifications and Authority
Airlines and maintenance facilities that have been issued class 1 accessory ratings
under 14 CFR 145.31(f) can overhaul jackscrew assemblies without additional FAA
authorization. A class 1 accessory rating authorizes the holder to repair and alter
“mechanical accessories that depend on friction, hydraulics, mechanical linkage, or
pneumatic pressure for operation, including aircraft wheel brakes, mechanically driven
pumps, carburetors, aircraft wheel assemblies, shock absorber struts and hydraulic servo
According to Boeing, Integrated Aerospace is the only contract facility it uses to
perform jackscrew assembly overhauls.
When Integrated Aerospace receives a
jackscrew assembly with an end play measurement greater than 0.015 inch,
it will
discard the acme nut and gimbal ring assembly, check that the dimensions of the acme
screw are within tolerances, mate a new acme nut and gimbal ring to the acme screw, and
assign a new S/N to the nut assembly.
Following the buildup of the jackscrew assembly,
Boeing requires that the overhauled assembly be functionally tested in a weighted fixture
after the assembly is temporarily outfitted to additionally support hardware and electric
motors. Boeing also requires new jackscrew assemblies to undergo an operational test in
the same test fixture.
The instructions and specifications Boeing requires of its maintenance facilities are contained in a
service rework drawing. Before the flight 261 accident, information collected from numerous production
drawings and proprietary documents formed the basis for the rework instructions. Following the accident,
the FAA required Boeing to more formally organize the rework procedures, which resulted in Boeing’s
publication of the service rework drawing. Integrated Aerospace was the only maintenance facility to
possess the drawing. According to Boeing officials, the drawing is proprietary to ensure that the company
maintains confidence and control over the precise machining tolerances required.
Jackscrew assemblies may also be overhauled because of excessive free play or damage to the lower
mechanical stop because of an electric shutoff failure or misrigging. Not all jackscrew assemblies submitted
for overhaul have a high degree of acme nut thread wear.
According to Boeing, the installation of the gimbal ring supports involves precision machining at
tolerances as small as five ten-thousandths of an inch to ensure that the alignment of the fastener bores
within the gimbal ring supports, the gimbal rings, and the acme nut are adequate to maintain the integrity of
the dual load path design.
Factual Information 120 Aircraft Accident Report Review of the Boeing DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual
The Safety Board reviewed the section of the Boeing DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance
Manual (in 27-41-1, revision 24, dated April 15, 1998, which was not required to be
approved by the FAA) titled, “Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator Control Installation.” The
following observations were noted:
The manual contained no requirements to functionally test overhauled
jackscrew assemblies in a weighted fixture after the assembly is temporarily
outfitted to additionally support hardware and electric motors nor to undergo
an operational test in the same test fixture, as was required by maintenance
facilities per Boeing’s service rework drawing.
The manual contained no requirement for the use of work cards documenting
the tasks for overhaul.
The manual provided no procedures nor equipment listings for bench-check
end play measurements.
The manual contained no requirement to document the bench-check end play
measurement after overhaul nor to ensure that the receiver of the overhauled
unit was provided with the measurement.
The manual contained a requirement that, if the axial end play measurement
exceeded 0.040 inch, the “nut assembly” (defined in the manual as “the acme
screw, acme nut, and gimbal ring support assembly”) must be replaced. The
manual stipulated that the replacement nut assembly could be new (purchased
from Boeing with an end play measurement of between 0.003 and 0.010 inch)
or used (with an end play measurement of 0.040 inch or lower). The manual
also stated that the overhaul shop could send nut assemblies to Boeing for
The manual contained instructions to check the jackscrew assembly on-wing
every 1,000 flight hours if the measured bench-check end play measurement
was “between 0.0340 and 0.0390 inch.” No such requirement exists in the
airplane maintenance manual, which is used by operators.
The manual contained no procedures or equipment listings pertaining to the
surface finish of the acme screw threads. No mention was made of the
importance of proper acme screw thread surface finish.
The manual provided no detail on how to apply grease to the jackscrew
The manual did not specify which type of grease should be used to lubricate
the acme screw and nut or other assembly components, including the torque
tube and gearbox.
The manual did not specify how to pack the jackscrew assembly for immediate
shipping after overhaul; protective packaging instructions were given only for
units going into “storage.”
Factual Information 121 Aircraft Accident Report Safety Board Maintenance Facility Observations
Safety Board investigators visited Integrated Aerospace and three other FAA
Part 145 maintenance facilities that overhaul jackscrew assemblies. The visits revealed
that two of the three maintenance facilities had self-imposed end play measurement limits
at which the acme nut had to be replaced. One maintenance facility’s end play
measurement limit was 0.025 inch; the other maintenance facility’s limit was 0.030 inch.
The third maintenance facility had no self-imposed limit at which the acme nut had to be
replaced; however, if the end play measurement was less than 0.040 inch, the maintenance
facility would return the overhauled assembly to the customer.
The Safety Board’s visits also revealed that the maintenance facilities (except for
Integrated Aerospace) performed the end play check using different methods. One
maintenance facility used a unique, fabricated, self-contained fixture
that exerted a
force on the acme nut and eliminated acme screw rotation. The end play measurement was
taken by a direct dial indicator reading. Another maintenance facility placed the jackscrew
assembly on a wooden cradle and moved the acme nut by hand onto the screw while
observing a dial indicator. The last maintenance facility used a magnet to hold the dial
indicator in place on the acme screw while the nut was held on a table by hand as the end
play was checked manually. Only Integrated Aerospace recorded the received and final
end play measurements and used a detailed set of work cards to document each step in the
overhaul process. The other maintenance facilities documented only that an assembly had
been overhauled and used the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual. Further, two of the
four maintenance facilities (not Integrated Aerospace) used subcontractors to apply the
black-oxide coating on the acme screw and to ensure that the acme screw thread surface
finish met specifications.
The FAA PMI assigned to one of the maintenance facilities stated that he was not
aware that the maintenance facility performed overhauls of DC-9 jackscrew assemblies
until the facility informed him that it had received a suspect assembly from a foreign
airline. Representatives of the maintenance facility stated that they overhauled about six
jackscrew assemblies per year and that their customers included aircraft parts brokers and
foreign airlines. Representatives of another maintenance facility stated that the jackscrew
assemblies were not typically lubricated after overhaul.
Representatives of the last
maintenance facility indicated that they did not pack the assembly for storage as specified
by the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual because the overhauled assembly was
shipped out immediately and not put into storage.
This maintenance facility’s operators
stated that they did not track assemblies after shipment to determine if overhauled
assemblies would be stored for long periods of time by parts brokers or airlines.
The fixture was not referenced in the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual.
The DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual instructions call for lubrication of overhauled units.
The storage procedures in the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual stipulated that jackscrew
assemblies be wrapped in barrier material and heat sealed and that 80 percent of the air be evacuated from
the wrapping. The manual contained no instructions for packing jackscrew assemblies for shipping.
Factual Information 122 Aircraft Accident Report
Safety Board investigators also visited an aircraft parts broker in southern
California on February 24, 2001. The broker was listed on an “ILS” subscription listing of
organizations that sell jackscrew assemblies and other aircraft components.
Investigators examined a recently overhauled acme screw in stock. The jackscrew
assembly was stored in an open cardboard box and was wrapped loosely in plastic.
Documents that accompanied the assembly indicated that it had been overhauled by a
maintenance facility located in the Los Angeles area in November 2000 because of a
broken upper mechanical stop. The documents did not contain end play measurements or
information about the overhaul. The assembly had red grease on it. Overhauled Jackscrew Assembly Data From 1996 to 1999
Boeing provided the Safety Board with bench-check end play measurement data of
all jackscrew assemblies that had been shipped to Integrated Aerospace for overhaul from
1996 to 1999. A review of the data indicated that, out of a total of 214 jackscrew
assemblies, 13 had a recorded bench-check end play measurement of 0.045 inch or
greater, and 5 had a recorded bench-check end play measurement of 0.055 inch or greater.
One jackscrew assembly had a recorded bench-check end play measurement of
0.075 inch, which was the highest measurement reported to investigators during the
According to Delta Air Lines representatives, the jackscrew assembly
(S/N DCA 2239) with the 0.075-inch end play measurement was originally installed on an
MD-88 airplane that was delivered new to Delta Air Lines from McDonnell Douglas on
March 17, 1993. An on-wing end play check conducted on July 18, 1999, yielded the
0.075-inch end play measurement, and Delta Air Lines removed the jackscrew assembly
for overhaul. At the time of the 0.075-inch end play measurement, the airplane had
accumulated 18,417 flight hours and 14,520 cycles with the same jackscrew assembly.
Integrated Aerospace received the jackscrew assembly on October 29, 1999, and the
company also measured a bench-check end play of 0.075 inch. Integrated Aerospace
overhauled the jackscrew assembly (with a new acme nut) and returned it to Delta Air
Lines on December 17, 1999. According to Delta Air Lines, no further information related
to the maintenance history of this jackscrew assembly was found.
1.18.9 Industrywide Jackscrew Assembly Maintenance
The Safety Board surveyed all 13 domestic airlines that operated at least 10 DC-9,
MD-80/90, and/or 717 airplanes in their fleets. The airlines were asked to report their
jackscrew assembly lubrication and end play intervals before the flight 261 accident. In
addition, the airlines were asked to report the type of grease and the internally imposed
maximum allowable end play limit they used before the accident and the number of
jackscrew assemblies they removed in 1998 and 1999. The airlines were also asked to
The ILS subscription listing is used by overhaul shops and brokers to advertise overhauled parts for
purchase by airlines.
Factual Information 123 Aircraft Accident Report
provide the maintenance work cards for both the lubrication and end play check of the
jackscrew assembly. A review of the survey results revealed the following pertinent
Alaska Airlines was the only airline that used Aeroshell 33 to lubricate the
jackscrew assembly. All of the other operators used an MIL-G-23827-qualified
grease, such as Mobilgrease 28, Aeroshell 7, or Aeroshell 22.
Alaska Airlines had the highest MD-80 jackscrew assembly lubrication
interval (approximately 2,550 flight hours).
Alaska Airlines had the second highest MD-80 end play check interval
(approximately 9,550 flight hours). The highest end play check interval at all
of the airlines was approximately 10,500 flight hours.
The lowest MD-80 jackscrew assembly lubrication interval was 600 flight
The operators’ MD-80 end play check intervals varied from 7,000 to
10,500 flight hours.
The operators’ DC-9 jackscrew assembly lubrication intervals varied from 550
to 2,530 flight hours.
The operators’ DC-9 end play check intervals varied from 2,000 to 7,720 flight
hours. One operator did not use the end play check and instead had a required a
hard-time removal at 15,500 hours.
All of the MD-90 and 717 operators’ jackscrew assembly lubrication intervals
were set at 3,600 flight hours.
All of the MD-90 and 717 operators’ end play check intervals were set at 7,200
flight hours.
1.18.10 FAA Commercial Airplane Certification Process Study
In February 2002, the FAA issued a report titled, “Commercial Airplane
Certification Process Study – An Evaluation of Selected Aircraft Certification, Operation
and Maintenance Processes.” The report was based on a study that was led by the FAA
and conducted by a team that included representatives from U.S. and non-U.S. airplane
manufacturers, the U.S. aviation industry, the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, the Air Line Pilots Association, the DoD, Sandia National Laboratories,
the Fed Ex Pilots Association, and an international airworthiness consultant.
The airplane certification process study report stated that the study was conducted
because “recent accidents such as the Alaska Airlines MD-80 in January 2000, or the
Trans World Airways B-747 in July 1996, have brought into question the adequacy of
certain processes related to the certification of the airplane.” The report focused on
numerous process categories, including human factors in airplane design, operations and
maintenance, flight critical systems and structure, safety data management,
Factual Information 124 Aircraft Accident Report
maintenance/operations coordination, major repairs and modifications, and safety
oversight. The report added, “special emphasis was also placed upon analyzing how the
various major certification processes in the airplane’s life cycle relate to each other, and
evaluating the relationship between these certification processes and the maintenance and
operating processes being applied in service.”
The airplane certification process study report’s findings and observations
included the following:
Design techniques, safety assessments, and regulations do not adequately
address the subject of human error in design or in operations and maintenance.
There is no reliable process to ensure that the assumptions made in the safety
assessments are valid with respect to operations and maintenance activities and
that operators are aware of these assumptions when developing their
operations and maintenance procedures. In addition, certification standards
may not reflect the actual operating environment.
Several catastrophic events may have been avoided by use of a more robust
design and in-depth safety analysis that challenged the assumptions of the
design process. This is particularly important when the catastrophic event is
the end-point of a short fault tree (two or three failures) or where very specific
human actions are required to prevent an accident.
Processes for identification of safety critical features of the airplane do not
ensure that future alterations, maintenance, repairs, or changes to operational
procedures can be made with cognizance of those safety features.
Multiple FAA-sponsored data collection and analysis programs exist without
adequate interdepartmental coordination or executive oversight.
There is no widely accepted process for analyzing service data or events to
identify potential accident precursors.
Adequate processes do not exist within the FAA or in most segments of the
commercial aviation industry to ensure that the lessons learned from specific
experiences in airplane design, manufacturing, maintenance, and flight
operations are captured permanently and made readily available to the aviation
industry. The failure to capture and disseminate lessons learned has allowed
airplane accidents to occur for causes similar to those in past accidents.
There are currently no industry processes or guidance materials available
which ensure that (1) safety-related maintenance or operational
recommendations developed by the manufacturer are evaluated by the operator
for incorporation into their maintenance or operational programs and (2)
safety-related maintenance or operational procedures developed or modified
by the operator are coordinated with the manufacturer to ensure that they do
not compromise the type design safety standard of the airplane and its systems.
Factual Information 125 Aircraft Accident Report
The lack of adequate formal business processes between FAA Aircraft
Certification Service and Flight Standards Service limits effective
communication and coordination between the two that often results in
inadequate communications with the commercial aviation industry.
Processes to detect and correct errors made by individuals in the design,
certification, installation, repair, alteration, and operation of transport-category
airplanes are inconsistent, allowing unacceptable errors in critical
airworthiness areas.
Referring to the lubrication-related safety recommendations the Safety Board
issued on October 1, 2001, the report stated that “while the relevance of mixing grease
types in this accident has not been determined, both types of grease were discovered in the
jackscrew assembly of the accident aircraft. It appears that the communication between
operator, [airplane manufacturer,] and the grease manufacturers was not adequate to
ensure that the grease mixing recommendations [by Boeing and the grease manufacturers]
were communicated and incorporated.”
1.18.11 Fail-Safe Jackscrew Assembly Designs
Representatives of Nook Industries, which manufactures jackscrew assemblies for
nonaviation applications, indicated to Safety Board investigators that the jackscrew
assemblies it designs for safety-critical functions are equipped with a secondary acme nut.
The secondary acme nut, which is also referred to as a “follower nut,” is threaded on the
acme screw and follows the primary load-bearing acme nut as it rotates longitudinally
along the acme screw. Engineers at the National Aeronautics Space Administration’s
(NASA) John F. Kennedy Space Center have developed a similar mechanism for use in
the jackscrew assembly used for the gaseous oxygen vent arm on its space shuttle launch
pads. The secondary acme nut in both the Nook and NASA designs does not carry any
load unless the primary nut threads shear off. If this occurs, the secondary acme nut
assumes the load and allows the system to continue to operate. The addition of the
secondary acme nut also provides an alternate method for monitoring end play between
the acme screw and nut threads that does not require relieving the load on the primary nut.
As the threads of the primary acme nut wear, the distance between the primary and
secondary nut decreases; therefore, wear of the primary nut threads, or end play, can be
gauged by monitoring changes in this distance.
Boeing service letters issued on August 12, 1993, and June 30, 1997, noted that these grease types
were incompatible “and should not be mixed.”
Analysis 126 Aircraft Accident Report
2. Analysis
2.1 General
The flight crewmembers on Alaska Airlines flight 261 were properly certificated
and qualified and had received the training and off-duty time prescribed by Federal
regulations. No evidence indicated any preexisting medical or other condition that might
have adversely affected the flight crew’s performance during the accident flight.
The airplane was dispatched in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) regulations and approved Alaska Airlines procedures. The weight and balance of
the airplane were within limits for dispatch, takeoff, climb, and cruise.
Daylight visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and weather was not a factor
in the accident.
Examination of recovered wreckage and cockpit voice recorder (CVR), flight data
recorder (FDR), and air traffic control (ATC) data revealed no evidence of a fire or of
impact with birds or any other foreign object.
No evidence indicated that the airplane experienced any preimpact structural or
system failures, other than those associated with the longitudinal trim control system, the
horizontal stabilizer, and its surrounding structure.
FDR and CVR information indicated that both engines were operating normally
before the final dive. Examination of the recovered thrust reversers and FDR data
indicated that the thrust reversers were stowed at impact. Examination of the wreckage
indicated that the left engine was producing significant rotational energy at impact and
that the right engine was producing very little rotational energy at impact. Erratic engine
pressure ratio data recorded on the FDR during the final dive were consistent with airflow
disturbances associated with extreme angles-of-attack. Such extreme angles-of-attack can
cause fuel unporting and can interrupt the airflow into the engine inlet, either of which
could lead to an engine flameout. Therefore, the lack of rotation on the right engine was
likely the result of an engine flameout during the final dive.
ATC personnel involved with the accident flight were properly certificated and
qualified for their assigned duty stations. ATC radar and communications equipment were
functioning properly during the flight.
Analysis of the structural damage and FDR data indicated that the airplane was
nearly inverted
and was in a steep nose-down, right-wing-low attitude when it impacted
the water, which is consistent with uncontrolled flight.
For an analysis of this failure sequence, see sections 2.2.2 through 2.2.4.
Analysis 127 Aircraft Accident Report
This analysis examines the accident scenario, including the catastrophic failure of
the longitudinal trim control system, flight crew decision-making, possible reasons for the
excessive acme nut thread wear, the importance of monitoring acme nut thread wear,
jackscrew assembly overhaul procedures and facilities, adequacy of Alaska Airlines’
maintenance program, FAA oversight, and horizontal stabilizer design issues.
2.2 Accident Sequence
2.2.1 Takeoff and Climbout
FDR data indicated that the accident airplane’s longitudinal trim control system
was functioning normally during the airplane’s descent into Lic Gustavo Diaz Ordaz
International Airport (PVR), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, on the flight just before the accident
flight. FDR data indicated that the airplane landed at PVR with a horizontal stabilizer
angle of 6º airplane nose up.
FDR data indicated that the accident flight crew had trimmed the airplane to a
airplane-nose-up position before takeoff from PVR. After the airplane took off about
1337, FDR data indicated that the horizontal stabilizer moved at the normal primary trim
motor rate of 1/3º per second from 7º to 2º airplane nose up. Thereafter, as the airplane
continued to climb from 6,200 feet to about 23,400 feet, the FDR recorded horizontal
stabilizer movement at the normal alternate trim motor rate of 1/10º per second from
airplane nose up to 0.4º airplane nose down. Operation of the alternate trim motor
during this period is consistent with pitch control being commanded by the autopilot,
which was activated at 1340:12 while the airplane was climbing through 6,200 feet. On
the basis of these data, the Safety Board concludes that the longitudinal trim control
system on the accident airplane was functioning normally during the initial phase of the
accident flight.
2.2.2 Jamming of the Horizontal Stabilizer
FDR data indicated that the horizontal stabilizers last movement during the
climbout was to 0.4º airplane nose down at 1349:51 as the airplane was climbing through
23,400 feet at 331 knots indicated airspeed (KIAS). After this, no horizontal stabilizer
movement was recorded on the FDR until the airplane’s initial dive 2 hours and
20 minutes later. This cessation of horizontal stabilizer movement is not consistent with a
typical MD-80 climb profile, which normally would require additional stabilizer
movements to maintain trim. Thus, as the accident airplane continued to climb above
23,400 feet without any horizontal stabilizer movement, the autopilot would have
attempted to achieve trim by continuing to add elevator input to compensate for the lack of
movement of the horizontal stabilizer.
The largest intact sections of the recovered fuselage were from below the airplane’s floor line,
indicating that the airplane was rolling toward inverted at impact.
Analysis 128 Aircraft Accident Report
After the last horizontal stabilizer movement, the airplane continued to climb at
330 KIAS. The airplane began to level off at approximately 26,000 feet and slowed to 320
KIAS. At 1351:51, the airplane began to climb again. By 1352:50, the airplane had slowed
to about 285 knots as it climbed to approximately 28,600 feet and then leveled off.
At 1353:12, when the airplane was at approximately 28,557 feet and 296 KIAS,
the autopilot was disconnected, most likely by the flight crew in response to the trim
annunciator warning light, which would have illuminated to indicate the airplane’s
out-of-trim condition.
In a typical climb profile, a reduction in speed during the ascent
would result in an airplane-nose-up stabilizer movement to trim the airplane. At the time
of the autopilot disconnect, the airplane was still trimmed for an airspeed of 331 knots (the
airspeed when the last horizontal stabilizer movement occurred), 35 knots faster than the
airspeed at that time. After the autopilot was disconnected, the elevators were deflected in
the airplane-nose-up direction from 0º to approximately -1.5º.
For almost 7 minutes after the autopilot disconnect, the airplane continued to climb
at a much slower rate than before the disconnect, reaching about 31,050 feet by 1400:00.
During this part of the ascent, the elevators were deflected in the airplane-nose-up
direction between -1º and -3º, which, according to airplane performance calculations,
would have required up to 50 pounds of pulling force on the control column(s).
calculations further indicated that, after leveling off at 31,050 feet, only about 30 pounds
of pulling force would have been required to maintain level flight for the next 24 minutes
while the airplane was flying at 280 KIAS. This was followed by an increase in airspeed
beginning at 1424:30 that, along with the decreased weight of the airplane because of fuel
usage, would have eased the amount of pulling force needed to maintain level flight to
roughly 10 pounds until the autopilot was switched back on about 1547.
After the autopilot disconnect at 1353:12, the flight crew would have noticed that
the airplane was mistrimmed because significant pilot control forces would have initially
been needed to maintain the desired climb and cruise configuration, and the flight crew
would have likely attempted to correct the problem by manually activating the primary or
alternate trim systems to move the horizontal stabilizer. However, the horizontal stabilizer
remained at 0.4º airplane nose down, indicating that the flight crew was unable to
manually command movement of the horizontal stabilizer. During discussions with
Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel at Los Angeles International Airport, (LAX), Los
Angeles, California, later in the flight, the captain indicated that the flight crew had tried
numerous troubleshooting strategies to move the horizontal stabilizer, including checking
the circuit breakers and using the control wheel trim switches and longitudinal trim
handles on the center pedestal separately and together.
The captain told the maintenance
The airplane’s speed decreased (from 331 to 296 KIAS) during the minutes preceding the autopilot
disconnect, indicating that the airplane was mistrimmed.
As stated previously, all estimates of pulling force in this report refer to the combined column forces
from both the captains and the first officers control columns. It is not known whether these forces were
applied by the captain, the first officer, or both.
Although the flight plan called for a cruise speed of 283 knots calibrated airspeed, FDR data indicated
that the airplane’s cruise speed increased, starting at 1424:30, eventually reaching 301 KIAS.
Analysis 129 Aircraft Accident Report
personnel, “it appears to be jammed…the whole thing, it spikes out when we use the
primary, we get AC load that tells me the motors tryin to run but the brake won’t move it.
when we use the alternate, nothing happens.”
In sum, the Safety Board concludes that the horizontal stabilizer stopped
responding to autopilot and pilot commands after the airplane passed through 23,400 feet.
The pilots recognized that the longitudinal trim control system was jammed, but neither
they nor the Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel could determine the cause of the jam. Cause of the Jam
As previously mentioned, the horizontal stabilizers jackscrew assembly includes
an acme screw and nut, both of which have two threads. After the accident, severely worn
and sheared remnants of the acme nut threads were recovered wrapped around the acme
screw. The condition of the recovered acme nut thread remnants indicated that
approximately 90 percent of the thread thickness had worn away before the remainder of
the threads sheared off.
In comparison, a jackscrew assembly with the maximum
amount of wear permitted in service, as indicated by an end play measurement of
0.040 inch (that is, 0.030 to 0.037 inch of wear), would only have about 22 percent of the
thread thickness worn away.
The interior of the recovered acme nut contained no intact threads, although there
were small ridges where the worn nut thread remnants had previously been attached. The
inner diameter of those ridges was almost identical to the outer diameter of the acme
screw threads, which is consistent with the worn acme nut threads having been sheared off
by the acme screw threads during airplane-nose-down trimming movements.
Each of the acme nut threads makes 16 360° spiral revolutions, for a total of 32
360° revolutions. Calculations indicated that loads of more than 190,000 pounds would be
necessary to simultaneously shear all 32 360º spiral revolutions of the acme nut threads if
they were worn to the same degree as the accident acme nut thread remnants. However,
airplane performance data determined that the flight loads on the jackscrew assembly
were only 4,000 to 5,000 pounds during the climbout from PVR. Therefore, it is very
unlikely that the worn acme nut thread spiral revolutions were simultaneously sheared
along their entire length.
When Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel asked the captain whether the pilots had tried “the
suitcase handles [colloquial term for longitudinal trim handles] and the pickle switches [colloquial term for
control wheel trim switches]” in their attempts to troubleshoot the horizontal stabilizer trim problem, the
captain replied that they had “tried everything together.” When the maintenance technician subsequently
asked again whether the flight crew had tried the control wheel trim switches and longitudinal trim handles,
the captain replied, “yea we tried just about every iteration.”
The alternate trim motor uses less power than the primary trim motor; therefore, activation of that
system does not normally produce enough electrical current to cause any appreciable movement of the
needle on the AC load meter.
For more information about the condition of the recovered acme nut threads, see section
This calculation was based on a comparison with the manufacturing specifications for the thickness of
the threads at the major diameter (0.15 inch).
Analysis 130 Aircraft Accident Report
The calculations further indicated that approximately 6,000 to 7,000 pounds would
be necessary to shear one 360º spiral revolution of an acme nut thread if it were worn to
the same degree as the accident acme nut thread remnants. However, the Safety Board’s
finite element analysis (FEA) study showed that, at high levels of thread wear, such as
those of the accident acme nut threads, bending stresses develop that are significantly
larger than the stresses caused by direct contact pressure. The study showed that the
bending deformations resulting from a 2,000-pound load on a single highly worn thread
spiral caused a drastic change in the thread’s behavior, indicating that a structural failure,
rather than shearing failure, is possible.
Further, the results of the Safety Board’s and Boeing’s FEA of the stress and
deformation in the acme nut threads under loading indicated that the wear process is an
incremental one in which the loads and resulting wear shift and move among all of the
32 spiral revolutions in the acme nut.
Thus, an incremental bending-induced shear
fracture of the threads most likely propagated along the thread spiral, eventually leading to
complete failure. Figure 20 depicts the stages of acme nut thread wear to the point of
The Safety Board concludes that the worn threads inside the horizontal stabilizer
acme nut were incrementally sheared off by the acme screw and were completely sheared
off during the accident flight. The Safety Board further concludes that, as the airplane
passed through 23,400 feet, the acme screw and nut jammed, preventing further
movement of the horizontal stabilizer until the initial dive. Safety Board investigators
considered numerous factors that might have played a role in the jamming of the acme
screw to the nut, including bending of the worn threads before or during the shearing,
distortion of the remnants after they were sheared,
and loads resulting from the acme
screw threads pulling upward across the remaining ridges after the shearing;
the Board could not determine the exact cause of the jam.
For more information about these studies, see section 1.16.4.
Because the thinnest part of the sheared thread remnants was too large to fit in the space between the
crowns of the acme screw threads and the stripped surface of the nut, the remnants themselves probably
played only a minor role, if any, in the creation of the jam.
It was theorized that, as the last of the acme nut thread remnants shear fractured and the screw threads
tried to override the resulting ridges in the nut as the screw was pulled upward by aerodynamic loads and
rotated circumferentially by the primary trim motor, the combined pinching and friction loads became
greater than the combined aerodynamic and primary trim motor forces.
Analysis 131 Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 20. A graphical depiction of the stages of acme nut thread wear to the point of
Analysis 132 Aircraft Accident Report
2.2.3 Release of the Jam and the Initial Dive
At 1608:59, following discussions with Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel
about whether the fight crew had tried the longitudinal trim handles and the control wheel
trim switches, the captain told the first officer, “I’m going to click it off you got it [the
airplane]…lets do that.” At this time, the airplane was cruising at 31,050 feet.
At 1609:14.8, the captain stated, “this’ll click it off,” and, about 1609:16, the autopilot
parameter on the FDR switched from “engaged” to “off.” FDR and airplane performance
data indicated that during the 3 to 4 seconds following the autopilot disconnect, the
horizontal stabilizer traveled from its jammed position of 0.4º airplane nose down to
beyond the maximum airplane-nose-down position that could be recorded by the FDR and
remained beyond this position for the remainder of the flight.
Analysis of the FDR data
showed that the trim movement rate was not uniform, which was inconsistent with normal
trim operation commanded by either the primary or alternate trim motor.
As the jam was overcome, the acme screw was being pulled upward through the
acme nut by aerodynamic loads, causing upward movement of the horizontal stabilizer,
resulting in greater airplane-nose-down motion. This upward pulling motion would have
continued until the lower mechanical stop on the acme screw contacted the lower surface
of the acme nut, preventing further upward motion of the horizontal stabilizer.
Boeing engineering data, computer modeling, and ground demonstrations on an
actual airplane indicated that the maximum possible horizontal stabilizer position when
the acme screw lower mechanical stop is pulling up against the acme nut is about
3.1º airplane nose down.
This is consistent with airplane performance studies of the
airplane’s movements at this point in the accident sequence that showed the airplane
beginning to pitch nose down to nearly -8º. FDR data showed that during this 3- to
4-second period, the elevators were deflected from -0.4º to -4.0º, indicating that the flight
crew made control inputs to bring the nose up and counteract the movement of the
horizontal stabilizer. The speed brakes were deployed at 1609:43, 27 seconds after the
autopilot disconnect, most likely in an attempt by the flight crew to retard the airplane’s
rapidly increasing airspeed. The speedbrakes remained deployed for the next 1 minute
30 seconds. The airplane began to recover from this initial dive and leveled off at
about 1611 at approximately 24,000 feet. Airplane-nose-up elevator inputs continued for
about the next 8 minutes (until the final dive about 1619).
Safety Board investigators attempted to determine what caused the horizontal
stabilizer to move immediately after the autopilot disconnect. Normally, the autopilot is
disconnected by the pilot flying using the autopilot disconnect switch located on the
outboard side of the control wheel. However, the autopilot will also disconnect when the
primary trim control system is activated by either the control wheel trim switches or the
longitudinal trim handles on the center pedestal. After the initial dive, the captain told the
The maximum airplane-nose-down position of the horizontal stabilizer during normal operation
is 2.1º. The FDR recorded airplane-nose-down positions up to about 2.5º. Airplane performance data
indicated that the stabilizer position had to have been beyond 2.5º airplane nose down to result in the
airplane’s pitch movements during and after the initial dive.
Analysis 133 Aircraft Accident Report
Alaska Airlines LAX maintenance technician, “we did both the pickle switch [control
wheel trim switches] and the suitcase handles [longitudinal trim handles] and it ran away
full nose trim down [sic].” Based on this comment and those made by the Alaska Airlines
LAX maintenance personnel immediately preceding the autopilot disconnect, it appears
that the captain disconnected the autopilot when he activated the primary trim control
system by using either the control wheel trim switches, the longitudinal trim handles, or
Consequently, although operation of the primary trim motor as part of
troubleshooting attempts earlier in the flight did not release the jam, the torque created by
the primary trim motor when the captain activated the primary trim system at 1609:16
apparently provided enough force to overcome the jam between the acme nut and screw.
Over the next 3 to 4 seconds, the increasing angle-of-attack of the horizontal stabilizer and
the increased elevator deflections would have in turn increased the tension loads on the
acme screw, contributing to the motion of the acme screw upward through the acme nut.
Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that the accident airplane’s initial dive from
31,050 feet began when the jam between the acme screw and nut was overcome as a result
of the operation of the primary trim motor. Release of the jam allowed the acme screw to
pull up through the acme nut, causing the horizontal stabilizer leading edge to move
upward, thus causing the airplane to pitch rapidly downward.
Markings on the recovered jackscrew assembly lower mechanical stop and the
lower surface of the acme nut indicated that the nut repeatedly contacted the stop in
various positions and that the acme screw and attached lower mechanical stop had rotated
in both directions while the stop was in contact with the nut. Further, the rotationally
sheared splines on the lower mechanical stop indicated that the acme screw rotated within
the lower mechanical stop after the stop contacted the lower surface of the acme nut.
Metallurgical analysis determined that the marks on the lower mechanical stop could have
been created by rotation of the acme screw only after complete loss of the acme nut
threads. Circumferential marks were found in the acme nut bore, also indicating acme
screw rotation after the threads had sheared off. Such rotation of the acme screw could
only be caused by operation of a trim motor. Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that
the acme screw did not completely separate from the acme nut during the initial dive
because the screw’s lower mechanical stop was restrained by the lower surface of the
acme nut until just before the second and final dive about 10 minutes later.
2.2.4 The Second and Final Dive
After the flight crew recovered from the initial dive and leveled off at
approximately 18,000 feet, the captain instructed the first officer to deploy the slats and
flaps (at 1617:54 and 1618:05, respectively), most likely to evaluate flight control
pressures. FDR data indicated that the airspeed decreased about 8 knots and that the
airplane remained stable and controllable following the slat and flap deployment.
At 1618:26, the captain asked the first officer to retract the slats and flaps for unknown
Analysis 134 Aircraft Accident Report
reasons. During the 50 seconds after the slats and flaps were retracted, the airplane
accelerated from about 245 to 270 KIAS.
Beginning at 1619:09, the FDR recorded small oscillations in elevator angle, pitch
angle, and vertical acceleration values for about 15 seconds. At 1619:21, the CVR
recorded a series of faint thumps.
Although the horizontal stabilizer position had
already exceeded the maximum position capable of being sensed and recorded by the
FDR, the FDR nonetheless indicated an increase in the horizontal stabilizer position at the
time of the faint thump.
This increase was the first horizontal stabilizer movement since
the one that precipitated the initial dive about 10 minutes earlier. The FDR contained no
direct data about the actual position to which the horizontal stabilizer moved at this time.
However, Boeing engineering design data and computer modeling of the horizontal and
vertical stabilizers indicated that if the acme screw was free to travel through the acme nut,
the horizontal stabilizer would move from the 3.1º airplane-nose-down position it was
being held at by the lower mechanical stop and would contact the vertical stabilizer tip
fairing brackets at a 3.6º airplane-nose-down angle. Structural examinations determined
that this additional movement of the horizontal stabilizer could only result from a fracture
of the acme screw torque tube.
Metallurgical analysis of the recovered section of the fractured torque tube showed
that the final separation initiated from an area of low-cycle fatigue cracking. On the basis
of an evaluation of the static loading conditions and performance data, the Safety Board
determined that the torque tube was capable of sustaining a single application of the
maximum load applied to the torque tube between the initial and final dives.
low-cycle fatigue tests and analysis, performance data, and FEA established that the
magnitude and frequency of the loads on the torque tube after complete shearing of the
acme nut threads, in combination with an offset loading condition,
would be sufficient
to initiate and propagate low-cycle fatigue cracking in the torque tube. The low-cycle
fatigue cracking severely reduced the load capability of the torque tube during the
10-minute period between the initial and second and final dive, causing it to fracture at
loads considerably less than it was capable of sustaining if it did not have fatigue damage.
At 1619:29, the captain ordered redeployment of the slats and flaps. At 1619:35,
the flaps were transitioning from 7º to 11º. At 1619:36.6, the CVR recorded the sound of
an “extremely loud noise.” Immediately thereafter, the airplane began its final dive. At the
time of this pitchover, radar detected several small primary returns, consistent with parts
of the vertical stabilizer’s tip fairing being torn from the airplane as the fairing brackets
According to the Safety Board’s sound spectrum study, the “faint thump” noted on the CVR transcript
at 1619:21was actually a series of thumps.
After the sound of the faint thump, the elevator deflections increased from -9º to -13º, indicating the
pilots were making additional airplane-nose-up elevator inputs to maintain level flight with the increased
airplane-nose-down horizontal stabilizer angle.
For more information about these loads, see section 1.16.5
The torque tube was subjected to a combination of bending and tension as a result of an offset loading
condition created in the torque tube because the stop lugs on the lower mechanical stop and the acme screw
prevented application of equal load around the axis of the tube.
Analysis 135 Aircraft Accident Report
which would have allowed the horizontal stabilizer to move well beyond the 3.6º
airplane-nose-down position it was being held at by the brackets. Therefore, the extremely
loud noise recorded on the CVR at 1619:36.6 was likely made as the fairing brackets
failed and caused the loss of the tip fairing and structural deformation of the tail under
flight loads, resulting in local aerodynamic disturbances.
Valid airplane performance data do not exist for horizontal stabilizer positions
beyond 14º airplane nose down. Although the exact horizontal stabilizer angle required to
produce the final pitchover could not be determined, the Safety Board’s airplane
performance studies determined that the airplane’s pitch rate during the final dive could
only have resulted from a rapid increase to a stabilizer angle significantly beyond
14º airplane nose down.
In sum, the Safety Board concludes that the cause of the final dive was the
low-cycle fatigue fracture of the torque tube, followed by the failure of the vertical
stabilizer tip fairing brackets, which allowed the horizontal stabilizer leading edge to
move upward significantly beyond what is permitted by a normally operating jackscrew
assembly. The resulting upward movement of the horizontal stabilizer leading edge
created an excessive upward aerodynamic tail load, which caused an uncontrollable
downward pitching of the airplane from which recovery was not possible.
2.2.5 Flight Crew Decision-Making Decision to Continue Flying Rather than Return to PVR
Safety Board investigators considered several reasons that might explain the
captain’s decision not to return immediately to PVR after he experienced problems with
the horizontal stabilizer trim system during the climbout from PVR.
Neither the Alaska Airlines MD-80 Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) Stabilizer
Inoperative checklist nor the company’s QRH Runaway Stabilizer emergency checklist
required landing at the nearest suitable airport if corrective actions were not successful.
These checklist procedures were the only stabilizer-related checklist procedures contained
in the QRH, and the flight crew most likely followed these checklist procedures in their
initial attempts to correct the airplane’s jammed stabilizer.
The Safety Board notes that the fairing brackets were not intended to carry the load of the horizontal
As discussed in section, sound tests indicated that neither this sound nor any of the other
sounds recorded by the accident airplane’s CVR were similar to sounds associated with the failure of the
torque tube. The investigation could not determine exactly what caused the sound.
Structural analysis indicated that the horizontal stabilizer must travel to a position of greater than
15º airplane nose down to allow the acme screw to completely exit the top of the acme nut, as it did during
the final dive. Symmetrical structural damage was found on the tail, indicating that the horizontal stabilizers
hinge fittings contacted the vertical stabilizers rear spar, which would occur at a horizontal stabilizer
position of 16.2º airplane nose down.
Analysis 136 Aircraft Accident Report
The airplane’s takeoff weight of 136,513 pounds was well below the takeoff and
climb limits for the departure runway, but it exceeded the airplane’s maximum landing
weight of 130,000 pounds. Because the airplane did not have an in-flight fuel dumping
system, the airplane would have had to remain in flight for about 45 minutes after takeoff
until enough fuel had burned to reduce the airplane’s weight by the 6,500 pounds needed
to reach the airplane’s maximum landing weight. A return to PVR to execute an
overweight landing would have required higher-than-normal approach speeds for landing
and would have created additional workload and risk. An overweight landing at PVR
would have been appropriate if the flight crew had realized the potentially catastrophic
nature of the trim anomaly. However, in light of the airplane’s handling characteristics
from the time of the initial detection of a problem to the initial dive, the flight crew would
not have been aware that they were experiencing a progressive, and ultimately
catastrophic, failure of the horizontal stabilizer trim system.
The flight crew would have been aware that Alaska Airlines’ dispatch and
maintenance control in Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), Seattle, Washington,
and LAX could be contacted by radio (via ground-based repeater stations) when the
airplane neared the United States. However, even though the last horizontal stabilizer
trimming movement was recorded by the FDR about 1349:51, the flight crew did not
contact Alaska Airlines’ maintenance until shortly before the beginning of the CVR
transcript about 1549,
which suggests that control problems caused by the jammed
horizontal stabilizer remained manageable for some time.
Further, as previously
mentioned, the positive aerodynamic effects of the higher cruise airspeed and fuel burn
would have reduced the necessary flight control pressures to roughly 10 pounds and made
the airplane easier to control. Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that, in light of the
absence of a checklist requirement to land as soon as possible and the circumstances
confronting the flight crew, the flight crew’s decision not to return to PVR immediately
after recognizing the horizontal stabilizer trim system malfunction was understandable.
Although they elected not to return to PVR, later in the flight the flight crew
decided to divert to LAX, rather than continue to San Francisco International Airport
(SFO), San Francisco, California, where the flight was originally scheduled to make an
intermediate stop before continuing to SEA. Comments recorded by the CVR indicated
that the flight crew may have felt pressure from Alaska Airlines dispatch personnel to land
in SFO.
However, after discussing the malfunctioning trim system and current and
expected weather conditions at SFO and LAX with Alaska Airlines dispatch and
maintenance personnel, the captain decided to land at LAX rather than continue to SFO.
The FDR indicates that a continuing series of radio transmissions began over the very-high frequency
2 channel (used for all non-ATC radio transmissions) at 1521. These transmissions continued until the end of
the FDR recording, which suggests that the flight crew began contacting Alaska Airlines maintenance
personnel at this time.
The Safety Board notes that the 30-minute CVR recording did not capture the flight crew’s earlier
troubleshooting efforts or the beginning of the flight crew’s discussions with maintenance personnel. A
longer CVR recording that captured these events would have aided in this investigation. In Safety
Recommendation A-99-16, the Board recommended that CVRs on all airplanes required to carry both a
CVR and an FDR be capable of recording the last 2 hours of audio. This safety recommendation is currently
classified “Open—Unacceptable Response.”
Analysis 137 Aircraft Accident Report
The decision to divert to LAX was apparently based on several factors, including more
favorable wind conditions at LAX (compared to a direct crosswind at SFO) that would
reduce the airplane’s ground speed on approach and landing
and the captain’s concern,
expressed to Alaska Airlines dispatch personnel, about “overflying suitable airports.” The
Safety Board concludes that the flight crew’s decision to divert the flight to LAX rather
than continue to SFO as originally planned was prudent and appropriate. Further, the
Safety Board concludes that Alaska Airlines dispatch personnel appear to have attempted
to influence the flight crew to continue to SFO instead of diverting to LAX. Use of the Autopilot
After the flight crew had manually flown the airplane for almost 2 hours, the
autopilot was engaged about 1547, disengaged at 1549:56, and re-engaged 19 seconds
later. The autopilot remained engaged until 1609:16, just before the initial dive. No
discussion on the CVR (which began at 1549) indicated why the autopilot was engaged in
either instance. As discussed previously, the increased airspeed and reduced weight would
have brought the airplane closer to a trimmed condition, thus allowing autopilot
engagement to maintain altitude and heading while further troubleshooting was attempted.
However, Alaska Airlines’ MD-80 QRH Stabilizer Inoperative checklist states, “do not
use autopilot” if both trim systems are inoperative. In light of the autopilot’s inability to
maintain trim (using the alternate trim motor) during the climbout from PVR and the flight
crew’s subsequent unsuccessful attempts to manually activate the primary trim control
system (using the primary trim motor), the flight crew should have known that both the
alternate and the primary trim control systems were inoperative. Thus, the flight crew’s
use of the autopilot was contrary to company procedures.
Because the AC load meter registered electrical spikes when the crew attempted to
activate the primary trim system, the flight crew should have realized that the primary trim
motor was operational and that the system was jammed beyond the trim motors
capability. Further, engagement of the autopilot, which would have been making
automatic elevator corrections to the airplane’s mistrimmed condition, masked the
airplane’s true condition from the flight crew. If the autopilot had subsequently been
disconnected without one of the flight crewmembers holding the control wheel and
making immediate corrective inputs, the airplane’s out-of-trim condition would have
resulted in a severe pitch maneuver immediately after the autopilot disconnect. Therefore,
At 1552:02, after the captain had stated his intention to divert to LAX, Alaska Airlines dispatch
personnel cautioned that if the flight landed at LAX rather than SFO, “we’ll be looking at probably an hour
to an hour and a half [before the airplane could depart again] we have a major flow program going right
now.” At 1552:41, the captain responded, “I really didn’t want to hear about the flow being the reason you’re
calling us cause I’m concerned about overflying suitable airports.” At 1555:00, the captain commented to a
flight attendant, “it just blows me away they think we’re gonna land, they’re gonna fix it, now they’re
worried about the flow, I’m sorry this airplane’s [not] gonna go anywhere for a while…so you know.” After
a flight attendant replied, “so they’re trying to put the pressure on you,” the captain stated, “well no, yea.”
According to Alaska Airlines’ MD-80 QRH Stabilizer Inoperative checklist, 15º of flaps would have
been the appropriate flap setting for the accident airplane’s approach and landing with a jammed stabilizer;
this reduced flap setting would have increased approach speeds and required a corresponding increase in the
amount of runway needed during landing.
Analysis 138 Aircraft Accident Report
the Safety Board concludes that the flight crew’s use of the autopilot while the horizontal
stabilizer was jammed was not appropriate.
229 Configuration Changes
At 1615:56, after recovery from the initial dive, the captain told the air traffic
controller that he wanted to “change my configuration, make sure I can control the jet and
I’d like to do that out here over the bay if I may.” As previously mentioned, the captain
then ordered extension of the slats at 1617:54 and the flaps at 1618:05. The captain did not
brief the first officer about what to expect or what to do if these configuration changes
resulted in excessive flight control pressures or loss of control of the airplane. Further, the
captain did not specify that the flaps should be extended at a slower-than-normal rate,
which would have been a prudent precaution to minimize the possibility of the
configuration change causing abrupt airplane movements that could be difficult to control.
Nevertheless, at 1618:17, after the slats and flaps were extended, the captain noted that the
airplane was “pretty stable right here.” The captain added that the airspeed needed to
decrease to 180 KIAS (the airplane was then at 250 KIAS). Nine seconds later, at 1618:26,
the captain ordered retraction of the slats and flaps, and the airspeed began to subsequently
increase. It was not clear from the CVR recording why the captain ordered retraction of
the slats and flaps and allowed the airspeed to increase nor did the CVR recording indicate
any discussion about the possible effects of the slat and flap extension.
The Safety Board notes that an airplane with flight control problems should be
handled in a slow and methodical manner and that any configuration that would aid a
landing should be maintained if possible. On the basis of the captain’s comment, the
airplane was stable after the slat and flap extension at 1618:05. This configuration would
have aided the approach and landing process. The Safety Board concludes that flight
crews dealing with an in-flight control problem should maintain any configuration change
that would aid in accomplishing a safe approach and landing, unless that configuration
change adversely affects the airplane’s controllability. Activation of the Primary Trim Motor
At 1618:49, after the slats and flaps were retracted, the captain stated that he
wanted to “get the nose up…and then let the nose fall through and see if we can stab it
when it’s unloaded.” The first officer responded, “you mean use this again? I don’t think
we should…if it can fly.” These statements suggest that the captain may have been
indicating his intention to retry the primary trim system after reducing aerodynamic forces
on the horizontal stabilizer. However, after the first officers statement at 1619:14, “I think
if it’s controllable, we oughta just try to land it,” the captain abandoned his plan and
responded, “ok let’s head for LA.”
The Safety Board also notes that the captain’s disconnection of the autopilot when he was the pilot not
flying was also contrary to standard industry procedures. Normally, the pilot flying would use the autopilot
disconnect switch on the control column and then assess the airplane’s controllability.
Analysis 139 Aircraft Accident Report
The Safety Board notes that the earlier repeated attempts to activate the primary
trim system went well beyond what was called for in Alaska Airlines’ checklist
procedures and ultimately precipitated the release of the jam of the acme screw and nut,
resulting in the lower mechanical stop impacting the bottom of the nut. An additional
attempt to use the trim switches at this point would not have been prudent. The severity of
the initial dive changed the situation aboard the airplane to an emergency, which required
a more deliberate and cautious approach.
The Safety Board recognizes that, from an operational perspective, the flight crew
could not have known the extent of airplane damage. Although flight crews are trained in
jammed stabilizer and runaway stabilizer scenarios, the loss of acme nut and screw
engagement exceeded any events anticipated in emergency training scenarios, and the
flight crew was not trained to devise or execute appropriate configurations and procedures
to minimize further damage to the airplane or to prevent the accident. However, the flight
crew’s earlier attempts to activate the trim motor and configuration changes may have
worsened the situation. As previously discussed, the captain’s activation of the primary
trim motor at 1609:16 precipitated the release of the jam and the initiation of the initial
dive. However, it was not clear how many times previous to that the flight crew activated
the primary trim motor nor was it clear whether or to what extent the prior activations
hastened the release of the jam. Therefore, the Board could not determine the extent to
which the activation of the primary trim motor played a role in causing or contributing to
the accident. Adequacy of Current Guidance
The Safety Board notes that after the flight 261 accident, Boeing issued a flight
operations bulletin outlining procedures to be followed in the event of an inoperative or
malfunctioning horizontal stabilizer trim system. The bulletin advised flight crews to
complete the flight crew operating manual (FCOM) checklist(s). Do not attempt
additional actions beyond that contained in the checklist(s). If completing the
checklist procedures does not result in operable trim system, consider landing at
the nearest suitable airport.
The Safety Board agrees that this advice is generally appropriate. However, the
Board does not agree that the flight crew should merely “consider” landing at the nearest
suitable airport if accomplishing the checklist items does not result in an operational trim
system. In such a case, the flight crew should always land at the nearest suitable airport as
expeditiously and safely as possible. Further, the bulletin provides additional information
regarding the possibility that repeated or continuous use of the trim motors may result in
thermal cutoff and states that the motor may reset after a cooling period.
The Board is
concerned that this additional information addressing repeated or continuous use of the
trim motors may weaken or confuse the initial guidance to refrain from attempting
troubleshooting measures beyond those specified in the checklist procedures.
For additional information about the content of the Boeing flight operations bulletin, see
Analysis 140 Aircraft Accident Report
The Safety Board concludes that, without clearer guidance to flight crews
regarding which actions are appropriate and which are inappropriate in the event of an
inoperative or malfunctioning flight control system, pilots may experiment with
improvised troubleshooting measures that could inadvertently worsen the condition of a
controllable airplane. Accordingly, the Safety Board believes that the FAA should issue a
flight standards information bulletin directing air carriers to instruct pilots that in the event
of an inoperative or malfunctioning flight control system, if the airplane is controllable
they should complete only the applicable checklist procedures and should not attempt any
corrective actions beyond those specified. In particular, in the event of an inoperative or
malfunctioning horizontal stabilizer trim system, after a final determination has been
made in accordance with the applicable checklist that both the primary and alternate trim
systems are inoperative, neither the primary nor the alternate trim motor should be
activated, either by engaging the autopilot or using any other trim control switch or
handle. Pilots should further be instructed that if checklist procedures are not effective,
they should land at the nearest suitable airport.The Safety Board also believes that the
FAA should direct all Certificate Management Offices (CMO) to instruct inspectors to
conduct surveillance of airline dispatch and maintenance control personnel to ensure that
their training and operations directives provide appropriate dispatch support to pilots who
are experiencing a malfunction threatening safety of flight and instruct them to refrain
from suggesting continued flight in the interest of airline flight scheduling.
2.3 Evaluation of Potential Reasons for Excessive
Acme Nut Thread Wear
As previously mentioned, the condition of the recovered acme nut thread remnants
indicated that approximately 90 percent of the threads had worn away before the
remainder of the threads sheared off.
Further, calculations using the 0.033-inch end play
measurement from the accident jackscrew assembly’s last end play check in September
1997 and an assumed total wear of 0.133 inch at the time the worn threads were sheared
off indicated that the average wear rate of the accident acme nut threads between
September 1997 and the time of the accident was 0.012 inch per 1,000 flight hours. As
previously discussed, the expected wear rate is about 0.001 inch per 1,000 flight hours.
Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that the acme nut threads on the accident airplane’s
horizontal stabilizer jackscrew assembly wore at an excessive rate. There is, however, no
reason to believe that this excessive rate was constant throughout this time period.
In evaluating what could have caused the excessive wear of the accident acme nut
threads, the Safety Board considered the potential effects of the following factors: (1) the
use of Aeroshell 33 for lubrication of the jackscrew assembly, (2) acme screw thread
For more information about the condition of the recovered acme nut threads, see section
This was the wear rate documented in 1967 test results for DC-8 and DC-9 jackscrew assemblies and
was also the rate reported by McDonnell Douglas All Operators Letter (AOL) 9-2120A. For more
information on these expected wear rates, see section
Analysis 141 Aircraft Accident Report
surface finish, (3) foreign debris, (4) abnormal loading of the acme nut threads, and (5)
insufficient lubrication of the jackscrew assembly.
2.3.1 Use of Aeroshell 33 for Lubrication of the Jackscrew
Task cards applicable to the lubrication of the accident jackscrew assembly for its
last three scheduled lubrications (September 1999, January 1999, and June 1998)
specified the use of Aeroshell 33. Findings from laboratory examinations of degraded
grease found on the accident acme screw were consistent with the presence of
Aeroshell 33, as well as the previously specified grease, Mobilgrease 28. Aeroshell 33 has
properties that are different from those of Mobilgrease 28.
Therefore, Safety Board
investigators considered whether Alaska Airlines’ December 1997 switch to Aeroshell 33
might have caused the acme nut threads to wear faster. However, laboratory tests showed
no significant adverse effects when Aeroshell 33 was used. Specifically, those tests
indicated that the wear rates of test specimens lubricated with Aeroshell 33, or mixtures
containing Aeroshell 33, were lower than those of test specimens lubricated with
Mobilgrease 28.
This finding is consistent with the fact that only three of Alaska
Airlines’ acme nuts wore at an excessive rate after Aeroshell 33 was introduced in
December 1997.
None of the rest of the MD-80s in Alaska Airlines’ fleet showed any
indication of excessive acme nut wear or any other anomalies that could be associated
with the use of Aeroshell 33.
Standardized grease testing conducted by the U.S. Navy’s Aerospace Materials
Laboratory on mixtures of the two greases indicated that the grease mixture did not meet
the industry standard for compatibility at the 90/10 and 10/90 ratios. However, test results
showed that the incompatibility had an insignificant effect on the lubrication performance
of the grease. These results were again confirmed by the limited number of acme nuts that
wore at an excessive rate after Aeroshell 33 was introduced in September 1997. These
grease mixtures would have been present on all Alaska Airlines MD-80s for some time
during the switch from Mobilgrease 28 to Aeroshell 33; if Aeroshell 33 or mixtures
containing Aeroshell 33 had a negative effect on acme nut wear, these effects would have
been apparent throughout the fleet.
Because the recovered accident acme screw and sheared nut thread remnants had
some evidence of corrosion, the surface chemistry of aluminum-bronze acme nut material
was evaluated. Tests conducted by the U.S. Navy’s Aerospace Materials Laboratory and
Science Applications International Corporation determined that Aeroshell 33 was not
Boeing’s MD-80 Maintenance Manual specified the use of lubricants that meet the specifications of
MIL-G-81322. Mobilgrease 28 meets these specifications, whereas Aeroshell 33 meets the specifications of
For more information about these tests, see section
Only three Alaska Airlines jackscrew assemblies are known to have worn at a higher-than-expected
rate: the accident assembly and the assemblies from airplanes N981AS and N982AS. For more information
about the acme nuts from airplanes N981AS and N982AS, see section 1.18.4.
Analysis 142 Aircraft Accident Report
corrosive to aluminum bronze.
It is noteworthy that none of the Alaska Airlines acme
screws or nuts examined by the Safety Board that had been lubricated with Aeroshell 33,
including those from two other Alaska Airlines airplanes that wore at an excessive rate,
revealed evidence of corrosion. However, immersion of unlubricated metal surfaces in salt
water is known to cause corrosion. Therefore, the corrosion on the acme screw and nut
thread remnants was very likely caused by exposure to seawater during the 7 1/2 days
before they were recovered, and the use of Aeroshell 33 to lubricate the jackscrew
assembly was not a factor in the excessive wear of the accident acme nut.
Nonetheless, because of the potential for improper lubrication practices and
inappropriate grease selection to have adverse safety effects, the Safety Board continues to
be concerned that Alaska Airlines began using Aeroshell 33, and the FAA did not object to
its use, without sufficient research, testing, or followup tracking and evaluation of its
in-service performance to demonstrate its acceptability.
This lack of research, testing,
and followup in connection with the December 1997 grease change is all the more
disconcerting considering that, in April 1996, Alaska Airlines had significantly extended
the lubrication interval for the horizontal stabilizer and associated components from 1,600
flight hours to 8 months (the equivalent of about 2,250 flight hours). That interval
extension was presumably based on the conclusion that the previous long-term
performance of the grease then in use (Mobilgrease 28) demonstrated that it would remain
effective in those areas for the extended interval. However, Alaska Airlines had no
previous experience with Aeroshell 33 in those areas and, therefore, could not have known
whether this extended interval would also be appropriate for the performance of
Aeroshell 33.
2.3.2 Acme Screw Thread Surface Finish
Because of previous instances of excessive acme nut thread wear on MD-11
jackscrew assemblies resulting from improper acme screw thread surface finish,
Board investigators considered this as a possible factor in the excessive wear of the
accident nut threads. However, a detailed metallurgical examination of the accident acme
screw found no evidence that the thread surface finish was out of production
2.3.3 Foreign Debris
Because the excessive wear of two Hawaiian Airlines DC-9 acme nuts was
apparently associated with the presence of abrasive grit-blasting material in the jackscrew
Safety Board investigators considered whether the abrasive effects of foreign
For more information about these tests, see section
For more information about the circumstances regarding and the procedures followed for this grease
change, see section
For more information about these instances of premature wear on MD-11 jackscrew assemblies, see
section 1.18.5.
For more information about these two acme nuts, see section
Analysis 143 Aircraft Accident Report
debris might have been a factor in the excessive wear of the accident acme nut threads.
However, examinations and tests of grease samples taken from the accident acme screw
found no evidence of foreign debris that would have abraded the acme nut threads during
operation. Metallic particles found in grease residue from the acme nut’s grease fitting
counterbore were from the nut itself and were consistent with sliding wear, not abrasive
wear. Further, although the Hawaiian Airlines jackscrew assemblies showed evidence of
abrasive wear on the acme screw threads and the underside of the acme nut threads, which
normally do not wear, there was no such evidence on the accident acme screw and nut
Although the abrasive effects of foreign debris was not a factor in the excessive
wear of the accident jackscrew assembly, the Safety Board remains concerned that this
could play a role in the excessive wear of other jackscrew assemblies. This issue, and the
related issue of the adequacy of the current end play check interval, are further discussed
in section 2.4.2.
2.3.4 Abnormal Loading of the Acme Nut Threads
Safety Board investigators also considered the possibility that abnormal loading on
the jackscrew assembly may have caused the acme nut threads to wear excessively. This
scenario was evaluated following reports from Alaska Airlines of a “wobbling” acme
The wobble appeared as a slight rocking motion of the acme nut as the screw was
rotated within it. The investigators determined that the wobble in that and other jackscrew
assemblies, including the accident jackscrew assembly, was associated with a torque tube
wear band. It was hypothesized that this wobble might alter the engagement of the acme
nut and screw threads, thus accelerating thread wear. However, analysis of the jackscrew
assembly revealed that the gimbal rings, which hold the acme nut in place, accommodate
any such wobble and prevent wobbling from resulting in any abnormal loading. This was
confirmed when comparing wear rates of acme nuts from assemblies that had torque tubes
with little or no wear band and those with deeper wear bands. The comparison showed no
statistically significant difference in corresponding average wear rates.
2.3.5 Summary of Possibilities Ruled Out as Reasons for the
Excessive Acme Nut Thread Wear
As a result of the findings discussed in sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.4, the Safety
Board concludes that Alaska Airlines’ use of Aeroshell 33 for lubrication of the jackscrew
assembly, acme screw thread surface finish, foreign debris, and abnormal loading of the
acme nut threads were not factors in the excessive wear of the accident acme nut threads.
For more information about the wobbling acme screw, see section
Analysis 144 Aircraft Accident Report
2.3.6 Insufficient Lubrication of the Jackscrew Assembly
It is generally understood that a lack of lubrication of moving parts significantly
increases wear. Laboratory tests confirmed that the unlubricated wear rate of
aluminum-bronze test specimens, under pressure conditions associated with the normal
flight loads on the jackscrew assembly, was roughly 10 times higher than the wear rate of
test specimens lubricated with any tested grease type or combination of greases.
discussed in section, previous instances of excessive and accelerated wear of
DC-9 and MD-80 acme nuts has been attributed to, or associated with concerns about,
insufficient lubrication. Thus, the accident acme nut threads’ excessive and accelerated
wear is consistent with a lack of sufficient lubrication. Furthermore, as discussed below,
there were additional indications that the accident jackscrew assembly had not been
adequately lubricated before the accident.
First, no evidence of any type of grease in any condition, either semi-fluid (that is,
fresh) or dry/solid (that is, old/degraded), was found inside the acme nut or on the working
region of the recovered acme screw.
Further, in photographs taken immediately after
recovery and during initial inspection of the jackscrew assembly, no grease is visible on
the working areas of the acme screw. (See figures 12a and 12b.) Detailed metallurgical
examination revealed only small flakes of dried and hardened grease attached to some of
the acme nut thread remnants wrapped around the acme screw, but no evidence of grease
capable of providing significant lubrication.
These findings contradict the assertions of some Alaska Airlines representatives
who stated that they observed or felt a greaselike substance on the surface of the acme
screw immediately after it was recovered. However, the Safety Board notes that seawater,
fuel, or hydraulic fluid from the accident wreckage could have caused the acme screw to
appear shiny and that this sheen might have been mistaken for grease. To preserve the
condition of the acme screw and thread remnants, they were rinsed with fresh water
immediately after recovery, but that rinsing was accomplished by directing the water from
a hose similar to a garden hose over the gearbox and allowing the water to flow down over
the acme screw; the stream of water used to rinse the screw was not directly sprayed on it.
The acme screw may have been rinsed again with a garden-type hose after it was brought
on shore, but it was never subjected to any type of high-pressure wash. It should be noted
that photographs of the acme screw taken after these rinses show sand still adhered to the
surfaces. (See figure 14.)
Although the jackscrew assembly had been immersed in seawater for 7 1/2 days
before it was recovered, laboratory tests at the U.S. Navy’s Aerospace Materials
Laboratory showed that immersion in seawater does not significantly alter or remove
This was demonstrated by the fact that semi-fluid grease was found adhered to
For more information about these tests, see section
As previously stated, the acme screw working region is that part of the screw that can come in contact
with the acme nut during its operation between the upper and lower mechanical stop limits.
For more information about these tests, see section
Analysis 145 Aircraft Accident Report
airplane components on the accident airplane even after they had been immersed in
seawater for 7 1/2 days. Specifically, some evidence of semi-fluid grease was found
outside the working region on the extreme lower end of the acme screw, and significant
amounts of intact semi-fluid grease were visible on other airplane components. The Safety
Board notes that a coating of grease was still clearly visible on an acme screw recovered
from a China Northern MD-80 airplane that crashed on May 7, 2002, into a bay near
Dalian, China.
The acme screw from that airplane had been immersed in seawater for 5
Second, the recovered acme nut’s grease fitting passageway and counterbore
contained a dried, black, claylike substance consistent with degraded grease. If the acme
nut’s grease fitting had recently been used to lubricate the jackscrew assembly, as it should
have been during the jackscrew assembly’s last lubrication on September 14, 1999 (as
well as during all previous lubrications), the counterbore should have contained fresh
grease. The contents of the counterbore area should not have been affected by impact or
salvage damage because the area was protected externally by the grease fitting on one side
and was isolated internally from direct contact on the bore side.
Third, postaccident interviews with the SFO mechanic who was responsible for
performing the last lubrication of the accident airplane’s horizontal stabilizer components,
including the jackscrew assembly, revealed his lack of knowledge about how to properly
perform the procedure. For example, he indicated that the lubrication task took about 1
hour, whereas Boeing documents and testimony indicated that, when properly done, the
task should take more than 4 person hours. The SFO mechanic also stated that he did not
recall checking to see if grease was coming out of the top of the acme nut, as specified in
the general lubrication guidance. Further, in the recovered wreckage, about 40 percent of
the other grease fittings on the elevators and horizontal stabilizer included on the same
task card as the acme screw and nut contained either dry or semi-dry grease. In
comparison, grease fittings on the rudder that had been lubricated in January 1999 by a
different mechanic contained mostly fresh or semi-fresh grease. This suggests that the
SFO mechanic who was responsible for lubricating the jackscrew assembly in September
1999 did not adequately perform the task. It is noteworthy that the other two Alaska
Airlines jackscrew assemblies with higher-than-expected wear rates had received their last
horizontal stabilizer lubrication servicing at OAK during C checks, but both had received
the lubrication before that at SFO. The lubrication of one of those two assemblies at SFO
was accomplished by the same mechanic who was responsible for the last lubrication of
the accident airplane’s jackscrew assembly.
On the basis of all of the factors discussed in this section, the Safety Board
concludes that there was no effective lubrication on the acme screw and nut interface at
the time of the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident. Further, the Board notes that the
inadequate lubrication of the accident jackscrew assembly was not an isolated occurrence.
The recent discovery by Alaska Airlines of inadequately lubricated MD-80 rudder trim tab
The last scheduled lubrication of the jackscrew assembly on the China Northern airplane was during
an A check that took place sometime between March 27 and April 2, 2002, and the specified grease was
Aeroshell 5 (MIL-G-3545C).
Analysis 146 Aircraft Accident Report
hinge support bearings
demonstrates that deficiencies continue to exist in Alaska
Airlines’ lubrication practices. Analysis of How Many Recently Scheduled Lubrications Might Have
Been Missed or Inadequately Performed Before the Accident
The service history of Alaska Airlines’ MD-80 fleet indicates that jackscrew
assembly lubrications remained effective for the 8-month lubrication interval (equivalent
to approximately 2,550 flight hours) in effect before the accident. Otherwise, Alaska
Airlines’ entire MD-80 fleet would have experienced excessive acme nut wear, which was
not the case. At the time of the accident, only 4 months had elapsed since the accident
airplane’s last scheduled jackscrew assembly lubrication in September 1999. The
condition of the recovered jackscrew assembly, specifically, the absence of any grease
inside the acme nut or on the working areas of the acme screw, and the degraded grease
inside the acme nut’s grease fitting passageway and counterbore, indicates that at least that
lubrication was missed or inadequate.
Then number of lubrication opportunities beyond the one in September 1999 that
might have been performed inadequately or missed entirely is less certain.
However, it
is apparent that the abnormally high wear of the accident acme nut threads likely occurred
over a period of time that extended beyond the 4 months between the September 1999
lubrication and the accident date. Laboratory tests indicate that the wear rate for
unlubricated parts
cannot account for the amount of wear exhibited by the accident
acme nut thread remnants if it had occurred only since the last scheduled lubrication. This
indicates that unlubricated wear rates were likely experienced over a longer period of time
and, therefore, more than just the last scheduled lubrication was missed or inadequately
performed. The Safety Board could not determine exactly how many more scheduled
lubrications were missed or inadequately performed. However, the Safety Board
concludes that the excessive and accelerated wear of the accident jackscrew assembly
acme nut threads was the result of insufficient lubrication, which was directly causal to the
Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident. Alaska Airlines’ Lubrication Interval Extension
DC-9 test results and DC-8 service history indicated that frequent lubrication of
the jackscrew assembly would allow the acme screw to meet its original design life of
30,000 flight hours. DC-9 certification documents, including Douglas Process
Standard 3.17-49 (issued August 1, 1964), specified a lubrication interval for the
For more information, see section
Because of the absence of any end play measurements since the October 1997 measurement, there is
little upon which to base a wear rate estimate for periods of time beginning after the
October 1997 measurement. Further uncertainty is introduced by the amount of wear exhibited by the thread
remnants (approximately 90 percent of their original thickness had worn). The Safety Board’s FEA
indicated that the load distribution, and thus the associated acme nut thread wear rates, changes dramatically
after a wear of approximately 0.095 inch (approximately 74 percent worn), thereby invalidating the
traditionally assumed relationship between end play and wear rate.
For more information about these tests, see section
Analysis 147 Aircraft Accident Report
jackscrew assembly of 300 to 350 flight hours. However, the 300- to 350-flight-hour
recommended lubrication interval for the DC-9 was not contained in the manufacturer’s
initial on-aircraft maintenance planning (OAMP) documents for the DC-9 or the MD-80.
Instead, those documents specified a lubrication interval of 600 to 900 flight hours.
As discussed in section, in 1987, Alaska Airlines’ lubrication interval
for horizontal stabilizer components, including the jackscrew assembly, was every
500 flight hours, consistent with the manufacturers recommendation in the Maintenance
Review Board (MRB) report and OAMP documents derived from Maintenance Steering
Group (MSG)-2 guidance, which recommended a lubrication interval of 600 to 900 flight
hours. In 1988, Alaska Airlines’ lubrication interval increased to every 1,000 flight hours
(a 100 percent increase); in 1991, to every 1,200 flight hours (an additional 20 percent
increase); and, in 1994, to every 1,600 flight hours (an additional 33 percent increase).
In 1996, the interval was changed to 8 months with no specified flight-hour limit. Based
on fleet utilization at the time, 8 calendar months equated to about 2,550 flight hours, an
additional increase of greater than 59 percent. Thus, at the time of the accident, Alaska
Airlines’ lubrication interval for the jackscrew assembly was more than 400 percent
greater than it was in 1987.
The investigation did not determine what type of information, if any, was
presented as justification for the lubrication interval extensions in 1988, 1991, and 1994.
However, according to the FAA principal maintenance inspector (PMI) for Alaska
Airlines, who reviewed and accepted the 1996 interval extension, Alaska Airlines
presented documentation of the manufacturers recently extended recommended interval
as justification for its increase. (The extended recommended lubrication interval in the
MRB report and OAMP document derived from the MSG-3 guidance was every C check,
or every 3,600 flight hours.)
Testimony at the Safety Board’s public hearing and Boeing documents indicated
that the original design engineers’ recommended lubrication interval was not considered
during the MRB-3 decision-making process regarding the extension of the manufacturers
recommended interval. Further, Boeing design engineers were not consulted about nor
aware of the extended 3,600-flight-hour MRB-3 recommended lubrication interval.
Although Alaska Airlines’ extended lubrication and end play check intervals have now
been superseded by the 650-flight-hour lubrication and 2,000-flight-hour end play check
intervals specified in Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2000-15-15, the Safety Board is
concerned that there is no mechanism in place to prevent similar unsafe interval
extensions for other maintenance tasks. This issue and associated safety recommendations
are discussed further in section 2.4.1. Safety Implications of Lubrication Interval Extension
As grease is used in a system, it loses its effectiveness over time and requires
replacement. Longer lubrication intervals increase the likelihood that a missed or
inadequate lubrication will result in excessive wear. Conversely, shorter lubrication
intervals increase the likelihood that, even if a lubrication is missed or inadequately
performed, the existing grease will remain effective until the next scheduled lubrication.
Analysis 148 Aircraft Accident Report
The Safety Board notes that at the time of Alaska Airlines’ increase to an 8-month
lubrication interval, it was the only U.S. airline that had a calendar-time lubrication
interval with no accompanying flight-hour limit and no specification, “whichever comes
first.” A calendar-time lubrication interval can degrade the margin of safety because wear
is directly related to aircraft usage, or flight hours, and not to calendar time. Also, a purely
calendar-based interval does not account for increases in flight hours that result from
increased airplane utilization. Conversely, intervals based on flight hours, or on calendar
time with an accompanying flight-hour time limit and the proviso, “whichever comes
first,” ensure that the flight-hour limit will not be exceeded as a result of increased
airplane utilization. Thus, unless a maximum utilization is also specified, calendar-time
intervals are inappropriate for certain tasks, such as lubrication or inspections for fatigue,
when component deterioration is related to usage, not time.
In sum, at the time of the accident, Boeing’s recommended lubrication interval for
the MD-80 jackscrew assembly was every 3,600 flight hours, about 4 to 6 times longer
than Douglas’ original recommendation in the MSG-2 OAMP document of every 600 to
900 flight hours. Alaska Airlines’ lubrication interval for the MD-80 jackscrew
assembly—although it was still less than the manufacturers recommended interval in the
MSG-3 OAMP document of 3,600 flight hours—was about 3 to 4 times longer than
Douglas’ originally recommended lubrication interval, resulting in a significant decrease
in the MD-80 fleet’s ability to tolerate missed or inadequate lubrications. The Board notes
that the negative safety implications of the ongoing lubrication interval extensions were
magnified by the simultaneous ongoing extensions of the end play check interval in that
there would be fewer and fewer opportunities to discover and address any excessive wear
resulting from lubrication deficiencies.
Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that Alaska Airlines’ extensions of its
lubrication interval for its MD-80 horizontal stabilizer components and the FAAs
approval of these extensions, the last of which was based on Boeing’s extension of the
recommended lubrication interval, increased the likelihood that a missed or inadequate
lubrication would result in excessive wear of jackscrew assembly acme nut threads and,
therefore, was a direct cause of the excessive wear and contributed to the Alaska Airlines
flight 261 accident. Adequacy of Lubrication Procedures
The horizontal stabilizer lubrication procedure specifies that, after the access doors
are opened, grease is to be applied to the acme nut grease fitting under pressure. The
procedure further specifies the brush application of a light coat of grease to the acme
screw threads and operation of the trim system through its full range of travel to distribute
the grease over the length of the acme screw.
In contrast, some maintenance tasks are intended to prevent or control conditions (such as corrosion
or deterioration based on aging) that are based solely on the passage of time. Such tasks might appropriately
be tied to calendar-time intervals without any flight-hour limits.
Analysis 149 Aircraft Accident Report
Safety Board investigators observed maintenance personnel from two MD-80
operators perform jackscrew assembly lubrications and discussed the lubrication
procedure with those and other maintenance personnel from those operators. Investigators
noted many differences in the methods used by the personnel to accomplish certain steps
in the lubrication procedure, including the manner in which grease was applied to the
acme nut fitting and screw and the number of times the trim system was cycled to
distribute the grease. Several of the methods observed by or reported to investigators did
not involve application of grease to the entire length of the acme screw and cycling the
trim system several times.
Laboratory demonstrations designed to compare the effectiveness of various
methods of lubricating the jackscrew assembly found that application of a complete
coating of grease over all exposed threads, filling the thread valleys, followed by the
cycling of the trim system several times, maximized the distribution of the grease over the
length of the acme screw. In contrast, the observations and demonstrations established that
applying grease only through the acme nut grease fitting and then cycling the trim system
several times did not distribute an adequate amount of grease over the remainder of the
acme screw. Although both methods of grease application are specified in the lubrication
procedure, if a mechanic mistakenly believed that lubricating only through the acme nut
grease fitting was adequate, the acme screw and nut would receive insufficient lubrication.
The extent to which these deficiencies in the lubrication procedure may have
played a role in the inadequate lubrication of the accident jackscrew assembly could not
be determined. However, in an October 1, 2001, safety recommendation letter, the Safety
Board expressed its concern that the current lubrication procedure was not adequate to
ensure consistent and thorough lubrication of the jackscrew assembly by all operators and
issued Safety Recommendation A-01-41, which asked the FAA to require Boeing to
“revise the lubrication procedure for the horizontal stabilizer trim system of Douglas
DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series airplanes to minimize the
probability of inadequate lubrication.” In a December 12, 2001, letter, the FAA responded
that it agreed with the intent of Safety Recommendation A-01-41 and that it was “working
with the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group to rewrite the lubrication procedures to the
optimal standard.” On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified the recommendation
“Open—Acceptable Response.”
After the issuance of Safety Recommendation A-01-41, Safety Board investigators
continued to evaluate the adequacy of the current lubrication procedure and identified
three additional areas that should be addressed.
First, the Safety Board is concerned about the wear debris produced as a result of
the wear process and other foreign debris that may accumulate in the grease over time.
Because material that infiltrates the working grease reduces its lubricating effectiveness, it
is desirable to flush out these materials before fresh grease is added (that is, to completely
replace used, less effective grease with fresh, more effective grease).
The Board notes
that the current jackscrew lubrication procedure does not stipulate the removal of used
grease from the acme screw before the application of fresh grease.
The Board is aware
that Boeing is developing a revised lubrication procedure for the jackscrew assembly that
Analysis 150 Aircraft Accident Report
includes removal of the used grease before application of the fresh grease. Although the
revised procedure, if properly performed, should improve the effectiveness of the
lubrication, it is not yet known whether the FAA will require the use of this improved
The Safety Board concludes that when lubricating the jackscrew assembly,
removal of degraded grease from the acme screw before application of fresh grease will
increase the effectiveness of the lubrication. Therefore, the Safety Board believes that as
part of the response to Safety Recommendation A-01-41, the FAA should require
operators of DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplanes to remove used grease from the
jackscrew assembly acme screw and flush degraded grease and particulates from the acme
nut before applying fresh grease.
Second, Safety Board investigators noted that when they attempted to perform the
lubrication procedure, it was difficult to insert a hand through the access panel openings
because of their size.
They further noted that after a hand was inserted, it blocked the
view of the jackscrew assembly, requiring the task to be accomplished primarily by “feel.”
The Board is aware that Boeing is developing a modification for an expanded access
panel. The Safety Board concludes that a larger access panel would facilitate the proper
accomplishment of the jackscrew assembly lubrication task. Therefore, the Safety Board
believes that, as part of the response to Safety Recommendation A-01-41, the FAA should
require operators of DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplanes, in coordination with
Boeing, to increase the size of the access panels that are used to accomplish the jackscrew
assembly lubrication procedure.
Third, this investigation has highlighted the need for improved methods for
ensuring that jackscrew assembly lubrications are accomplished properly at scheduled
lubrication intervals. Currently, the lubrication procedure is generally performed and
signed off by a single maintenance technician, and that technician’s work is not required to
be inspected.
Although the Safety Board cannot be certain that such a requirement would have
prevented the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, the Safety Board concludes that if the
jackscrew assembly lubrication procedure were a required inspection item for which an
inspectors signoff is needed, the potential for unperformed or improperly performed
lubrications would be reduced. Therefore, because of the critical importance of adequately
lubricating the jackscrew assembly and the potentially catastrophic effects of excessive
acme nut wear resulting from insufficient lubrication, the Safety Board believes that the
This finding was further supported by interviews with representatives of the largest manufacturer of
nonaviation jackscrew assemblies, Nook Industries. Nook representatives told Safety Board investigators
that purging old grease out of the jackscrew assembly, and then refreshing the acme screw with new grease,
increases the life of the acme nut.
The current jackscrew lubrication procedure does call for the application of new grease into the nut,
via the grease fitting, until grease is observed extruding from the nut; however, this does not remove the old
grease from the acme screw surface or a large portion of the nut.
Two access panel openings (one 4 inches by 6 inches and the other 8 inches by 7 inches) are generally
used to accomplish the lubrication procedure.
Analysis 151 Aircraft Accident Report
FAA should establish the jackscrew assembly lubrication procedure as a required
inspection item that must have an inspectors signoff before the task can be considered
2.4 Monitoring Acme Nut Thread Wear
Because the MD-80 jackscrew assembly’s structural function is critical to the
safety of flight, and that structural function cannot be maintained without proper acme nut
and screw thread engagement, it is essential that acme nut thread wear be regularly
monitored. The failure to adequately monitor acme nut thread wear may result in
continued operation of an airplane with excessive nut thread wear. As demonstrated by the
Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, because no other structure performs the function of
the jackscrew assembly, the loss of acme nut and screw engagement as a result of
excessive wear will most likely have catastrophic results.
As previously discussed, in-service acme nut thread wear is monitored by
performing an on-wing end play check procedure at specified intervals. Before 1967, there
were no required periodic inspections. The jackscrew assembly had an expected service
life of 30,000 hours, at which time the end play measurement was expected to be 0.0265
inch. However, as a result of higher-than-expected wear rates reported in 1966, in 1967,
Douglas developed the end play check procedure and increased the maximum permissible
end play measurement at which a jackscrew assembly could remain in service to 0.040
inch. (The minimum end play measurement remained at 0.003 inch.)
In AOL 9-48A,
Douglas stated that jackscrew assemblies could remain in service as long as the end play
measurement remained within these tolerances.
2.4.1 Alaska Airlines’ Preaccident End Play Check Intervals
Alaska Airlines has consistently required end play checks at every other C check.
However, the length of its C-check interval has changed over time. As a result of those
C-check interval changes, between 1985 and 1996 Alaska Airlines increased its end play
check interval by almost 200 percent.
In 1985, when Alaska Airlines’ MD-80 maintenance program was initially
approved by the FAA, C checks were conducted every 2,500 flight hours; therefore, end
play checks were performed every 5,000 flight hours. By July 1988, C-check intervals had
been extended to 13 months, with no corresponding flight-time limit; therefore, end play
checks were performed every 26 months, which was approximately 6,400 flight hours,
based on the airplane utilization rate at that time. Although FAA approval would have
been required for this C-check interval extension, no information was available regarding
what documentation, if any, Alaska Airlines presented to the FAA to justify the extension.
As discussed in section, as a result of these higher-than-expected wear rates, Douglas also
changed some of the materials specifications and manufacturing processes for the acme screw (increased
heat treating and nitriding) to reduce wear.
Analysis 152 Aircraft Accident Report
In 1996, Alaska Airlines’ C-check interval was extended to 15 months; therefore,
end play checks were only required every 30 months. Because Alaska Airlines’ airplane
utilization had also increased, this 30-month interval was equivalent to approximately
9,550 flight hours. Alaska Airlines sought and obtained advance FAA approval for this
C-check interval extension. Alaska Airlines’ director of reliability and maintenance
programs testified at the public hearing that Alaska Airlines had presented the FAA with a
data analysis package based on the maintenance histories of five sample airplanes to
justify the C-check interval extension. He indicated that individual maintenance tasks tied
to C-check intervals (such as the end play check) were not separately considered in
connection with the extension.
Thus, the FAAs approval of the 1996 C-check extension
also effectively constituted approval to extend the end play check from 26 to 30 months, a
15 percent increase, and, more importantly, a 55 percent increase in flight-hour intervals,
from approximately 6,400 to 9,550 flight hours.
Although Alaska Airlines’ extended 30-month end play check interval was
consistent with the manufacturers recommended calendar-time limit, the resulting
9,550-flight-hour interval far exceeded the manufacturers recommended flight-hour
interval, which at that time was 7,000 or 7,200 flight hours (depending on whether MSG-2
or MSG-3 guidance was used). At that time, Alaska Airlines had the second highest end
play check interval of all operators of DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplanes. Further,
Alaska Airlines was the only U.S. carrier at that time that did not have an accompanying
flight-hour limit with the specification, “whichever comes first,” for its end play check
interval. As discussed previously in connection with Alaska Airlines’ lubrication interval,
use of only a calendar-time interval does not account for increased airplane utilization
rates and could result in a lower safety margin than intended.
The Safety Board notes that, because of Alaska Airlines’ extended end play check
interval of 30 months, or about 9,550 flight hours, after the accident airplane’s last end
play check in September 1997, the jackscrew assembly would not have been required to
undergo another end play check until March 2000. Between the time that the 0.040- and
0.033-inch end play measurements were recorded in September 1997 and the time of the
accident, the airplane had been flown for 28 months, nearly 9,000 flight hours. During this
time, the acme nut thread wear progressed to failure.
In light of what has been learned in this investigation, it is now apparent that the
manufacturers previously recommended end play check intervals of 7,000 or 7,200 flight
hours were not adequate.
Nonetheless, the Safety Board notes that if Alaska Airlines
had not extended its end play check interval to beyond the recommended interval, the
airplane would have been required to undergo an end play check at least 1,800 to 2,000
flight hours before the accident, and the excessive end play could have been identified at
However, based on the history of maintenance discrepancies noted for the five sample airplanes, two
maintenance tasks were identified as inappropriate for extension, and these tasks were converted to
stand-alone items to be performed at shorter intervals. The two maintenance tasks identified as requiring
shorter intervals based on service history were (1) lubrication of the bent-up, trailing-edge wing doors and
(2) lubrication of the bearings and bushings in the elevator hinges.
This issue is discussed further in the next section.
Analysis 153 Aircraft Accident Report
that time. Thus, the Safety Board concludes that Alaska Airlines’ extension of the end
play check interval and the FAAs approval of that extension allowed the accident acme
nut threads to wear to failure without the opportunity for detection and, therefore, was a
direct cause of the excessive wear and contributed to the Alaska Airlines flight 261
accident. Adequacy of Existing Process for Establishing Maintenance Task
The Safety Board is concerned that the absence of any significant maintenance
history pertaining to the jackscrew assembly was apparently considered by Alaska
Airlines and the FAA as sufficient justification to extend the end play check interval as
part of the C-check interval extension. In general, the absence of maintenance history
should not be considered adequate justification to extend the interval for the performance
of a critical maintenance task. Any significant maintenance change associated with a
critical flight control system should be independently analyzed and supported by technical
data demonstrating that the proposed change will not present a potential hazard.
Therefore, any maintenance task change related to the jackscrew assembly, which is an
essential element of a critical flight control system, should be handled in this manner.
The Safety Board is further concerned that the MSG and MRB-based process by
which manufacturers develop initial and revised recommended maintenance task
resulted in significant extensions of both the lubrication and end play check
intervals without any such analysis or support. As discussed in section,
testimony at the Safety Board’s public hearing and Boeing documents indicated that
Douglas’ original recommended lubrication interval of 600 to 900 flight hours was not
considered during the MSG-3 decision-making process to extend the recommended
interval to 3,600 hours. Further, Boeing design engineers were not consulted about nor
aware of the escalated lubrication interval specified in the MSG-3 documents. The FAAs
MD-80 MRB chairman testified at the public hearing that the escalation of C-check
intervals in the MSG-3 MD-80 MRB did not involve a task-by-task analysis of each task
(such as the jackscrew lubrication task and end play check) that would be affected by the
changed interval.
The Safety Board concludes that Alaska Airlines’ end play check interval
extension should have been, but was not, supported by adequate technical data to
demonstrate that the extension would not present a potential hazard. The Safety Board
further concludes that the existing process by which manufacturers revise recommended
maintenance task intervals and by which airlines establish and revise these intervals does
not include task-by-task engineering analysis and justification and, therefore, allows for
the possibility of inappropriate interval extensions for potentially critical maintenance
tasks. In addition, the Board notes that the FAA plays a limited role in this process
compared to the role it plays in the initial certification process.
For more information about this process, see section
Analysis 154 Aircraft Accident Report
Therefore, the Safety Board believes that the FAA should review all existing
maintenance intervals for tasks that could affect critical aircraft components and identify
those that have been extended without adequate engineering justification in the form of
technical data and analysis demonstrating that the extended interval will not present any
increased risk and require modification of those intervals to ensure that they (1) take into
account assumptions made by the original designers, (2) are supported by adequate
technical data and analysis, and (3) include an appropriate safety margin that takes into
account the possibility of missed or inadequate accomplishment of the maintenance task.
In conducting this review, the FAA should also consider original intervals recommended
or established for new aircraft models that are derivatives of earlier models and, if the
aircraft component and the task are substantially the same and the recommended interval
for the new model is greater than that recommended for the earlier model, treat such
original intervals for the derivative model as “extended” intervals. The Safety Board
further believes that the FAA should conduct a systemic industrywide evaluation and issue
a report on the process by which manufacturers recommend and airlines establish and
revise maintenance task intervals and make changes to the process to ensure that, in the
future, intervals for each task (1) take into account assumptions made by the original
designers, (2) are supported by adequate technical data and analysis, and (3) include an
appropriate safety margin that takes into account the possibility of missed or inadequate
accomplishment of the maintenance task.
The Safety Board also believes that the FAA should require operators to supply the
FAA, before the implementation of any changes in maintenance task intervals that could
affect critical aircraft components, technical data and analysis for each task demonstrating
that none of the proposed changes will present any potential hazards, and obtain written
approval of the proposed changes from the PMI and written concurrence from the
appropriate FAA Aircraft Certification Office.
2.4.2 Adequacy of Current End Play Check Intervals
The Safety Board recognizes that the FAA acted promptly following the Alaska
Airlines flight 261 accident by issuing ADs that shortened the end play check interval to
2,000 flight hours. However, evidence collected during this investigation suggests that
acme nut thread wear at a higher-than-expected rate could allow a potentially dangerous
level of wear to occur in less than 2,000 hours.
As previously discussed, two jackscrew assemblies installed sequentially on the
same Hawaiian Airlines DC-9 airplane that were removed because of high end play
measurements were found to have worn at an unprecedented rate. The first acme nut had
an approximate wear rate of 0.015 inch per 1,000 flight hours, and the second had an
approximate wear rate of 0.008 inch per 1,000 flight hours.
These wear rates are about
15 and 8 times greater, respectively, than the expected wear rate of about 0.001 inch per
1,000 flight hours. This accelerated wear was attributed to the presence of grit-blasting
For more information about these jackscrew assemblies, see section
Analysis 155 Aircraft Accident Report
material that had been introduced inadvertently into the jackscrew assembly and become
embedded in the grease on the acme screw.
If the first excessively worn jackscrew assembly had measured just within, rather
than beyond, the 0.040-inch limit at the last end play check, and assuming the acme nut
threads had continued to wear at an approximate rate of 0.015 inch per 1,000 flight hours,
the end play measurement would have been about 0.069 inch by the time of its next
scheduled end play check 2,000 flight hours later. Further, assuming that this end play
check was either missed or improperly accomplished and the jackscrew assembly
remained in service despite an end play of 0.069 inch and continued to wear at the same
rate, the end play measurement would have been about 0.099 inch by the time of the next
scheduled end play check. Moreover, there is no basis for assuming that the wear rate of
this Hawaiian Airlines jackscrew assembly represents the maximum possible acme nut
thread wear rate. Just as the wear rate and wear mechanism on the Hawaiian Airlines
jackscrew assembly was unprecedented and unanticipated, there may be other
unprecedented and unanticipated wear rates and mechanisms that could also result in
excessive or accelerated wear. Therefore, it is possible that acme nut threads could wear at
an even faster rate than the Hawaiian Airlines acme nut threads, possibly even to
catastrophic limits
in 2,000 flight hours.
To establish an appropriately conservative end play check interval, the
uncertainties regarding possible wear mechanisms and the maximum possible wear rate
must be considered in addition to the significant possibility of inaccurate end play
measurements. The Safety Board notes that, when failure mechanisms are known and
clearly defined, standard industry practice to ensure a damage tolerant design is to have a
safety margin that allows for two complete inspection cycles before the predicted failure
Thus, even if one inspection is missed or inadequately performed, there will be at
least one other opportunity to detect and correct the condition. However, when
uncertainties exist in the failure mechanism, as in the case of acme nut thread wear,
standard industry practice is to increase the safety margin to account for the reduced level
of confidence in the predicted failure time.
In a June 26, 2001, letter to the Safety Board, the FAA stated that it believed the
2,000-flight-hour interval provided an acceptable level of safety, citing the “robust design”
of the acme nut and the fact that it could safely carry normal flight loads even when worn
beyond 0.080 inch. The FAA also stated that the 650-flight-hour inspection and
According to the Safety Board’s study of thread stress and deformation, the acme nut threads will
begin to deflect and begin the process of sliding over the acme screw threads at a wear level of about
0.093 inch.
According to the FAAs Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook, Volume I, issued in
February 1999, “damage tolerance refers to the ability of the design to prevent structural cracks from
precipitating catastrophic fracture when the airframe is subjected to flight or ground loads. Transport
category airframe structure is generally made damage tolerant by means of redundant (‘fail safe’) designs
for which the inspection intervals are set to provide at least two inspection opportunities per number of
flights or flight hours it would take for a visually detectable crack to grow large enough to cause a failure in
flight.” Although this refers to cracks, the Safety Board notes that the damage tolerance principles can be
applied to acme nut wear.
Analysis 156 Aircraft Accident Report
lubrication interval in AD 2000-15-15 provided frequent opportunities (in addition to the
end play check every 2,000 flight hours) to detect wear debris and, therefore, possible
excessive wear. Nonetheless, the Safety Board is concerned that significantly
higher-than-expected wear—wear even greater than that of the Hawaiian Airlines
jackscrew assemblies—could result from foreign-object contamination, such as grit blast,
or from other factors that have not yet been identified.
The Safety Board concludes that, because of the possibility that
higher-than-expected wear could cause excessive wear in less than 2,000 flight hours and
the additional possibility that an end play check could be not performed or improperly
performed, the current 2,000-flight-hour end play check interval specified in AD
2000-15-15 may be inadequate to ensure the safety of the DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 fleet.
Therefore, the Safety Board believes that, pending the incorporation of a fail-safe
mechanism in the design of the DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 horizontal stabilizer jackscrew
assembly, as recommended in Safety Recommendation A-02-49 in this report, the FAA
should establish an end play check interval that (1) accounts for the possibility of
higher-than-expected wear rates and measurement error in estimating acme nut thread
wear and (2) provides for at least two opportunities to detect excessive wear before a
potentially catastrophic wear condition becomes possible.
To establish an appropriate end play check interval, it is necessary to monitor end
play measurements over time to identify any excessive or unanticipated wear rates and to
continue evaluating the reliability and validity of end play measurements. Therefore, the
FAA, Boeing, maintenance facilities that overhaul jackscrew assemblies, and operators
should closely evaluate the measurement data currently being reported pursuant to
AD 2000-15-15. The Safety Board concludes that the continued collection and analysis of
end play data are critical to monitoring acme nut thread wear and identifying excessive or
unexpected wear rates, trends, or anomalies. Therefore, the Safety Board believes that the
FAA should require operators to permanently (1) track end play measurements according
to airplane registration number and jackscrew assembly serial number, (2) calculate and
record average wear rates for each airplane based on end play measurements and flight
times, and (3) develop and implement a program to analyze these data to identify and
determine the cause of excessive or unexpected wear rates, trends, or anomalies. The
Safety Board further believes that the FAA should require operators to report this
information to the FAA for use in determining and evaluating an appropriate end play
check interval.
2.4.3 Adequacy of End Play Check Procedure
As discussed in the Safety Board’s October 1, 2001, safety recommendation letter
and its end play data study report, dated March 18, 2002, the current end play check
is subject to considerable measurement error. Safety Board investigators
observed end play checks performed by maintenance personnel from several MD-80
operators and identified numerous potential sources for inaccurate end play
measurements. Specifically, it was noted that the accuracy of the results could be affected
by deviations in one or more of the following areas: (1) calibration and interpretation of
Analysis 157 Aircraft Accident Report
the dial indicator; (2) installation of the dial indicator; (3) application and direction of the
specified torque to the restraining fixture; (4) calibration of the torque wrench;
(5) fabrication, lubrication, and maintenance of the restraining fixture; (6) rotation of the
acme screw within its gearbox during the procedure; and (7) the individual mechanic’s
knowledge of the procedures. According to the Board’s end play data study report, end
play measurement inaccuracies can be as high as 0.030 inch, and errors can occur in either
Further, an additional source of end play measurement error was possible at Alaska
Airlines before August 2000 because its fabricated end play restraining fixture was not
based on Boeing design specifications.
Although there was only one such fixture at
Alaska Airlines’ maintenance facilities at the time of the accident,
11 additional
restraining fixtures were made in-house after the accident despite an April 2000 Boeing
message to all DC-9, MD-80, MD-90, and 717 operators asking them to ensure that their
horizontal stabilizer inspection tooling conformed “to the tool’s drawing requirements.”
The Alaska Airlines manager of tool control, who participated in the fabrication of the
restraining fixtures ordered by airline management after the accident, told Safety Board
investigators that “what they were making wasn’t even close” to the Boeing drawing. In
August 2000, following inquiries from Safety Board staff about which restraining fixture
was used during the September 1997 end play check, Alaska Airlines notified the FAA
that it was concerned that the restraining fixtures it had manufactured in-house might not
be “an equivalent substitute” for the Boeing fixture. Alaska Airlines suspended use of the
in-house manufactured restraining fixtures, quarantined all non-Boeing manufactured
fixtures, and temporarily removed from service 18 airplanes that had been checked with
these fixtures.
The results of Safety Board testing indicated that Alaska Airlines’ fabricated
restraining fixtures could yield end play measurements that were lower than
measurements obtained with a Boeing-manufactured fixture.
Therefore, it is possible
that the 0.040- and 0.033-inch end play measurements obtained during the accident
airplane’s September 1997 end play check were less than the actual end play and that the
accident jackscrew assembly in fact exceeded the 0.040-inch end play measurement limit
As discussed in section, the end play procedure calls for pulling down on the horizontal
stabilizer by applying a specified amount of torque to a tool known as a restraining fixture to change the load
on the acme screw from tension to compression. The load reversal allows movement, or play, between the
acme screw and nut threads that is measured using a dial indicator, which is mounted on the lower rotational
stop (fixed to the screw) with the movable plunger set against the lower surface of the acme nut that
measures the relative vertical movement between the acme screw and the nut when the loads are applied.
The amount of movement, or end play, is used as an indication of the amount of acme nut thread wear (and
acme screw thread wear, if there is any). The procedure calls for the restraining fixture load to be applied and
removed several times until consistent measurements are achieved.
For more information, see table 5 in the Safety Board’s end play data study report in the public docket
for this accident.
For more information about Alaska Airlines’ fabricated restraining fixtures, see section
The Safety Board recognizes that Alaska Airlines contends in its submission that the restraining
fixture used during the September 1997 end play check was a Douglas fixture. However, evidence gathered
in the Board’s investigation does not support this contention.
Analysis 158 Aircraft Accident Report
at the time of the 1997 check. It is also possible that a Boeing-manufactured restraining
fixture would have yielded a more accurate reading, which could have resulted in the
jackscrew assembly being removed from service. However, as discussed previously, even
when a restraining fixture manufactured to Boeing specifications is used, there is still a
potential for inaccurate measurements. Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that, until
August 2000, Alaska Airlines used a fabricated restraining fixture that did not meet
Boeing specifications; however, the Board could not determine whether the use of this
noncompliant fixture generated an inaccurate end play measurement during the last end
play check or whether the use of this fixture contributed to the accident.
In Safety Recommendations A-01-42 and -44, the Safety Board asked the FAA to
do the following:
Require the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group to revise the end play
check procedure for the horizontal stabilizer trim system of Douglas DC-9,
McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series airplanes to
minimize the probability of measurement error and conduct a study to
empirically validate the revised procedure against an appropriate physical
standard of actual acme screw and acme nut wear. This study should also
establish that the procedure produces a measurement that is reliable when
conducted on-wing. (A-01-42)
Require maintenance personnel who inspect the horizontal stabilizer trim
system of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717
series airplanes to undergo specialized training for this task. This training
should include familiarization with the selection, inspection, and proper
use of the tooling to perform the end play check. (A-01-44)
In its December 12, 2001, response letter, the FAA indicated that it had asked
Boeing to revise the end play check procedure, and the Safety Board is aware that Boeing
is currently developing improved end play check procedures. Regarding Safety
Recommendation A-01-44, the FAA stated that it believed that “current regulatory
requirements of 14 CFR [Code of Federal Regulations] 121.375 adequately address
maintenance training programs” but that the agency was “revising Advisory Circular [AC]
120-16C, Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Programs, to expand the intent of the
requirement for maintenance training programs.” In addition, the FAA stated that it
believed that “current regulatory requirements of 14 CFR 65.81 and 14 CFR 65.103
adequately address the inspection requirements for maintenance personnel and
repairmen.” The FAA concluded that “current regulatory requirements in place to require
maintenance training programs and inspection requirements for maintenance personnel
and repairmen address the full intent of these safety recommendations.”
Alaska Airlines’ fabricated restraining fixture did not result in a lower measurement than the Boeing
fixture on every occasion during the testing. However, Safety Board investigators determined that the
discrepancies, when they existed, could be as high as 0.005 inch and were likely caused by the fabricated
restraining fixture’s increased length of thread engagement, which created friction that required more torque
than the Boeing-manufactured fixture.
Analysis 159 Aircraft Accident Report
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation A-01-42
“Open—Acceptable Response,” pending revisions to the end play check procedure. In its
letter, the Board classified Safety Recommendation A-01-44 “Open—Unacceptable
Response,” stating that it “continues to believe that current FAA regulations do not result
in maintenance personnel being properly trained to perform lubrication and end play
inspection of the acme screw and nut assembly” and urged the FAA to reconsider its
The Safety Board is aware of technologies that could potentially provide more
reliable and accurate indications of acme nut thread wear than the end play check
procedure. For example, as a result of this accident, Sandia National Laboratories, with
FAA funding, began exploring two new methods for monitoring thread wear that involved
the use of nondestructive technology. One of these methods used a portable x-ray fixture
that could be installed next to the acme screw and nut to provide a graphic depiction of all
of the threads. The other method used a small ultrasonic sensor that could be passed over
the acme nut to obtain a graphic depiction of the thread crests on a handheld screen.
The Safety Board concludes that the on-wing end play check procedure, as
currently practiced, has not been validated and has low reliability. In this regard, the Board
will continue to monitor the FAAs and Boeing’s actions in response to Safety
Recommendations A-01-42 and -44.
2.5 Deficiencies of Jackscrew Assembly Overhaul
Procedures and Practices
The accident jackscrew assembly was never overhauled nor was it required to be.
However, to determine the adequacy of maintenance and inspection procedures applicable
to all DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 jackscrew assemblies, Safety Board investigators
evaluated jackscrew assembly overhaul procedures and practices. Specifically,
investigators reviewed the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual and visited several
maintenance facilities that overhaul jackscrew assemblies, including Integrated
Aerospace, the only contract facility currently used by Boeing to overhaul acme nut and
screw pairs to manufacturing end play specifications.
Safety Board investigators identified several deficiencies in the DC-9 Overhaul
Maintenance Manual procedures and in the practices of several of the maintenance
facilities that were visited. Specifically, the overhaul manual did not require the use of
work cards documenting each step in the overhaul process, and (with the exception of
Integrated Aerospace) the facilities did not use such work cards. Also, the manual called
for replacement of the acme nut only if the end play measurement was more than
0.040 inch. Although some overhaul facilities had lower self-imposed end play
measurement limits for replacement of the acme nut, at least one facility indicated that it
For more information about the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual and Safety Board investigator
visits to maintenance facilities, see section 1.18.8.
Analysis 160 Aircraft Accident Report
would return an overhauled jackscrew assembly to a customer as long as the end play
measurement did not exceed 0.040 inch. Further, the manual contained no requirement to
record or inform the customer of the end play measurement of an overhauled jackscrew
assembly. This means that a jackscrew assembly with an end play measurement of up to
0.039 inch could be represented as “overhauled” and returned to service by an operator
that might not be aware of the high end play measurement.
A jackscrew assembly could
require overhaul for reasons other than excessive end play; however, it would be
reasonable for a customer to expect that an assembly would be returned after an overhaul
with an end play close to manufacturing specifications.
Further, the required steps for properly conducting the end play check procedure
were not well described and the required equipment was not specified in the DC-9
Overhaul Maintenance Manual. During visits to maintenance facilities, Safety Board
investigators learned that the facilities used different methods and various tools for
measuring end play. (Although investigators saw no evidence that the differences affected
the accuracy of the results, the lack of standardization nonetheless increases the potential
for error to occur.) The overhaul manual also did not contain detailed instructions on how
to apply grease to the jackscrew assembly at the completion of the overhaul nor did it
clearly specify which type of grease to use. Further, although the manual does require that
an overhauled jackscrew assembly be lubricated before it can be returned to the customer,
investigators learned that at least one maintenance facility returns overhauled assemblies
without lubricating them first.
In addition, the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual did not contain detailed
instructions nor specify appropriate equipment for checking that the proper acme screw
thread surface finish had been applied. Many of the maintenance facilities visited by
Safety Board investigators indicated that they relied on subvendors to ensure that the
proper acme screw thread surface finish was applied and had no standard method for
verifying that this action had occurred.
Finally, the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual did not clearly specify
appropriate packaging procedures for transporting jackscrew assemblies after overhaul.
Although the overhaul manual contained detailed protective packaging instructions for
jackscrew assemblies going into “storage,” it did not specify any such protective
packaging for jackscrew assemblies being transported. However, it would be prudent to
use protective packaging for all overhauled jackscrew assemblies being returned to a
customer because a maintenance facility cannot be expected to know what the customer
intends to do with an assembly after it is returned.
Integrated Aerospace, the only maintenance facility authorized by Boeing to
overhaul the acme nut and screw to an “as new” end play condition that meets
Although the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual calls for more frequent end play checks (every
1,000 flight hours) to be conducted on an overhauled unit that was reinstalled with an end play measurement
between 0.034 to 0.039 inch, this provision is of limited value because there is no requirement for operators
to be informed of this elevated end play measurement. Further, operators receiving an overhauled jackscrew
assembly would not be expected to consult the overhaul manual for special maintenance instructions.
Analysis 161 Aircraft Accident Report
manufacturing specifications, uses more rigorous and reliable overhaul procedures and
significant quality control measures that are not used or required by the other facilities that
overhaul jackscrew assemblies. For example, Integrated Aerospace uses detailed work
cards to document each step of the overhaul process. Whenever Integrated Aerospace
receives a jackscrew assembly with an end play measurement greater than 0.015 inch, it
will install a new acme nut, thereby restoring the assembly to the manufacturing
specifications for a new jackscrew assembly (0.003 to 0.010 inch). In doing so, Integrated
Aerospace must comply with detailed specifications provided by Boeing in a service
rework drawing, which are not contained in the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual.
In addition, the investigation revealed that no special authorization beyond a
class 1 accessory rating is required for a maintenance facility to overhaul jackscrew
assemblies in accordance with the DC-9 Overhaul Maintenance Manual. A class 1
accessory rating allows a facility to perform maintenance and alteration of a number of
mechanical accessories. The maintenance facility is not required to demonstrate that it has
the necessary capability and equipment to perform jackscrew assembly overhauls. Safety
Board investigators found that the PMI of an FAA-certified maintenance facility may not
even be aware that the facility is performing overhauls of jackscrew assemblies.
The Safety Board concludes that deficiencies in the overhaul process increase the
likelihood that jackscrew assemblies may be improperly overhauled. The Safety Board
further concludes that the absence of a requirement to record or inform customers of the
end play measurement of an overhauled jackscrew assembly could result in an operator
unknowingly returning a jackscrew assembly to service with a higher-than-expected end
play measurement. Therefore, the Safety Board believes that the FAA should require that
maintenance facilities that overhaul jackscrew assemblies record and inform customers of
an overhauled jackscrew assembly’s end play measurement.
In addition to recording the end play measurement information provided by a
maintenance facility when it returns an overhauled jackscrew assembly, it would also be
prudent for operators to record end play measurements for the same assembly after it is
installed on an airplane. The Safety Board notes that end play measurements recorded by
maintenance facilities are likely to be obtained during bench checks. However, after the
overhauled assembly is re-installed on an airplane, end play measurements will likely be
obtained through use of the on-wing end play check procedure, which may yield a slightly
different measurement because of differences in the procedure. A wear rate that is
calculated using a bench-check measurement at one point in time compared with an
on-wing measurement at a later point in time will not be as informative or useful as a wear
rate that is calculated using measurements obtained through use of the same end play
check method. Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that operators will maximize the
usefulness of end play measurements and wear rate calculations by recording on-wing end
play measurements whenever a jackscrew assembly is replaced on an airplane.
Accordingly, the Safety Board believes that the FAA should require operators to measure
and record the on-wing end play measurement whenever a jackscrew assembly is
Analysis 162 Aircraft Accident Report
Finally, the Safety Board concludes that, because the jackscrew assembly is an
integral and essential part of the horizontal stabilizer trim system, a critical flight system,
it is important to ensure that maintenance facilities authorized to overhaul these
assemblies possess the proper qualifications, equipment, and documentation. Therefore,
the Safety Board believes that the FAA should require that maintenance facilities that
overhaul DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplanes’ jackscrew assemblies obtain specific
authorization to perform such overhauls, predicated on demonstrating that they possess
the necessary capability, documentation, and equipment for the task and that they have
procedures in place to (1) perform and document the detailed steps that must be followed
to properly accomplish the end play check procedure and lubrication of the jackscrew
assembly, including specification of appropriate tools and grease types; (2) perform and
document the appropriate steps for verifying that the proper acme screw thread surface
finish has been applied; and (3) ensure that appropriate packaging procedures are followed
for all overhauled jackscrew assemblies, regardless of whether the assembly has been
designated for storage or shipping.
2.6 Horizontal Stabilizer Trim System Design and
Certification Issues
2.6.1 Acme Nut Thread Loss as a Catastrophic Single-Point
Failure Mode
The DC-9 horizontal stabilizer trim system (which was also incorporated in the
MD-80/90 and 717 series airplanes) is a critical flight system because certain failures of
the system can be catastrophic. One such failure is the loss of acme screw and nut thread
engagement. However, as previously mentioned, the designers of the system assumed that
at least one set of the jackscrew assembly’s acme screw and nut threads would always be
intact and engaged to act as a load path. Therefore, the repercussions of stripped acme nut
threads and the corresponding effect on the airplane (including the possibility of the acme
screw disengaging from the acme nut) were not considered in the design of the horizontal
stabilizer trim system.
At the Safety Board’s public hearing, Boeing engineers stated that they considered
loss of the acme nut threads to be a “multiple failure event” and that such loss caused by
excessive wear was not considered a “reasonably probable single failure” for certification
The Boeing engineers indicated that the jackscrew assembly was designed to
accommodate thread wear but acknowledged that monitoring and managing thread wear
was essential to maintaining the integrity of the design. Similarly, an FAA certification
The certification basis for the DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 horizontal stabilizer trim systems was Civil
Aeronautics Regulations (CAR) 4b. CAR 4b.320, “Control Systems,” stated that “an adjustable stabilizer
shall incorporate means to permit, after the occurrence of any reasonably probable single failure of the
actuating system, such adjustment as would be necessary for continued safety of the flight.” (Current
certification regulations specify, in 14 CFR 25.671, that the airplane must be shown to be capable of
continued safe flight and landing after “any single failure” of the actuating system.)
Analysis 163 Aircraft Accident Report
engineer testified that thread wear “was not considered as a mode of failure for either a
systems safety analysis or for structural considerations” and that the “design of the acme
nut and screw provided enough over-strength so that regulatory requirements could be met
with a significant amount of wear.” However, as the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident
demonstrates, complete loss of the acme nut threads because of excessive wear is possible.
Further, the accident jackscrew assembly is not the only jackscrew assembly in which
excessive acme nut thread wear has occurred. As discussed previously, excessive wear of
acme nut threads has occurred on other occasions as a result of inadequate lubrication,
improper acme screw thread surface finish, and contamination. In addition, other potential
rapid wear mechanisms may not have yet been identified.
The Safety Board notes that the dual-thread design of the acme screw and nut does
not adequately protect against excessive acme nut thread wear. Although Boeing contends
that the two thread spirals along the length of both the acme screw and nut provide
structural redundancy, the Board notes that each set of thread spirals is always carrying
loads in flight and that both sets of thread spirals are subject to the same wear
mechanisms. Thus, although the dual-thread design may prevent a crack in one thread set
from propagating through the other thread set, both sets of threads remain vulnerable to
simultaneous wear failure. Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that the dual-thread
design of the acme screw and nut does not provide redundancy with regard to wear.
The FAAs certification scheme is intended to protect against catastrophic
single-point failure conditions. Specifically, 14 CFR 25.1309 requires that airplane
systems and associated components be designed so that “the occurrence of any failure
condition which would prevent the continued safe flight and landing of the airplane is
extremely improbable.” Further, AC 25.1309-1A, “System Design and Analysis,” defines
“extremely improbable” failure conditions as “those so unlikely that they are not
anticipated to occur during the entire operational life of all airplanes of one type” and
“having a probability on the order of 1 x 10
or less each flight hour, based on a flight of
mean duration for the airplane type.” AC 25.1309-1A specifies that in demonstrating
compliance with 14 CFR 25.1309, “the failure of any single element, component, or
connection during any one flight…should be assumed, regardless of its probability,” and
“such single failures should not prevent continued safe flight and landing, or significantly
reduce the capability of the airplane or the ability of the crew to cope with the resulting
failure condition.”
An FAA senior certification engineer testified at the public hearing that 14 CFR
did not apply to the jackscrew assembly acme nut because the FAA did not
consider it part of a system. Rather, he stated that the jackscrew assembly was a
“combination structural element and systems element” and that each category was
governed by its respective regulatory requirements. He indicated that those portions of the
jackscrew assembly below the gearbox and trim motors carried primary flight loads and,
therefore, were covered by regulations pertaining to structure, not systems. He testified
that the acme nut met the applicable regulatory requirements pertaining to structure,
The predecessor to the current 14 CFR 25.1309 was CAR 4b.606, which required that all systems “be
designed to safeguard against hazards to the airplane in the event of their malfunctioning or failure.”
Analysis 164 Aircraft Accident Report
specifically, CAR 4b.201(a), “Strength and Deformation,” which states that structure
“shall be capable of supporting limit loads without suffering detrimental permanent
He stated that acme nut threads that are within manufacturing
specifications far exceed the requirements for ultimate strength and deflection limit load
and added that the FAA does not consider deflection of worn acme nut threads to be
deformation in the context of this regulation.
In addition, a Boeing structures engineering manager testified that the acme nut
complied with certification regulations pertaining to fatigue evaluation of structure.
Specifically, CAR 4b.270, “Fatigue Evaluation of Flight Structure,” required, for “those
portions of the airplane’s flight structure in which fatigue may be critical,” an evaluation
of either fatigue strength (also referred to as “safe life”) or fail safe strength (also referred
to as “damage tolerance”).
However, the Boeing manager testified that neither
evaluation was performed because the acme nut was not considered “fatigue critical”
because of its robust design.
It is unclear whether the design and certification of the DC-9 (and MD-80/90 and
717) horizontal stabilizer trim system would have been any different if the certification
requirements for aircraft systems, in addition to those applicable to structure, had been
applied to the jackscrew assembly acme nut during the design phase. Boeing engineers
testified at the public hearing that the horizontal stabilizer trim system design complied
with the requirements of 14 CFR 25.1309. However, the FAA certification engineer
indicated that, even if section 25.1309 had been applicable to the entire jackscrew
assembly, acme nut thread wear would not have been considered in the required systems
safety analysis. He explained, “if you refer to a [section 25.1309] type safety analysis to
try and determine a failure rate for a wear item, there are not, and there’s really no such
thing as a wear-critical item, never has been. The question of wear being a quantifiable
element so that one could do a safety-type analysis for structure—it’s not feasible. The
data to do such an evaluation is not available. It doesn’t exist.”
In sum, the Safety Board is concerned that Boeing and the FAA did not account for
the catastrophic effects of total acme nut thread loss in the design and certification of the
horizontal stabilizer trim control system. The Board is also concerned that the certification
requirements for aircraft systems were not considered applicable to the entire jackscrew
assembly, particularly the acme nut. Because the loss of acme nut threads in flight most
likely would result in the catastrophic loss of the airplane, the Board considers the acme
nut to be a critical element of the horizontal stabilizer trim control system; therefore, it
should have been covered by the certification philosophy and regulations applicable to all
other flight control systems. The Safety Board concludes that the design of the DC-9,
MD-80/90, and 717 horizontal stabilizer jackscrew assembly did not account for the loss
of the acme nut threads as a catastrophic single-point failure mode. The Safety Board
A substantially similar requirement is currently contained in 14 CFR 25.305(a).
Substantially similar requirements are currently contained in 14 CFR 25.571.
The Boeing manager confirmed that “the condition of wear or wear-out was not included in the
original DC-9 fault analysis.”
Analysis 165 Aircraft Accident Report
further concludes that the absence of a fail-safe mechanism to prevent the catastrophic
effects of total acme nut thread loss contributed to the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident.
2.6.2 Prevention of Acme Nut Thread Loss Through Maintenance
and Inspection
Currently, prevention of acme nut thread loss is dependent on regular application
of lubrication and on recurrent inspections of the jackscrew assembly to monitor acme nut
thread wear. However, this maintenance-based approach to maintaining the horizontal
stabilizer trim system’s structural integrity has weaknesses.
First, current lubrication and end play check intervals may not be adequate, and
their length can change. Research and testing relating to lubrication effectiveness and the
prior service history of the MD-80 fleet suggests that the current 650-flight-hour
lubrication interval is probably adequate to ensure proper lubrication of the jackscrew
assembly. However, because of the potential for additional undiscovered rapid wear
mechanisms and uncertainty regarding the maximum possible wear rate even for known
wear mechanisms, there is no such basis for assuming that the current 2,000-flight-hour
end play check interval is sufficient to ensure fleetwide safety.
Further, there is no
guarantee that these intervals will not eventually be extended, which would further reduce
the level of safety.
Second, and more importantly, all maintenance and inspection tasks are subject to
human error. As previously discussed, this investigation has identified several weaknesses
in the lubrication and inspection procedures that could affect their intended results and
compromise safety.
Further, several Safety Board accident investigations, including the
Alaska Airlines flight 261 investigation, have demonstrated that even simple maintenance
tasks are sometimes missed or inadequately performed and can have catastrophic
Therefore, the current horizontal stabilizer trim system design remains
For a more detailed discussion of the Safety Board’s concerns in this area, see section 2.4.2.
For more information about the weaknesses in the lubrication and inspection procedures, see sections and 2.4.3, respectively.
For example, following the September 11, 1991, crash of a Continental Express Embraer 120 in Eagle
Lake, Texas, the Safety Board concluded that the airline’s maintenance inspection and quality assurance
programs failed to detect that the upper row of screws on the leading edge of the left horizontal stabilizer had
been removed during maintenance and had not been replaced. The partially secured left horizontal stabilizer
leading edge separated in flight, causing a severe nose-down pitchover. The airplane broke up in flight, and
all 14 people on board were killed. For more information, see National Transportation Safety Board. Britt
Airways, Inc., d/b/a Continental Express Flight 2574, In-flight Structural Breakup, EMB-120RT, N33701,
Eagle Lake, Texas, September 11, 1991. NTSB/AAR-92/04. In addition, the Board’s investigation of the
July 6, 1996, uncontained engine failure on a Delta Air Lines MD-88 in Pensacola, Florida, determined that
a fluorescent inspection process used to detect fatigue cracks during maintenance was susceptible to error
because it involved multiple cleaning, processing, and inspection procedures dependent on several
individuals and because of a low expectation of finding a crack. Shrapnel from the uncontained engine
failure pierced the fuselage and entered the rear cabin. Two passengers were killed, and two others were
seriously injured. For more information, see National Transportation Safety Board. Uncontained Engine
Failure, Delta Airlines Flight 1288, McDonnell Douglas MD-88, N927DA, Pensacola, Florida, July 6,
1996. NTSB/AAR-98-01.
Analysis 166 Aircraft Accident Report
vulnerable to catastrophic failure if maintenance and inspection tasks are not performed
2.6.3 Elimination of Catastrophic Effects of Acme Nut Thread
Loss Through Design
The Safety Board concludes that, when a single failure could have catastrophic
results and there is a practicable design alternative that could eliminate the catastrophic
effects of the failure mode, it is not appropriate to rely solely on maintenance and
inspection intervention to prevent the failure from occurring; if a practicable design
alternative does not exist, a comprehensive systemic maintenance and inspection process
is necessary. In the case of the horizontal stabilizer trim system, such a design would
incorporate a reliable, independent means for eliminating, overcoming, or counteracting
the catastrophic effects of acme nut thread loss. The Safety Board notes that such a design
change would not necessarily need to incorporate dual actuators, or any other form of
system redundancy; the design would only need to provide a mechanism for preventing
stripped acme nut threads from resulting in unrecoverable movement of the horizontal
stabilizer. The Board notes that among the several design concepts listed in AC
25.1309-1A that can be used to avoid catastrophic failure conditions are the following: (1)
“designed failure effect limits, including the capability to sustain damage, to limit the
safety impact or effects of a failure”; and (2) “designed failure path to control and direct
the effects of a failure in a way that limits its safety impact.”
The Safety Board concludes that transport-category airplanes should be modified,
if practicable, to ensure that horizontal stabilizer trim system failures do not preclude
continued safe flight and landing. Therefore, the Safety Board believes that the FAA
should conduct a systematic engineering review to (1) identify means to eliminate the
catastrophic effects of total acme nut thread failure in the horizontal stabilizer trim system
jackscrew assembly in DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplanes and require, if
practicable, that such fail-safe mechanisms be incorporated in the design of all existing
and future DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 series airplanes and their derivatives; (2) evaluate
the horizontal stabilizer trim systems of all other transport-category airplanes to identify
any designs that have a catastrophic single-point failure mode and, for any such system;
(3) identify means to eliminate the catastrophic effects of that single-point failure mode
and, if practicable, require that such fail-safe mechanisms be incorporated in the design of
all existing and future airplanes that are equipped with such horizontal stabilizer trim
Further, the Safety Board is concerned that the FAA certified a horizontal stabilizer
trim system that had a single-point catastrophic failure mode. The Safety Board concludes
that catastrophic single-point failure modes should be prohibited in the design of all future
airplanes with horizontal stabilizer trim systems, regardless of whether any element of that
system is considered structure rather than system or is otherwise considered exempt from
certification standards for systems. Therefore, the Safety Board believes that the FAA
should modify the certification regulations, policies, or procedures to ensure that new
horizontal stabilizer trim control system designs are not certified if they have a
Analysis 167 Aircraft Accident Report
single-point catastrophic failure mode, regardless of whether any element of that system is
considered structure rather than system or is otherwise considered exempt from
certification standards for systems.
2.6.4 Consideration of Wear-Related Failures During Design and
The Alaska Airlines flight 261 investigation revealed that the FAA certification
processes and procedures did not adequately consider and address the consequences of
excessive wear in the context of certifying the DC-9, MD-80/90, and 717 horizontal
stabilizer trim system. In light of this finding, the Safety Board is concerned that the
consequences of excessive wear might not be considered in the contexts of other
certifications as well. One way to ensure that such consequences are considered would be
to include wear-related failures in the failure modes and effects analyses (FMEA) and
fault tree analyses that are required under 14 CFR 25.1309. As stated previously, Boeing
and the FAA have accepted the premise that wear cannot be considered a mode of failure
in systems safety analyses such as FMEAs and fault trees; however, the Safety Board
notes that standards developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) specify that
wear should be considered in FMEAs.
Design guidelines should require that a
wear-related failure be assumed and that the results of such a failure be evaluated.
The Safety Board concludes that the certification requirements applicable to
transport-category airplanes should fully consider and address the consequences of
failures resulting from wear. Therefore, the Safety Board believes that the FAA should
review and revise aircraft certification regulations and associated guidance applicable to
the certification of transport-category airplanes to ensure that wear-related failures are
fully considered and addressed so that, to the maximum extent possible, they will not be
2.7 Deficiencies in Alaska Airlines’ Maintenance
2.7.1 April 2000 FAA Special Inspection Findings
As a result of the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, the FAA conducted a special
inspection of Alaska Airlines in April 2000, which was headed by a member of its System
Process Audit staff from Washington, D.C. The FAAs final report on this special
inspection, dated June 20, 2000, stated the following:
procedures in place at the company are not being followed;
SAE’s Aerospace Recommended Practices 4761, “Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety
Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment,” in paragraph G. of appendix G, lists
wear among the failure modes to consider in performing an FMEA.
Analysis 168 Aircraft Accident Report
controls in place are clearly not effective;
authority and responsibilities are not well defined;
control of the deferral systems is missing; and
quality control and quality assurance programs are ineffective.
The report also noted that the continuing analysis and surveillance program was
responsible for “overseeing the operations within the company to ensure that the programs
established…are effective” but that because Alaska Airlines did not have a “functional
[continuing analysis and surveillance program], numerous other areas suffer from the lack
of oversight and reform.” The report concluded that most of the findings could be
attributed to Alaska Airlines’ processes, or the lack thereof, and “ineffective quality
control and quality assurance departments.”
Specifically, the special inspection report revealed that the Alaska Airlines General
Maintenance Manual (GMM) did “not reflect the procedures that the company is actually
using to perform maintenance on its aircraft at the company’s maintenance facilities.” The
report documented inadequacies in the GMM procedures for issuance of airworthiness
releases of airplanes coming out of heavy checks, incomplete C-check paperwork,
discrepancies of shelf-life expiration dates of consumables, a lack of engineering approval
and quality control of work card modifications in heavy checks, and inadequate tool
The special inspection report also stated that the GMM did not “specify
maintenance training curriculums or on-the-job training (OJT) procedures or objectives”
and cited 14 CFR 121.375, which requires that Part 121 operators have a training program
to ensure competency. The report noted that the OJT program was “informal [and]
administered at the discretion of the appointed instructors. The program is not structured,
there is no identification of subjects to be covered, and there are no criteria for successful
completion provided.”
As a result of the special inspection team’s findings, the FAA initially proposed the
suspension of Alaska Airlines’ authority to conduct heavy maintenance. Instead, the FAA
accepted an Airworthiness and Operations Action Plan submitted by Alaska Airlines and
did not suspend Alaska Airlines’ heavy maintenance authority. In September 2000, the
FAA conducted a followup inspection, which revealed that Alaska Airlines had not
satisfactorily resolved many of the deficiencies identified in the special inspection report.
After an additional review in July 2001, consisting of presentations by Alaska Airlines
representatives and a brief visit by some of the panel members to Alaska Airlines’ SEA
maintenance facility followed by discussions about Alaska Airlines’ progress, the FAA
found that the airline had “met or exceeded all commitments set forth in their action plan”
and “demonstrated…that previously identified systemic deficiencies have been
corrected.” The FAA further found that Alaska Airlines had made “significant changes
and improvements.”
For more detailed information about the FAA special inspection team’s findings, see section
Analysis 169 Aircraft Accident Report
2.7.2 Maintenance-Related Deficiencies Identified During This
Accident Investigation
In the course of its investigation of the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, the
Safety Board learned about numerous maintenance-related actions—both general and
specific—by Alaska Airlines management and maintenance personnel. These actions
supported the overall findings in the FAAs special inspection report and were indicative
of procedural and quality control deficiencies, which concerned the Board. General Policy Decisions
Extension of End Play Check Interval
As previously discussed, in 1996, Alaska Airlines extended its C-check interval
from 13 to 15 months, which resulted in the end play check interval being increased from
26 to 30 months. Although 30 months was the manufacturer-recommended calendar-time
interval, because of Alaska Airlines’ increased airplane utilization rate, 30 months was
equivalent to 9,550 flight hours, which was well beyond the 7,000- or 7,200-flight-hour
interval that was recommended by Boeing at the time.
As previously noted, the flight
261 accident occurred almost 9,000 flight hours after the accident jackscrew assembly’s
last end play check. Therefore, if Alaska Airlines had adopted an interval that complied
with either of the flight-hour intervals specified by Boeing, the accident jackscrew
assembly would have undergone an end play check 1,800 to 2,000 flight hours before the
accident occurred and might have been removed at that time for having an excessive end
play measurement. The decision to exceed the manufacturers recommended end play
check interval was a poor maintenance decision and demonstrated a lack of appreciation
for the need to account for flight hours when setting maintenance intervals for those tasks
related to airplane usage rather than calendar time.
Grease Change from Mobilgrease 28 to Aeroshell 33
The process by which Alaska Airlines replaced Mobilgrease 28 with Aeroshell 33
grease on its work maintenance task cards for the MD-80 was both procedurally and
substantively deficient in several respects.
First, the grease change was accomplished without following established
procedures. The form used to request and obtain internal approval for the grease change
was incomplete and inadequate in the following ways: (1) it was missing several required
(2) it contained no indication that the required internal approval from Alaska
Airlines’ Reliability Analysis Program Control Board had been obtained; and (3) it
contained no signature on the line labeled “change request accomplished,” although the
As previously mentioned, MSG-2 guidance (which was the basis for Alaska Airlines’ maintenance
program) specified an end play check interval of 7,000 flight hours, and the more recent MSG-3 guidance
specified an interval of 7,200 flight hours.
There was no signature from the manager of reliability, the director of line maintenance, or the
manager of quality control.
Analysis 170 Aircraft Accident Report
grease change was implemented in December 1997. At the Safety Board’s public hearing,
neither Alaska Airlines’ former director of engineering (who at the time the change was
processed was Alaska Airlines’ manager of maintenance programs and technical
publications) nor the current director of engineering could explain how the change was
implemented without the required signatures or Reliability Analysis Program Control
Board approval. Further, the GMM was not modified to reflect the grease change to
Aeroshell 33; it still specified the use of Mobilgrease 28. This lapse indicates either a lack
of procedures or a failure to follow procedures.
Second, Alaska Airlines did not conduct any formal followup to evaluate the
performance of the new grease (Aeroshell 33). McDonnell Douglas responded to Alaska
Airlines’ request to change greases in a letter stating that it had “no technical objection” to
the use of Aeroshell 33; however, it also stated that McDonnell Douglas could not “yet
verify the performance of this grease” and that it would “be the responsibility of Alaska
Airlines to monitor the areas where Aeroshell 33 grease is used for any adverse reactions.”
However, Alaska Airlines did not actively monitor the in-service performance of the
grease. Although Alaska Airlines asserts that it monitored the performance of Aeroshell
33 through its overall reliability program, the Safety Board notes that there is no evidence
that any specific data were collected and evaluated regarding the lubricating effectiveness
of Aeroshell 33. For example, it would have been prudent for Alaska Airlines to measure
and record end play and calculate the wear rate on a sample of airplanes after the
introduction of Aeroshell 33 and perhaps even to shorten the lubrication intervals in order
to verify that its performance was at least equivalent to that of Mobilgrease 28. Alaska
Airlines’ failure to actively monitor the performance of the new grease is especially
significant in light of the extension in lubrication intervals for the horizontal stabilizer
components (from 1,600 to 2,550 flight hours) that it had implemented the year before.
Third, Alaska Airlines’ technical justification for the grease change was
inadequate. When Alaska Airlines notified the FAA in December 1997 of the grease
change to Aeroshell 33, it did not provide any substantiating justification at that time nor
was such action required. However, when the FAA requested substantiating justification
after concerns were raised in connection with the flight 261 investigation, the only
documents Alaska Airlines submitted to the FAA were a trade magazine article on
Aeroshell 33, excerpts from Boeing 737 and MD-80 maintenance manuals, Boeing
service letters, internal correspondence and messages between Alaska Airlines and
Boeing, and existing MIL specifications for Aeroshell 33 and Mobilgrease 28. None of
these documents contained any information or performance data specifically applicable to
the use of Aeroshell 33 on MD-80 airplanes or on the horizontal stabilizer systems of such
airplanes. These documents were apparently the only basis Alaska Airlines had for
justifying the grease change internally.
Alaska Airlines officials did not offer any of the additional information that they claim was used to
show internal justification for the grease change. Alaska Airlines’ director of engineering testified at the
hearing that he thought that the documents submitted to the FAA provided sufficient justification for the
Analysis 171 Aircraft Accident Report
The FAA determined that the substantiating documents submitted by Alaska
Airlines did not support the change and it disapproved the use of Aeroshell Grease 33 as a
substitute for Mobilgrease 28. The Safety Board agrees that the documents submitted to
the FAA did not adequately justify the grease change. Even though the use of Aeroshell 33
for lubrication of the horizontal stabilizer system was not determined to be a factor in the
Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, the Board notes that Alaska Airlines disregarded the
potential safety impact of a change in grease.
Failure to Fill Required Senior Positions
As noted in the FAA special inspection report, three required positions—the
director of maintenance, the director of operations, and the director of safety—were not
filled at the time of the special inspection.
Although the duties of the director of
maintenance were being performed by two people, the division of duties and
responsibilities was not clearly defined. The report noted, “consequently there is
confusion as to who is responsible for what tasks.” The report also noted that the director
of safety did not report “directly to the highest level of management.” The lack of a
full-time director of maintenance and director of safety indicates a lack of sufficient
emphasis on maintenance and safety.
Use of Nonconforming Restraining Fixtures
At the time of the accident, Alaska Airlines had only one restraining fixture in its
inventory (at its OAK maintenance facility). The fixture was manufactured in-house and it
did not meet the manufacturers required specifications for this fixture. About 1 month
after the accident, Alaska Airlines manufactured 11 additional restraining fixtures similar
in design to its original in-house manufactured fixture. Alaska Airlines’ manager of tool
control, who participated in the fabrication of the fixtures ordered by airline management
after the accident, told Safety Board investigators in an interview that “what they were
making [the restraining fixtures] wasn’t even close” to the Boeing drawing. He added that
“we were directed to build the tools, and we did exactly what we were told.”
On August 2, 2000, in response to Safety Board queries regarding the physical
properties of the in-house manufactured restraining fixtures, Alaska Airlines notified the
FAA that the restraining fixtures might not be “an equivalent substitute” for the Boeing
fixture and, therefore, could produce erroneous measurements. Alaska Airlines thereafter
suspended use of its in-house manufactured restraining fixtures and temporarily grounded
18 of its 34 MD-80 series airplanes after determining that these airplanes may have
received end play checks with the in-house manufactured fixtures.
Although use of Alaska Airlines’ in-house manufactured restraining fixture to
perform the accident airplane’s last end play check might not have contributed to the
Title 14 CFR 119.65 requires airlines to have full-time, qualified personnel in each of these positions.
Alaska Airlines performed end play checks on the grounded airplanes using Boeing-manufactured
restraining fixtures and found that they had acceptable end play measurements.
Analysis 172 Aircraft Accident Report
Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, the use of this nonconforming fixture is further
evidence of a flawed maintenance program. Specific Maintenance Actions
In addition to the general policy-related deficiencies outlined above, the Alaska
Airlines flight 261 accident investigation also revealed several individual maintenance
actions indicative of poor adherence to procedures and/or poor quality control.
Inadequate Lubrication of Jackscrew Assemblies
The investigation revealed that the jackscrew assemblies from three of Alaska
Airlines 34 MD-80 airplanes (the accident assembly and those from N981AS and
N982AS discovered in February 2000) had excessively high wear rates. The high wear
rates on these jackscrew assemblies could not be explained by contamination, improper
acme thread surface finish, or anything other than a lack of lubrication. As previously
discussed, at least one lubrication had to have been missed or inadequately performed on
the accident assembly.
However, a scenario in which more than one lubrication was
missed or inadequate results in a wear rate more consistent with that which Safety Board
testing showed to be the wear rate of unlubricated test specimens. Using the same
reasoning, at least one lubrication, and possibly more, must also have been missed entirely
or inadequately performed on the jackscrew assemblies on N981AS and N982AS. This
indicates either poor training in this task or poor supervision of maintenance personnel
performing this task.
Inadequate Lubrication of Rudder Trim Tab Hinge Support Bearings
On July 19, 2002, Alaska Airlines issued a Maintenance Information Letter stating
that “[r]ecent shop findings have revealed that the MD-80 rudder trim tab support bearings
may not always be receiving adequate lubrication.” The letter indicated that two airplanes
that had recently come out of a C check, during which the bearings should have been
lubricated, showed “extreme bearing wear, with little or no evidence of grease” and that
one of the bearings “fell apart upon removal.” Alaska Airlines subsequently indicated that,
contrary to what was stated in the letter, the airplanes had not recently undergone a C
check. However, regardless of how long it had been since the last C check or scheduled
lubrication, the condition of these bearings strongly suggests that they were not adequately
lubricated at the last scheduled lubrication opportunity. This raises significant concerns
about Alaska Airlines’ lubrication practices, especially in light of the findings from this
investigation relating to inadequate lubrication of jackscrew assemblies.
Failure to Properly Process Order for New Jackscrew Assembly
Following the 0.040-inch end play measurement on the accident jackscrew
assembly on September 27, 1997, a nonroutine work card (MIG-4) was generated to begin
For more information on the analysis of how many lubrications might have been missed or
inadequately performed, see section
Analysis 173 Aircraft Accident Report
the process of ordering a replacement jackscrew assembly. The “planned action” noted on
the nonroutine work card was “Replace nut and perform E.O. [engineering order]
8-55-10-01.” However, a new jackscrew assembly was never ordered. According to
Alaska Airlines’ director of safety, Alaska Airlines’ procedures called for the creation of a
field requisition to order a nonstocked part, such as a jackscrew assembly, but no such
requisition was found. Further, the E.O. referenced in the nonroutine work card (which
was also referenced in the Alaska Airlines maintenance task card) was incorrect because it
applied to another airplane model.
The Safety Board notes that 3 days after the 0.040-inch end play measurement was
recorded, a 0.033-inch measurement was recorded, and the accident airplane was
thereafter returned to service. The Board recognizes that there was no requirement for
Alaska Airlines to order a new jackscrew assembly because it was permissible to return
the assembly to service with a recorded end play measurement of either 0.040 or
0.033 inch. Nonetheless, the failure of Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel to process
the order for a new part is yet another example of failure to comply with internal
procedures. Further, the incorrect E.O. reference is an additional example of poor
maintenance quality control.
Continued Errors in Performing End Play Checks
Finally, the Safety Board notes that even after the attention that has been focused
on the end play check procedure as a result of the flight 261 accident, Alaska Airlines
maintenance personnel continue to have difficulty properly performing the procedure. In
March and April 2002, Alaska Airlines removed two jackscrew assemblies, one at OAK
and one at a contract facility near SEA, after reported end play measurements of only
0.001 inch. The manufacturing specifications require a minimum end play of 0.003 inch;
therefore, a lower end play measurement is suspect. Safety Board investigators examined
these jackscrew assemblies and determined that their end play measurements were within
normal and expected limits and that the 0.001-inch end play measurements were caused
by maintenance errors in performing the end play check procedure. Specifically, it was
determined that such inaccurate measurements would result from applying torque to the
restraining fixture in the wrong direction before measuring the end play.
According to Boeing, during the 6-month period from December 2001 to
May 2002, only six other end play measurements of less than 0.004 inch were reported.
Therefore, it appears that Alaska Airlines has experienced a relatively high percentage of
such erroneous readings. Further, Alaska Airlines indicated that all maintenance personnel
who would be performing end play checks had undergone 4 hours of specialized training
on how to properly conduct the end play check procedure. It is noteworthy that, given the
heightened awareness resulting from the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, and even
with this additional training, end play check procedural errors continued to occur at
Alaska Airlines.
Analysis 174 Aircraft Accident Report
2.7.3 Summary
On the basis of the information in sections and, the Safety Board
concludes that at the time of the flight 261 accident, Alaska Airlines’ maintenance
program had widespread systemic deficiencies. As previously discussed, two specific
maintenance-related deficiencies—insufficient lubrication of the accident jackscrew
assembly and extension of the end play check interval—were causal to the accident. The
Board could not establish whether any of the other maintenance-related deficiencies
discovered in connection with this accident investigation were directly related to, or
contributed to, the accident. However, these deficiencies are significant departures from
expected and established safety standards and, therefore, could well have compromised
safety in other ways.
Alaska Airlines has made numerous changes in response to the FAAs postaccident
special inspection findings, and an FAA panel has indicated that it is satisfied that the
“previously identified systemic deficiencies have been corrected.” Nonetheless, the Safety
Board is concerned that these widespread deficiencies existed at Alaska Airlines before
the accident and were not identified or corrected until after attention was focused on them
as a result of this accident investigation. The Board is also concerned, in light of the recent
maintenance errors during end play check procedures and evidence of continued poor
lubrication practices, that the deficiencies at Alaska Airlines may not have been fully
2.8 FAA Oversight
The FAAs April 2000 special inspection uncovered widespread significant
deficiencies that the FAA should have identified earlier. The fact that these deficiencies
were not discovered until special attention was focused on Alaska Airlines by a
headquarters-led team as result of the flight 261 accident indicates that the FAAs
surveillance was ineffective before the accident.
Several FAA officials acknowledged that surveillance of Alaska Airlines had been
inadequate for at least a year before the accident. The former PMI for Alaska Airlines
testified that the replacement of the Program Tracking and Reporting System (PTRS) of
oversight at Alaska Airlines with the Air Transportation Oversight System (ATOS) in
October 1998 resulted in “a terrible transition” that drastically reduced the amount of time
inspectors had for actual surveillance activities. He indicated that as a result of additional
workload and other administrative changes associated with the implementation of ATOS,
“nobody was out there looking at the carrier.”
The Seattle Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) CMO supervisor confirmed
that “the amount of surveillance that we have done since the introduction of ATOS has
probably generally decreased.” His concern about this decrease in oversight is reflected in
For more information about the impact of the implementation of ATOS on the FAAs oversight of
Alaska Airlines, see section
Analysis 175 Aircraft Accident Report
a November 12, 1999, memorandum that he sent to the FAAs Flight Standards Division
stating that additional staffing would be needed for the Seattle FSDO CMO to carry out its
assigned duties. The memorandum stated the following:
[staffing at the Seattle FSDO CMO] has reached a critical point…we are not able
to properly meet the workload demands. Alaska Airlines has expressed continued
concern over our inability to serve it in a timely manner. Some program approvals
have been delayed or accomplished in a rushed manner at the ‘eleventh hourand
we anticipate this problem will intensify with time. Also, many enforcement
investigations, particularly in the area of cabin safety, have been delayed as a
result of resource shortages…in order for the Seattle FSDO [CMO] to
accommodate the significant volume of Alaska Airline’s ‘demand’ work and
effectively meet the objectives of the ATOS program, additional inspector staffing
must be made available.
The memorandum also indicated that if the Seattle FSDO CMO “continues to operate with
the existing limited number of airworthiness inspectors…diminished surveillance is
imminent and the risk of incidents or accidents at Alaska Airlines is heightened.”
Therefore, the Safety Board concludes that the FAA did not fulfill its responsibility
to properly oversee the maintenance operations at Alaska Airlines, and that at the time of
the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, FAA surveillance of Alaska Airlines had been
deficient for at least several years. The Safety Board notes that after the accident,
PTRS-based oversight of Alaska Airlines was re-instituted, and staffing at the CMO was
increased significantly. Therefore, it appears that the FAA has taken steps to increase the
level of its surveillance of Alaska Airlines. In July 2001, an FAA panel determined that
Alaska Airlines had corrected the previously identified deficiencies. However, in light of
(1) the systemic nature and widespread impact of those deficiencies, (2) Alaska Airlines’
failure to demonstrate during the FAAs first followup inspection (in September 2000) that
it had fully corrected the deficiencies, (3) the absence of any in-depth followup inspection
by an objective team of FAA inspectors not personally responsible for the oversight of
Alaska Airlines to verify that the deficiencies have in fact been corrected,
and (4) recent
maintenance errors by Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel during end play check
procedures and evidence of continued poor lubrication practices,
the Board questions
the depth and effectiveness of Alaska Airlines’ corrective actions and remains concerned
about the overall adequacy of Alaska Airlines’ maintenance program.
The FAA panel’s conclusion that the deficiencies had been corrected was based primarily on briefings
from Alaska Airlines officials.
The Safety Board notes that these maintenance errors seem to underscore the need for specialized
training for personnel who lubricate and perform end play checks, as the Board recommended in Safety
Recommendations A-01-43 and -44. Those recommendations are currently classified “Open—Unacceptable
Conclusions 176 Aircraft Accident Report
3. Conclusions
3.1 Findings
1. The flight crewmembers on Alaska Airlines flight 261 were properly certificated and
qualified and had received the training and off-duty time prescribed by Federal
regulations. No evidence indicated any preexisting medical or other condition that
might have adversely affected the flight crew’s performance during the accident
2. The airplane was dispatched in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration
regulations and approved Alaska Airlines procedures. The weight and balance of the
airplane were within limits for dispatch, takeoff, climb, and cruise.
3. Weather was not a factor in the accident.
4. There was no evidence of a fire or of impact with birds or any other foreign object.
5. No evidence indicated that the airplane experienced any preimpact structural or
system failures, other than those associated with the longitudinal trim control system,
the horizontal stabilizer, and its surrounding structure.
6. Both engines were operating normally before the final dive.
7. Air traffic control personnel involved with the accident flight were properly
certificated and qualified for their assigned duty stations.
8. The longitudinal trim control system on the accident airplane was functioning
normally during the initial phase of the accident flight.
9. The horizontal stabilizer stopped responding to autopilot and pilot commands after
the airplane passed through 23,400 feet. The pilots recognized that the longitudinal
trim control system was jammed, but neither they nor the Alaska Airlines
maintenance personnel could determine the cause of the jam.
10. The worn threads inside the horizontal stabilizer acme nut were incrementally sheared
off by the acme screw and were completely sheared off during the accident flight. As
the airplane passed through 23,400 feet, the acme screw and nut jammed, preventing
further movement of the horizontal stabilizer until the initial dive.
Conclusions 177 Aircraft Accident Report
11. The accident airplane’s initial dive from 31,050 feet began when the jam between the
acme screw and nut was overcome as a result of operation of the primary trim motor.
Release of the jam allowed the acme screw to pull up through the acme nut, causing
the horizontal stabilizer leading edge to move upward, thus causing the airplane to
pitch rapidly downward.
12. The acme screw did not completely separate from the acme nut during the initial dive
because the screw’s lower mechanical stop was restrained by the lower surface of the
acme nut until just before the second and final dive about 10 minutes later.
13. The cause of the final dive was the low-cycle fatigue fracture of the torque tube,
followed by the failure of the vertical stabilizer tip fairing brackets, which allowed the
horizontal stabilizer leading edge to move upward significantly beyond what is
permitted by a normally operating jackscrew assembly. The resulting upward
movement of the horizontal stabilizer leading edge created an excessive upward
aerodynamic tail load, which caused an uncontrollable downward pitching of the
airplane from which recovery was not possible.
14. In light of the absence of a checklist requirement to land as soon as possible and the
circumstances confronting the flight crew, the flight crews decision not to return to
Lic Gustavo Diaz Ordaz International Airport, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, immediately
after recognizing the horizontal stabilizer trim system malfunction was
15. The flight crew’s decision to divert the flight to Los Angeles International Airport,
Los Angeles, California, rather than continue to San Francisco International Airport,
San Francisco, California, as originally planned was prudent and appropriate.
16. Alaska Airlines dispatch personnel appear to have attempted to influence the flight
crew to continue to San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, California,
instead of diverting to Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, California.
17. The flight crew’s use of the autopilot while the horizontal stabilizer was jammed was
not appropriate.
18. Flight crews dealing with an in-flight control problem should maintain any
configuration change that would aid in accomplishing a safe approach and landing,
unless that configuration change adversely affects the airplane’s controllability.
19. Without clearer guidance to flight crews regarding which actions are appropriate and
which are inappropriate in the event of an inoperative or malfunctioning flight control
system, pilots may experiment with improvised troubleshooting measures that could
inadvertently worsen the condition of a controllable airplane.
20. The acme nut threads on the accident airplane’s horizontal stabilizer jackscrew
assembly wore at an excessive rate.
Conclusions 178 Aircraft Accident Report
21. Alaska Airlines’ use of Aeroshell 33 for lubrication of the jackscrew assembly, acme
screw thread surface finish, foreign debris, and abnormal loading of the acme nut
threads were not factors in the excessive wear of the accident acme nut threads.
22. There was no effective lubrication on the acme screw and nut interface at the time of
the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident.
23. The excessive and accelerated wear of the accident jackscrew assembly acme nut
threads was the result of insufficient lubrication, which was directly causal to the
Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident.
24. Alaska Airlines’ extensions of its lubrication interval for its McDonnell Douglas
MD-80 horizontal stabilizer components and the Federal Aviation Administration’s
approval of these extensions, the last of which was based on Boeing’s extension of the
recommended lubrication interval, increased the likelihood that a missed or
inadequate lubrication would result in excessive wear of jackscrew assembly acme
nut threads and, therefore, was a direct cause of the excessive wear and contributed to
the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident.
25. When lubricating the jackscrew assembly, removal of used grease from the acme
screw before application of fresh grease will increase the effectiveness of the
26. A larger access panel would facilitate the proper accomplishment of the jackscrew
assembly lubrication task.
27. If the jackscrew assembly lubrication procedure were a required inspection item for
which an inspectors signoff is needed, the potential for unperformed or improperly
performed lubrications would be reduced.
28. Alaska Airlines’ extension of the end play check interval and the Federal Aviation
Administration’s approval of that extension allowed the accident acme nut threads to
wear to failure without the opportunity for detection and, therefore, was a direct cause
of the excessive wear and contributed to the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident.
29. Alaska Airlines’ end play check interval extension should have been, but was not,
supported by adequate technical data to demonstrate that the extension would not
present a potential hazard.
30. The existing process by which manufacturers revise recommended maintenance task
intervals and by which airlines establish and revise these intervals does not include
task-by-task engineering analysis and justification and, therefore, allows for the
possibility of inappropriate interval extensions for potentially critical maintenance
Conclusions 179 Aircraft Accident Report
31. Because of the possibility that higher-than-expected wear could cause excessive wear
in less than 2,000 flight hours and the additional possibility that an end play check
could be not performed or improperly performed, the current 2,000-flight-hour end
play check interval specified in Airworthiness Directive 2000-15-15 may be
inadequate to ensure the safety of the Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90,
and Boeing 717 fleet.
32. The continued collection and analysis of end play data are critical to monitoring acme
nut thread wear and identifying excessive or unexpected wear rates, trends, or
33. Until August 2000, Alaska Airlines used a fabricated restraining fixture that did not
meet Boeing specifications; however, the Safety Board could not determine whether
the use of this noncompliant fixture generated an inaccurate end play measurement
during the last end play check or whether the use of this fixture contributed to the
34. The on-wing end play check procedure, as currently practiced, has not been validated
and has low reliability.
35. Deficiencies in the overhaul process increase the likelihood that jackscrew assemblies
may be improperly overhauled.
36. The absence of a requirement to record or inform customers of the end play
measurement of an overhauled jackscrew assembly could result in an operator
unknowingly returning a jackscrew assembly to service with a higher-than-expected
end play measurement.
37. Operators will maximize the usefulness of end play measurements and wear rate
calculations by recording on-wing end play measurements whenever a jackscrew
assembly is replaced on an airplane.
38. Because the jackscrew assembly is an integral and essential part of the horizontal
stabilizer trim system, a critical flight system, it is important to ensure that
maintenance facilities authorized to overhaul these assemblies possess the proper
qualifications, equipment, and documentation.
39. The dual-thread design of the acme screw and nut does not provide redundancy with
regard to wear.
40. The design of the Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717
horizontal stabilizer jackscrew assembly did not account for the loss of the acme nut
threads as a catastrophic single-point failure mode. The absence of a fail-safe
mechanism to prevent the catastrophic effects of total acme nut thread loss
contributed to the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident.
Conclusions 180 Aircraft Accident Report
41. When a single failure could have catastrophic results and there is a practicable design
alternative that could eliminate the catastrophic effects of the failure mode, it is not
appropriate to rely solely on maintenance and inspection intervention to prevent the
failure from occurring; if a practicable design alternative does not exist, a
comprehensive systemic maintenance and inspection process is necessary.
42. Transport-category airplanes should be modified, if practicable, to ensure that
horizontal stabilizer trim system failures do not preclude continued safe flight and
43. Catastrophic single-point failure modes should be prohibited in the design of all
future airplanes with horizontal stabilizer trim systems, regardless of whether any
element of that system is considered structure rather than system or is otherwise
considered exempt from certification standards for systems.
44. The certification requirements applicable to transport-category airplanes should fully
consider and address the consequences of failures resulting from wear.
45. At the time of the flight 261 accident, Alaska Airlines’ maintenance program had
widespread systemic deficiencies.
46. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) did not fulfill its responsibility to
properly oversee the maintenance operations at Alaska Airlines, and at the time of the
Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, FAA surveillance of Alaska Airlines had been
deficient for at least several years.
3.2 Probable Cause
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of
this accident was a loss of airplane pitch control resulting from the in-flight failure of the
horizontal stabilizer trim system jackscrew assembly’s acme nut threads. The thread
failure was caused by excessive wear resulting from Alaska Airlines’ insufficient
lubrication of the jackscrew assembly.
Contributing to the accident were Alaska Airlines’ extended lubrication interval
and the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) approval of that extension, which
increased the likelihood that a missed or inadequate lubrication would result in excessive
wear of the acme nut threads, and Alaska Airlines’ extended end play check interval and
the FAAs approval of that extension, which allowed the excessive wear of the acme nut
threads to progress to failure without the opportunity for detection. Also contributing to
the accident was the absence on the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 of a fail-safe mechanism
to prevent the catastrophic effects of total acme nut thread loss.
Recommendations 181 Aircraft Accident Report
4. Recommendations
4.1 New Recommendations
As a result of the investigation of the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident, the
National Transportation Safety Board makes the following recommendations to the
Federal Aviation Administration:
Issue a flight standards information bulletin directing air carriers to instruct
pilots that in the event of an inoperative or malfunctioning flight control
system, if the airplane is controllable they should complete only the
applicable checklist procedures and should not attempt any corrective
actions beyond those specified. In particular, in the event of an inoperative
or malfunctioning horizontal stabilizer trim control system, after a final
determination has been made in accordance with the applicable checklist
that both the primary and alternate trim systems are inoperative, neither the
primary nor the alternate trim motor should be activated, either by
engaging the autopilot or using any other trim control switch or handle.
Pilots should further be instructed that if checklist procedures are not
effective, they should land at the nearest suitable airport. (A-02-36)
Direct all certificate management offices to instruct inspectors to conduct
surveillance of airline dispatch and maintenance control personnel to
ensure that their training and operations directives provide appropriate
dispatch support to pilots who are experiencing a malfunction threatening
safety of flight and instruct them to refrain from suggesting continued
flight in the interest of airline flight scheduling. (A-02-37)
As part of the response to Safety Recommendation A-01-41, require
operators of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing
717 series airplanes to remove degraded grease from the jackscrew
assembly acme screw and flush degraded grease and particulates from the
acme nut before applying fresh grease. (A-02-38)
As part of the response to Safety Recommendation A-01-41, require
operators of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing
717 series airplanes, in coordination with Boeing, to increase the size of the
access panels that are used to accomplish the jackscrew assembly
lubrication procedure. (A-02-39)
Establish the jackscrew assembly lubrication procedure as a required
inspection item that must have an inspectors signoff before the task can be
considered complete. (A-02-40)
Recommendations 182 Aircraft Accident Report
Review all existing maintenance intervals for tasks that could affect critical
aircraft components and identify those that have been extended without
adequate engineering justification in the form of technical data and
analysis demonstrating that the extended interval will not present any
increased risk and require modifications of those intervals to ensure that
they (1) take into account assumptions made by the original designers, (2)
are supported by adequate technical data and analysis, and (3) include an
appropriate safety margin that takes into account the possibility of missed
or inadequate accomplishment of the maintenance task. In conducting this
review, the Federal Aviation Administration should also consider original
intervals recommended or established for new aircraft models that are
derivatives of earlier models and, if the aircraft component and the task are
substantially the same and the recommended interval for the new model is
greater than that recommended for the earlier model, treat such original
intervals for the derivative model as “extended” intervals. (A-02-41)
Conduct a systematic industrywide evaluation and issue a report on the
process by which manufacturers recommend and airlines establish and
revise maintenance task intervals and make changes to the process to
ensure that, in the future, intervals for each task (1) take into account
assumptions made by the original designers, (2) are supported by adequate
technical data and analysis, and (3) include an appropriate safety margin
that takes into account the possibility of missed or inadequate
accomplishment of the maintenance task. (A-02-42)
Require operators to supply the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
before the implementation of any changes in maintenance tasks intervals
that could affect critical aircraft components, technical data and analysis
for each task demonstrating that none of the proposed changes will present
any potential hazards, and obtain written approval of the proposed changes
from the principal maintenance inspector and written concurrence from the
appropriate FAA aircraft certification office. (A-02-43)
Pending the incorporation of a fail-safe mechanism in the design of the
Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 horizontal
stabilizer jackscrew assembly, as recommended in Safety
Recommendation A-02-49, establish an end play check interval
that (1) accounts for the possibility of higher-than-expected wear rates and
measurement error in estimating acme nut thread wear and (2) provides for
at least two opportunities to detect excessive wear before a potentially
catastrophic wear condition becomes possible. (A-02-44)
Recommendations 183 Aircraft Accident Report
Require operators to permanently (1) track end play measures according to
airplane registration number and jackscrew assembly serial number, (2)
calculate and record average wear rates for each airplane based on end play
measurements and flight times, and (3) develop and implement a program
to analyze these data to identify and determine the cause of excessive or
unexpected wear rates, trends, or anomalies. The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) should also require operators to report this
information to the FAA for use in determining and evaluating an
appropriate end play check interval. (A-02-45)
Require that maintenance facilities that overhaul jackscrew assemblies
record and inform customers of an overhauled jackscrew assembly’s end
play measurement. (A-02-46)
Require operators to measure and record the on-wing end play
measurement whenever a jackscrew assembly is replaced. (A-02-47)
Require that maintenance facilities that overhaul Douglas DC-9,
McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series airplanes’
jackscrew assemblies obtain specific authorization to perform such
overhauls, predicated on demonstrating that they possess the necessary
capability, documentation, and equipment for the task and that they have
procedures in place to (1) perform and document the detailed steps that
must be followed to properly accomplish the end play check procedure and
lubrication of the jackscrew assembly, including specification of
appropriate tools and grease types; (2) perform and document the
appropriate steps for verifying that the proper acme screw thread surface
finish has been applied; and (3) ensure that appropriate packing procedures
are followed for all returned overhauled jackscrew assemblies, regardless
of whether the assembly has been designated for storage or shipping.
Conduct a systematic engineering review to (1) identify means to eliminate
the catastrophic effects of total acme nut thread failure in the horizontal
stabilizer trim system jackscrew assembly in Douglas DC-9 (DC-9),
McDonnel Douglas MD-80/90 (MD-80/90), and Boeing 717 (717) series
airplanes and require, if practicable, that such fail-safe mechanisms be
incorporated in the design of all existing and future DC-9, MD-80/90, and
717 series airplanes and their derivatives; (2) evaluate the horizontal
stabilizer trim systems of all other transport-category airplanes to identify
any designs that have a catastrophic single-point failure mode and, for any
such system; (3) identify means to eliminate the catastrophic effects of that
single-point failure mode and, if practicable, require that such fail-safe
mechanisms be incorporated in the design of all existing and future
airplanes that are equipped with such horizontal stabilizer trim systems
Recommendations 184 Aircraft Accident Report
Modify the certification regulations, policies, or procedures to ensure that
new horizontal stabilizer trim control system designs are not certified if
they have a single-point catastrophic failure mode, regardless of whether
any element of that system is considered structure rather than system or is
otherwise considered exempt from certification standards for systems.
Review and revise aircraft certification regulations and associated guidance
applicable to the certification of transport-category airplanes to ensure that
wear-related failures are fully considered and addressed so that, to the
maximum extent possible, they will not be catastrophic. (A-02-51)
4.2 Previously Issued Recommendations Resulting
From This Accident Investigation
As a result of the Alaska Airlines flight 261 accident investigation, the Safety
Board issued the following safety recommendations to the FAA on October 1, 2001:
Require the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group to revise the lubrication
procedure for the horizontal stabilizer trim system of Douglas DC-9,
McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series airplanes to
minimize the probability of inadequate lubrication. (A-01-41)
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-41 “Open—Acceptable Response.”
Require the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group to revise the end play
check procedure for the horizontal stabilizer trim system of Douglas DC-9,
McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717 series airplanes to
minimize the probability of measurement error and conduct a study to
empirically validate the revised procedure against an appropriate physical
standard of actual acme screw and acme nut wear. This study should also
establish that the procedure produces a measurement that is reliable when
conducted on-wing. (A-01-42)
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-42 “Open—Acceptable Response.”
Require maintenance personnel who lubricate the horizontal stabilizer trim
system of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717
series airplanes to undergo specialized training for this task. (A-01-43)
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-43 “Open—Unacceptable Response.”
Recommendations 185 Aircraft Accident Report
Require maintenance personnel who inspect the horizontal stabilizer trim
system of Douglas DC-9, McDonnell Douglas MD-80/90, and Boeing 717
series airplanes to undergo specialized training for this task. This training
should include familiarization with the selection, inspection, and proper
use of the tooling to perform the end play check. (A-01-44)
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-44 “Open—Unacceptable Response.”
Before the implementation of any proposed changes in allowable
lubrication applications for critical aircraft systems, require operators to
supply to the FAA technical data (including performance information and
test results) demonstrating that the proposed changes will not present any
potential hazards and obtain approval of the proposed changes from the
principal maintenance inspector and concurrence from the FAA applicable
aircraft certification office. (A-01-45)
On July 29, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-45 “Closed—Acceptable Action.”
Issue guidance to principal maintenance inspectors to notify all operators
about the potential hazards of using inappropriate grease types and mixing
incompatible grease types. (A-01-46)
On July 29, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-46 “Closed—Acceptable Action.”
Survey all operators to identify any lubrication practices that deviate from
those specified in the manufacturers airplane maintenance manual,
determine whether any of those deviations involve the current use of
inappropriate grease types or incompatible grease mixtures on critical
aircraft systems and, if so, eliminate the use of any such inappropriate
grease types or incompatible mixtures. (A-01-47)
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-47 “Open—Acceptable Response.”
Within the next 120 days, convene an industrywide forum to disseminate
information about and discuss issues pertaining to the lubrication of
aircraft components, including the qualification, selection, application
methods, performance, inspection, testing, and incompatibility of grease
types used on aircraft components. (A-01-48)
On June 14, 2002, the Safety Board classified Safety Recommendation
A-01-48 “Open—Acceptable Response.”
Recommendations 186 Aircraft Accident Report
Acting Chairman
Adopted: December 30, 2002
Board Member Statements 187 Aircraft Accident Report
Board Member Statements
Acting Chairman Carol J. Carmody’s Statement
I believe that NTSB staff presented a strong case in the draft report on Alaska
Airlines Flight 261, and during its presentation to the Board at our December 10, 2002
meeting, for recommending that the FAA should convene a headquarters’-led team to
conduct another in-depth, on-site follow-up inspection of Alaska Airlines to evaluate
whether adequate corrective measures have been fully implemented to cure the
deficiencies identified in the FAAs April 2000 special inspection report. I did not support
the motion to eliminate this recommendation from the report.
The accident report thoroughly discusses the maintenance failings, and the support
for convening a headquarters’-led team can be summarized as follows:
1. The systemic nature and widespread impact of previously identified
2. Alaska Airlines’ failure to demonstrate during the FAAs first follow-up
inspection (in September 2000) that it had fully corrected the deficiencies;
3. The absence of any in-depth follow-up inspection by an objective team of FAA
inspectors not personally responsible for the oversight of Alaska Airlines to
verify that the deficiencies have in fact been corrected; and
4. Recent maintenance errors by Alaska Airlines maintenance personnel during
end play checks and evidence of continued poor lubrication practices.
The argument made during the meeting that yet another inspection of Alaska
Airlines would divert already stretched FAA resources from other important tasks is
actually an argument for the FAA to make. The Board’s responsibility is to make
recommendations to improve safety. In making these recommendations, we try to avoid
specific direction on the means to accomplish any given safety objective. I would expect
that a recommendation to the FAA to undertake an inspection would be considered as
would any other Board recommendation. The FAA would review the need and the
resources available and decide whether or not to pursue the recommendation. I would not
expect the FAA to pursue an inspection if that pursuit would divert FAA resources from
more important safety accomplishments. Moreover, I would expect that if that were a
possibility, the FAA would so advise the Board.
Board Member Statements 188 Aircraft Accident Report
There needs to be an assurance that Alaska Airlines has permanently remedied the
recurring maintenance problems we have documented in our exhaustive investigation.
The public expects and deserves no less. FAA should not have to be coaxed by the NTSB
into being more proactive, and I hope that we have not served to perpetuate any problems
at Alaska Airlines that the recommended inspection was intended to identify and correct.
Member Black concurred with this statement.
Member John J. Goglia’s Statement
This is a maintenance accident. Alaska Airlines’ maintenance and inspection of its
horizontal stabilizer activation system was poorly conceived and woefully executed. The
failure was compounded by poor oversight. Lubrication periods were extended, while
inspection intervals were simultaneously lengthened, neither with sound technical basis.
And, if logic and standard practice dictate that as risk increases so should monitoring,
Alaska’s program was otherwise. And in the midst of this, the accident aircraft was
dispatched from a C-check with a jackscrew of questionable serviceability that was, in all
probability, not greased. And the evidence is that it was never adequately greased again.
Had any of the managers, mechanics, inspectors, supervisors, or FAA overseers whose job
it was to protect this mechanism done their job conscientiously, this accident cannot
happen. The jackscrew is robust. Even at its wear limit condition, it is many times strong
enough to carry out its function. And it does not wear quickly when cared for. It is a
time-tested mainstay in the fleet, and one major carrier with a diligent approach to its
maintenance has never seen one seriously wear, much less wear out. A whole herd of
miscues was needed to allow it to fail. Virtually any system on an aircraft treated with the
indifference shown to this mechanism will break, many with equally catastrophic effect.
Aircraft simply must be maintained, and maintained with care and at all cost.
I say these things because I will also admit that it may be possible to design a
better jackscrew. If there is an approach that makes this mechanism fail safe, and if the
designers feel confident that the dangers of unintended consequences in changing a
proven design are zero or less, then yes, let’s by all means add a fail-safe device. But we
can easily overdue and over simplify our concern with design issues. We want now to
design a safer actuating system and we want to design a better wear measurement system.
Fine. But the existing design is safe, it just includes grease as a part of the load transferring
system and there wasn’t any grease. And the measuring device we now have, no matter
how rudimentary it is thought to be, seems to work well for many airlines, and it identified
the fact that this jackscrew was wearing and needed to be replaced. The carrier simply
failed to do its job.
All the systems in an aircraft that involve large motions under high loads require
maintenance. Careful maintenance. And that is a part of the design equation, and once
designed, it has to be followed. Certainly we should not rely solely on maintenance where
mechanical design can compensate for maintenance failure. Obviously, two hands are
better than one. Yet it is seductive error to think that we can engineer out failure
permanently. We can’t. Fail-safe components subject to neglect and abuse are themselves
susceptible to failure. So we need to be vigilant in our emphasis on both sides of this
Board Member Statements 189 Aircraft Accident Report
equation. This was not a design accident. This was a maintenance accident, perhaps more
purely so than any others we have seen. It would be sad and ironic indeed if some new and
supposedly fail-safe design were to come to lessen the concentration we put to keeping
these mechanisms well-maintained.
Let me reiterate, aircraft must be maintained with care and at all cost. Alaska
Airlines expanded rapidly in the years before this accident. With the goal of becoming
more profitable, as they became bigger and busier the pressures to keep their planes on
schedule put increasing stress on their maintenance facilities. And this took its toll. The
Federal Aviation Administration seemed to know this, but was nowhere effective in
preventing the tragic chain of events. So N963AS began its fateful path in a C-check years
before falling to the ocean. Its maintainers found a jackscrew that needed to be pulled, but
no spare was found and, as the part was arguably acceptable, they pushed the plane back
into service, with no watch list, no trailers, or orders to keep track of its condition. There
were no specific procedures to do so, and no one thought enough to ask for one. The
aircraft was arguably, that is technically, legal, and it was probably safe, if it was carefully
greased. It was not, we know that without question. And the lengthened inspection
intervals were such that it was not to be looked at again, until it was in our laboratory.
When it finally failed, ground support from Alaska Airlines seemed to encourage the crew
to proceed with a broken plane on to their scheduled destination, for reasons perhaps of
convenience both to passengers and maintenance – we won’t really ever know. But the
impression is inescapable. An aircraft that had been hustled out the door three years earlier
for the convenience of scheduling was now encouraged to keep to its appointed routing. It
is less coincidence than culture.
NTSB has made several specific maintenance recommendations, some already
accomplished, that will, if followed, prevent the recurrence of this particular accident. But
maintenance, poorly done, will find a way to bite somewhere else. Alaska needs to
re-constitute its will to performance and perfection on the shop floor. FAA needs to
revitalize its Alaska staff and become more intelligent about its efforts to oversee. And if,
while all this goes on, the manufacturers can also add greater margins for error, that is
icing on the cake. I am interested to see what system enhancements come from this, but I
am still left with a mechanic’s perspective -- you either maintain it or it breaks. This is
universally applicable. Like the old adage says, “you schedule maintenance, or the
maintenance will schedule you.”
Acting Chairman Carmody and Members Hammerschmidt and Black concurred
with this statement.
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191 Aircraft Accident Report
5. Appendixes
Appendix A
Investigation and Public Hearing
The National Transportation Safety Board was initially notified of this accident
about 1945 eastern standard time on January 31, 2000. Investigators from the Safety
Board’s regional office in Los Angeles, California, went immediately to the scene of the
accident. A full go-team was assembled in Washington, D.C., and arrived on scene early
the next morning. The go-team was accompanied by Member John Hammerschmidt and
representatives from the Board’s Office of Government, Public, and Family Affairs.
Parties to the investigation were the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); the
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group; Alaska Airlines, Inc.; the Aircraft Mechanics
Fraternal Association (AMFA); the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA); the Association
of Flight Attendants; the National Air Traffic Controllers Association; Pratt & Whitney,
and Shell Global Solutions.
Public Hearing
A public hearing was conducted for this accident from December 13 to 15, 2000,
in Washington, D.C. Member John Hammerschmidt presided over the hearing. Parties to
the public hearing were the FAA, Alaska Airlines, Boeing, ALPA, and AMFA.
Appendix B 192 Aircraft Accident Report
Appendix B
Cockpit Voice Recorder Transcript
The following is a transcript of the Fairchild A-100A cockpit voice recorder
(CVR) serial number 62892, installed on the accident airplane. The CVR transcript
reflects the 31 minutes before power was lost to the CVR. All times are Pacific standard
time, based on a 24-hour clock.
RDO Radio transmission from accident aircraft, Alaska 261
CAM Cockpit area microphone voice or sound source
PA Voice or sound heard on the public address system channel.
HOT Hot microphone voice or sound source
For RDO, CAM, HOT, and PA comments:
-1 Voice identified as the Captain
-2 Voice identified as the First Officer
-3 Voice identified as a Flight Attendant
-? Voice unidentified
MZT Radio transmission from Mazetlan Center
LAX CTR1 Radio transmission from the Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control
Center sector 30 controller
LAX CTR2 Radio transmission from the Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control
Center sector 25 controller
LAX-MX Radio transmission from Alaska Airlines Maintenance facility in Los
LAX-OPS Radio transmission from Alaska Airlines Operations facility in Los
SEA-DIS Radio transmission from Alaska Airlines Dispatch facility in Seattle
SEA-MX Radio transmission from Alaska Airlines maintenance facility in
-1 First voice
-2 Second voice
This recording contained some audio from one Hot microphone. The voices or sounds heard on this
channel were also heard on the CAM channel, and are annotated as coming from the CAM channel in this
t. The audio from the HOT micro
hone was used to clarif
the CAM audio when
Appendix B 193 Aircraft Accident Report
ATIS Radio transmission from Los Angeles airport Automated Terminal
Information System
CAWS Mechanical voice or sound source from the Central Aural Warning
System, as heard on the Cockpit Area Microphone channel.
* Unintelligible word
@ Non-pertinent word
# Expletive
- - - Break in continuity or interruption in comment
( ) Questionable insertion
[ ] Editorial insertion
... Pause
Note 1: Times are expressed in Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Note 2: Generally, only radio transmissions to and from the accident aircraft were transcribed.
Note 3: Words shown with excess vowels, letters, or drawn out syllables are a phonetic representation of the words
as spoken.
Note 4: A non-pertinent word, where noted, refers to a word not directly related to the operation, control or condition
of the aircraft.
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