Department of Veterans Affairs VA HANDBOOK 5005/161
Washington, DC 20420 Transmittal Sheet
January 29, 2024
1. REASON FOR ISSUE: To issue Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) procedures
regarding staffing and recruitment.
2. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS/MAJOR CHANGES: This handbook contains
mandatory VA procedures on appointment and advancement of full title 38
occupations. The pages in this issuance replace the corresponding page numbers in
VA Handbook 5005, Staffing. Revised text is contained in [brackets]. This change
will be incorporated into the electronic version of VA Handbook 5005, Staffing, that is
maintained on the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer website and VA
Publications website. Significant changes include:
a. Elimination of Professional Standards Boards for title 38 occupations.
b. Changes in approval coordination for facility chief of staff nominations.
c. Updated position titles for Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses.
d. Clarification of the maximum number of hours part-time and intermittent
employees can work during a calendar year.
e. Updated procedures for conducting mid-probationary periodic reviews.
f. Updated procedures for the recruitment, appointment, advancement, change in
assignment, and reassignment of Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in
assignments at grades IV and V.
g. Added examples of Advanced Practice Nurse assignments at grades IV and V.
h. Elimination procedures in Appendix II-H7 for appointing physician assistants at
chief grade.
i. Added responsibilities for HR offices and supervisory officials as it relates to
promotions, change in assignments, and internal placement of title 38
3. RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Human Resources and Administration/
Operations, Security and Preparedness (HRA/OSP) (006), Office of the Chief
Human Capital Officer (05), Recruitment and Placement Policy Service (059).
4. RELATED DIRECTIVE: VA Directive 5005, Staffing.
Department of Veterans Affairs VA HANDBOOK 5005/161
Washington, DC 20420 Transmittal Sheet
January 29, 2024
Guy T. Kiyokawa
Assistant Secretary for
Enterprise Integration
Cassandra M. Law
Assistant Secretary for
Human Resources and Administration/
Operations, Security, and Preparedness
DISTRIBUTION: Electronic only
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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Chapter 3
a. General. This chapter contains administrative requirements and procedures
relating to the appointment of individuals to occupations identified in
38 U.S.C. § 7306, 7401(1), and 7401(3); and employees in those occupations
who are appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7405. This section also applies to medical
support personnel appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74.
NOTE: All references throughout this handbook to occupations identified in
38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) includes those occupations not specifically listed in
Section 7401(3) but approved for hybrid status by the Assistant Secretary for
Human Resources and Administration/Operations, Security and Preparedness in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 below. See Part III, appendix III-
O for a complete list of hybrid occupations. [ ]
b. Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Central Office Appointments
(VHACO). Provisions of this section apply to Central Office employees in the
occupations indicated in subparagraph a. who are appointed under
38 U.S.C. §§ 7306, 7401(1), 7401(3) or 7405. The terms “medical center
officials” and “facility director or designee” in Central Office refer to the Under
Secretary for Health or designee.
c. Residents. Medical and dental residents appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7406 and
podiatry, optometry and chiropractic residents and trainees appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7405 are included within the scope of this section. The term resident
as used in this chapter includes interns.
d. Exception from the Competitive Service and the Provisions of 5 U.S.C.
Chapter 51. The appointments of persons under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7306, 7401(1),
7405, and 7406 are excepted from the competitive service and from
5 U.S.C. chapter 51. VA has the authority to exempt persons appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) from 5 U.S.C., chapter 51 in specific instances.
a. Designation of Hybrid Title 38 Status for Health Care Occupations
(1) The Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and
Administration/Operations, Security and Preparedness, subject to the
concurrence of the Under Secretary for Health, is delegated the authority to
approve health care occupations for conversion to hybrid title 38 status
under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) provided such health care occupations:
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(a) Are not occupations relating to administrative, clerical or physical
plant maintenance and protective services;
(b) Would otherwise receive basic pay in accordance with the General
Schedule under section 5332 of title 5;
(c) Provide direct patient care services or services incident to direct
patient care services; and
(d) Would not otherwise be available to provide medical care or
treatment for Veterans.
(2) Not later than 45 days before the effective date of an appointment or
conversion to a hybrid occupation established under subparagraph (1)
above, the Secretary must submit notice of the new hybrid occupation to
Congress under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3)(B). The Recruitment
and Placement Policy Service (059) is responsible for preparing this notice
for approval of the Secretary.
(3) Prior to submitting notice under subparagraph (2) above, comments shall
be solicited from applicable labor organizations and such comments will be
included in the notice.
b. Effecting Appointments. Appointments will be effected only by appointing
officers (responsible Human Resources Officer). These appointing officers will
effect appointments after the approval of the qualifications and the selection for
appointment has been made by the approving official designated below.
c. Approval of Qualification and Selection for Appointment. [ ] The approving
officials for appointment to positions in VHA under 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74,
will be as follows:
(1) The Secretary.
(a) On advice of the Under Secretary for Health, the approval of the
qualifications and selection of all persons to be appointed under the
authority of section 7306.
(b) The approval of all network and facility directors appointed under the
authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1).
(c) The approval of network directors appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7306
(for network directors appointed in the Senior Executive Service, see
5 U.S.C. § 3393 and VA Handbook 5027, Senior Executive Service).
(d) The approval of Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Chief
Medical Officers appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C.§ 7401(1).
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(2) Under Secretary for Health or Designee in Central Office. Except as
limited by subparagraph (1) above, the Under Secretary for Health or
designee is the approving official for the appointment of all individuals who
are appointed in Central Office under 38 U.S.C., chapter 74, irrespective of
the type of appointment, title or grade.
(3) Network Directors. Network directors have the authority to appoint facility
chiefs of staff. Facility officials will forward chief of staff nominations to the
[VISN Chief Human Resources Officer]. The [VISN Chief Human
Resources Officer] will provide a technical review of the nomination [ ] and
forward the completed nomination to the network director for approval.
[Notification of a nomination will be forwarded to VHA Executive Resources
and Staffing].
(4) Facility Directors. Except as limited by subparagraphs (2) and (3) above,
the facility director is the approval authority for the following appointment
and assignments.
(a) Physicians. The approval of the qualifications and selection of
physicians appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and
7405, including associate chiefs of staff and physicians in service
chief or comparable positions. See appendices II-G2 and II-H1 for
procedures for qualifying and appointing physicians to service chief
and comparable positions.
(b) Dentists. The approval of the qualifications and selection of dentists
appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and 7405,
including chiefs of dental service or comparable positions and staff
dentists. See appendices II-G3 and II-H2 for procedures for qualifying
and appointing dentists.
(c) [Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) (Certified Nurse
Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Certified Nurse
Midwives)]. The approval of the qualifications and selection of RNs
and APNs appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and
7405. See appendices II-G6 and II-H5 for procedures on qualifying
and appointing RNs and APNs. In addition, the facility director may
delegate authority to the nurse executive to approve the appointment
of RNs and APNs up to and including Nurse III.
(d) [APN (Certified Nurse Anesthetists (CNAs)). The approval of the
qualifications and selection of CNAs, including Chiefs of Nurse
Anesthesiology under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and
7405. Refer to appendices II-G6d and II-H6 for procedures for
qualifying and making appointments to Chief, Nurse Anesthesiology
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(e) Podiatrists. The approval of the qualifications and selection of all
podiatrists appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and
7405. Refer to appendices II-G4 and II-H3 for procedures for
qualifying and appointing podiatrists.
(f) Optometrists. The approval of the qualifications and selection of all
optometrists appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and
7405. Refer to appendices II-G5 and II-H4 for procedures for
qualifying and appointing optometrists.
(g) Physician Assistants (PA) The approval of the qualifications and
selection of all PAs, [ ] under authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and
7405. Refer to appendices II-G8 [ ] for procedures for qualifying and
making appointments of PAs. [In addition, the facility director may
delegate authority to the facility chief of staff or PA (facility lead or
equivalent, at PA IV or V) to appoint PAs up to and including PA III.]
(h) Expanded-Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA). The approval of the
qualifications and selection of all EFDAs appointed under the
authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or 7405. Refer to appendices II-G9
and II-H2 for procedures for qualifying and appointing EFDAs. The
[facility] director may delegate approval authority for appointments of
EFDAs to the facility chief of staff.
(i) Pharmacists. The approval of the qualifications and selection of all
pharmacists, including Chiefs of Pharmacy Service (all grades),
clinical pharmacists/pharmacy specialists and program specialists [ ]
appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(3) and 7405.
Refer to appendix II-G15 [ ] for qualifications. In addition, the [facility]
director may delegate authority to the facility chief of staff or to the
Chief, Pharmacy Service, to approve the appointment of pharmacists
at GS-12 and below and of Assistant Chiefs, Pharmacy Service at
(j) Physical Therapist (PTs) and Occupational Therapist (OTs). The
approval of the qualifications and selection of PTs and OTs for
section chief positions and positions at GS-12 appointed under the
authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(3) and 7405. The [facility] director may
delegate approval authority for appointments of other PTs and OTs to
the facility chief of staff. Refer to appendices II-G12, II-G14, and II-H9
for procedures for qualifying and making appointments to section
chief positions.
(k) Respiratory Therapists (RTs). The approval of the qualifications
and selection of all RTs. The [facility] director may delegate approval
authority for appointments of RTs to the facility chief of staff
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appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(3) and 7405.
Refer to appendix II-G11 for qualifying RTs.
(l) Licensed Practice Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse
(LPNs/LVNs). The approval of the qualifications and selection of all
LPNs/LVNs appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(3) or
7405. The [facility] director may delegate approval authority for
appointments of LPNs[/LVNs] to nurse executive. Refer to appendix
II-G13 for qualifications.
(m) Chiropractors. The approval of the qualifications and selection of all
chiropractors appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and
7405. The [facility] director may delegate approval authority for
appointments of chiropractors to the facility chief of staff. Refer to
appendices II-G16 and II-H10 for procedures for qualifying and
appointing chiropractors.
(n) Other occupations appointed under the authority of 38 U.S.C §
7401(3) or 7405. The approval of the qualifications and selection of
all individuals appointed in occupations listed in 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3)
or approved for 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) hybrid status by the Assistant
Secretary for Human Resources and Administration[/Operations,
Security and Preparedness] in accordance with the provisions in
paragraph 2a of this section. The facility director may delegate
approval authority for appointment of employees in the hybrid
occupations. (See chapter 3, section A, this part.)
[ ]
(5) Human Resources Officer Responsibilities. The Human Resources
Officer will be responsible for:
(a) Adhering to administrative and regulatory requirements;
(b) Reviewing each case for completeness before forwarding to VHA
Central Office;
(c) Advising supervisory officials on administrative and regulatory
requirements pertaining to appointments, advancements and
probationary reviews;
(d) Notifying prospective appointees of their selection.
a. Preference to Veterans.
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(1) The primary consideration in making appointments of physicians, dentists,
podiatrists, optometrists, chiropractors, [registered nurses, advanced
practice nurses], PAs and EFDAs under 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74, will
be the professional needs of VHA. Consistent with this policy however,
Veterans will be given preference when qualifications of candidates are
approximately equal. This includes qualified disabled Veterans and
preference eligible as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 2108.
(2) When candidates for positions identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3), are
determined to be approximately equally qualified for a particular opening,
hiring preference will be given to Veterans and preference eligibles as
defined in 5 U.S.C. § 2108. Selections from candidates determined to be
approximately equal will be made in the following order:
(a) Disabled Veterans who have a service-connected disability of 10
percent or more.
(b) Preference eligible under 5 U.S.C. § 2108(3)(C) through (H) other
than those above (e.g., disabled Veteran; unmarried widow or
widower of a Veteran who served on active duty in wartime or other
designated service period; spouse of a service-connected disabled
Veteran not qualified for civil service employment; mother of a
Veteran who lost his/her life in wartime or other designated service
period; mother of a service-connected permanently and totally
disabled Veteran.)
(c) Preference eligible under 5 U.S.C. § 2108(3)(A) and (B) (i.e.,
Veterans who served on active duty in wartime or other designated
service period.)
(d) All other candidates.
(3) When qualified Veterans apply for appropriate vacancies, it is important
that VA health care facilities establish and maintain documentation within
Human Resources (HR) files to demonstrate that qualified preference
eligible and other Veteran applicants received appropriate consideration for
positions being filled, and to address the relative qualifications of
preference eligible and other Veteran applicants. At a minimum, facilities
must be able to demonstrate from the written record why the qualifications
of non-selected preference eligible and other Veterans are not
approximately equal to those of selected candidates who either lack
preference or are non-Veterans, respectively.
NOTE: The VA is required to follow title 5 Veterans’ preference rules when
hiring individuals for hybrid title 38 positions (Graves v. VA 117 M.S.P.R.
697 (2012). See VA Handbook 5005 Part I, Chapter 4.)
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b. Dual Employment and Dual Compensation Restrictions.
(1) Except as provided in the subparagraphs below, no full-time employee
appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74, will concurrently
hold any other type of paid appointment in VA.
(2) The following personnel may hold more than one appointment provided it is
not contrary to 5 U.S.C. § 5533 and VA Directive and Handbook 5007,
Appendix F, Paragraph 3, Pay Administration: full-time personnel
appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3), personnel in occupations listed in 38
U.S.C. § 7401(3) who are appointed on a full-time or part-time basis under
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(B) and medical support personnel appointed on a
full-time or part-time basis under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(D). A medical
resident may serve as an admitting physician on a fee-basis in accordance
with the criteria in VA Handbook 5007, Pay Administration. Paid trainees in
medical support programs funded through the Office of the Chief Academic
Affiliations may simultaneously hold part-time, intermittent or fee-basis
appointments provided there is no violation of dual compensation
restrictions, the trainee is determined to be the best qualified applicant and
the utilization as a trainee is consistent with the provisions of VHA Manual
M-8, Academic Affairs. All other personnel appointed under authority of 38
U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74 are covered by the provisions of subparagraph b
(2) through b (4). Pharmacy residents appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(D) may be appointed to another position under
38 U.S.C. § 7405 without regard to the restrictions in 5 U.S.C. § 5533.
(3) Facility directors may appoint, on a lump-sum fee-basis, full-time
employees from other VA facilities employed in occupations listed under 38
U.S.C. § 7401(1), provided the criteria in paragraph b (4) are met and such
an appointment would not be contrary to Department conflict of interest
regulations (38 C.F.R., part 0). Such appointments permit the use of full-
time employees on a fee-basis at a second VA facility, provided
management officials at both facilities agree that the arrangement permits
them to meet staffing needs; fees are paid on other than a time basis; and
the arrangement results in an employer-employee relationship. (5 C.F.R.,
part 304.) Facilities wishing to use this authority should identify the task
they need accomplished and compensate the employee on a fee-basis for
the completion of that task. Appointment of full-time employees covered by
38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) on a fee-basis at the same VA facility is not permitted.
No consultant, attending, fee-basis, part-time or intermittent employee will
simultaneously hold more than one compensable appointment in VHA
unless the outlined criteria are met. The restriction in the preceding
sentence applies to appointment at the same facility or at more than one
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(4) For individuals identified in subparagraph b (2), dual appointments may be
approved by the facility director, subject to the following conditions and
(a) Services are essential to the health care needs of patients.
(b) No other equally qualified individual in the specific specialty is
available in the locality.
(c) There is no violation of dual compensation statutes or VA policies.
(5) For individuals identified in subparagraph b (2), the following dual
appointments will be approved by the facility director only in exceptional
circumstances and if requirements in subparagraph b (4) are met. Officials
will ensure that these appointments will not present or lead to a conflict of
interest or the appearance thereof. Questions concerning conflict of
interest matters may be directed to the Regional Counsel.
(a) Utilization as a consultant or attending in combination with
employment on a part- time or intermittent basis at the same facility.
(b) On-facility fee-basis appointment under the schedule of fees in
combination with utilization as a consultant or attending at the same
facility. (NOTE: This subparagraph does not apply to outpatient
services of off-facility fee-basis personnel in a private office or private
clinic, even though consultant or attending services may be
performed on the same day.)
(c) Part-time or intermittent employees, or currently employed
consultants and attendings, in combination with an on-facility fee-
basis appointment to perform an operation, give treatment or perform
special duty nursing.
(6) Recommendations to approving officials should include sufficient
information to indicate that dual employment is justified.
c. Equal Opportunity for Employment. Employment actions will be taken on the
basis of merit and without discrimination for such reasons as age, race, color,
religion, national origin, sex, lawful partisan political affiliation, marital status,
physical, or mental disability (when the individual is qualified to do the work) or
membership or non- membership in a labor organization.
d. Member of Family Restrictions. Employment actions will conform to the
restrictions governing the employment of family members as provided in 5
C.F.R., part 310. (For further guidance, refer to chapter 2, this part).
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e. Restrictions Regarding Political Activity. Employees appointed under
authority of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74, are subject to the political activity
restrictions in 5 U.S.C., chapter 73 and VA Handbook 5025, Legal.
f. Qualification Standards.
(1) General. The basic qualification requirements for individuals appointed
under 38 U.S.C., chapters 73 and 74, in occupations identified in under
38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and 7401(3), are contained in VA Qualification
Standards approved, under the delegated authority, by the Assistant
Secretary for Human Resources and Administration/Operations, Security
and Preparedness upon recommendations of the Under Secretary for
Health. These standards apply to all appointments in these occupations
under authority of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74, regardless of the nature or
tenure of the appointment.
(2) Qualification Standards for Occupations. The qualification standards for
individual occupations are contained in appendix II-G of this chapter.
(3) Education.
(a) Approved schools and satisfactory internships or their equivalents for
the purpose of 38 U.S.C. § 7402, will be those designated in the
appropriate qualification standards. The accrediting agency or body
for verifying education of applicants is also identified in the
qualification standards.
(b) Provisions of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74, require that individuals
have education and licensure, registration or certification as specified
in the appropriate qualification standard in order to qualify for
assignment of patient care responsibility. Unless otherwise indicated
in the qualification standard, an unlicensed candidate may not use
professional education as a substitute for the accredited education
and/or training required by the qualification standards of another
occupation. For example, an unlicensed physician may not be
appointed as a PA by using graduation from medical school as a
substitute for completion of an approved PA training program.
Likewise, an unlicensed dentist may not be appointed as an EFDA by
using graduation from dental school as a substitute for completion of
approved dental assistant or hygienist training.
(4) Grade Level Determinations. The grade to which an applicant is
appointed will be determined by the individual’s qualifications and
assignment. Under the Title 38 “rank-in-person” system, candidates are to
be appointed at the highest grade or level within the grade for which they
are fully qualified up to the full performance level. For positions above the
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Chapter 3
full performance (journey level) the complexity of the assignment and
scope of responsibility are considered in determining grades.
g. Citizenship.
(1) To be eligible for appointment in VHA, an applicant must be a citizen of the
United States (U.S.), except as provided in 38 U.S.C. § 7407(a) and
subparagraph (2). The acquisition of “first papers” or the “owing of
allegiance to the United States” does not satisfy the basic requirement of
citizenship. Naturalized citizens must furnish evidence of citizenship.
(2) After a determination is made that it is not possible to recruit qualified
citizens, necessary personnel may be appointed on a temporary basis
under authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405 without regard to the citizenship
requirements of 38 U.S.C. § 7402 or any other law prohibiting the
employment of or payment of compensation to a person who is not a
citizen of the United States. Candidates must meet all other requirements
for the grade and position concerned.
(3) Requests to petition the U.S. Department of State (DOS) for waiver of the
2-year home residence requirement under 22 C.F.R., part 514 must be
approved VHA Workforce Management and Consulting Office (106A1).
Requests to petition DOS will be submitted in accordance with instructions
contained in appendix II-J of this chapter and VHA Handbook 5005.1,
“Requests to Petition the United States Department of State for a Waiver of
the Two-Year Home Residency Requirement on Behalf of an Exchange
Visitor”. No appointment may be effected or commitment made until the
required approval is received from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Service’s (USCIS), formerly the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
(4) Officials of VHA will not commit positions to noncitizens not legally entitled
to reside in this country.
(5) Consistent with provisions in this paragraph, the appointment of
noncitizens may be approved by the following officials:
(a) The facility director is the approval authority for appointment of:
i All noncitizens as residents.
ii Immigrants (aliens who have been admitted for permanent
residence.) As of September 20, 1994, all immigrants are required
to have an Alien Registration Receipt Card, Form I-551. Form I-
551 has the lawful holder’s photograph, fingerprint and signature
on a white background; it is commonly known as the “green card.”
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NOTE: The Form I-151 and all previous forms are no longer valid
after September 19, 1994.
iii All nonimmigrants (e.g., exchange visitors, alien students, visiting
professors), provided employment is authorized by the USCIS.
This includes authority to sponsor an individual for a nonimmigrant
visa or an extension of such visa. The authorization for
employment may be cited on the nonimmigrant’s visa or the
nonimmigrant may possess an Employment Authorization Form (I-
688B). In cases where the authority to accept compensated or
non-compensated employment by the nonimmigrant is not clearly
evident, a report of contact with USCIS officials verifying the
employment authorization must be made. A copy of the document
used to verify the employment authorization of the nonimmigrant is
to be filed in the appointee’s personnel folder.
(b) The Under Secretary for Health or designee is the approval authority
for the appointment of noncitizens to centralized positions.
(c) The paid appointment of noncitizen associated health trainees is not
generally permitted. Any exception requires the approval of the Under
Secretary for Health or designee. (See section G, paragraph 8, this
h. Credentialing Requirements (Including License Registration or
Certification). See section B of this chapter.
i. List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) and Healthcare Integrity
and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB) Sanction List. See chapter 1, section B,
paragraph 2 of this part.
j. English Language Proficiency. No person will be appointed under authority of
38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74, to serve in a direct patient care capacity in VHA
who is not proficient in written and spoken English. (See appendix II-I of this
k. Physical Requirements.
(1) General.
(a) Guidelines for physical and mental fitness for appointment and
retention in VHA shall be established by the Under Secretary for
Health. (See VA Directive and Handbook 5019, Part II, [Employee]
Occupational Health [Service].)
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Chapter 3
(b) Only those persons who are physically and mentally capable of
satisfactorily performing the duties of their assignments are to be
employed and retained in VHA.
(c) Determinations of physical and mental fitness will be made without
discrimination for such reasons as age, race, color, religion, national
origin, sex, lawful partisan political affiliation, marital status, physical
or mental disability (when the individual is qualified to do the work) or
membership or non-membership in a labor organization.
(2) Pre-employment Physical Examinations.
(a) General. See VA Directive and VA Handbook 5019, Employee
Occupational Health Service. Pre-employment physical examination
is not required of residents and interns who furnish evidence of
satisfactory physical condition based on a physical examination within
the past 12 months. An examination is required for any action moving
an employee from a position not requiring an examination to one
requiring and examination.
(b) Scope and Conduct of Examination. See VA Directive and
Handbook 5019, [Employee Occupational Health Service], Part II.
l. Oath, Affidavit and Declaration of Appointee.
(1) All employees of VHA appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73
or 74 (except those utilized on a fee-basis) are required to take the oath of
office and execute the affidavit (subversive activity), affidavit (striking
against the Federal Government) and the declaration of appointee.
Noncitizens shall be required to execute only those affidavits on Standard
Form (SF) 61, Appointment Affidavit, outlined in the OPM Guide to
Processing Personnel Actions. The SF 61 shall be executed in accordance
with the requirements set forth in chapter 2, section A, paragraph 5e of this
(2) Only employees delegated the authority will administer the oaths
necessary for effecting appointments in VHA.
m. Security Requirements for Employment. See VA Directive and Handbook
0710, Personnel Security and Suitability Program, for VA instructions concerning
security requirements.
n. Effective Date of Appointment. Appointments will be effective on the entrance-
on- duty day, except as follows:
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Chapter 3
(1) Full-Time Physicians, Dentists, Podiatrists, Optometrists,
Chiropractors, and Other Personnel Appointed Under 38 U.S.C. §
7306. When an appointee is to enter on-duty on Monday, the appointment
will be effective on the preceding Sunday provided the employee is
available for duty on that day. Sunday will be considered an administrative
non-duty day. If Monday is a holiday, the appointment will be effective on
the entrance-on-duty-day.
(2) RNs, APNs, PAs, EFDAs, and Hybrid Title 38 occupations. When the
appointee is to enter on-duty on the first Monday in a pay period, the
appointment will be effective on the first Sunday of the pay period. If
Monday is a holiday, the appointment will be effective on the entrance-on-
(3) Restoration After Military Service or Compensable Injury. An exception
to these effective dates may be made if required to satisfy statutory or
regulatory provisions such as restoration after military service or
compensable injury.
o. Overseas Employment. See chapter 1, section C of this part.
p. Grade and/or Step Adjustments. If, on review of an appointment by the
appropriate supervisory official, in collaboration with Human Resources staff, it is
determined that an employee has been appointed at a grade or level within the
grade which is not commensurate with qualifications, the approving authority for
initial appointment may approve an adjustment in the grade, level, and/or step
rate within the grade. (See section E, paragraph 2, this chapter, for limitations on
adjusting step rates within the grade for this purpose). These adjustments in
grade and/or step rate will be effected as of the beginning of the next pay period
following approval. The nature of action on SF 50-B will be “Promotion” or
“Change to Lower Grade,” as appropriate. In the case of step rate adjustments,
the nature of action on SF 50-B will be “Administrative Pay Increase” or
“Administrative Pay Decrease,” as appropriate. The authority for such actions
will be “38 U.S.C.§ 7403.” The following statement will be placed in “Remarks”
on SF 50B for such actions: “Adjustment for consistency with standardized
qualification requirements.”
NOTE: Service in a lower step rate prior to adjustment of step(s) within
the grade will not be credited toward meeting the required waiting
period for periodic step increase.
a. Requirement to Serve a Probationary Period.
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(1) Full-time permanent appointments of physicians, dentists, podiatrists,
optometrists, chiropractors, RNs, APNs, PAs and EFDAs made under
authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) are subject to a two-year probationary
period requirement as specified in 38 U.S.C. § 7403(b)(1). NOTE: Full-time
temporary appointments under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) are excluded from
the requirement to serve a probationary period, and service in this time-
limited capacity is not creditable towards a probationary period as specified
in 38 U.S.C. § 7403(b)(1).
(2) Individuals appointed as of May 5, 2010, as part-time or intermittent RNs
under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1), are subject to a two-year probationary
period requirement, except as provided below. Upon completion of the
probationary period, the appointment is no longer considered temporary.
The following appointments are considered temporary, thus are not subject
to a probationary period. These appointments are on a time-limited basis of
three years or less:
(a) Part-time or intermittent appointments resulting from an academic
affiliation or teaching position in a nursing academy of the
(b) Appointments as a result of a specific research proposal or grant; or
(c) Appointments of non-United States citizens under 38 U.S.C. §
(3) Full-time permanent appointments of hybrid title 38 employees made under
authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) are subject to the one-year title 5
probationary period requirements (see chapter 2, section A, paragraph 9,
of this part).
(4) Employees who satisfactorily completed the probationary period required
by 38 U.S.C. § 7403(b) will not serve a new probationary period upon
reappointment unless their separation was for cause.
b. Purpose of Probationary Period.
(1) The probationary period is an extension of the appointment process. It
provides the final test of the appointee’s qualifications, i.e., actual
performance on the job. During the probationary period, the employee’s
conduct and performance will be closely observed. The employee may be
separated from the service if not found fully qualified and satisfactory.
Thus, the probationary period provides a safeguard against retention of
any person who, despite having met legal and regulatory requirements for
appointment, is found in actual practice to be unsuited for retention in the
Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Retention of employees during the
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probationary period shall be contingent upon demonstrating that they are
fully qualified and satisfactory. Only those employees who satisfactorily
complete the probationary period shall acquire status as permanent
employees in VHA.
(2) The probationary period also affords an opportunity for fostering the
interest of the employee in a VA career. Thoughtful and considerate
treatment during the probationary period will have a lasting effect on the
employee’s career.
c. Length of Probationary Period.
(1) The probationary period for employees appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7401(1), as well as employees appointed as part-time or
intermittent RNs/APNs under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1), on or after May 5,
2010, is two years. The probationary period for part-time RNs/APNs are
computed based on calendar time, in the same manner as for full-time
(2) The probationary period for intermittent RNs/APNs is computed based on
one day of credit for each day or part of a day in pay status. Individuals
appointed as intermittent RNs/APNs must serve 520 days in a pay status
to complete the required 2-year probationary period. The probationary
period, however, cannot be completed in less than two calendar years.
(3) Probationary requirements for hybrid employees appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) is the same as those for title 5 employees and can be
found in chapter 2, section A, this part. The calculation for part-time and
intermittent creditable service is the same as above.
d. Last Day of Probationary Period.
(1) For full-time employees paid on a daily basis (physicians, dentists,
podiatrists, optometrists, and chiropractors), the probationary period ends
at midnight on the last calendar day before the employee’s anniversary
date, whether or not the employee is in a duty status that day. For
example, a probationary period beginning November 1, 2011, would
normally end at midnight on October 31, 2013.
(2) For full-time and part-time employees paid on an hourly basis (RNs, APNs,
physician assistants, and expanded-function dental auxiliaries) the
probationary period is completed at the end of the last scheduled tour of
duty before the employee's anniversary date. For the purposes of this
paragraph, scheduled duty includes normal and overtime duty, leave,
excused absence, including holidays and absence without leave. For
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example, an employee subject to a two-year probationary period beginning
November 1, 2011, is completed as follows:
(a) For an employee, whose last tour of duty prior to November 1, 2013,
occurs at 4:30 p.m. on October 31, 2013, the probationary period is
completed at 4:30 p.m. on October 31, 2013.
(b) For an employee, whose last tour of duty prior to November 1, 2013,
is from 11:00 p.m., October 31, 2013, to 7:00 a.m., November 1,
2013, the probationary period is completed at midnight on October
31, 2013.
(c) For an employee, whose last tour of duty prior to November 1, 2013,
(because of days off) is October 29, 2013, [the probationary period is
completed at midnight on October 29, 2013.]
(d) For an employee, whose last tour of duty prior to November 1, 2013,
is 4:30 p.m. on October 29, 2013, but he/she calls in sick for
scheduled tours of duty on October 30 and October 31, 2013, the
probationary period is completed at 4:30 p.m. on October 31, 2013.
(e) If completed satisfactorily, the employee will automatically complete
the required probationary period at the end of the last tour of duty
worked or scheduled to work.
e. Creditable Service. The following service is creditable toward completion of the
probationary period:
(1) Continuous service in an appointment under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1), 7306 or
part-time or intermittent (including temporary) service for RNs/APNs
appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1).
(2) Prior satisfactory probationary service of at least six months duration
followed by a break(s) in service totalling one year or less if the break was
not due to separation for cause. A break in service is defined for the
purpose of this subparagraph as a period during which no service is
rendered under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7306, 7401(1), or 7405(a)(1) for part-time or
intermittent RNs/APNs.
(3) Time spent in a probationary period served under 38 U.S.C. § 7403(b) prior
to holding some other type of appointment in VHA, if the employee is
subsequently appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1), provided all other
conditions of subparagraph d are met. Example: A full-time RN/APN
appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) in July 2011 accepts a position of
Supervisory Health System Specialist (Domiciliary Administrator) under title
5 in December 2012. The individual returns to an RN/APN position under
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38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) in October 2014. The previous time served as an
RN/APN from July 2011 through December 2012 is not creditable towards
the completion of the probationary period because the time served under
the title 5 appointment was longer than one year.
(4) All leave with pay during creditable service.
(5) Leave without pay during the probationary period is considered creditable
service when it does not exceed a total of 40 calendar days for physicians,
dentists, podiatrists, optometrists or chiropractors, or 235 hours for RNs,
APNs, physician assistants, and expanded-function dental auxiliaries and
110 hours for part-time RNs. NOTE: When determining this total, each
hour of leave without pay taken by an RN or APN on the Baylor Plan is to
be multiplied by 1.667.
(6) Time before restoration during which a probationary employee received
work injury compensation from the Office of Workers' Compensation
f. [Mid-Probationary Periodic Review and Probationary Review Board (PRB)
(1) Employees Covered. A mid-probationary periodic review will generally be
conducted by a Probationary Review Board (PRB) for covered title 38
probationary employees after they receive their first proficiency rating or
performance appraisal. These procedures apply to the following employees
serving a probationary period: employees appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7401(1); and part-time RNs and APNs, including intermittent,
serving on a temporary permanent appointment under
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(A). These procedures do not apply to: employees
appointed under 38 U.S.C., Chapter 3 or §§ 7306, 7401(2), 7401(3),
7401(4), 7405 (except part-time RNs and APNs serving on a temporary or
permanent employment) or 7406; or employees occupying positions
described in 38 U.S.C. § 7405(g)(3).
(2) Establishing PRBs. The need to establish a PRB on an ongoing or ad hoc
basis will be dependent upon the needs of the occupation or facility. In
some cases, the number of probationary employees at a facility may call
for establishing an ongoing/standing PRB for the occupation, e.g., for
registered nurses or physicians. In other cases, the number of probationary
employees in the occupation may be so limited or rare that the PRB will be
established on an ad hoc basis, e.g., chiropractors or ophthalmologists.
The authorizing official has discretion regarding the establishment of PRBs.
(3) Authorizing Officials and PRB Membership. The following identifies the
appropriate authorizing officials. Authorizing officials are responsible for
coordinating and establishing standing or ad hoc PRBs, as needed, and
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appointing PRB members, pursuant to the probationary employee’s
occupation or organizational assignment. For probationary employees in
the Veterans Health Administration Central Office (VHACO) the authorizing
official is the appropriate service director (or equivalent) position or above.
(a) For probationary VISN Directors, the authorizing official is the
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Operations (AUSHO).
(b) For probationary VISN Chief Medical Officers (CMO), Quality
Management Officers (QMO) or Chief Nursing Officers (CNO) or
equivalent, the authorizing official is the VISN Director.
(c) For probationary employees in a VISN, except the CMOs, QMOs,
CNOs or equivalent, the authorizing official is the CMO, QMO, CNO
or equivalent, depending on the probationary employee’s
organizational alignment.
(d) For probationary VHA Facility/Medical Center Directors or Deputy
VISN Directors appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1), the authorizing
official is the VISN Director.
(e) For probationary VHA Medical Center Chief of Staffs (COS) or
equivalents, the authorizing official is the Facility Director.
(f) For probationary Associate Directors for Patient Care Services
(ADPCS) or equivalents, the authorizing official is the Facility
(g) For probationary Assistant/Associate Chiefs, Nursing Services and
RNs/APNs, Grade IV, the authorizing official is the ADPCS or
(h) For all other VHA probationary facility employees, the authorizing
official is the appropriate service chief or equivalent, depending upon
the probationary employee’s organizational alignment.
(4) Composition of the PRB.
(a) The authorizing official should attempt to convene a PRB with three
board members, appointed under title 38 in the same occupation as
the probationary employee being reviewed. However, if that is not
possible or practical, at least one PRB member will be in the same
title 38 occupation at the same grade or higher than the probationary
employee being reviewed. In the case of RNs/APNs, at least two
PRB members will be in the same occupation.
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(b) Persons selected to serve on the PRB will be fair, impartial, and
(c) Other Considerations.
i If an authorizing official determines a local PRB cannot be properly
established, the authorizing official and the servicing HR Office will
facilitate the process for obtaining members from facilities other
than the reviewing employee’s facility to serve on an PRB.
ii Persons in a position to prejudice the action of a PRB, such as an
employee’s immediate or second level supervisor, may not serve
on an PRB.
(5) Mid-Probationary Periodic Review. The PRB has responsibility for
periodically reviewing the services of probationary employees for those
hired in occupations under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1). At a minimum, at least one
formal periodic review will be done during the probationary period, in
accordance with the below.
(a) The servicing HR Office will establish monitors to ensure completion
of mid-probationary periodic reviews.
(b) The mid-probationary periodic review will be initiated by the
supervisor, typically following completion of the employee’s first
Proficiency Report or Performance Appraisal, but not later than 18
months after the employee’s appointment to the occupation. If the
supervisor believes the employee is satisfactory and there is a
standing PRB for the occupation at their facility, they will submit the
employee’s performance record (proficiency report or performance
appraisal, whichever is applicable) and qualifications record (VetPro
qualification verification or application/resume) to the PRB for further
review. If there is no applicable standing PRB, the supervisor should
alert the appropriate authorizing official so that one can be appointed.
If the supervisor believes the employee is unsatisfactory, they will
request that a Summary Review Board (SRB) review the employee in
accordance with the procedures set forth in VA Handbook 5021,
Employee/Management Relations.
(c) The PRB will review the employee’s performance and qualification
record submitted by the supervisor, and determine whether the
employee is fully qualified and satisfactory to continue to work for the
VA. After review of the performance and qualification record, the PRB
members will convene at least once in person, telephonically or via
video teleconference to discuss their review of the performance and
qualification record, findings, and recommendations.
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(d) If the PRB determines the employee’s conduct, performance, and/or
qualifications are satisfactory, the PRB will record that finding by
endorsing the current Proficiency Report or by preparing a separate
memorandum report. The supervisor will advise the employee of the
satisfactory finding. The PRB’s findings and recommendation will be
recorded on VA Form 10-2543, Board Action.
(e) If the PRB does not determine that the employee’s conduct,
performance, and/or qualifications are satisfactory, the PRB will
submit their recommendation on the Board Action, notifying the
supervisor that an SRB must be convened. The supervisor must
submit the PRB’s recommendation to the authorizing official to
convene an SRB in accordance with the procedures set forth in VA
Handbook 5021, Part III, Chapter 1. The PRB’s recommendation on
the Board Action to the supervisor will include any records reviewed
and their assessment supporting this determination. The supervisor’s
submission to the authorizing official will also include this information.
(6) Ongoing Reviews.
(a) Supervisors will review the services of employees through
observation and evaluation of their performance and conduct during
the probationary period. When the employee has had an opportunity
to understand performance expectations, the supervisor should
consider any inadequacies in performance. The employee's
weaknesses should be discussed objectively with the employee and
suggestions made for improvement. If the employee's performance is
considered good or outstanding in some aspect, this fact should be
made known to the employee.
(b) If at any time during the probationary period, the employee's
performance or conduct are not satisfactory, the employee's
immediate or higher-level supervisor will submit a written request for
immediate review by an SRB in accordance with VA Handbook 5021,
Employee/Management Relations.]
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a. Scope.
(1) This section contains administrative requirements and procedures relating
to the credentialing and licensure of applicants and employees appointed
to occupations identified in 38 U.S.C. §§ 7306, 7401(1), and 7401(3); and
employees in those occupations who are appointed under 38 U.S.C. 7405,
including individuals utilized on an on-facility fee-basis, on-facility contract
or on-facility sharing agreement basis. This includes such employees as
physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, chiropractors, nurses, nurse
anesthetists, physician assistants (PAs), expanded-function dental
auxiliaries (EFDAs), and Hybrid Title 38 occupations. Provisions of this
section apply to Central Office employees who are employed in the
occupations indicated above under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7306, 7401(1), 7401(3),
or 7405. Individuals appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7405, whether paid or
without compensation, on an intermittent or fee-basis, including consultants
and attendings, must be fully credentialed in accordance with provisions of
this section, although they are considered employees only during periods
when actually engaged in VA service.
(2) The provisions of this section should be used in conjunction with VHA
Handbook 1100.20 'Credentialing of Health Care Providers.'].
b. Residents. Medical, dental, podiatry, chiropractic, and optometry residents and
trainees appointed under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7405, 7406 are included within the scope
of this section. As indicated in paragraph 21 of this section, the appropriate
program director is responsible for certifying that the credentials and licensure of
residents and trainees have been verified prior to their appointment. Specific
procedures described in paragraphs 3 through 19 are not applicable to residents
functioning within the scope of their training program, but program directors,
where possible, should use verification procedures, which are generally
consistent with those described.
c. Definitions.
(1) Active, current, full, and unrestricted license or registration in a State.
Authorizes the licensee to practice outside VA without any change being
needed in the status of the license. An employee is responsible for paying
any fees necessary to maintain a full and active license in a State. If a
State waives fees for any reason, such as for an out-of-state practice or for
employment in a Federal facility, the employee may not accept the waiver if
this will place the license in an inactive or other restricted status.
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(2) Credentialing. The systematic process of screening and evaluating
qualifications and other credentials, including licensure, required education,
relevant training and experience, current competence and health status.
(3) Licensure. The official or legal permission to practice in an occupation, as
evidenced by documentation issued by a State in the form of a license
and/or registration.
(4) “Medical Center officials” and “facility director or designee” refer in Central
Office to the Under Secretary for Health or designee.
(5) Primary source verification. Documentation from the original source of a
specific credential that verifies the accuracy of a qualification reported by
an individual health care practitioner. This can be documented in the form
of a letter, telephone contact or secure electronic communication with the
original source.
(6) “Registration” or “Certification”. The official attestation by a professional
organization that one has fulfilled the requirements or met a standard skill
to practice the profession.
(7) State. Any of the states, territories, and possessions of the United States,
the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(8) VetPro. VHA’s electronic credentialing system which must be used for
credentialing all providers. The system is used by applicants and
practitioners to provide evidence of licensure, registration, certification,
and/or other relevant credentials for verification prior to appointment,
throughout the appointment process and upon transfer from another
medical facility. The system provides an electronic file for continued
maintenance of accurate, complete and timely credentials for all VHA
health care providers who claim licensure, certification or registration, and
are permitted by the facility to provide patient care services or oversee the
delivery of those services.
d. Responsibilities of VA Officials.
(1) The Under Secretary for Health or designee will establish additional
credentialing, licensure and/or registration requirements and procedures to
assure that only fully qualified and suitable candidates are appointed and
retained in VHA. Procedures will be established to thoroughly evaluate
applicant credentials, licensure and/or registration status and to monitor
these on a continuing basis for health care employees appointed under
38 U.S.C. §§ Chapter 73, 74.
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(2) Facility directors are responsible for implementing policy and procedures
outlined in this section and for providing necessary resources to ensure
that the verification of credentials and licensure is effectively and efficiently
managed. So that only fully qualified and suitable individuals are appointed
and retained under 38 U.S.C. §§ Chapter 73, 74, [clinical executives
(chiefs of staff, Chiefs of Patient Care Services, Nurse Executives), Service
Chiefs,] hiring officials [ ] and HR Officers will ensure that the qualifications
of candidates for appointment are thoroughly screened and evaluated. The
credentialing process includes verifying the individual’s licensure and/or
registration, relevant training and/or experience, current competence, and
physical and mental fitness. (See Appendix II-L of this chapter for a
credentialing checklist.) Officials described in this paragraph will ensure all
applicants and employees covered by this policy are made aware of their
responsibilities with respect to credentialing and licensure.
(3) The credentialing and licensure verification process is a shared
responsibility, requiring extensive interchange and continuing
communication between the Chief of Staff and HR Officer. Facility directors
will establish local policies and procedures delineating functions to be
accomplished by each of these officials to assure that responsibilities are
clearly understood and can be effectively carried out.
(4) Compliance with credentialing and licensure provisions of this section does
not obviate the responsibility to determine suitability for employment
following guidelines in 5 C.F.R, part 731 or to initiate background
investigations of employees using procedures specified in
5 C.F.R. § part 736.
e. Documentation. Information obtained through the verification process must be
documented in writing, either by letter, memo, report of contact or secure
electronic verification, as appropriate. Documentation will be filed permanently in
the VHA credentialing file, VetPro. Facsimile copy may be used with appropriate
authentication of the source providing the information via facsimile. This needs
to be independently authenticated and the authentication needs to be
documented, e.g., entry into comments section of VetPro. A coversheet by itself
is not considered independent authentication but may be scanned as the last
page of the document, not the first, as well as documentation of the independent
verification of the sender’s source. If independent authentication of the source
cannot be made, the facsimile copy must be followed up with an original
NOTE: Authentication of the source of the facsimile requires the
recipient to document knowledge that the appropriate source that
owned the verification information transmitted the facsimile. For
example, if the recipient of the facsimile confirmed with the verifying
entity that the facsimile was indeed transmitted by the verifying entity
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then this confirmation should be documented on the facsimile
coversheet, signed and dated by the individual completing the
independent authentication, to include name and title of both
transmitting and confirming individuals and date of confirmation.
f. Action Prior to Credentialing.
(1) No appointment action will be taken, nor will an employment commitment
be made, in any case where officials have reason to question a candidate’s
suitability for VA employment. All information obtained through the
credentialing process will be carefully considered before an employment
decision is made. An RN, APN, PA, EFDA or candidate for appointment to
an occupation identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3), may be appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) pending completion of the full credentialing process
referenced in [VHA Directive 1100.20, Credentialing of Health Care
Providers]. However, a physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist or
chiropractor will be appointed only after credentialing information is
received [ ] except as noted in paragraph 2 below.
(2) In exceptional circumstances and where required to meet an emergent
patient care situation, the facility director may approve the temporary
appointment of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist or chiropractor
under 38 U.S.C. § 7405 [ ] following the procedures in [VHA Directive
1100.20, Credentialing of Health Care Providers]. The [facility] director will
document for the record the specific circumstances and patient care
situation which warranted such an appointment. The appointment will be
made only after evidence of current, full and unrestricted licensure has
been obtained and a judgment has been made that the individual is fully
qualified for the assignment.
g. Applicant and Employee Responsibilities. Applicants and employees will
provide evidence of licensure, registration, certification, and/or other relevant
credentials, for verification prior to appointment and throughout VA employment
as requested. They are responsible for keeping VA apprised of anything that
would adversely affect or limit the credentials discussed in this section, and for
advising VA of anything that would adversely affect or otherwise limit their
clinical privileges. Failure to keep VA fully informed on these matters may result
in administrative or disciplinary action.
h. Verification of Credentials After Short Breaks in Service. An applicant who
has had a break in VA service of no more than 15 workdays may be reappointed
in the same occupation without the full credentialing process required for initial
appointment (i.e., verification of education background, licensure status,
certifications by professional organizations, references, etc.). The applicant must
complete a new employment application form [ ]. Facility officials will verify any
licensure or qualification information that has not previously been documented in
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the personnel folder or the Credentialing and Privileging Folder, as appropriate.
The official designated by the facility director will note in the appropriate folder
the reason that credentials were not reverified. Typically, the reason will be that
the break in service was for less than 15 workdays. Reverification of credentials
is not required for residents or trainees who rotate for training during the
academic year between a VA facility and its affiliate(s). (See paragraph 20 for
resident credentialing procedures.)
NOTE: For those subject to the credentialing and privileging provisions
of [VHA Directive 1100.20, Credentialing of Health Care Providers], any
break in service requires the verification of those credentials (time-
limited) which could have changed since last verified (State licensure,
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) certification, board certification,
a. Application Forms. Candidates seeking employment under 38 U.S.C. §§
Chapter 73 or 74, must complete one of the following application forms:
(1) VA Form 10-2850, Application for Physicians, Dentists, Podiatrists,
Optometrists, and Chiropractors;
(2) VA Form 10-2850a, Application for Nurses and Nurse Anesthetists, nurse
practitioners, and graduate nurse technicians;
(3) VA Form 10-2850b, Application for Residency;
(4) VA Form 10-2850c, Application for Associated Health Occupations;
(5) Optional Form 612, Optional Application for Federal Employment is
[obsolete, but can] be used by applicants for whom none of the above
forms are appropriate; primarily, this includes applicants for medical
support, students, trainees or nonmedical consultant appointments. The
OF 612 is not required for USA Staffing recruitments. In USA Staffing, a
resume is preferred.
b. Application Review. The HR Officer or designee will thoroughly review each
employment application to assure that all questions are answered, and that
additional information is provided where required. Applicants are to be asked to
account for any gaps in their work history. This information shall be documented
on the employment application, and, along with reference checks and other
information obtained in the credentialing process, considered in the selection
process. Incomplete applications are to be returned and applicants notified that
they will not be considered for employment until their application has been fully
completed. The HR Officer or designee will review applications for compliance
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with administrative and regulatory requirements. Applicants who do not meet
appointment requirements should be so notified.
a. Verification of Educational Credentials.
(1) For independent practitioners, educational credentials relating to
qualifications for employment are to be verified through primary source(s)
whenever feasible. This includes education used to qualify for appointment,
advancement or which is otherwise related to an individual’s employment.
This verification should also include a comparison of the educational
institution(s) cited on the application against existing lists of accredited
institutions on the Department of Education web site to guard against
institutions or “diploma mills” which sell fictitious college degrees and other
professional credentials. The accrediting agency or body for verifying the
accreditation status of schools is identified in the appropriate VA
qualification standard.
(2) For dependent practitioners, educational credentials relating to
qualifications for employment are to be verified as follows:
(a) If most recent licensure for the occupation was issued in 1990 or
later: Only education used to qualify for an appointment (i.e., first
nursing degree) is required to be verified; and this verification may be
accomplished by a secondary source (i.e., copy of diploma or
transcript is acceptable). Advanced education credentials above the
initial qualifying degree are to be primary source verified. This
verification also needs to include a comparison of the educational
institution(s) cited on the application against existing lists of
institutions or “diploma mills” which sell fictitious college degrees and
other professional credentials. The accrediting agency or body for
verifying the accreditation status of schools are identified in the
appropriate VA qualification standard.
(b) If most recent licensure for the occupation was issued prior to 1990:
Educational credentials relating to qualifications for employment are
to be verified through the primary source(s), whenever feasible. This
includes education used to qualify for appointment or advancement.
This verification also needs to include a comparison of the
educational institution(s) cited on the application against existing lists
of institutions or “diploma mills” which sell fictitious college degrees
and other professional credentials. The accrediting agency or body
for verifying the accreditation status of schools is identified in the
appropriate VA qualification standard. The appropriate document
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from the primary source must be used for the actual verification of the
credential but could include a transcript.
(3) For individuals who will have clinical privileges, written verification of
internships, residencies, fellowships, advanced education, clinical practice
programs, etc., from the appropriate program director or school is required.
For foreign medical graduates, facility officials must verify with the
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) that the
applicant has met requirements for certification, and must obtain a copy of
the ECFMG certificate, if claimed by the applicant.
(4) In cases of graduates of foreign schools of professional nursing,
possession of current, full, active, and unrestricted registration will meet the
requirement of graduation from an approved school of professional nursing
[equal to an associate degree/diploma level education]. Documentation
from the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS)
will serve as primary source verification of education, if applicable. [In order
to credit nursing education at a level higher than the associate
degree/diploma level, a VA-recognized credentials evaluation service must
be utilized to verify foreign degree equivalency to a US-based nursing
(5) For Physical Therapists, documentation from the Foreign Credentialing
Commission on Physical Therapists (FCCPT) will meet the requirement of
graduation from an approved school.
(6) For Occupational Therapists, documentation from the National Board for
Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) will meet the requirement
of graduation from an approved school.
(7) If education cannot be verified because the school has been closed,
because a school is in a foreign country and no response can be obtained,
or for other similar reasons, all efforts to verify the applicant’s education will
be documented. In any case, facility officials must verify that candidates
meet appropriate VA qualification standard educational requirements prior
to appointment.
b. Transcript of Higher Education.
(1) An applicants may be asked to provide a transcript of their qualifying
education for evaluation [prior to appointment. If an individual has a degree
in a related field, consideration should be given to obtaining a transcript of
this program as well. Transcripts may be requested from other applicants,
including APNs, PAs, EFDAs, and candidates selected for appointment to
an occupation identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3).
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(2) Transcripts should be evaluated to consider the specific course work
completed, grades received and overall level of difficulty of the program.
c. Educational Profile for Physicians. Facilities may obtain, from the American
Medical Association, a profile listing all medical education a physician candidate
has received in this country and available licensure information for follow-up as
necessary. It should be noted, however, that this is a secondary source and, by
itself, is not considered sufficient for verification purposes.
a. References. Due diligence should be exercised in checking references before
making an offer of employment. Facilities at the local level have the discretion to
decide how many references are required prior to appointment. VA will still require
a total of three, but only one reference (preferably from the applicant’s current or
most recent employer(s)) is required prior to appointment and the remaining two
within 90 days after appointment. The references should be obtained from
employer(s) or other individuals who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s
work record (i.e., performance, aptitude, conduct, etc.).
(1) For any candidate whose most recent employment has been private
practice, facility officials will contact institution(s) where clinical privileges
are and/or were held, professional organizations, [professional] references
listed on the application form and/or other agencies, institutions or persons
who would have reason to know the individual’s qualifications.
(2) The VA Form Letter 10-341a, Appraisal of Applicant, may be used to
obtain references on applicants. However, supplemental information may
be required to fully evaluate the educational background and/or prior
experiences of an applicant (see subparagraph (3) below). Initial and/or
follow-up telephone or personal contact with those having knowledge of an
applicant’s qualifications and suitability are encouraged as a means of
obtaining a complete understanding of the composite employment record.
All references must be documented in writing. Written records of telephone
or personal contacts must report who was spoken to, that person’s
position, the date of the contact, a summary of the information provided,
and the reason why a telephone or personal contact was made in lieu of a
written communication. Reports of contact are to be filed with other
references in the personnel folder and, as appropriate, in the Credentialing
and Privileging Folder, as appropriate.
(3) Ideally, references should be from authoritative sources, which may require
that facility officials obtain information from sources other than the
references listed by the applicant. As appropriate to the occupation for
which the applicant is being considered, references should contain specific
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information about the individual’s scope of practice and level of
performance. For example, information on:
(a) The number and types of procedures performed, range of cases
managed, appropriateness of care offered, outcomes of care
provided, etc.
(b) The applicant’s clinical judgment and technical skills as reflected in
results of quality assurance activities and peer review, where
(c) The applicant’s health status in relation to proposed duties of the
position and, if applicable, to areas where clinical privileges are being
b. Former Federal Employees. For an applicant with prior Federal service, the
personnel folder should be obtained before the individual is given a probationary
or permanent appointment. If an applicant has prior VA service, a reference
must be obtained from the last two assignments or all VA assignments in the last
5 years, whichever is longer.
5. PREEMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW. A personal interview is recommended prior to
the appointment of any candidate under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 73 or 74. The interview
should normally be conducted at the VA facility where the individual is to be
employed. Arrangements may be made for the interview to be conducted at another
VA facility convenient to the applicant. The interview will be conducted by the
appropriate official(s) designated by the facility director. An interview report will be
completed and filed with the application. Travel expenses for preemployment
interviews may be paid only under provisions of 5 C.F.R., Part 572. The appropriate
chief consultant in Central Office may require that a personal interview be conducted
for individuals in any occupation included within the scope of this section. [ ].
credentialing process, the status of the applicant’s licensure and/or registration and
that of any required or claimed certifications will be thoroughly reviewed and verified.
Specific requirements for these verifications are contained in paragraphs 13 through
17 for independent practitioners and VHA policy for the credentialing of health care
a. Definition. For the purposes of this paragraph, specialty certification means
having fully completed the requirements of a recognized specialty board or other
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certifying organization, including the successful passing of the board or certifying
examination, as appropriate.
b. Applicants. Prior to appointment, specialty certification will be verified from the
primary source. The chief of staff will confirm evidence of specialty certification
claimed by a physician, dentist, podiatrist or chiropractor, and certify that
verification in the VHA credentialing folder, VetPro. At the request of the chief of
staff, the facility director may delegate responsibility for obtaining information
about a candidate’s board certification. However, the chief of staff must
personally certify in the VHA credentialing file that the documentation is of
record. For other applicants, the official designated by the facility director will
document verification of specialty certification where required in the VHA
credentialing file. See paragraph (d) for procedures on documenting specialty
c. On-Duty Employees. On-duty employees attaining specialty certification will
have their certification verified under Paragraph (d).
d. Verification Procedures. If listings of specialists are used to verify specialty
certification, these schedules must be maintained by the primary source with a
disclaimer regarding authenticity and be from current or recently issued copies
of the publications as follows:
(1) Physicians. Board certification may be verified through the Compendium
of Medical Specialists, published by the American Board of Medical
Specialists, the Directory of American Medical Specialists, published by
Marquis’ Who’s Who, or by direct communication with officials of the
appropriate board. A letter from the board is acceptable for those recently
certified. (The address and telephone number of the board may be
obtained from the latest Directory of Approved Residency Programs
published by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education).
Copies of documents used to verify certification are to be filed in the VHA
credentialing file.
(2) Dentists. Board certification may be verified by the listings in the American
Dental Directory published annually by the American Dental Association or
by contacting the appropriate Dental Specialty Board. Addresses of these
boards may be obtained from the American Dental Association, 211 East
Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
(3) Podiatrists. Three specialties are currently recognized by the House of
Delegates, American Podiatric Medical Association and VA: the American
Board of Podiatric Surgery, American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics, and
American Board of Podiatric Public Health. Addresses of these boards may
be obtained from the latest American Podiatric Directory.
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(4) Other Occupations. Board certification and other specialty certificates will
be verified by contacting the appropriate specialty board or certifying
e. Evidence of Continuing Certification. For professions or occupations in which
current certification is required, employees must present evidence of such
certification upon request throughout VA employment.
a. Background. Physicians, dentists, podiatrists, and certain other professional
persons may apply for and be granted renewable certification by the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA)/Controlled Dangerous Substance (CDS),
Federal and/or State to prescribe controlled substances as a part of their
practice. However, certification will be verified as indicated below for individuals
who claim on the employment application form to currently hold or to have held
DEA/CDS certification in the past.
b. Application Form. Each applicant in these occupations must provide, on the
appropriate VA employment application form, information about his or her
current or most recent DEA/CDS certificate, if applicable. Any applicant whose
DEA/CDS certificate has ever been revoked, suspended, limited, restricted in
any way or voluntarily relinquished shall be required to provide a detailed
explanation of such action at the time of application for employment.
c. Restricted Certificates. A State licensing board may obtain a voluntary
agreement from an individual not to apply for renewal of certification or may
decide not to approve the individual’s application for renewal as a part of a
disciplinary action taken in connection with the individual’s professional practice.
While there are a number of reasons a license may be restricted which are
unrelated to DEA/CDS certification, an individual’s State license is considered
restricted or impaired for purposes of VA employment if a State licensing board
has suspended the person’s authority to prescribe controlled substances or
other drugs; selectively limited the individual’s authority to prescribe a particular
type or schedule of drugs; or accepted an individual’s offer or voluntary
agreement to limit authority to prescribe. (See Paragraphs 13 and 17.)
d. Verification. Current DEA/CDS certification will be verified prior to appointment
and documented in the VHA credentialing file. Automatic verification of Federal
DEA/CDS certification can be performed in VetPro when a match can be made
against the current Federal DEA certification information maintained and
electronically updated monthly. If verification cannot be made automatically, an
authenticated copy of the DEA/CDS certificate must be entered into VetPro.
Current DEA certification will also be sighted during VA employment at the same
time as State licensure. (See Paragraphs 13 and 17.) The employee will be
asked to fully explain in writing if DEA certification has been revoked,
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suspended, limited, restricted or voluntarily relinquished since last verified. Upon
receipt of such explanation, the chief of staff will initiate a review of the
employee’s clinical privileges, if appropriate.
e. Required Action by VA Officials.
(1) If action taken on an employee’s DEA/CDS certificate has the effect of
restricting the individual’s only State license, immediate action will be
initiated to separate the employee under provision of VA Directive and
Handbook 5021, Employee/Management Relations, Part VI.
(2) If, as a result of the review of clinical privileges, a decision is made to
propose revocation of an employee’s clinical privileges, separation action
will be initiated using procedures in VA Directive and Handbook 5021,
Employee/Management Relations, Part II.
a. Review of Clinical Privileges. Applicants completing VA application forms will
be required to respond to questions concerning clinical privileges at VA and non-
VA facilities. If possible, copies of clinical privileges will be obtained for review
from the applicant or from the institutions where privileges are or were most
recently held.
b. Evaluation of Privileges. As part of the credentialing process, information on
clinical privileges will be evaluated by appropriate facility officials. Details
concerning any limitation(s) on privileges will be carefully considered prior to
c. On-Going Review. Clinical privileges will be established and reviewed
throughout the individual’s employment following standards and guidelines
issued by VHA and established in the VA facility’s medical staff bylaws. The
clinical privileging process must be completed prior to initial appointment.
NOTE: Additional VHA policy concerning clinical privileges is contained in [VHA
Directive 1100.20, Credentialing of Health Care Providers.]
a. Applicants. VA employment applications forms require applicants to give
detailed written explanations of any involvement in administrative, professional
or judicial proceedings, including Federal torts claims proceedings, in which
malpractice is or was alleged. If an applicant has been involved in such
proceedings, a full evaluation of the circumstances will be made by officials
participating in the credentialing, selection and approval processes prior to
making any recommendation or decision on the candidate’s suitability for VA
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b. Employees. Each employee will be asked to indicate at the time of licensure
verification any involvement in proceedings described in subparagraph a, and to
provide a written explanation of the circumstances, if appropriate. A review of
clinical privileges, as appropriate, will be initiated if clinical competence issues
are involved.
c. Evaluation of Circumstances. Facility evaluating officials will consider
VA’s obligation as a health care provider to exercise reasonable care in
determining that individuals are properly qualified, recognizing that
many allegations of malpractice are proved groundless. Facility officials
will evaluate employee to provide copies of documents pertaining to the
case. Reasonable efforts will be made to assure that only individuals
who are well-qualified to provide patient care are permitted to do so.
Questions concerning legal aspects of a particular case should be
directed to the Regional Counsel.
ADVISORY BODIES. At healthcare facilities with teaching programs, the Under
Secretary for Health will approve the establishment of a Deans Committee, Medical
Advisory Committees, and other advisory bodies (See VHA Handbook 1400.03,
Veterans Health Administration Educational Relationship for more information). The
Deans Committee may nominate, for consideration by the facility director,
physicians, and dentists for appointment to the professional staff of the facility,
including chiefs of service. Nominees may include individuals appointed on a paid or
without compensation assignment on a full-time, part-time or intermittent basis; to
those appointed on an on-facility fee-basis; and to consultants and attendings. The
facility director should consider the Deans Committee’s recommendations, but the
facility director has the final appointment decision.
a. General. If facility officials obtain adverse information during the credentialing
process, they will review this against suitability criteria and make a determination
in accordance with 5 C.F.R. § 731. The District Counsel can answer questions
concerning the use of adverse information in making suitability determinations or
the legality of adverse determinations and personal liability involvement.
b. Applicants. If there is any question about an applicant’s suitability, no
appointment action will be taken, nor will an employment commitment be made,
until the matter is resolved.
c. Employees. Conclusive evidence of preemployment unsuitability (character
traits, past work performance, etc.) may arise after an individual’s appointment
under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 73, 74. If continued employment is not in the best
interest of the service, the employee’s appointment will be terminated under VA
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Handbook 5021, Employee/Management Relations, Part VI, Employee Title 38
Separations Not Covered by Parts II and III of this Handbook.
a. General. Specific licensure, registration and certification requirements for
individuals appointed under 38 U.S.C. Chapters 73 or 74 are included in
paragraphs which follow and in the appropriate qualification standard for the
occupation. This paragraph contains definitions and general provisions which
apply to all occupations for which licensure and/or registration are required.
Applicants must possess at least one active, current, full, and unrestricted
license, registration or certification which must be verified by primary source
verification from the state licensing board (SLB), to be eligible for appointment, if
required for the occupation in the appropriate qualification standard. If all
licenses, registrations or certifications are impaired, the individual is ineligible for
appointment in VA. Additionally, if the applicant’s sole license is considered to
be inactive by the state issuing the license (e.g., the state considers the license
to be “inactive” because the individual is not practicing in the state where the
license is held), the individual is ineligible for appointment in VA.
b. Definitions.
(1) Active Licensure. An active, current, full, and unrestricted license,
registration or certification in a state is one which authorizes the licensee to
practice outside VA without any change needed in the status of the license.
Employees are responsible for paying fees necessary to maintain a full and
active license in a state. If a state waives fees for any reason, such as for
an out-of-state practice or for employment in a Federal facility, the
employee may not accept the waiver if this will place the license in an
inactive or other restricted status.
(2) Primary Source Verification. Primary source verification is documentation
from the original source of a specific credential verifying the accuracy of a
(3) State. The term “state” means any of the states, territories, and
possessions of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
c. Qualification Requirements Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. § 7402(f). Covered
licensure actions are based on the date the credential was required by statute or
VA qualification standard for the occupation.
(1) For the purposes of 38 U.S.C. § 7402(f), “for cause” means professional
misconduct, professional incompetence, substandard care or any issue
requiring VA to report a provider to a SLB under 38 C.F.R. § 47.2. The
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District Counsel will address questions concerning interpretation of “for
cause" or an assessment of whether a matter constitutes “for cause.” The
following are examples of reasons a license may be revoked, terminated or
voluntarily relinquished that would be considered “for cause.” This is not a
comprehensive, exhaustive or exclusive list, and a “for cause” assessment
should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
(a) Higher than expected radiology misinterpretations;
(b) Higher than expected surgical complication rates;
(c) Failure to address critical alerts in a timely manner;
(d) Failure to adequately document patient care;
(e) Diversion of drugs;
(f) Providing or intending to provide patient care while under the
influence of drugs or alcohol;
(g) Inappropriate relationship with patient;
(h) Patient abuse;
(i) Intentional harm of a patient;
(j) Research malfeasance;
(k) Exhibiting a pattern of poor professional judgment and skill; and/or
(l) Egregious instances of unacceptable actions related to patient care
(inadvertently leaving a clamp in a patient after a surgical procedure).
(2) Applicants seeking appointment on or after November 30, 1999, (see
Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act, P.L. 106-117), who
have been licensed, registered or certified, as applicable to the occupation
for which they are seeking employment, in more than one state and who
are being credentialed for a position identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7402(b), other
than a facility director, are not eligible for appointment in that occupation if:
(a) The applicant’s license, registration or certification has ever been
revoked or terminated “for cause” by any of those states; or
(b) The applicant has voluntarily relinquished a license, registration or
certification in any of those states, after being notified in writing by
that state of potential revocation or termination for cause.
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i Such individuals may only be eligible for appointment in the
occupation if their revoked, terminated or voluntarily relinquished
license, registration or certification is restored to a full and
unrestricted status.
ii Covered licensure actions are based on the date the credential
was required by statute or the VA qualification standards for the
occupation. For example, if VA first required the credential in 1972,
the credential was terminated or voluntarily relinquished in 1983,
and the individual applies, or was appointed, to VA after November
30, 1999, the individual is not eligible for VA employment in the
covered occupation unless the terminated or voluntarily
relinquished credential is restored to an active, current, full and
unrestricted status. However, if the credential was terminated or
voluntarily relinquished in 1970, before it was a VA requirement,
eligibility for VA employment would not be affected. For guidance
regarding eligibility for employees with an impaired license,
registration or certification, and for those employees appointed
before November 30, 1999, with an impaired license refer to
paragraph 17 below-Continuing Licensure, Registration and/or
Certification Requirements for Employees.
(3) If an individual has voluntarily surrendered their license, registration or
certification, applicable to the position, VA must confirm from the primary
source that the individual was notified in writing of the potential for
termination for cause. If the entity verifies written notification was provided,
the applicant is not eligible for employment unless the surrendered
credential is fully restored to an active, current, full and unrestricted status.
(4) Where the state licensing, registration or certifying entity fully restores the
revoked, terminated or voluntarily relinquished credential, the provider’s
eligibility for employment is restored. These individuals are subject to the
same employment process that applies to all individuals in the same job
category who are entering the VA employment process. In addition to the
credentialing requirements for the position, facility officials must conduct a
complete review of the facts and circumstances concerning the action
taken against the state license, registration or certification and the impact
of the action on the professional conduct of the applicant. Facility officials
must document this review in the licensure section of the credentials file.
(5) This guidance applies to licensure, registration or certification required as
applicable to the position subsequent to the publication of this policy and
required by statute or VA qualification standards, effective with the date the
credential is required.
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d. Primary Source Verification. Information obtained through the verification must
be documented in writing, either by letter, memo, report of contact or secure
electronic verification (e.g., website) in the VHA credentialing file. Facility
officials must verify licensure from a primary source at the time of initial
appointment, reappointment and expiration in accordance with policy in VHA
Handbook 1100.20, “Credentialing and Privileging” and VHA Directive 2006-067,
“Credentialing of Health Care Professionals.”
e. Changes in Authority to Prescribe. The license of an individual in an
occupation authorized to prescribe is considered to be restricted or impaired if
the SLB has suspended the individual’s authority to independently prescribe
controlled substances or other drugs; selectively limited the individual’s authority
to prescribe a particular type or schedule of drugs; or accepted an individual’s
offer or voluntary agreement to limit the authority to prescribe. The state’s action
may be taken in connection with the individual’s Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) certification and/or with a separately issued state
authorization to prescribe. (See paragraph 8 of this section.) This is only one
example of a situation in which an individual’s license may be restricted or
f. Changes in State Licensure Requirements. Employees are responsible for
complying with any changes in licensure and/or registration requirements which
may be imposed by the state(s) of licensure. If employees show they were not
notified of the new requirement and proceeded in good faith under the
assumption that the license remained full and unrestricted, this is accepted as
prima facie evidence of licensure up until discovery of the change in
requirements. When employees are notified through any source of a change in
requirements, they must act immediately to make the license whole at the
earliest possible date, normally no more than 15 workdays after notification. If
employees are unable to make the license whole and, as a result, holds no full
unrestricted license in a state, actions to separate for failure to meet qualification
requirements must be taken under VA Handbook 5021, Employee/Management
g. Administrative Delay by State Licensing Board (SLB).
(1) Facility officials who learn that a SLB has declared a system-wide delay in
processing renewal applications of registration prior to the expiration date
and has granted a special grace period as a result of the delay, should
notify Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO), Recruitment
and Placement Policy Service (RPPS) so a general notice to all VHA
facilities can be issued. The delay must be general rather than personal in
scope and impact. If no such notice has been issued by OCHCO, RPPS,
facility officials should verify with the state board that VA employees are
considered to be fully licensed, registered or certified during the delay
period. Verification of current licensure, registration or certification may be
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obtained through telephone contact with the state board pending receipt of
the renewal. Typically, this will involve a large amount of license renewals
and would not pertain to the individual renewal license.
(2) Under these unique circumstances, if employees are unable to present
evidence of current licensures, registrations or certifications prior to the
expiration date, facility officials must verify through written or telephone
contact with the SLB that the employees’ applications for renewal are
received and the employees are considered to be fully licensed, registered
or certified. If officials are unable to verify this with the SLB prior to the
expiration date of licensure, employees will be required to provide evidence
that the application for renewal was made in a timely manner (e.g., 30
days) in order to be permitted to continue in a work status. Where possible,
a facility official must cite evidence of the employees’ application for
licensure, registration or certification renewal and appropriately document
in the VHA credentialing file until primary source verification of renewal is
received. Employees are notified in writing that separation actions may be
initiated under provisions of VA Handbook 5021, Part II, Part III or Part VI,
if evidence of renewal is not received within 30 workdays of the expiration
date. Some states authorize a “grace period” after the licensure,
registration and/or certification expiration date, during which an individual is
considered to be fully licensed, registered and/or certified whether or not
the individual has applied for renewal on a timely basis. Facility officials
must not initiate separation procedures for failure to maintain licensure,
registration or certification on a practitioner whose only license, registration
and/or certification has expired if the state has such a grace period and
considers the practitioner to be fully and currently licensed, registered or
h. Questionable Licensure Status. Facility officials must consult with District
Counsel if circumstances cause them to question the status of an employee’s
license, registration or certification or if it meets statutory or regulatory
requirements. See subparagraph 17.c. of this section for additional information.
i. Payment of Licensure or Registration Renewal Fees. VA employees are
responsible for paying any required fees in a timely basis to ensure their
licensures, registrations or registrations are maintained in a current, active
status. If an affiliated institution normally pays the fees for VA employees who
work part-time or have teaching agreements at that institution, employees are
still responsible for assuring that licensures, registrations or certifications are
maintained in an active, current status.
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a. General. Any physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist or chiropractor appointed
under 38 U.S.C. Chapters 73 or 74 is required to possess an active, current, full
and unrestricted license to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, dentistry,
podiatry or optometry, as appropriate, in a state, and must furnish evidence of
this prior to appointment. Current registration will be maintained in accordance
with the requirements of the state of licensure and evidence of such licensure
and registration must be presented by the employee for verification periodically
as requested throughout VA employment. A limited license or any other license
less than a full, unrestricted state license; however, denominated (e.g.,
temporary, limited or institutional), will not meet the licensure requirement for
appointment under 38 U.S.C. Chapters 73 or 74.
b. Exceptions. The only exceptions to the licensure requirements are:
(1) Individuals meeting all the professional requirements for admission to the
state licensure examination and passed the examination but possess a
state license limited on the basis of non-citizenship or not meeting the
residence requirements of the state.
(2) Individuals granted an institutional license by the state which permits
faculty appointments and full, unrestricted clinical practice at a specified
educational institution and its affiliates, including the VA healthcare facility;
or an institutional license permitting full, unrestricted clinical practice at the
VA healthcare facility. This exception is used only to appoint individuals
who are well-qualified, recognized experts in their fields, such as visiting
scholars, clinicians, and/or research scientists and only under authority of
38 U.S.C. § 7405. It may not be used to appoint individuals whose
institutional licenses are based on actions taken by SLBs as described in
paragraph 13c above.
(3) Individuals meeting all the professional requirements for admission to the
state licensure examination and have passed the examinations, but who
have been issued time-limited or temporary state licenses or permits
pending a meeting of the state licensure board to give final approval to the
candidates’ request for licensure. The licenses must be active, current, and
permit a full, unrestricted practice. Appointments of individuals with such
licenses must be made under authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405 and will be
time-limited not to exceed the expiration date of licensure.
(4) Residents holding licenses which geographically limit the area which
practice is permitted or which limits residents to practice only in specific
healthcare facilities but authorizes them to independently exercise all the
professional and therapeutic prerogatives of the occupation. In some
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states, such licenses may be issued to residents to permit them to engage
in outside professional employment during the period of residency training.
This exception does not permit the employment of a resident who holds a
license which is issued solely to allow the individual to participate in
residency training.
c. Verification. The facility chief of staff will ensure physicians, dentists,
podiatrists, optometrists, and chiropractors licensures and registrations are
verified prior to their appointment under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7306, 7401 or 7405. This
includes all individuals serving on a full-time, part-time, intermittent or on-facility
fee-basis (including consultants and attendings), whether paid or without
(1) Licensure Verification with State Boards. The facility chief of staff Chief
of Staff will confirm in the VHA credentialing file, VetPro, the status of all
licenses claimed by physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, and
chiropractors, are verified with the appropriate SLB for all states in which
the applicant lists having ever held a license. This includes licenses which
the applicant lists as active, current, full, and unrestricted as well as
licenses the applicant lists which were held at any time in the past and
which have been allowed to lapse or which are no longer current for any
reason. [The] facility Chief of Staff or designee is responsible for sighting
verification of the licensure of these individuals.
(2) Review of Employment Application. Facility officials must contact the
state board to ensure that no restriction or revocation action has occurred
for candidates with recent employment in a state in which no licensure is
indicated on the application form.
(3) Physician Screening with Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB).
Facility officials must conduct a mandatory FSMB query and document the
results in the VHA credentialing file, VetPro.
d. Licensure History. For guidance on appointments, refer to Paragraph (13.c.),
Qualification Requirements Pursuant to of 38 U.S.C. § 7402(f).
e. Waiver of Licensure Requirement.
(1) The appointing official may waive the licensure requirement of physician,
dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, or chiropractor occupations if the candidates
are being appointed to a research, academic or administrative position
when they have no direct responsibility for patient care.
(2) The facility director may waive the licensure requirement if the individual is
serving in a country other than the United States and licensure is in that
country (i.e., Philippines).
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a. General. Any [RN or APN] appointed under 38 U.S.C. Chapters 73 or 74 is
required to possess active, current, full, and unrestricted registration as a
graduate professional nurse in a state, which must be verified by primary source
verification from the SLB prior to appointment. Information obtained through the
verification process must be documented in writing, either by letter, memo,
report of contact or secure electronic verification. Documentation will be filed
permanently in the official personnel folder. A limited registration or any other
registration less than a full, unrestricted state registration does not meet the
registration requirement for appointment. [See VA Handbook 5005, Part II,
Appendix G6a-G6d for additional information on specific licensure and
certification requirements for APNs.]
b. Verification. The HR Officer or nurse executive or designee, must obtain
primary source verification from the SLB of the registration of all [RNs and
APNs] prior to their appointment under 38 U.S.C. Chapters 73 or 74. This
includes full-time, part-time, intermittent and on-facility fee-basis [RNs or APNs]
(including consultants), whether they are paid or serving without compensation.
[RNs and APNs] utilized on an on-facility contract or on-facility sharing
agreement basis are also covered by provisions of this paragraph.
(1) Except as provided in subparagraph d, every VHA [RN and APN] must
have at least one active, current, full and unrestricted registration as a
graduate professional nurse in a state.
(2) The appropriate official will certify in the VHA credentialing file, VetPro, that
the status of all registration(s) has been verified with the appropriate state
board(s) for all state(s) in which the applicant lists having ever held
registration. This includes registration(s) which the applicant lists as active,
current, full, and unrestricted as well as registration(s) the applicant lists
which were held at any time in the past and which have been allowed to
lapse or which are no longer current for any reason.
(3) For [RNs or APNs] with recent employment in a state in which no
registration is indicated on the application form, the state board will be
contacted to assure that no restriction or revocation action has occurred.
c. Impaired Registration. Appointing officials may approve the appointment or
reappointment of a [RN or APN] who has previously had impaired registration,
provided the candidate currently has full and unrestricted registration (refer to
paragraph 17c of this section).
d. Waiver of Registration Requirement. The facility director may waive the
registration requirement of a [RN or APN] if the individual is serving in a country
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other than the United States and the registration is in that country (i.e.,
a. General. Any employee in a physician assistant (PA) or expanded-function
dental auxiliaries position appointed under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or
7405(a)(1)(A) must meet licensure, registration or certification requirements as
specified in the appropriate qualification standard. Individuals appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) or under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7405(a)(1)(B), 7306 to occupations
listed in 38 U.S.C. § 7401 must meet licensure, registration and/or certification
requirements in the appropriate qualification standard for the occupation.
Applicants will provide evidence of current licensure, registration and/or
certification and other relevant credentials for verification prior to appointment
and throughout the appointment process as requested. Using the VHA
credential process, facility officials will verify credentials from a primary source
prior to appointment. Once appointed, employees must maintain multiple
licenses, registrations and/or certifications in good standing and keep VA
officials apprised of anything that would adversely affect or otherwise limit their
appointment, e.g., health issues, proposed and final actions against a claimed
credential, etc. A limited license, registration or certification or any status of
these which is less than full and unrestricted will not meet the qualification
standard requirement for the occupation.
b. Verification. Prior to appointment, each applicant’s credentials will be checked
as follows and verified in accordance with applicable VHA credentialing policy
for dependent practitioners and documented in the VHA credentialing folder,
VetPro, by officials designated by the facility director as follows:
(1) The facility director designates the official(s) responsible for documenting
the status of all licenses, registrations or certifications with the appropriate
state boards for all states the applicant lists ever having licensure,
registration or certification on VA Form 10-2850C, Application for
Associated Health Occupations. This includes licenses registrations or
certifications which the applicant lists as active, current, full and
unrestricted as well as license(s), registration(s) or certification(s) the
applicant lists which were held at any time in the past and which have been
allowed to lapse or which are no longer current for any reason.
(2) Candidates for appointment under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) or
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(B) and expanded-function dental auxiliaries
(EFDAs) appointed under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1), 7405(a)(1)(A) must
present evidence of license, registration or certification by the appropriate
national certifying body prior to appointment. The official(s) designated by
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the facility director documents the verification in the VHA credentialing file,
(3) PAs must present evidence of certification by the appropriate national
certifying body prior to appointment for verification by the official(s)
designated by the facility director in the VHA credentialing file, VetPro.
Licensure is required for PAs to practice outside VA in some states,
although it is not required for VHA employment. If a PA claims licensure in
any state(s), the official(s) designated by the facility director verifies
licensure status with the SLBs as a part of the credentials review and
documents the verification in the VHA credentialing file.
(4) The appropriate official(s) must contact state boards to ensure that no
restriction or revocation has occurred for candidates with recent
employment in a state in which no licensures, registrations or certifications
are indicated on the application form. Such verification must be
documented in the VHA credentialing file.
c. Impaired Licensure. Appointing officials may approve the appointment or
reappointment of an individual covered by this paragraph who has previously
had an impaired license, registration or certification, provided the candidate
currently has full/unrestricted license, registration or certification (refer to
paragraph 17c of this section).
a. Verification of Primary License.
(1) The expiration date of an appointee’s primary license, registration, and/or
certification, is coded for follow-up purposes [ ]. For coding purposes, the
appointee will specify the state in which primary licensure is claimed. The
facility director will designate the official(s) who is responsible for the
follow-up verification of these credentials. Facility designees will verify
licensure, certification, and registration by primary source verification from
SLB. Information obtained through the verification process must be
documented in writing, either by letter, memo, report of contact or secure
electronic verification (e.g., website). Documentation is filed permanently in
the employee’s VHA credentialing file.
(2) Only the initial and latest verification must be maintained in the VHA
credentialing file. HR staff are not required to code follow-up expiration
dates for employees whose registration or certification is issued on a one-
time basis for whom there is no continuing requirement to maintain
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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b. Other Verification.
(1) Individuals with multiple licenses, registrations, and/or certifications are
responsible for maintaining these credentials in good standing and of
informing the facility director or designee of any changes in the status of
these credentials.
(2) Employees must provide confirmation for any active license that is not
renewed at the time of expiration or at the time of reappraisal that such
license expired in good standing.
(3) Facility directors are responsible for establishing a mechanism for assuring
that such multiple licenses, registrations, and/or certifications are
consistently held in good standing or, if allowed to lapse, are relinquished
in good standing. For any such credentials which were held previously, but
which are no longer held or no longer full and unrestricted, the employee
will be asked to provide a written explanation of the reason(s). The
verifying official will contact the state board(s) or issuing organization(s) to
verify the reason(s) for any change.
c. Impaired Licensure.
(1) When facility officials learn an employee with an active, current, full, and
unrestricted license, registration or certification in a state has had any other
license or registration or certification to practice, as applicable to their
current occupation, revoked or terminated for cause, or such license,
registration or certification was voluntarily relinquished after being notified
in writing by that state of the potential termination for cause, they must
determine if the employee is eligible to maintain their appointment. See
paragraph 2 below and 38 U.S.C. § 7402(f).
(2) In those cases where the license, registration or certification has been
revoked, terminated or the employee has voluntarily relinquished such
license, registration or certification after being notified in writing by that
state of the potential termination for reasons other than “for cause,” facility
officials will investigate to ascertain the full circumstances and, if
appropriate, will initiate a review of clinical privileges, take disciplinary
action and/or separation procedures.
(3) If the findings of the investigation determine the employee did not violate
38 U.S.C. § 7402(f), then the employee may be retained. In cases where
the license, registration or certification has been suspended, denied,
restricted, limited, issued/placed on probationary basis, facility officials will
engage in the same process identified in paragraph (2).
(4) The following individuals are not eligible for continued appointment:
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(a) Individuals who were appointed before November 30, 1999, to a
position identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7402(b) (other than a facility
director) who have maintained continuous appointment since that
date and are identified as having been licensed, registered or certified
(applicable to their current position) in more than one state and, on or
after November 30, 1999, have had such license, registration or
certification revoked or terminated for cause by any of those states;
(b) Individuals who were appointed before November 30, 1999, to a
position identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7402(b) (other than a facility
director) who have maintained continuous appointment since that
date and are identified as having been licensed, registered or certified
(as applicable to their current position) in more than one state and, on
or after November 30, 1999, voluntarily relinquished a license,
registration or certification in any of those states after being notified in
writing by that state of potential termination for cause.
(5) Individuals who were appointed prior to November 30, 1999, and have
been on a continuous appointment since that date are not disqualified for
employment by any license, registration or certification revocations or
terminations for cause, or voluntary relinquishment after being notified in
writing by that state of potential termination for cause that predate
November 30, 1999, provided they possess one full and unrestricted
license applicable to the position. See 38 U.S.C. § 7402(f).
d. Failure to Maintain Current Licensure, Registration or Certification.
(1) An employee who does not maintain an active, current, licensure,
registration and/or certification (if required), or who fails to show evidence
of such when requested, must be separated under appropriate procedures
in VA Handbook 5021, Part VI, [Employee/Management Relations]. The
District Counsel will answer questions about whether to separate an
employee based on failure to maintain current licensure, registration or
(2) Some states authorize a grace period after the licensure, registration,
and/or certification expiration date, during which an individual is considered
to be fully licensed, registered, and/or certified whether or not the individual
has applied for renewal on a timely basis. Facility officials will not initiate
separation procedures for failure to maintain licensure, registration or
certified on an employee whose only license, registration, and/or
certification has expired if the state has such a grace period and considers
the employee to be fully and currently licensed/registered/certified.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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18. REPORTING TO STATE LICENSING BOARDS. Licensed, registered, and/or
certified employees and former employees will be reported to state licensing,
registration or certifying boards and/or to other monitoring bodies in accordance with
provisions VHA Handbook 1100.18, Reporting and Responding to SLBs. This
requirement applies to all licensed, registered, and/or certified employees included
within the scope of this chapter, including residents.
a. General. The credentialing process includes an evaluation of the health status
of applicants as well as employees. Policies and procedures related to physical
requirements for applicants and employees are contained in VA Handbook
5019, Employee Occupational Health Service, Part II, Examinations and
b. Preemployment Physical Examination. All full-time, part-time and intermittent
employees are required to satisfactorily complete a preemployment physical
examination prior to appointment as required for positions with positive physical
and mental requirements outlined in VA Handbook 5019[ Employee
Occupational Health Service].
c. Certification of Physical and Mental Fitness. All applicants and employees,
whether paid or appointed on a without compensation basis, who request clinical
privileges, including those utilized on a full-time, part-time or intermittent basis,
as consultants or attendings or on a fee-basis, and including those utilized on an
on-facility contract or on-facility sharing agreement basis, are required to certify
that they are physically and mentally capable of performing the requested
privileges. Service chiefs will be required to certify that, to the best of their
knowledge, the applicant or employee is physically and mentally capable of
satisfactorily performing the requested clinical privileges. In cases where the
service chief is a nonphysician, certification of satisfactory health status must
also be obtained from a physician who is familiar with the duties the individual is
privileged to perform.
a. General. Medical, dental, podiatry, optometry, and chiropractic residents and
trainees appointed under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7405, 7406 must meet the licensure
requirements for residents and trainees specified in the appropriate qualification
standard for the occupation. If licensure is required, evidence of licensure must
be furnished prior to appointment and periodically throughout VHA employment
as requested.
NOTE: See VHA Handbook 1400.01, Supervision of Physician, Dental,
Optometry, Chiropractic, and Podiatry Residents.
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b. Verification.
(1) The program director for an integrated program must send the Trainee
Qualifications and Credentials Verification Letter (TQCVL) (formerly the
Residents/Trainees Credentials Verification Letter or RCVL) through the
facility chief of staff to the facility director for approval prior to the facility
director’s approval of the appointment of any resident or trainee, whether
paid or without compensation. If the residency or training program is not
integrated with an affiliate, the VA facility program director must verify all
credentials of residents or trainees and sign the TQCVL. A new TQCVL is
required for each academic year that the resident or trainee is appointed to
a VA facility.
(2) The TQCVL contains certification that all the documents needed for the
appointment of that particular individual into the program are in order. For
medical residents, these documents must be in compliance with the
requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME) and must also meet all requirements of the program. The
program director must verify all credentials (diplomas, letters of reference,
certificates of advanced training and, where applicable, Educational
Council for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certification, DEA
certification and all state professional licenses held prior to entry into the
program or obtained during residency training), and affirm the resident or
trainee is physically and mentally fit to take care of patients. (See appendix
II-K of this chapter for sample TQCVL letter.)
(3) The program director will notify the facility director if a resident or trainee
has had any credentialing problems. Specifically, this will include any
problems relating to diplomas, references, previous residency or other
training, licensure, clinical privileges, DEA certification, and/or professional
liability insurance as indicated on the employment applications. (VA Form
10-2850b, Application for Residency, for medical and dental residents and
VA Form 10-2850c for other residents and trainees.)
(4) Residents functioning within the scope of their training program must meet
clinical practice requirements as specified in VHA Handbook 1400.01,
[Supervision of Physician, Dental, Optometry, Chiropractic, and Podiatry
Residents]. The program director, or in certain cases, by the appropriate
VA service chief must provide the TQCVL that confirms that ACGME-
established criteria for the essentials and special requirements for
residency training programs have been followed. Such residents are
generally excluded from clinical privileging requirements required for VHA
staff physicians, except as provided for in subparagraph d of this
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(5) Appendix II-K of this chapter contains a sample format for the TQCVL. It
must include a list of all the paid or without compensation residents or
trainees to be rotated at any time during the academic year to the VA
(6) The facility chief of staff will retain the original TQCVL from each program
director for the academic year in a Resident/Trainee Credentials
Verification File for five years.
(7) Until the facility director countersigns the program director’s TQCVL, a
resident or trainee will not be allowed to participate in any of the patient
care activities at the VA facility. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
c. Application Form. Prior to appointing any resident or trainee, the facility chief of
staff or the facility director’s designee will document in the VHA credentialing file
evidence of current, full, and unrestricted licensure, registration, and/or
certification has been verified by primary source from the SLB in which the
applicant claims to have ever been licensed. The TQCVL may be cited as
evidence of licensure verification and as evidence of verification of other
required credentials. If the TQCVL is cited as evidence of credentials
verification, this will be noted on the VA Form 10-2850b and 10-2850c or on VA
Form 4682, Certification of Licensure, Registration, or Bar Membership.
d. Employment of Residents as Admitting Physicians. Medical residents
functioning outside the scope of their training program who are appointed as
admitting physicians must meet VA physician qualification standard
requirements, including licensure in a state, be fully credentialed in accordance
with provisions of this section, and be privileged in accordance with provisions
applicable to VHA staff physicians.
[ ]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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Chapter 3
a. Applications Received by Facilities. Applications received by facilities will be
referred promptly to the Human Resources (HR) Office. The HR Office staff will
review applications for compliance with administrative and regulatory
requirements. Candidates who fail to meet these requirements and thus fail to
qualify for appointment will be notified by the Human Resources Management
Officer. Applications from selectees who meet VA requirements for appointment
under 38 U.S.C § 7401(1) will be referred to the appropriate [supervisory official]
for necessary action as follows:
NOTE: See section F of this part for those occupations under
38 U.S.C. § 7401(3)):]
(1) Selection and Appointment Action.
(b) The [supervisory official, in collaboration with HR,] will evaluate
qualifications and recommend a grade level and step based on VA
qualification standard requirements. Except for physicians, dentists,
and podiatrists, the [supervisor] will also recommend a rate of pay
with due consideration being given to prior service and professional
achievement. (See VA Directive and Handbook 5007, Pay
Administration, Part II.) [ ] For physician service chiefs and
comparable positions, see appendix II-H1.
(c) For podiatrists, see appendix II-H3.
(d) For optometrists, see appendix II-H4.
(e) For chiefs of nurse anesthesiology sections, see appendix II-H6.
[ ]
(f) For Chiefs of Pharmacy Service (all grades), [ ] see appendix II-H8.
(g) For occupational and physical therapists as section chief, see
appendix II-H9.
(h) For registered nurses [and advanced practice nurses] at grades IV
and V, see appendices II-H5.
(i) For Dentists and EFDAs, see appendix II-H2.
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(j) For doctor of chiropractic, see appendix II-H10.
NOTE: See section B, paragraph 11 of this chapter for provisions
relating to Deans Committee recommendations.
(2) Action When No Facility Vacancy Exists. When a facility receives an
application and no appropriate vacancy exists at that facility, and the
applicant wishes employment elsewhere, the HR Officer will advise the
applicant to consult the VHA vacancy database [] for
the location of current vacancies. At the applicant’s request, the application
will be referred for employment consideration to the VA facility of the
applicant’s choice which has a suitable vacancy.
b. Applications Received by Central Office. If the applicant is to be considered
for facility assignment, the application will be referred to the facility of the
applicant’s choice and processed as provided in subparagraph (1). If the
applicant is to be considered for Central Office assignment, an interview may be
conducted in Central Office or at a VA facility determined to be more convenient.
The [hiring official] will consider the applicant’s professional qualifications [ ] and
forward [selection] to the appropriate approving authority. The [servicing HR
Office for VA] Central Office will take the necessary appointment action.
c. Applicants Not Recommended for Appointment. When an applicant is not
recommended for appointment [ ], the applicant will be notified in a letter, signed
by the facility chief of staff or appropriate approving authority that the individual’s
appointment has not been recommended. The letter will briefly state the basis
for the action. The letter should be reviewed by the HR Officer for adherence to
technical requirements.
a. Full-time, part-time or intermittent podiatrists, optometrists, chiropractors, RNs,
APNs, PAs, and EFDAs, who meet the qualification requirements for
appointment, may have their initial rate of pay fixed at a step rate above the
minimum of the appropriate grade in recognition of superior qualifications,
experience, and/or achievement exceeding the expected standards for the
grade. The initial rate of pay may be set at any step rate within the grade (See
VA Directive and Handbook 5007, Pay Administration, Part II.)
NOTE: Physicians and dentists are not eligible for appointment above the
minimum rate of the grade. The step rate for a physician or dentist is determined
by the number of total years of service the individual has worked in the VHA as
reflected by his/her VA service date. However, superior qualifications for
physicians and dentists can be addressed through the use of market pay. See
part IX of VA Handbook 5007, Pay Administration.
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b. Individuals appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3), or under authority
of 38 U.S.C. 7405 to occupations identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3), may be
appointed above the minimum step of the grade under provision of VA Directive
and Handbook 5007, Pay Administration. This includes hybrid title 38
occupations. The step rate for occupations under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) cannot be
based on the number of years of experience alone. The specific criteria for steps
above the minimum rate in VA Handbook 5007, Pay Administration, Part II,
Chapter 3, Paragraph 3b must be justified.
c. Appointment at a step rate above the minimum shall be based on conclusive
evidence of superior qualifications which equates to the step rate assigned.
Qualifications used to meet minimum grade level requirements in the
qualification standard will not be used to also justify appointment at a step rate
above the minimum of the grade. Determinations as to whether an individual
should be appointed at a step rate above the minimum will be made fairly,
consistently and according to Department criteria. The following are examples of
appropriate criteria:
(1) Significant and distinguished contribution in some phase of the appropriate
occupation as evidenced by difficult and original research, writing, and
publications in professional media of stature or special recognition in
teaching, or professional practice.
(2) Special competence in the occupation as evidenced by service with
professionally recognized committees, groups or responsible offices in
professional societies above the local level, or consultative services within
the occupation. The competence attained must be supported by
achievement of renown on a regional or wider basis.
(3) Educational preparation that clearly exceeds requirements for the grade,
expertise in specialized treatment modalities, outstanding competence as a
clinical practitioner or significant contributions concerning some aspect of
the occupation.
(4) Eligibility for certification or certification by an American Specialty Board.
(5) Certification by the appropriate national certifying body to formally
recognize a level of excellence based on demonstrated superior
performance in clinical practice, assessment of knowledge and colleague
(6) Other appropriate evidence of professional stature.
d. [ ] Processing. The approval of step rates above the minimum is subject to the
following requirements:
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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(1) RNs/APNS. The facility director (or nurse executive, if so delegated) [ ]
may approve the appointment of RNs at any step above the minimum of
the grade.
(2) APNs (CNAs). The facility director [(or chief of staff or nurse executive, if
so delegated)] may approve the appointment of APNs (CNAs) to any step
above the minimum of the grade. APNs (CNAs) appointed on or after May
4,1993, may not be appointed at a step rate above the minimum for the
grade based on certification by the Council on Certification of Nurse
Anesthetists. Certification is a condition of employment and may not be
used as a basis for appointment above the minimum step of the grade on
initial appointment or reappointment.
(3) PAs. The facility director [ ] may approve the appointment of PAs to any
step above the minimum of Chief grade or below.
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38 U.S.C. § 7401
1. GENERAL. The primary consideration, prior to making selections and appointments
under this authority, is to evaluate qualifications and personal characteristics as they
relate to what is essential to successful performance of assigned responsibilities.
Prior to effecting appointments under this authority, [ ] HR staff [ ] and hiring officials
are required to determine that the candidate’s professional qualifications, physical
and mental capacity, emotional stability, and any other pertinent qualifying factors,
warrant a permanent appointment. The use of this appointment authority should
essentially provide tenure for the employee and ensure the continuation of quality
service for VHA. (See section G for procedures concerning full-time temporary, part-
time, intermittent or fee-basis appointments under 38 U.S.C. § 7405.)
2. APPOINTMENTS UNDER 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1). Only full-time permanent
appointments of physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, chiropractors, RNs,
APNs, PAs, and EFDAs are made under authority of section 7401(1). These
appointments are subject to a two-year probationary period requirement as specified
in 38 U.S.C. § 7403(b)(1). (See Sections A and G of this chapter for probationary
period requirements for individuals appointed as part-time or intermittent registered
nurses under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)).
a. [The appropriate supervisor will obtain approval to fill a vacant position in
accordance with local facility procedures. Once approval is obtained, the service
will initiate the recruitment action and contact the servicing HR Office.
b. Before recruitment is initiated, HR staff will work in collaboration with the hiring
official and/or designated occupational subject matter expert (SME) to identify
the eligibility and qualifications requirements pertaining to the assignment and
grade level for the position to be filled in accordance with the qualification
standards found in VA Handbook 5005, Part II, Appendix G. If the hiring official
is not a SME in the profession, the supervisor must consult with the profession’s
SME throughout the recruitment and onboarding process for the vacant position.
c. Once applications are received, HR staff will determine eligibility and
qualifications in accordance with standards found in VA Handbook 5005, Part II,
Appendix G, document the determination as instructed by VHA national policy
office and recommend the appropriate grade to the hiring official for
appointments, promotions, reassignments, details, and change to lower grades.
The qualification determination for each applicant must be documented by HR
completing a separate VHA qualification form for each of the applicants.
d. HR staff will notify candidates who fail to meet the requirements and fail to
qualify for appointment.
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e. Processing requests for promotions, reassignments, and change to lower grades
must be made in compliance with VA Handbook 5005, Staffing, Part III, Chapter
4, paragraph 9.
f. The hiring official will receive a list of qualified applicants from HR staff for
consideration of the vacancy. If the hiring official is not a SME for the profession,
the hiring official must consult with the profession’s SME throughout the
recruitment and onboarding process for the vacant position. The hiring official
and/or occupational SME will review applicant(s) referred for selection. This may
take the form of a panel.
(1) Acceptable SMEs may be identified by national program offices for specific
(2) If a SME designation is not made by the national program office for the
assignment, then a SME is a person with direct knowledge or with bona
fide expert knowledge of what is performed in the job.
(3) An SME must have received training on the requirements in the
qualification standard for the occupation/assignment and should typically
be at or above the grade levels being considered for the candidate.
g. The SME will resolve any issues and/or concerns with HR regarding functional
statements, announcements, and qualification determinations of applicants
being referred and considered.
h. When there is a disagreement on the interpretation of a qualification standard for
the development of a functional statement, posting of vacancy or qualification
standard determination, the servicing HR Office will request guidance,
interpretation, and decision from the Office of Workforce Management and
Consulting (WMC). WMC will seek guidance from the designated national
program office. If further resolution is needed, WMC will consult with the
OCHCO, Recruitment and Placement Policy Service (059).
i. The Facility/Medical Center Director/Network Director or delegated officials will
(for personnel under their jurisdiction) review and serve as the deciding official
on requests for above the minimum entrance rate on appointments. (See VA
Handbook 5007, Pay Administration, Part VI, chapter 6.)
j. The Under Secretary for Health or delegated/designated Central Office Officials
will (for personnel under their jurisdiction) review and serve as the deciding
official on requests for above the minimum entrance rate on appointments.]
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3. APPOINTMENTS UNDER 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3). Only full-time permanent
appointments of hybrid title 38 employees are made under authority of section
7401(3). These appointments are subject to title 5 probationary period requirements.
(See chapter 2, section A, paragraph 9, this part.)
a. The supervisor at the appropriate level will obtain an approval to fill a vacant
position in accordance with local procedures. Once approval is obtained the
service will initiate recruitment action and contact the servicing HR Office.
b. Before recruitment is initiated, HR staff will work in collaboration with the
[selecting official and/or designated occupational subject matter expert (SME)] to
determine the eligibility and qualifications requirements that pertain to the
assignment and grade level for the position to be filled in accordance with the
qualification standards found in VA Handbook 5005, Part II Appendices found in
Appendix G. If the [selecting official] is not a subject matter expert in the
profession, the supervisor must consult with the profession’s subject matter
expert throughout the recruitment and onboarding process for the vacant
c. HR staff will determine eligibility and qualifications in accordance with standards
found in VA Handbook 5005, Part II found in Appendix G, document the
determination as instructed by VHA national policy office and recommend the
appropriate grade to the selecting official for appointments, promotions,
reassignments, [details] and change to lower grades. The qualification
determination for each applicant must be documented by HR staff completing a
separate VHA qualification form for each of the applicants.
d. HR staff will notify candidates who fail to meet the requirements and fail to
qualify for appointment.
e. Processing requests for promotions, reassignments and change to lower grades
in compliance with VA Handbook 5005, Part III, Chapter 4, paragraph 9.
f. [The selecting official will receive a list of qualified applicants from HR staff for
consideration of the vacancy. If the selecting official is not a SME for the
profession, the selecting official must consult with the profession’s SME
throughout the recruitment and onboarding process for the vacant position. The
selecting official and/or the occupational SME will review applicant(s) referred for
selection. This may take the form of a panel.
g. An SME is one who holds a position that is designated by the national program
office as the SME (e.g., Social Work Chief) through guidance provided in policy;
or if the SME designation is not made by the national program office, then an
SME is a person with direct knowledge or with bona fide expert knowledge of
what is done in the job. An SME must have received training on the qualification
standard of the occupation and assignment. The SME will address any issues
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and/or concerns with HR regarding functional statements; announcements; and
qualification determinations of applicants being referred and considered. When
there is a disagreement on the interpretation of a qualification standard for the
development of a functional statement, posting of vacancy or qualification
determination, the servicing HR Office will request guidance, interpretation, and
decision from the Office of Workforce Management and Consulting (WMC).
WMC will seek guidance from the designated national program office and/or
Recruitment and Placement Policy Service (059) when appropriate and/or
h. Once a selection is made the supervisor will consult with HR and the profession
subject matter expert (if applicable) and submit supporting documentation for
utilization of pay setting flexibilities (if applicable) found in VA Handbook 5007,
Pay Administration, Part II, Chapters 2, 3 and 4, pertaining to hybrid title 38.
i. Facility/Medical Center Director or Network Director will (for personnel under
their jurisdiction) review and serve as the deciding official on requests for
additional steps above the minimum on appointments.
NOTE: For more information on probationary periods, see section A, paragraph
4 of this chapter and VA Directive and Handbook 5021, Employee/Management
Relations, Part III.
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U.S.C. § 7405
a. General. Temporary full-time appointments are made under authority of 38
U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1). These appointments may be made when they are in the
best interest of the service, such as under the following circumstances:
(1) To employ individuals in occupations identified in sections 7401(1) and
7401(3) when the work to be performed by the employee is of a temporary
nature and can be completed within a 3-year or shorter period.
(2) To employ [temporary full-time RNs, APNs, PAs, EFDAs or hybrid title 38
employees pending processing of probationary appointments when the
applicants meet the basic requirements for appointment. [ ] This includes
appointments above the minimum step of the grade for temporary full-time
RNs, APNs, PAs, and EFDAs provided the application and related
documentation show evidence of superior qualifications as described in
section E, paragraph 2 of this chapter.
(3) To employ physicians pending processing of probationary appointments
when probationary appointments require the approval of the Under
Secretary for Health or designee.
(4) To employ residents who have just completed their formal VA residency
training and are awaiting probationary appointment.
(5) To reemploy annuitants.
(6) To employ noncitizens when it is not possible to recruit qualified citizens for
necessary services.
(7) To employ non-licensed physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, and
chiropractors for utilization in research or academic positions or in positions
where there is no direct responsibility for the care of patients. (See section
B, paragraph 14.)
(8) To employ non-licensed physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists,
chiropractors, or unregistered nurses and nurse anesthetists when the
individual is to serve in a country other than the United States and the
individual is licensed or registered in the country in which the individual is
to serve. (See section B, paragraphs 14 and 15.)
(9) To employ physicians in the Research and Development Program as
research associates [ ].
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(10) To employ physicians in the Distinguished Physician Program [ ].
b. Duration of Appointments. Temporary full-time appointments may be made for
any period up to three years depending on the needs of the service. Such
appointments may be renewed, but the aggregate period of temporary service
normally will not exceed six years. The facility director may grant exceptions to
permit renewals (in increments of up to three years) beyond six years when this
type of appointment best meets the needs of the VA medical program.
c. Consideration for Probationary or Permanent Appointment. Individuals
serving under this type of appointment who meet requirements in 38 U.S.C. §
7402 and in the appropriate VA qualification standard may be considered [ ] for
an appointment under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or 7401(3), as appropriate, on
recommendation of the appropriate service chief or equivalent position. If their
services are needed for an indefinite period, they should be considered for such
an appointment in connection with any consideration for an additional 3-year
d. Processing. Applicants for temporary full-time appointments will be processed
in the same manner as regular full-time appointees, except the qualifications of
RN, APN, PA, and hybrid title 38 applicants being considered for temporary full-
time appointments pending processing of a probationary appointment will be
reviewed by the appropriate service chief or equivalent position. The service
chief will make a recommendation for appointment to the facility director [or
delegated deciding official].
a. Use of Part-Time and Intermittent Personnel.
(1) It is VHA policy to use the services of qualified individuals on a part-time or
intermittent basis when necessary to alleviate recruitment difficulties and in
all cases where VHA work requirements do not support employment on a
full-time basis. Decisions concerning utilization of part-time or intermittent
employees must be related to patient care and other VA work requirements
and supported by relevant staffing guidelines. Part-time physicians on
adjustable work hours are also to be held accountable for providing the
expected level of patient care and other services to VA as outlined in the
Worksheet for Determining Percentages on Memorandum of Service Level
Expectations, Appendix B, VA Handbook 5011, Hours of Duty and Leave.
(2) A part-time appointment shall be utilized when an employee’s services are
required on less than a full-time basis. An intermittent appointment shall be
used when the need for services is of such a nature that it is not possible
or desirable to establish a regular and prearranged schedule.
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(3) Part-time or intermittent appointments may be made either on a time-
limited basis or without time limit depending on the needs of the facility.
(4) Part-time and intermittent appointments shall be reviewed on a regular
periodical basis and when vacancies occur and when there are significant
workload changes to as certain whether the utilization specified is realistic
and meets the objectives of the organizational unit’s staffing plan. Network
and medical center directors must document each review assessing
whether or not the position meets VA’s needs. When actual utilization does
not meet original expectations, the appointment action shall be amended to
show the new conditions of utilization. For part-time physicians on
adjustable work service level agreement.
b. Special Provisions for Part-Time Physicians on Adjustable Work Hours.
Part-time physicians on adjustable work hours must sign a memorandum related
to service level expectations as outlined in VA Handbook 5011, Hours of Duty
and Leave. Physicians may decide to discontinue complying with the
Memorandum of Service Level Expectations at any time. However, this must be
done in writing as a current, signed memorandum related to service level
expectations is required to participate in adjustable work hours. In addition, a
memorandum related to service level expectations does not alter the
applicability of VHA regulations and procedures concerning terms, conditions,
and duration of employment, nor does this memorandum constitute an
employment contract.
c. Processing Appointments.
(1) Part-time and intermittent appointments made under authority of
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) will be processed (including Board Action for
occupations under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1)) in the same manner as regular
full-time appointments. Appointees must meet the basic requirements for
appointment in VHA.
(2) For part-time employees, the expected number of hours to be performed
during the service year will be determined before an appointment is
affected. The expected number of hours will also be recorded on SF 50-B
and will not be exceeded unless the facility director authorizes the excess. [
(3) A part-time or intermittent employee [appointed under 38 U.S.C. §
7405(a)(1) (except Physicians)] may not be scheduled for employment
which will exceed [1872] hours [ ] of full-time employment during a
[calendar] year. Generally, for employees who hold more than one type of
appointment (i.e., fee-basis and part-time or intermittent), the combination
of basic pay and fees may not exceed the basic salary of a seven-eighths
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part-time employee in the same grade and step in a fiscal year. (See VA
Directive and Handbook 5007, Pay Administration.)
a. General. This paragraph contains procedures for the employment of consultants
and attendings on an individual basis under the authority of
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) or (2).
b. Definitions.
(1) Consultant. A well-qualified specialist in an occupation identified in
38 U.S.C. 7401(1) or (3) who is capable of giving authoritative views and
opinions on subjects in the consultant’s particular field. A consultant’s
expertise may consist of broad administrative or professional experience
enabling the consultant to give advice of distinctive value.
(2) Attending. An individual in an occupation identified in
38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or (3) of demonstrated ability in the field who is
employed to perform or supervise the performance of duties related to
various professional activities such as teaching, patient treatment, etc.
(3) Nonmedical Consultant. An individual, not in one of the occupations
indicated in subparagraphs (1) and (2), who has excellent qualifications
and a high degree of attainment in the consultant’s field. Because of
superior knowledge, and mastery of principles and practices, the
consultant is regarded as an authority or practitioner of unusual
(4) Lump-Sum Fee. A method of paying consultants and attendings by the
payment of a flat sum for each visit or period of service rendered. It
consists of the fee for services to be rendered, plus the cost of
transportation if required, and per diem at the applicable rate if travel is
involved. The service fee is that portion of the fee exclusive of travel and
per diem allowances.
(5) Per Annum Salary. A method of paying consultants and attendings on a
per annum basis. The salary is computed by multiplying the number of
projected visits to be made during the year by the fee authorized per visit.
(6) Salary Limitation. A ceiling placed on the amount of compensation a
consultant or attending may receive from VA during the fiscal year.
(7) Visit. Attendance at a VA facility for consultation or conference work of a
continuing nature dealing with one or more cases or matters of a
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professional nature. If a visit is interrupted by an overnight break, services
performed on subsequent days are counted as additional visits.
c. Appointment and Reappointment Approving Authorities.
(1) The Under Secretary for Health or designee is the approval authority for
appointments and reappointments of VHA Central Office consultants.
(2) The facility director is the approval authority for appointments and
reappointments not requiring approval of the Under Secretary for Health or
d. Types of Utilization.
(1) Authority. Consultants and attendings, including nonmedical consultants,
are normally employed under the authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7405(a)(1) and
7405(a)(2). Section 7405(a)(1) will be used for all consultants and
attendings paid on a per annum basis and section 7405(a)(2) for those
paid on a lump-sum fee-basis.
(2) Methods of Pay.
(a) Per annum. Employment of consultants and attendings on this basis
is predicated on general availability for recurring and regularly
scheduled duty to meet the anticipated needs of VA.
i When a consultant or attending is available for duty but is not
called to render service on a particular day of the scheduled tour,
no recovery proceedings for payment will be instituted.
ii When a consultant or attending is unavailable for a particular
period, the individual will be in a non-pay status and the salary
reduced for the number of projected visits missed. If the individual
is frequently unavailable for call, a change to lump-sum fee-basis
utilization should be considered.
iii Normally, the number of visits made during the fiscal year will
equal or exceed the projected number used in computing the per
annum salary. The exception would be those cases of reducing
salary for unavailability as outlined in subparagraph 2. However, if
experience during the fiscal year shows that the original projection
of the need for services was too high or too low, the chief of staff
will notify the HR Officer to modify the appointment to reflect the
new conditions of utilization. The action will be effective at the
beginning of the next pay period.
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(b) Lump-Sum Fee-Basis. This type of utilization is required for
intermittent services. In addition, it is required in the employment of
consultants and attendings who have been authorized to perform
services at other than VA facilities; and when travel is performed on a
day immediately before and/or after service is rendered. At the option
of local management, lump-sum fee-basis may also be used for
regularly scheduled services.
(c) Without Compensation (WOC) Basis. Services of consultants and
attendings may be accepted on a WOC basis under the same
conditions applying to other WOC individuals covered in paragraph 7
of this section.
e. Employment Requirements and Determinations.
(1) Qualification Requirements. Consultants, attendings, and nonmedical
consultants must meet the basic requirement of 38 U.S.C. § 7402 and/or
appropriate qualification standards, in addition to having outstanding
professional ability in their respective fields. [ ]
(2) Duration of Employment. Consultants and attendings will be employed
for a fiscal year or fraction thereof, depending on the need. All appointment
and reappointment actions will be made to terminate not later than
September 30 of each year. Past appointments will be reviewed annually
by the HR Officer and reappointments effected only for those consultants
and attendings the facility expects to use during the upcoming fiscal year.
(3) Dual Employment. The dual employment of consultants or attendings may
be approved in accordance with the provisions of section A, paragraph 3b,
this chapter. It is the responsibility of facility officials to as certain whether
or not a consultant or attending serves another VA facility or another
Federal agency and to make sure that the individual is not paid by VA for
more than one visit a day. The apportionment of the maximum annual pay
limitation for each type of employment should be furnished by the facility
requesting dual employment.
f. Appointment and Reappointment Procedures.
(1) Recommendations for Approval. See section B of this chapter for
application, interview and credentialing requirements relating to the
appointment of consultants and attendings.
(2) Processing.
(a) Central Office Consultants. For Central Office consultants, FL 10-
332, Letter of Appointment on a Lump-Sum Fee-Basis, will be used
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for appointments and reappointments and will be prepared for the
signature of the Under Secretary for Health. Reappointment letters
will be automatically produced by the Austin Automation Center
(b) Security Forms - Dual Employment.
i The HR Officer will ascertain whether the required security forms
have been processed in order to avoid duplication of effort. It
generally should be possible to determine this by review of the
application form or contacting the individual to find out whether the
person is being utilized by another VA facility or another
Government agency. In that case the necessary information may
be secured from the particular VA facility or the Government
agency and a copy of any correspondence placed in the
employee’s file folder to obviate further processing of security
ii When processing of security forms is required, the HR Officer
located nearest the residence of the consultant or attending, or as
agreed on locally by the HR Officers of the applicable facilities, will
prepare the necessary security forms. The HR Officer, after
processing the forms, will notify the HR Officer(s) of the other
facilities where the individual is being utilized. Evidence of such
notification will be filed by each facility in the employee’s file folder.
NOTE: See VA Directive and Handbook 0710, Personnel
Suitability and Security Program.
(c) Appointments. The HR Officer is responsible for processing
appointments of consultants and attendings.
i Per Annum. Appointment actions for consultants and attendings
on a per annum basis under authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)
will be effected using SF 50 B, Notification of Personnel Action. SF
50-B will reflect the following information:
(A) The nature of action will be “Excepted appointment NTE
9/30/(YR) .
(B) Indicate under item 20 the per annum salary.
(C) In the “Remarks” section show “Computation of annual salary
of $ is based on an estimated visits at $ per visit
during the fiscal year 20(YR). Entitlement to salary is based
on availability for duty.”
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(D) In some cases, it may be necessary to modify an
appointment to reflect new conditions of utilization. The
“Remarks” section will show the revised basis of computation
of the per annum salary.
ii Lump-Sum Fee-Basis. FL 10-332, Letter of Appointment on a
Lump-Sum Fee-Basis, will be issued to appoint consultants and
attendings on a lump-sum under authority of
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(2), including nonmedical consultants. A new
letter will be issued if needs of the service and conditions of
utilization change during the first year of appointment.
(d) Reappointments.
i Per Annum. Per annum consultants and as described in
subparagraph (c) 1, except that the nature of action will be
“Conversion to excepted appointment NTE 9/30(YR) .”
ii Lump-Sum Fee-Basis. Fee-basis consultants and attendings will
be reappointed using FL-10-332a, Letter of Reappointment on a
Lump-Sum Fee-Basis, in accordance with current VHA
instructions. The form will be signed by the facility director, chief of
staff, or HR Officer.
(e) Disposition of Forms.
i Applications and other forms for consultants and attendings will be
placed in a file folder with a tab listing the individual’s name, date
of birth, and social security number.
ii Folders will be maintained alphabetically by appointment category
and filed in location designed by the facility.
BASIS UNDER 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(2).
a. General. On recommendation of the facility chief of staff, the facility director may
appoint professional and technical personnel on an on-facility fee-basis under
authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(2). The Chief, Dental Service, will recommend
appointments of dentists and EFDAs. Appointments may be made for an
indefinite period of time.
b. Application. Applicants will submit an appropriate application form to the facility
where they seek employment. Forms to be used are VA Form 10-2850,
Application for Physicians, Dentists, Podiatrists, Optometrists, and
Chiropractors; VA Form 10-2850a, Application for Nurses and Nurse
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Anesthetist; VA Form 10-2850c, Application for Associated Health Occupations
or OF 612 [ ]. All items will be completed in sufficient detail to enable the
responsible official to make determinations concerning citizenship, licensure or
registration, and other qualifications. In emergency situations, the facility director
may approve appointments of individuals who have not completed an application
if applicants meet appropriate qualification requirements. (See section B, this
chapter, for credentialing requirements, including those related to emergency
c. Selection.
(1) The facility chief of staff will determine qualifications, select and
recommend physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, optometrists, RNs,
APNs, and PAs. The Chief, Dental Service will do this for dentists and
(2) The HR Officer will determine qualifications for other professional and
technical personnel consistent with VA or Office of Personnel Management
requirements. The appropriate program officials will select and recommend
employment for these individuals.
d. Appointment.
(1) Approval Authority. The facility director will approve appointments.
(2) Letter of Appointment. The facility director or HR Officer will sign a letter
of appointment giving all pertinent details. The original of the letter will be
given to the appointee, with copies to the servicing HR Office, Fiscal
Service and the utilizing service.
(3) Disposition of Forms. Records of personnel appointed under this
paragraph will be placed in a file folder (not personnel folder) with a tab
listing the individual’s name, date of birth, and social security number.
These records will be maintained alphabetically by appointment category
and filed in a location designated by the facility.
e. Pay. See VA Directive and Handbook 5007, Pay Administration, Part II.
NOTE: Persons authorized to provide outpatient services at VA
expense on an off-facility fee-basis in professional offices, clinics or
other non-VA facilities are not considered employees for the purposes
of this chapter. Instructions for their utilization are contained in VHA
Manual M-1, part I, chapter 18.
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7405 (a)(1)(D).
a. General.
(1) Student Technicians.
(a) A student enrolled in an approved nursing school, an approved
school of nurse anesthesia or enrolled in an approved training or
educational program for an occupation identified in
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(A) or (B), may be appointed on a temporary
full-time, part-time or intermittent basis under the provisions of
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(D) for a period not to exceed the duration of
the individual’s program.
(b) The appointment of student technicians can help meet patient care
needs and also enhance the recruitment of promising students for
career service with VA. With the proper orientation to the assignment
and under appropriate professional supervision, students can perform
duties consistent with the courses they have successfully completed.
For example, a student nurse technician could give medications
under supervision of the registered nurse, give baths, check vital
signs, provide tracheotomy care, and detect signs and symptoms of
bleeding and respiratory problems.
(2) Other Student Employment.
(a) General. [Directors of health care facilities] may approve
appointments of students in occupations other than those cited in
paragraph (1) under authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(D).
(b) Selection.
i Candidates normally will be selected from among students whose
interests or career objectives are in health care areas.
ii Normally, a panel will be established for the purpose of screening
qualifications and ranking student applicants for selection
consideration. Preference will be given to students whose
qualifications, personal traits, and career motivation appear to offer
the best potential for service in VHA and for future contributions to
the career field in general. The hiring official will choose applicants
for employment from the listing developed by the qualification-
screening panel.
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iii VA student volunteer workers who have demonstrated interest in a
health-related career should be encouraged to apply for student
employment. Selection of qualified students from this group
encourages continued volunteer youth participation and acts as an
incentive to other students to serve as volunteers.
iv The Human Resources Officer is responsible for the administration
of this program, including determining the extent to which the
program is publicized and the selection process to be used by the
facility. This official is also responsible for documenting all such
determinations once they are made.
(c) Funds.
i Available facility funds must be used. If research funds are used,
appointments of students for medical research activities will be
approved by the facility’s Research and Development Committee.
Education funds are not to be used for the employment of
ii This employment has no relation to authorized training programs
or clinical clerkships under which paid or without compensation
(WOC) students receive credits from affiliated universities.
(3) Nurse Technician Pending Graduation.
(a) In a limited number of states, students who have completed a
designated segment of their nursing studies but have not yet
graduated are permitted to obtain registration as a graduate
professional nurse.
(b) A student enrolled in an approved nursing school who possesses
active, current registration to practice nursing in a State may be
appointed on a temporary full-time, part-time or intermittent basis
under the provision of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(D) for a period not to
exceed the duration of the individual’s academic program.
(4) Graduate Technicians.
(a) A graduate nurse who has successfully completed a full course of
nursing in an approved nursing school; a graduate physician
assistant who has completed a full course of training as a physician
assistant in an approved program; or a graduate of an approved
training or educational program in an occupation identified in
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(B), whose licensure or registration in a state,
or certification by the appropriate national certifying organization, is
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pending may be appointed on a temporary full-time, part-time or
intermittent basis under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1)(D)
for a period not to exceed 2 years (e.g., graduate nurse technician,
graduate physical therapy technician, graduate pharmacy technician,
etc.). Appointments may not be extended.
(b) A graduate nurse or LPN who fails to qualify for registration [upon two
attempts within 120 days of appointment,] will be separated from the
service on 2 weeks’ notice regardless of the termination date of the
temporary appointment. In [unusual circumstances, the 120-day
period for obtaining registration may be extended on a case-by-case
basis (i.e., delays in State Nursing Boards ability for timely
examination). Extensions must be requested in writing through the
ADPCS, or equivalent, for a formal decision by the VISN Chief Nurse
Officer (CNO), or equivalent. See VA Handbook 5005, Part II,
Appendices G6a-G6d for information on graduate nurses for APN
(c) A graduate PA or other hybrid title 38 employees who fails to qualify
for licensure, registration or certification when required will be
permitted to remain on VA rolls pending results of reexamination
provided reexamination occurs prior to the expiration date of the
temporary appointment.
(d) Graduate technician experience can be credited as successful
nursing practice or as successful experience which may be used in
meeting grade level requirements as indicated in the appropriate
qualification standard.
b. Approved Training or Educational Programs. Approved programs must be in
schools or educational institutions approved by the Secretary as indicated in the
appropriate qualification standard.
c. Approval Authority. On recommendation of the appropriate service chief or
equivalent, the facility director may approve technician appointments. The facility
director may delegate approval authority for hybrid title 38 employees as
indicated in paragraph 2 of section A, this chapter.
d. Processing.
(1) Student technicians will submit OF 612 [ ]. Nurse technicians pending
graduation and graduate nurse technicians will submit VA Form 10-2850a.
Other graduate technicians will submit VA Form 10-2850c.
(2) After determining that the applicant meets qualification requirements, the
appropriate service chief or equivalent will forward SF 52, Request for
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Personnel Action, to the HR Officer. Following approval by the facility
director, the HR Officer will effect the appointment. [ ].
e. Pay. See VA Directive and Handbook 5007, Pay Administration.
f. Conversions. Processing technicians for conversion should be initiated prior to
their eligibility dates whenever possible [ ]. Conversions will be effected the first
day of the pay period following administrative approval.
(1) Student Technicians. A student technician who graduates from an
approved school and is pending licensure or registration in a State, or
certification by the appropriate national certifying organization, may be
converted to a graduate technician appointment. [ ].
(2) Nurse Technicians Pending Graduation. Following graduation from an
approved nursing school, a nurse technician selected for continued VA
employment will be converted to a registered nurse appointment under
38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or 7405(a)(1)(A) at the grade and step rate for which
qualified, without regard to any other restrictions. [ ]
(3) Graduate Technicians. Following attainment of licensure or registration in
a State or certification by the national certifying organization, a graduate
technician selected for continued VA employment will be converted to an
appointment in the appropriate occupation under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1),
7401(3), 7405(a)(1)(A) or 7405(a)(1)(B).
a. General.
(1) 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) is primarily used to obtain the services of
physicians, dentists, RNs, APNs and other individuals in occupations
identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) and 7401(3). However, it may be used
under certain conditions to obtain the services of medical support
personnel in occupations other than those identified in
38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and 7401(3). Appointments of medical support
personnel, other than trainees and students, may be made on a temporary
full-time basis for a period not to exceed three years, or on a part-time or
intermittent basis for a period not to exceed one year. Full-time
appointments under this authority may be renewed for one or more
additional periods not in excess of three years each. Part-time and
intermittent appointments are non-renewable. Appointments of associated
health trainees and students in occupations other than those identified in
38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) and 7401(3) may be made on a temporary full-time
basis not to exceed three years, or on a part-time or intermittent basis for a
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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Chapter 3
period of time consistent with individual training program requirements.
(See subparagraph b. below.)
(2) The use of this authority is desirable and appropriate for the employment of
trainees accepted in VA associated health training programs; high school
graduates and college students participating in the VHA summer
employment program; students and others, particularly those engaged in
the medical research programs, when it is determined impracticable to
obtain the necessary services through regular competitive employment
procedures. Under no circumstances may this authority be used to
circumvent the competitive employment procedures, the competitive
system pay limitations and the qualification requirements for competitive
b. Appointment of Associated Health Trainees.
(1) Type of Appointment. Appointments of trainees in VA associated
health training programs are made by the facility director under the
authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) on a full-time basis, not to exceed 3
years, or on a part-time or intermittent basis for a period consistent with
individual training program requirements. (See [VHA Handbook
1400.08, Education of Associated Health Professions and] Section H
for discussion of limited circumstances when associated health
trainees may be appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7406.).
(2) Qualification Requirements. Trainees must meet citizenship
requirements and shall be qualified as prescribed in appendices II-D of this
part. Requests for approval to appoint paid noncitizen trainees will be
forwarded to the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health (10N_/143).
Without compensation (WOC) appointments of noncitizen trainees may be
approved by the facility director.
(3) Selection and Appointment of Candidates. Handbook 1400.08,
Education of Associated Health Professions sets forth the selection
process and the approval authority for appointment of trainees.
(4) Appointment Action. The HR Officer, with the approval of the facility
director, will affect the appointment on SF 50-B. The type of action will be
“Excepted Appointment NTE (date)”.
c. Appointments of Other Medical Support Personnel.
(1) Criteria for Approval of Appointments
(a) Full-time appointments must be temporary not to exceed 3 years and
are renewable for like periods. Part-time and intermittent
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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appointments must be temporary not-to- exceed 1 year and are non-
(b) Qualifications of appointees must be comparable to those required for
competitive service employees performing similar duties.
(c) Compensation must be commensurate with that paid to competitive
service employees occupying similar positions which are subject to
the requirements of 5 U.S.C. Chapter 51. (See VA Directive and
Handbook 5007, Pay Administration.)
(2) Approval Authority. Facility directors are authorized to approve
appointments of medical support personnel, except for paid noncitizen
associated health trainees. (See paragraph 3.b.(2) above.)
(3) Documentation. All appointments effected under the provisions of this
paragraph will be properly documented to support the action.
(4) Processing. Applicants will submit the OF 612 [ ] to be processed for
appointment in the same manner as other similar appointees.
38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1).
a. General. The acceptance of the services of qualified individuals who may be
directly or indirectly involved in patient care activities on a WOC basis is
permissible. It is not intended that the services of individuals utilized on a WOC
basis be accepted in place of those which are usually expected to be performed
by personnel for whom funds are provided on a continuing basis.
b. Occupations Identified in 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) and (3).
(1) Authority for Appointment. Services will be accepted under the authority
of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1), except that any resident requiring a
disbursement agreement will be appointed under authority of
38 U.S.C. § 7406. Appointments will be recommended by the Chief of Staff
and approved by the facility director. (See section B of this chapter for
credentialing requirements.)
(2) Processing.
(a) VA Forms 10-2850, 10-2850a, 10-2850b, 10-2850c or 10-2850d (for
trainees) as appropriate, will be submitted by individuals who desire
to participate in the VA medical program on an uncompensated basis.
(b) VA Form Letter 10-294, [WOC Personnel Authorization], will be
issued setting forth the terms of utilization. Following approval of the
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appointment by the facility director, the letter will be signed by the
individual attesting to agreement to the conditions specified and
countersigned by the HR Officer. The form letter will be prepared in
duplicate, with the original given to the employee and the duplicate
filed in a location designated by the facility and later disposed of in
accordance with existing VHA instructions.
c. Student Trainees, Residents, Research Personnel, and All Others.
(1) Classes. The classes of personnel who may be utilized on a WOC basis
(a) Medical and dental students who serve as clinical clerks.
(b) Nursing students who are enrolled in hospital, college or university
schools of nursing and who are assigned for clinical experience and
(c) Students and residents from affiliated institutions who are in
associated health care occupations, such as all physical medicine
and rehabilitation therapists and coordinators, orientation and mobility
specialists, social workers, psychologists, medical technicians or
technologists, medical radiology technicians, hospital librarians,
pharmacists, medical record librarians, dietitians, dental hygienists,
dental assistants, dental laboratory technicians, and other
occupations listed in 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and 7401(3).
NOTE: Students in associated health care occupations who
successfully complete an affiliated clinical education training program
in a VA health care facility may be eligible for noncompetitive
appointment under title 5 following graduation from an accredited
institution of post-secondary education in accordance with
38 U.S.C. § 7403(g). (See Appendix II-C, this part.)
(d) Scientific and technical personnel and laboratory assistants who are
utilized in a medical research program. Usually, individuals utilized on
this basis are employed by associated medical or dental schools or
universities to engage in medical or dental research for which a grant
has been made under auspices of the VHA Office of Research and
Development and their policies and procedures.
(e) The facility director is the approving authority for WOC appointments
at facilities.
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(2) Full or Part-Time Utilization. WOC appointments may be made on a
temporary full- time or part-time basis, depending on the objective of the
(3) Processing. Employees should be processed and appointed as outlined in
subparagraph b (2). When a large group of students is to be appointed,
facility directors may adapt the FL 10-294 to a mass action type document
for appointment purposes provided they retain its basic content.
Applications for employment need not be solicited unless they are needed
to comply with the requirements of section A, paragraph 3 and/or
credentialing requirements of section B, this chapter.
(4) Payments in Kind. When facilities are available, students in certain
designated programs approved by the Under Secretary for Health or
designee, in return for services rendered, may be furnished quarters and
subsistence during the whole or any part of the training period. Uniforms
also may be laundered by VA if facilities are available. [ ]
d. Noncitizens. Noncitizens may be utilized on a WOC basis when no qualified
citizens are available, and it is deemed to be in the interest of the facility.
7405 (a)(1).
a. Scope. This paragraph contains basic policies and procedures for appointing
non-U.S. citizens at the VA Regional Office Outpatient Clinic, Manila, Republic
of the Philippines in the following occupations:
(1) Physicians, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, chiropractors, RNs, nurse
anesthetists, PAs and EFDAs appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1).
(2) Individuals appointed under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) to occupations listed in
38 U.S.C. § 7401(3).
(3) Medical support personnel.
(4) Trainees in health care or associated health care occupations appointed
under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1).
b. Appointment Authority. The Regional Office Director may appoint the following
(1) The categories of personnel listed in paragraph a (1) and (2) may be
appointed on a temporary full-time, part-time, intermittent, without
compensation or fee-basis.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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(2) Medical support personnel may be appointed on a temporary full-time
basis not to exceed three years, or on a temporary part-time or intermittent
basis not to exceed one year.
(3) Trainees in health care or associated health care occupations may be
appointed on a full-time, part-time or intermittent basis with or without a
time limit.
c. Qualification and Licensure Requirements.
(1) VA Qualification Standards will be used to determine the appropriate grade
levels for applicants appointed under provisions of this paragraph. The
Regional Office Director may, under unusual circumstances, approve a
deviation from the grade requirements when the composite record of
qualifications justifies the action.
(2) The Regional Office Director may waive the licensure, registration or
certification requirements for the occupation, provided the individual is
properly credentialed in the Philippines.
[ ]
d. Physical Requirements. The physical requirements and procedures for
determining fitness for duty are governed by the provisions of VA Directive and
Handbook 5019, Employee Occupational Health Service.
a. Policy. This paragraph establishes policy for appointing additional categories of
students and recent graduates of qualifying educational institutions through the
VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 (the Act). The Act, established
through Public Law 115- 46, gives the Secretary of VA the authority to make
excepted service appointments for students and recent graduates that lead to
career or career conditional appointments, as applicable. This authority applies
to title 5 occupations and extends appointment eligibility to students and recent
graduates who fall in one of the following categories:
(1) Those employed in a qualifying internship or fellowship program at the
(2) Those employed in the Department in a volunteer capacity and who are
performing substantive duties comparable to those of individuals in
internship or fellowship programs and who meet the required number of
hours for conversion;
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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Chapter 3
(3) Those employed in the Department under a contract or agreement with an
external non-profit organization and who are performing substantive duties
comparable to those of individuals in internship or fellowship programs;
(4) Those who have received Post 9/11 Educational Assistance under chapter
33 of title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.).
b. Guidance. Specific guidance for making excepted appointments and
subsequent noncompetitive conversions using this authority are in Appendix II-
D, Noncompetitive Appointment of Students and Recent Graduates through the
VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017, of this part.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix covers appointments of physicians to service chief or
comparable positions. (For information on comparable positions, See VA Handbook
5007, Pay Administration.) It does not apply to those in an “acting” capacity.
a. The facility initiates recruitment and contacts the appropriate VA Central Office
program office, which may recommend additional candidates for consideration.
b. Candidates are screened, interviewed and tentatively selected at the facility.
c. If the candidate is board certified in an appropriate specialty or specialties, the
Chief of Staff or designee discusses the proposed selection with the appropriate
VA Central Office program official who may provide comments or
recommendations concerning the proposed selection within five working days.
For candidates who are not board certified or who are certified in a specialty or
specialties not appropriate to the proposed assignment, the Chief of Staff or
designee will forward the candidate’s curriculum vitae, employment application,
and credentialing/privileging information to the Office of Patient Care Services
(11), which will provide comments concerning the proposed selection within 15
working days.
d. The Chief of Staff recommends a candidate to the facility director [ ]. The
recommendation shall include any comments made by the VA Central Office
program official.
e. The facility obtains the concurrence of the Dean’s or Medical Advisory
Committee, where appropriate.
f. The facility director approves or disapproves the appointment.
g. The facility advises the program official and the Network Director that the
selection has been approved.
NOTE 1: Special pay agreements must be approved in VA Central
Office if the candidate’s total pay (basic, special pay and bonus or
allowance) would exceed $190,000. See VA Directive and Handbook
5007, Pay Administration.
NOTE 2: Communications with VA Central Office officials need not be in a
formal written format.
NOTE 3: Facility officials are to maintain documentation regarding their
recruitment process. This documentation is to include: (1) A summary
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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of any comments from Department of Veterans Affairs Central Office
program officials regarding the recommended candidate; and (2) If the
position is advertised and a noncitizen candidate is selected, the
names of all citizen applicants and the reason(s) why the citizen
applicants were not qualified for the position.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix covers appointments of dentists to position of Chief, Dental
Service and comparable positions. It does not apply to those “acting” in such
positions. It also covers the appointment of staff dentists and EFDAs (Expanded-
Function Dental Auxiliaries).
a. The facility initiates recruitment and contacts the Office of Dentistry (112D)
which may recommend additional candidates for the position. Vacancy
announcements are to be accomplished by the facility. These announcements
need to reach all potential VA candidates and allow employees the opportunity
to be informed of, and compete for, vacancies.
b. Candidates are screened, interviewed, and tentatively selected at the facility.
c. The facility chief of staff or designee discusses the proposed selection with the
Office of Dentistry which has five working days to make comments or
recommendations concerning the proposed selection.
d. The facility chief of staff recommends a selection to the facility Director.
Recommendations related to advancements and assignments shall include any
comments made by the Office of Dentistry. [ ]
e. The facility obtains the concurrence of the Dean’s or Medical Advisory
Committee, if appropriate.
f. The facility director approves or disapproves the appointment or assignment.
g. The Office of Dentistry and the network directors are notified.
a. The facility initiates recruitment and contacts the Office of Dentistry (112D),
which may recommend additional candidates for the position. Vacancy
announcements are to be accomplished by the facility. These announcements
need to reach all potential VA candidates and allow employees the opportunity
to be informed of and compete for vacancies.
b. On notification of a dentist vacancy by a facility, the VA Health Care Staff
Development and Retention Office will forward to the facility HR Office the
applications and related materials of qualified candidates who have indicated
availability for that facility or geographical area.
c. Candidates are screened, interviewed and tentatively selected at the facility.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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d. The Chief of Dental Service or designee is to discuss the proposed selection
with the Office of Dentistry, which has five working days to make comments or
recommendations concerning the proposed selection.
e. The recommendation is forwarded through channels to the facility Director for
consideration. The recommending official shall include any comments made by
the Office of Dentistry.
f. The facility obtains the concurrence of the Dean’s or Medical Advisory
Committee, if appropriate.
g. The facility director approves or disapproves the appointment or assignment.
h. The facility advises the Office of Dentistry of the selection.
a. When an EFDA vacancy occurs, the facility initiates recruitment and contacts the
Office of Dentistry, which may recommend additional candidates for the position.
b. The service Chief screens, interviews and tentatively selects a candidate.
c. A recommendation is forwarded through channels to the facility Director [ ].
d. The facility Director approves or disapproves the appointment or assignment.
e. The facility advises the Office of Dentistry of the selection.
[ ]
NOTE 1: Facility communications with the Office of Dentistry in Central
Office need not be in a formal written format.
NOTE 2: Facility officials are to maintain documentation regarding the
process of recruiting dentists and EFDAs. This documentation is to include:
A summary of any comments from Central Office program
officials regarding the recommended candidate; and
If the position is advertised and a noncitizen candidate is selected,
the names of all citizen applicants and the reason(s) why the citizen
applicants were not qualified for the position.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix establishes the procedures for the appointment of all
podiatrists in VHA.
a. The facility initiates recruitment and contacts the Director of Podiatry Service
who may recommend additional candidates for the position.
b. The appropriate official screens, interviews, and tentatively selects a candidate
for the position.
c. [ ] The Chief of Staff or designee discusses the proposed selection with the
Director of Podiatry who has five working days to make comments or
recommendations concerning the proposed selection.
d. The recommendation is forwarded through channels to the facility director for
consideration. Recommendations are to include the comments of the Director of
Podiatry Service. [ ]
e. The facility obtains the concurrence of the Dean’s or Medical Advisory
Committee, if appropriate.
f. The facility director approves or disapproves the appointment or assignment.
g. The facility advises the Director of Podiatry Service of the selection.
[ ]
NOTE 1: Facility communications with VA Podiatry Service officials need
not be in a formal written format.
NOTE 2: Facility officials are to maintain documentation regarding their recruitment
process. This documentation will include:
A summary of any comments from Central Office program
officials regarding the recommended candidate; and
If the position is advertised and a noncitizen candidate is selected,
the names of all citizen applicants and the reason(s) why the citizen
applicants were not qualified for the position.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix establishes the procedures for the appointment of all
optometrists in VHA.
a. The facility initiates recruitment and contacts the Director of Optometry Service
who may recommend additional candidates for the position.
b. The appropriate official screens, interviews, and tentatively selects a candidate
for the position.
c. [ ] The Chief of Staff or designee discusses the proposed selection with the
Director of Optometry who has five working days to make comments or
recommendations concerning the proposed selection.
d. The recommendation is forwarded through channels (including the Dean’s or
Medical Advisory Committee, where appropriate) to the facility director for
consideration. Recommendations are to include the comments of the Director of
Optometry Service. [ ]
e. The facility director approves or disapproves the appointment or assignment.
f. The facility advises the Director of Optometry Service of the selection.
NOTE 1: Facility communications with VA Central Office Optometry Service
[program] officials need not be in a formal written format [ ]
NOTE 2: Facility officials are to maintain documentation regarding their recruitment
process. This documentation will include:
A summary of any comments from VA Central Office Optometry Service
program officials regarding the recommended candidate; and
If the position is advertised and a noncitizen candidate is selected,
the names of all citizen applicants and the reason(s) why the citizen
applicants were not qualified for the position. [ ]
NOTE 3: Information concerning promotion of optometrists can be found in Part III,
Appendix M, this handbook.
NOTE 4: Additional program information covering optometrists can be obtained
through the Director of Optometry Service or the VHA Optometry Service website via
the following link:
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix covers recruitment, appointments, advancements, changes
in assignment, and reassignments of RNs [and APNs (certified nurse practitioner,
clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse mid-wife) in grades IV and V assignments.
(See Appendix G6d for APN (CNA) Nurse IV and V assignments.)]
a. Recruitment. [The appropriate supervisory official will collaborate with HR to
determine the best recruitment flexibilities to utilize in filling the position which
may or may not include formal vacancy announcements or advertisements, use
of a search committee, utilization of recruitment and relocation incentives or
other incentives, direct selection of a qualified candidate, etc.
b. Qualification. HR staff will evaluate all candidate(s) to determine if the basic
qualification requirements for the grade level and assignment have been met
and refer qualified candidates to hiring official.
c. Selection.
(1) The hiring official will review applications referred for selection. Hiring
officials who are not SMEs must consult SMEs when evaluating
applications. SMEs must be at or above the grade level of the position
being considered. SME review may take the form of a panel or consultation
with the SME for the profession. NOTE: Office of Nursing Services will
identify appropriate SMEs for Nurse IV and V grade level assignments.
(See Chapter 3, Section F for additional information on SME
(2) Once a selection is made, the supervisor will consult with HR staff and the
profession’s SME (if applicable) and submit supporting documentation for
utilization of pay setting flexibilities (if applicable), found in VA Handbook
5007, Part II, for consideration by the deciding official.]
d. Reassignments and Changes in Assignment. A reassignment is a change
from one position to another. A change in assignment is a change in the duties
and responsibilities of a specific position.
(1) Reassignment. If a nurse is reassigned and the reassignment does not
involve a change in grade, [no additional review is required, and the
supervisory official may move forward with an appropriate reassignment
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
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action in collaboration with HR staff.] If a change in grade is involved, the
procedures in paragraph 2c will be used.
(2) Change in Assignment. If the duties and responsibilities of a position are
significantly changed, the procedures in paragraph [2c] will be used to
determine whether the employee should be advanced to a higher grade.
Minor changes in duties and responsibilities may be accomplished by
revising or amending the employee’s functional statement.
ASSIGNMENT OF NURSE EXECUTIVES. Procedures for the recruitment,
appointment, advancement, change in assignment, and reassignment of nurse
executives are the same as in paragraph 2. However, when a selection is made for
one of these positions, facility officials will notify the appropriate network director and
the Office of Nursing Services in VA Central Office.
[ ]
[GRADE] IV AND [GRADE V]. Assignment of the Nurse IV and Nurse V grade
levels is based on the complexity and responsibility of the assignment and the
individual’s qualifications. [ ]Criteria for determining whether the complexity of an
assignment warrants placement at the [RN or APN] grades [IV and V] are outlined in
paragraph 5 below.
a. General. [RNs and APNs] are appointed and promoted to grades IV and V
[grade levels] based on the scope and complexity of their assignment and
qualifications. Assignments of IV and V grade levels are position specific. This
appendix provides guidance for determining whether facility, VISN or Central
Office [ ] positions meet the criteria for placement at [grade IV or V].
b. Nurse Executive Positions. The term “Nurse Executive” refers to the top
nursing management position at a VHA healthcare facility/system. Nurse
executives are members of the senior management team. The organizational
title of the Nurse Executive position will vary (e.g., Chief Nurse, Nurse Executive,
Associate Director for Nursing Services, Associate Director for Patient Care
Services) but must be consistent with senior management titles recognized by
VA Central Office. Appointment or advancement to a Nurse Executive position is
based on the complexity of the position. [ ]. Generally, Nurse Executives are
appointed at the Nurse V grade level [ ].
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
c. Key Nursing Personnel.
(1) Comparability to Nurse Executive Positions. VA policy provides that
[RNs and APNs] in assignments other than Nurse Executive may be
appointed or advanced to [grade IV or V].
(2) Establishing Positions. The facility, VISN or VACO Program Office
should establish a formal process for approving the design and
implementation of such positions. Responsibilities in new positions should
not duplicate or otherwise reduce responsibilities of other positions if the
grades of those other positions are based the responsibilities involved.
(3) Key Nursing Assignments Warranting [Grade] IV or V. Positions at
these grades are typically located in organizational settings where there is
a high rate of activity and a broad mission involving a full range of complex
programs and/or services. Program responsibility includes full responsibility
for program design, integrating the program with other related programs
and organizational goals, monitoring, as well as responsibility for
evaluating and administering the program. Positions at IV and V grades
also have full accountability for program outcomes.
(a) Examples of [Grade] IV Positions [include but are not limited to:]
i Managers for Service Lines;
ii Positions in VISN offices that have broad program responsibility for
a single program that covers all facilities within the network; and
iii Positions at facilities with full program responsibilities that meet
criteria in [appendix G6d, Part II].
(b) Examples of [Grade] V Positions [include but are not limited to:]
i VISN positions with broad program responsibility for multiple
programs covering all facilities within the network;
ii Positions with substantial sphere of influence across multiple sites
or programs and across the full continuum of care;
iii [Service Line Executives in complex settings.]
iv Positions with substantial involvement in multi-site, regional, and/or
national professional and health related issues; and
v Positions at tertiary facilities that have full program responsibility
for more than one of the following programs: clinical, education,
research or quality management.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
(4) Consideration Procedures. Nurse Executives and facility directors must
initially determine that a position meets the scope and complexity
requirements before an individual can be considered for appointment or
promotion. [ ]. Procedures for such determinations and employee
consideration are outlined in VA Handbook 5005, Part III, chapter 4 [ ].
d. Vacancies and Reassignments. [Grades] IV and V are based on a
combination of assignment characteristics and individual qualifications [ ].
Positions of individuals at the Nurse IV or Nurse V grade should not be
significantly modified, nor should individuals in these positions be assigned to
other positions or duties, which may not warrant IV or V [grade level.] [ ].
CNA IV and V that are covered in Part II, Appendix G6d). The roles below are
examples that meet the scope and complexity of grade IV and V assignments. Other
roles may also be developed to address organizational, VISN or VHA needs if the
role meets the scope and complexity.
(1) Nurse IV. APN positions in this grade execute clinical and administrative
leadership that is characterized by substantial and continuous
responsibility and accountability for population groups or integrated
programs at the facility, VISN or program office level. Roles include but are
not limited to APN Facility Lead, APN Facility Lead or Residency Program
Director, and APN Clinical Leader/Administrative Leader.
(a) APN Facility Lead. Facility lead APNs have a thorough
understanding of the various functions involved in patient care
delivery, and the ability to interact effectively with a diverse health
care team. Demonstrates knowledge and expertise pertaining to APN
employment, credentialing and clinical practice. Serves as a mentor
and monitors work to include clinical standards of practice, polices
and regulatory standards. Influences others to improve care and
provides feedback on fellow APNs’ work performance. Required
experience may include progressive leadership responsibilities, such
as serving on local committees, workgroups or taskforces. The Lead
APN represents the interests of the APN profession and serves as a
liaison for professional APN practice.
(b) APN Facility Education Lead or Residency Program Director.
APN Facility Education Leads or APN Residency Program Directors
are responsible for the management, structure and administration of
the APN clinical trainee program. Ensures programs comply with VA
Office of Academic Affiliation standards and accrediting bodies of
sponsoring affiliated institutions while activities are being held at VA
facilities. Develops, implements and enhances APN clinical education
training programs. Required experience may include one or more of
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
the following educational assignments: precepting APNs or medical
students, setting up continuing education for local VHA APNs,
participating in community health events, serving as an APN assistant
or coordinator in a VHA residency program or stipend program and
serving as a member or staff of an academic APN program.
(c) APRN (Clinical Leader/Administrative Leader).
Clinical/Administrative APN Leaders are engaged with strategic
planning and administrative/managerial responsibilities for integrated
programs that cross service and/or discipline lines and influence
organizational mission and health care. Monitors or evaluates
services or programs with interaction of senior administration.
Required experience may include one or more of the following:
leadership assignments that involved formulating program objectives
and priorities, implementing plans and practices and interpreting
regulatory and organizational guidance to develop and implement
policies and/or procedures.
(2) Nurse V. APN positions at this grade may include but are not limited
to: APN Service Chief/Service Line Executive, APN VISN Program
Manager/Lead, APN Central Office Executive/Lead or administrative
clinical leadership positions of an executive nature, comprised of complex
leadership and administrative components, associated with critical health
care issues and activities that influence agency or organizational mission,
health care, and policy.
(a) APN (Service Line Executive). APN (Service Line Executive)
manages a complex multi-disciplinary service line providing direct
oversight to program operations. Provides leadership, direction, and
guidance on all aspects of the program(s). Coordinates with network
and facility executives in developing and establishing the long and
short-range organizational goals for the program(s), ensuring
organizational goals and policies are aligned with Medical Center,
VISN, and national goals. Evaluates, develops, coordinates,
implements, and improves program operations. Manages the overall
service budget, to include determining resource needs, allocating
resources, and ensuring proper utilization in productivity, efficiency,
and cost effectiveness of operations. Responsible for clinical practice,
program management, education and personnel management.
Establishes and maintains effective interpersonal relationships at all
organizational levels. Manages healthcare system staff to perform the
functions and activities expected. Interprets and applies national
policy, as well as leads policy-making activities for the program(s).
Forecasts technological changes, analyzes current and projected
utilization patterns/workload/staffing and cost comparisons to provide
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
feedback and recommendations to executive leaders. Exhibits
leadership that reflects current standards and expectations provided
by VHA Central Office (VHACO). Required experience may include
assignments that involved directing and evaluating complex patient
care or administrative programs, services or operations for a
healthcare system or at multiple sites. The assignments would have
required planning, organizing and assessing healthcare services or
programs; implementing national initiative and organizational targets;
developing long and short-term program goals, and analyzing
developing options; and implementing solutions to health care
operational or administrative problems.
(b) APN (VISN Program Manager/Lead). APN (VISN Program
Manager/Lead) manages one or more large, complex patient care or
administrative programs across one or more VISNs. Responsible for
the program(s) and significantly influences overall functioning of the
program(s) throughout the VISN(s). Provides leadership, direction,
and guidance on all aspects of the program(s). Coordinates with
network and facility executives in developing and establishing the
long and short-range organizational goals for the program(s), ensures
organizational goals and policies are aligned with VISN and national
goals. Evaluates, develops, coordinates, implements and improves
program operations within the VISN(s). Manages the overall budget
for the program VISN-wide, to include determining resource needs,
allocating resources, and ensuring proper utilization in productivity,
efficiency, and cost effectiveness of operations. Responsibility for
clinical practice, program management, education and human
resources management of the program. Establishes and maintains
effective interpersonal relationships with all levels of stakeholders at
the facility, network or beyond. Interprets and applies national policy,
as well as develops VISN-wide supplemental guidance regarding the
program(s). Assist in policy-making activities and the overall
functioning of administrative and clinical programs. Collaborates with
other staff to establish and maintain programs that cross service
and/or discipline lines and influence organizational mission and
health care. Utilizes forecasts of technological changes, utilization
patterns, future workloads, staffing projection, and cost comparisons
to provide feedback and recommendations to VISN leadership that
reflects current standards and expectations provided by VHACO.
Required experience may include assignments that involved directing
and evaluating complex patient care or administrative programs,
services or operations for a healthcare system or at multiple sites.
The assignments would have required planning, organizing, and
assessing healthcare services or programs; implementing national
initiative and organizational targets; developing long and short-term
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
program goals and analyzing developing options, and implementing
solutions to health care operational or administrative problems.
(c) APN (Central Office Program Executive/Lead). APN (Central Office
Program Executive/Lead) manages a national VHA program or
programs and provides overall administration of all aspects of the
program(s) throughout VHA, to include planning, directing, and
executing the program(s). Analyzes and develops program specific
plans, programs and budgets for a national program office. Provides
leadership and direction for the assigned program(s) that significantly
impacts the overall functioning of the program(s) VHA-wide, to
include ensuring the program(s) meet VA mission requirements.
Develops succession plans, monitors trending program data and
academic preparation for the profession(s). Develops national
policies, directives, informal letters, white papers, and other guidance
regarding the program(s). Coordinates and collaborates with Federal
and state regulatory agencies, national program offices such as
Regulatory Affairs, Legislative Affairs, and General Counsel when
developing national policies, procedures, and operations for the
program(s). Provides agency-level interpretation and clarification of
national policies and directives. Writes or provides technical reviews
of proposed legislation regarding the program for the agency.
Responds to Congressional offices and other high-level inquiries from
internal and external organizations related to the program(s) and/or
program office. Required experience may include assignments which
involved directing and evaluating complex patient care or
administrative programs, services or operations for a healthcare
system or at multiple sites. The assignments would have required
planning, organizing, and assessing healthcare services or programs;
implementing national initiative and organizational targets; developing
long and short-term program goals; and analyzing developing
options, and implementing solutions to health care operational or
administrative problems.]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix covers the appointment of nurse anesthetists as Chief of the
Nurse Anesthesiology Section. It does not apply to those in an “acting” capacity.
a. When a position becomes vacant, the facility will initiate recruitment (where
appropriate) and contact the Deputy Director for Nurse Anesthetists, VA
Anesthesiology Service, who may recommend additional candidates for
b. Candidates are screened, interviewed, and tentatively selected by the
appropriate facility official.
c. The facility chief of staff or designee is to discuss the proposed selection with
the Deputy Director for Nurse Anesthetists who has five working days to make
comments or recommendations concerning the proposed selection.
d. The recommendation is forwarded through channels to the facility Director for
consideration. Recommendations are to include the comments of the Deputy
Director for Nurse Anesthetists. [ ]
NOTE 1: Communications with program officials need not be in a formal written
NOTE 2: Facility officials are to maintain documentation regarding their
recruitment process. Documentation will include:
A summary of any comments from Central Office program officials regarding
the recommended candidate; and
If the position is advertised and a noncitizen candidate is selected,
the names of all citizen applicants and the reason(s) why the citizen
applicants were not qualified for the position.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
Appendix H6
[ ]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix covers appointment of all Chiefs of Pharmacy Service [ ]. It
does not apply to those in any of these positions in an “acting” capacity.
[ ].
a. Recruitment efforts are initiated. [ ] Candidates are interviewed, screened, and
tentatively selected at the facility.
b. The Chief of Staff or designee discusses the proposed selection with Pharmacy
Benefits Management Strategic Health Group (119), which has five working
days to comment or make recommendations concerning the proposed selection.
c. The appropriate facility official recommends the selection to the facility director. [
] The facility director approves or disapproves the action.
d. The facility notifies the Pharmacy Benefits Management Strategic Health Group
and the Network Director of the selection.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix covers the appointment of occupational and physical
therapists to section chief positions. It does not apply to those in an acting capacity.
a. Local recruitment efforts are initiated by the facility.
b. The service chief or equivalent screens and interviews candidates.
c. The service chief or equivalent forwards the recommended candidate through
channels to the facility director for consideration. [ ]
d. The facility director approves or disapproves the action.
[ ]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
1. SCOPE. This appendix establishes procedures for the appointment and
advancement of all doctors of chiropractic in VHA.
a. The facility initiates recruitment procedures and contacts the VHA Director of
Chiropractic Service, who may recommend additional candidates for the
b. The appropriate facility officials screen, interview, and tentatively select a
candidate for the position.
c. [The] facility Chief of Staff or designee discusses the proposed selection with the
VHA Director of Chiropractic Service who has five working days to make
comments or recommendations concerning the proposed selection.
d. [The] recommendation is forwarded to the facility director for consideration.
Recommendations are to include the comments of the VHA Director of
Chiropractic Service. [ ]
e. [The] facility director will approve or disapprove the recommendation for
f. The facility advises the VHA Director of Chiropractic Service of the selection.
NOTE 1: The Director of Chiropractic Service may be contacted through the VA
Connecticut Healthcare System as follows:
Director, VHA Chiropractic Service
VA Connecticut Healthcare System
950 Campbell Avenue
Mail Stop 111D
West Haven, CT 06516
[ ]
NOTE 2: The facility must maintain documentation regarding the recruitment
process that was used to solicit applications. This documentation will include:
A summary of any comments from VHA Central Office Director of
Chiropractic Service regarding the recommended candidate;
Copies of any paid advertisement that may have been done; and
If the position is advertised and a noncitizen candidate is selected,
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part II
the names of all citizen applicants and the reason(s) why the citizen
applicants were not qualified for the position.
NOTE 3: Additional program information covering chiropractors may be obtained
through the Director of Chiropractic Service or the VHA Chiropractic Service.
[ ]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
a. This section contains instructions and procedures governing the advancement of
podiatrists, optometrists, chiropractors, registered nurses (RNs), advanced
practice nurses (APNs), physician assistants (PAs), and expanded-function
dental auxiliaries (EFDAs) appointed under authority of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or
7405(a)(1)(A); and medical and dental residents appointed under authority of
38 U.S.C. § 7406.
NOTE 1: Residents serving under a disbursement agreement are excluded from
coverage under the provisions of this section.
NOTE 2: VHA physicians and dentists are excluded from coverage for
promotion procedures as described in this section. See VA Handbook 5007, Pay
Administration, Part IX, for guidance for pay regulations and procedures.
NOTE 3: Promotions for occupations covered under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3) can be
found in, Section B of this part.
b. The promotion system shall provide advancement opportunities for employees,
predicated upon the recognition of the quality of service rendered, additional
experience and professional attainment as determined by a thorough review of
the employee’s individual record.
c. To meet the criteria for promotion, the individual must meet the criteria for the
next higher grade level in the applicable VA qualification standard. A review of
the individual’s total record must show evidence that the contribution to VA
medical service is of sufficient value to warrant promotion. Potential for
continuously greater contribution is also a prerequisite. Reviews and
recommendations of [supervisory officials] will be sufficient to ensure that
promotion is fully merited and not recommended based on meeting
administrative requirements alone. The individual’s total record and professional
stature will be carefully evaluated and supported by documentary evidence as
d. Promotion actions will be taken without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, lawful partisan political affiliation, marital status, physical or
mental disability (when the employee is qualified to do the work), membership or
non-membership in a labor organization or any other non-merit factor.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
e. Promotion actions will conform to the restrictions governing the employment of
relatives. (See VA Handbook 5025, Legal.)
[ ]
a. Human Resources (HR) Staff.
(1) Before recruitment is initiated, work in collaboration with the supervisor to
determine the eligibility and qualifications requirements that pertain to the
assignment and grade level for the position to be filled in accordance with
the qualification standards found in VA Handbook 5005, Part II,
Appendices G. If the supervisor is not a subject matter expert in the
profession, the supervisor must consult with the subject matter expert
throughout the recruitment and onboarding process for the vacant position.
(2) Determine eligibility and qualifications in accordance with standards found
in VA Handbook 5005, Part II, Appendices G.
(3) Recommend the appropriate grade to the selecting official for
appointments, promotions, reassignments and changes to lower grades.
(4) Document qualification determinations for each applicant by completing a
separate VHA qualification form for each applicant.
(5) Consult with the profession’s subject matter expert during the development
of the assignment, recruitment and onboarding of the selected candidate.
(6) Notify candidates who fail to meet the requirements and fail to qualify for
(7) Process requests for appointments, promotions, reassignments and
changes to lower grades.
b. Supervisory Official.
(1) Obtain approval to fill a vacant position in accordance with local
(2) Initiate recruitment action with the servicing HR Office.
(3) Review application packages referred for selections.
(a) Supervisors who are not subject matter experts must consult a
subject matter expert when evaluating applications. This may take the
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
form of a panel or consultation with the subject matter expert for the
(b) Supervisors who are subject matter experts at or below the grade
being filled must consult with the profession’s subject matter expert
that is at the grade or higher.
(4) Consult with HR staff and the profession’s subject matter expert (if
(5) Submit supporting documentation for utilization of pay setting flexibilities (if
applicable) found in VA Handbook 5007, Pay Administration, Part II,
Chapters 2, 3 and 4, pertaining full and hybrid title 38 positions.
(6) Make or review requests or recommendations for promotions.]
a. This section contains instructions and procedures governing the promotion of
employees appointed under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) and 7405(a)(1)(A). Promotion
is an advancement to a higher grade level and recognizes that an employee is
providing a higher level of service to VA.
b. The promotion system shall provide advancement opportunities for employees,
predicated upon the recognition of the quality of service rendered, additional
experience and professional attainment as determined by an examination of the
employee’s individual record.
c. To meet the criteria for promotion, the individual must meet the criteria for the
next higher grade level in the qualification standard. Examination of the
individual’s total record must reveal evidence that the contribution to VA medical
service is of sufficient value to warrant promotion. Potential for continuously
greater contribution is also a prerequisite. Reviews and recommendations of
supervisors and HR staff will be sufficient to ensure that promotion is fully
merited and not recommended based on meeting administrative requirements
alone. [ ].
a. Administrative Requirements for Consideration.
(1) A current proficiency rating or Executive Career Field (ECF) rating of
“Satisfactory/Successful” or higher.
(2) The experience, education and assignment requirements set forth in the
qualification standard. Employees must meet the same grade
requirements, including the specified demonstrated accomplishments, as
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
for appointment. Any deviation or exception to these requirements will be
limited to those specified in the qualification standard.
b. Promotions Based on Additional Experience and/or Education. Promotions
based solely on additional experience acquired by the employee shall be limited
to advancements of one grade or grade interval at a time. If an employee has
attained a higher level of education that, when combined with their additional
experience, is qualifying for a grade higher than the next grade or grade interval,
the employee may be promoted to whatever grade in the qualification standard
the additional education warrants.
a. Eligibility. Full-time, part-time and intermittent employees shall be considered
periodically for promotion in their current occupation. Eligibility for such
promotion considerations shall be based upon fully meeting prescribed
administrative requirements.
(1) Approximately 60 days prior to the date the employee meets the required
period for promotion consideration, HR Officers will notify the appropriate
supervisory officials that the employee is eligible for promotion
consideration to the next higher grade level. The supervisor will notify the
employee no later than 30 days prior to the employee’s anniversary date.
The employee shall then be given 30 days to submit to their supervisor a
self-assessment of their qualifications for promotion consideration.
Employees may also notify their supervisor in writing that they are declining
to submit a self-assessment during this 30-day period. If this is done, the
supervisor will proceed with a recommendation. If a self-assessment or
declination is not submitted the supervisor will proceed with the
recommendation at the end of the 30-day period.
(2) The supervisory official will review the duties of the position. If the
supervisor is not an occupational subject matter expert or they are
considering an employee for a grade higher than occupied by the
supervisor, the supervisor must consult with a subject matter expert when
considering promotion eligibility. The supervisory official must determine
whether the duties being performed meet the definition of a higher level
assignment within the qualification standard. The supervisory official must
also take into consideration the information provided in the employee’s
self-assessment, if provided. Supervisors are to apply position
management and make sound management decisions. The process and
action taken for promotion is to be documented using VHA Form “Request
for T38 Promotion”.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
b. Promotion to “Person” Based Grades not Specific to an Assignment.
(1) Promotions to grades based exclusively on the qualifications of a “person”
and not specific to a grade level based on assignment, will be on the
recommendation of the immediate supervisor, with a recommendation of
approval by the second level supervisor and personnel action approved by
HR Officer. Upon receipt of the employee's self-assessment or written
declination or expiration of the 30-day time period, the immediate
supervisor will make a recommendation on promotion to the second level
supervisor. The immediate supervisor’s recommendation] is to be acted
upon by the second level supervisor within 30 days of the submission of
the self-assessment or written declination by the employee or expiration of
the 30-day time whichever comes first.
(2) Employees who have demonstrated the capability to successfully perform
at the next higher-grade level will be recommended for promotion. (NOTE:
Anniversary date of grade for Nurse I is based on advancement to a higher
level within the grade.)
(3) Employees who have not demonstrated such capability will be informed in
writing by the immediate supervisor that they are not being recommended
for promotion. The written notice will state the reason(s) why the employee
does not meet the criteria for promotion. The immediate supervisor may
recommend the employee for promotion at a later date if it is determined
that the employee has met the appropriate criteria. If not promoted during
the intervening period, the employee is entitled to promotion consideration
on the next anniversary date of grade. Employees who are not promoted
may request promotion reconsideration under paragraph 6 below.
c. Promotion to Grades Specific to an Assignment.
(1) Employees who are selected for a position and grade that requires a
combination of personal qualifications and assignment characteristics must
meet the administrative requirements for promotion.
(2) Promotions to positions based on a combination of personal qualifications
and assignment characteristics will become effective on the first day of the
first full pay period following approval by the approving official, unless a
future date set by the approving authority and at the election of the
employee when doing so would benefit the employee (i.e., an employee is
due a within grade increase), and that does not violate law or negotiated
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
a. Coverage. This paragraph applies to individuals appointed under
38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or 7405(a)(1)(A).
b. Notice of Decision. Employees are to be advised by their supervisors in writing
of any decision not to promote them, of the reason(s) for the decision, of their
right to request reconsideration and that reconsideration must be preceded by
an informal discussion with their supervisor.
c. Informal Discussion. Employees and their supervisor must meet to discuss the
recommendation not to promote prior to the employee submitting a request for
reconsideration under paragraph d below.
d. Reconsideration Requests.
(1) To “Person” Based Grades not Specific to an Assignment
(a) If promotion to a “person” based grade that is not assignment based,
the employee may, within 30 days of being notified of the decision,
submit a written request through the immediate supervisor to the
second level supervisor for reconsideration. The employee’s written
request for reconsideration must indicate when the informal
discussion was held with the immediate supervisor and cite the
specific reason(s) why the employee believes the decision was not
proper. The [facility] director, network director or appropriate higher-
level designee (whichever is applicable), may extend the 30-day
period at the written request of the employee if the employee is
unable to submit the information for reasons beyond the employee’s
(b) Second level supervisors are to review the employee’s request within
30 days and determine whether to promote the employee. If the
second level supervisor determines that a promotion is not warranted,
that supervisor will provide the reasons for this decision to the
employee in writing.
(c) If the employee is not satisfied with the explanation of the
determination to not promote, the employee can request within 30
days to have the determination reviewed and recommendation made
by the next higher-level manager. The employee’s request for
reconsideration and the supervisor’s explanation will be forwarded to
the next higher-level manager within 30 days.
(d) The next higher-level manager will make a recommendation within 30
days and submit through the servicing HR Office to the [facility]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
director, network director or appropriate higher-level designee
(whichever is applicable), who will make a final decision within 30
(e) If the promotion is approved, the employee is to be promoted on the
first day of the first pay period following the anniversary date of grade
on which the promotion was based.
e. Action by Human Resources. Upon receipt of the reconsideration file, HR staff
shall take one of the following actions within 15 days:
(1) [ ] In no case, will the promotion be in effect later than the first day of the
first full pay period after the anniversary date of grade on which the
promotion was based.
(2) If disapproved, HR staff will notify the employee of the decision in writing.
7. COVERAGE AS EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE. Requests for promotion
reconsideration are excluded from the Agency Grievance Procedure. See VA
Handbook 5021, Employee/Management Relations, Part IV, Chapter 3, paragraph
16. Promotion reconsideration decisions are excluded from the negotiated grievance
procedure pursuant to 38 U.S.C. § 7403(f)(1)(B). The decision of whether or not to
promote a bargaining unit employee is not subject to the negotiated grievance
procedure but a failure on the part of the agency to follow the
promotion/reconsideration procedure in this policy may be.
a. Effective Date.
(1) Promotion (to include advancement to a higher level within a grade) based
on entitled anniversary date of grade reviews, will be made effective by the
HR Officer on the first day of the pay period following the anniversary date
of grade on which the promotion was based. A promotion may also be
made effective at a future date set by the approving authority and at the
election of the employee, that does not violate law or negotiated agreement
when doing so would benefit the employee (i.e., an employee is due a
within grade increase). Promotion recommendations and actions that are
administratively delayed beyond the time limits specified in paragraphs 6
above will be made retroactive. All other promotion actions will be made
effective the first date of the first pay period after approval of the promotion.
(2) If an employee becomes eligible for promotion while on LWOP for
purposes for which they have a statutory entitlement to receive promotion
consideration (e.g., military service, OWCP), no action will be taken until
the employee returns to duty. If the employee, on return to duty meets all
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
the requirements for promotion consideration, he or she will be considered
for promotion as if he or she had been continuously employed in the
NOTE: See chapter 6, this part, for effecting promotion actions upon return
from military service.
a. An employee may be temporarily promoted to a higher graded position where
the grade of the position is based on the complexity of the assignment. The
employee must meet the administrative and qualification requirements for
promotion and such promotions are to be processed using the procedures in
paragraphs 2 and 3 above.
b. On expiration or termination of the promotion, the grade and salary of the
employee will be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of VA Handbook
5007, Pay Administration. In applying the provisions of this handbook, the salary
will be adjusted to the salary held previously, unless a higher rate is warranted
by reason of periodic step increases. On assignment, the following statement
will be placed in the “Remarks” item of the SF 50-B, Notification of Personnel
Action: “Employee informed of conditions of temporary grade promotion.”
a. Change to Lower Grade.
(1) General. As provided by 38 U.S.C. § 7403(e) where an employee’s grade
level and salary are based on both the nature of the assignment and the
employee’s personal qualifications and the assignment is subsequently
changed, the grade and salary may be adjusted as appropriate. Such
action may be taken by the Under Secretary for Health or designee for Title
38 employees in centralized assignments and by the facility director for all
Title 38 employees in noncentralized assignments. The facility director may
delegate the authority to the chief of staff, associate director, nurse
executive, and pharmacy chief for occupations under their respective
(2) Title 38 employees. Employees appointed under authority of
38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) and permanent part-time employees appointed under
38 U.S.C. § 7405 (a)(1)(A) who are placed in a lower grade for reasons
other than cause or at the employee’s request will have their pay set at the
lowest step of the lower grade which equals or exceeds their existing rate
of basic pay. If there is no such step, employees are entitled to pay
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
(a) Assignment Change. If an employee is [involuntarily] placed in a
different assignment which does not warrant the employee’s current
grade level, the employee will not be eligible for grade retention. The
employee’s entitlement to pay retention will be determined in
accordance with VA Handbook 5007, Pay Administration.
(b) Assignment Change for Cause or at the Employee’s Request. If
an employee is changed to an assignment which does not warrant
the employee’s current grade level for cause or at the employee’s
request, the employee is not eligible for grade or pay retention.
NOTE: Directed transfers or reductions in grade approved under this
paragraph will not be considered adverse actions under
38 U.S.C. § 7461, provided they are not based on charges related to
conduct or performance. The actions are, however, grievable under
the provisions of VA Handbook 5021, Employee/Management
[ ]
EMPLOYEES APPOINTED UNDER 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1), 38 U.S.C. 7401(3), AND
38 U.S.C. 7405.
a. Details. When a title 38 or hybrid title 38 position is vacant, the facility director
may detail another title 38 or hybrid title 38 employee to the position. Generally,
details will not exceed 1 year and may be terminated prior to the expiration date.
The facility director may approve extensions of the detail when circumstances
b. Temporary Change in Assignment. Individuals paid from physician and dentist
pay schedules may receive a market pay adjustment and/or tier change after
serving in the assignment for 60 days or more. Generally temporary change in
assignment will be for a period not to exceed one year and may be terminated
prior to the expiration date. The facility director may approve the extension of a
temporary change in assignment not to exceed 1 additional year when
circumstances warrant. On expiration or termination of the temporary
assignment, the market pay and/or tier of the employee will be adjusted in
accordance with the provisions of VA Handbook 5007, Pay Administration. Upon
change in assignment, the following statement will be placed in the “Remarks”
item of the SF 50-B, Notification of Personnel Action: “Employee informed of
conditions of temporary [tier] assignment.”
c. Temporary Promotions. If an individual is temporarily reassigned to a higher
grade [assignment], the facility director may temporarily promote the individual.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
Such action will be taken only after the facility director considers the
recommendation of the [supervisor]. Generally, temporary promotions will be for
a period not to exceed one year and may be terminated prior to the expiration
date. The facility director may approve the extension of a temporary promotion
not to exceed 1 additional year when circumstances warrant. On expiration or
termination of the temporary promotion, the grade and salary of the employee
will be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of VA Handbook 5007, Pay
Administration. On approval of the temporary promotion, the following statement
will be placed in the “Remarks” section of the SF 50-B: “Employee informed of
conditions of temporary promotion.”
NOTE: In accordance with VA Handbook 5005, Part III, Appendix N, the
utilization of title 38 employees in competitive civil service positions is prohibited,
unless approved by the Office of Personnel Management.
a. Change to Lower Grade or Changes in Assignment
(1) General. As provided by 38 U.S.C. § 7403(e), where an employee’s grade
or tier level and salary are based on both the nature of the assignment and
the employee’s personal qualifications, and the assignment is
subsequently changed, the grade and salary may be adjusted as
(2) Key Nursing Personnel [ ] in Nurse IV and V Whose Grade is Based on
Both Their Personal Qualifications and Responsibilities of Their
(a) Placement in a Lower Grade for the Good of VA. Employees
placed in a lower grade for reasons other than cause or at the
employee’s request will have their pay set at the lowest step of the
lower grade which equals or exceeds their existing rate of basic pay.
If there is no such step, employees are entitled to pay retention.
(b) Voluntary Changes to a Lower Grade. Employees who take a
voluntary change to a lower grade may have their pay set at any step
of the grade that does not exceed their highest previous rate.
However, the employee is not eligible for pay retention, and, if the
employee changes facilities, the pay rates of the gaining facility shall
be applicable. The employee must submit a written request, through
channels, for the employment change. The employee’s signed
request is to be filed on the right side of the employee’s personnel
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
b. Review of Assignments of Key Nursing Personnel [(Nurses Other Than
Nurse Executives) and APN (Certified Nurse Anesthetists)] in Nurse IV and
Above Whose Grade is Based on Both Their Personal Qualifications and
Responsibilities of Their Assignment.
(1) Facility directors or officials in Central Office may request review of an
assignment if they believe it no longer warrants the current grade; the
assignment cannot be restructured within the requesting official’s scope of
responsibilities; and the employee will not voluntarily accept a change to a
lower grade. The responsible program official will initiate such a review if
there has been a significant change in the assignment or an accretion or
erosion of responsibilities suggests that the assignment would be more
appropriately placed in a different grade.
(2) Recommendations related to [RN and APN assignments] will be sent to the
Office of Nursing Services. Those related to [APN (CNA)] assignments will
be sent to the Central Office [ ] Office of Patient Care Services. If it is
determined that the grade is inappropriate, the correct grade will be
identified, and the following action will be taken:
(a) Any promotion or advancement will be effected on the first day of the
first pay period following the approving official’s determination.
(b) If the Central Office program official determines that the current grade
is no longer warranted:
i The facility’s request is forwarded to the Assistant Deputy Under
Secretary for Health (10N). This office will attempt voluntary or
involuntary placement of the employee in a more appropriate
assignment. If no placement opportunities are available, the
request will be returned to the facility.
ii The requesting official shall reduce the employee to the
appropriate grade. Such employees are eligible for pay retention.
NOTE: Directed transfers or reductions in grade approved under
this paragraph will not be considered adverse actions under 38
U.S.C. § 7461, provided they are not based on charges related to
conduct or performance. The actions are, however, grievable
under the provisions of VA Handbook 5021,
Employee/Management Relations.
[ ]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
1. Change in assignment for physicians and dentists will be processed by a
Compensation Panel. (See VA Handbook 5007, Pay Administration, Part IX.) All
personnel actions changing an employee from one type of appointment to another
under authority of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74 and not involving a break in service
will be processed as conversions except changes from or to fee-basis appointments
under authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(2) and lump-sum fee-basis appointments of
consultants and attending’s under authority of 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(2), and without
compensation appointments under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1). These actions will be
processed as new appointments. Changes in grades or levels for employees on
time-limited appointments under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) will be processed as
NOTE: Conversion or change in assignment to another appointment giving the
employee fewer rights and benefits will not be made until the employee has been
advised in writing of the conditions of employment under the new appointment and
the employee has submitted a written resignation or other written evidence clearly
indicating voluntary separation from the previous employment.
a. Individuals who render service to VA on a fee-basis, such as employees paid
according to a schedule of fees or consultants or attending’s used by letter of
appointment (see part II, section G, this handbook) may not be converted to
appointments under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. §§ 7306, 7401(1), 7401(3), and
7405(a)(1). Fee-basis employees will be terminated prior to appointment under
these authorities.
b. Full-time, part-time or intermittent employees appointed under 38 U.S.C. §§
7306, 7401(1), 7401(3), or 7405(a)(1), may not be converted to utilization on a
fee-basis. An employee must resign or the appointment must be terminated prior
to rendering service on a fee-basis except for instances in which dual
appointment has been approved. (See part II, chapter 3, section A.)
a. A [supervisor] will be responsible for making recommendations to the approving
authority concerning any conversion action to a probationary appointment under
38 U.S.C. § 7401(1) or servicing HR Office for those under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(3),
whichever is applicable, as well as RNs [or APNs] appointed part-time or
intermittent under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1), and on any conversion involving a
change in grade and/or step rate within the grade.
b. No [additional action] will be required on conversion from an appointment under
38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1), 7401(3) or 7405(a)(1) for individuals appointed as part-
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
time or intermittent RNs [or APNs], provided the employee has previously
acquired permanent status under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(1) or 7401(3) or completed
a probationary period under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1) for individuals appointed as
part-time or intermittent RNs [or APNs], as appropriate, and has had continuous
service under 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74 since acquiring such status.
c. The [supervisor] will determine that the employee’s past and expected future
performance and physical, mental and emotional ability warrants the change in
employment status. [ ]
d. The Compensation Panel will document any change in assignment on VA Form
10-0432a, Compensation Panel Action, along with a recommendation to the
approving official.
4. APPROVAL AUTHORITY. All conversion actions or change in assignments may be
approved by the facility director except those involving a change in grade or step
rate or tier level for which the approving authority is vested in Central Office or where
Central Office approval is specifically required.
a. Personnel actions necessary to effect conversions to appointments or change in
assignments under 38 U.S.C., chapter 73 or 74 generally will be effective the
first day of the pay period following approval of the conversion or change in
assignment except where otherwise specified. When necessary, in order to
prevent a break in service caused by the expiration of an appointment prior to
the first day of the next pay period, the action may be made effective the first
day following the expiration of such appointment.
b. The nature of action will indicate conversion or change in assignment to an
appropriate excepted appointment under the authority of 38 U.S.C., chapter 73
or 74. For individuals converted to an appointment under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1),
as well as individuals converted to an appointment as a part-time or intermittent
RN [or APN] under 38 U.S.C. § 7405(a)(1), the “Remarks” section of the SF 50-
B will, when appropriate, state “Appointment subject to probationary period of 2
years.” When appropriate, it will also show the amount of any prior service which
is creditable toward completion of the required probationary period or a remark
that the probationary period was completed.
c. A new application is not required for conversions or change in assignments
when one is already on file and VA Form 10-2850, 10-2850a, or 10-2850c is not
specifically required.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
U.S. C. § 7401(1) FROM APPOINTMENT UNDER 38 U.S.C. § 7306. Employees
serving under 38 U.S.C. § 7306 appointments will notify the Under Secretary for
Health (10) if they desire full-time appointments under 38 U.S.C. § 7401(1). (See
part II, chapter 3, section A, this handbook.) [The supervisory official] will
recommend to the Under Secretary for Health the grade and rate of pay and type of
assignment which should be made on conversion. The Central Office Compensation
Panel for physicians and dentists will recommend a tier determination to the Under
Secretary for Health on changes in assignment. On approval of the [ ]
recommendation by the Under Secretary for Health, personnel action will be taken to
affect the conversion or change in assignment.
[ ]
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
Category of
t Authority
Nature of Action
VA Required Remarks
Auxiliaries [ ]
38 U.S.C. §
Promotion” or
“Change to
Lower Grade,”
as appropriate
“Change to
38 U.S.C.
“Special Advancement for
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with
(promotion requirements).”
Will be shown for
promotion grade
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with (duty
assignment).” Will be shown
when employee changed
from level of assignment
where grade is based on
both nature of assignment
and personal qualifications.
“Pay Adjustment”
“Special Advancement for
“Pay Adjustment”
Use when a Nurse I is
advanced to a higher
level within Nurse I
assistants, and
function dental
auxiliaries [ ]
38 U.S.C. §
“Promotion” or
“Change to
Lower Grade,”
as appropriate
“Change to
38 U.S.C. §
“Special Advancement for
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with
(promotion requirements).”
Will be shown for
promotion grade
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with (duty
).” Will be shown
when employee changed
from level of assignment
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
where grade is based on
both nature of assignment
and personal qualifications.
“Pay Adjustment”
“Special Advancement for
“Pay Adjustment”
Use when a Nurse I is
advanced to a higher level
within Nurse I grade.
Applicable to part- time or
intermittent appointments
without time limitations.
38 U.S.C. §
38 U.S.C. §
and dental
38 U.S.C. §
38 U.S.C. §
“Special Advancement for
Performance” or “Special
Advancement for
“Pay Adjustment”
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
Category of
Nature of Action
VA Required Remarks
All Hybrid
38 U.S.C.
38 U.S.C. §
“Pay Adjustment”
“Special Advancement for
or “Change
to Lower
Grade,” as
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with (promotion
requirements).” Will be shown
for promotion grade
“Change to
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with (duty
assignment).” Will be shown
when employee changed from
level of assignment where grade
is based on both nature of
assignment and personal
“Pay Adjustment”
“Special Advancement for
All Hybrid
38 U.S.C.
“Pay Adjustment”
38 U. S. C. §
“Special Advancement for
or “Change
to Lower
Grade,” as
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with (promotion
requirements).” Will be shown
for promotion grade
“Change to
“Grade Adjustment. For
consistency with (duty
assignment).” Will be shown
when employee changed from
level of assignment where grade
is based on both nature of
assignment and personal
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
“Pay Adjustment
“Special Advancement for
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
NOTE: The term advancement in this appendix refers to advancement to a higher level
within the grade for [registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice nurses (APNs)],
not special advancements for achievement or performance.
NOTE: All actions affecting directors of medical and VISNs requiring
approval of the Under Secretary for Health or designee, will also require
the concurrence of the Under Secretary for Benefits.
a. Promotion of employees to positions centralized to the Under Secretary for
Health as outlined in VA Handbook 5005, Appendix G15 Chiefs of Pharmacy
Service to GS-15.
b. Promotion of VHA Central Office employees.
c. Promotion reconsideration requests from VHA Central Office employees.
d. Promotion reconsideration requests from RNs [and APNs] will be processed in
accordance with VA Handbook 5005, Part III, Chapter 4, Section A, paragraph
e. Promotion reconsideration for VISN employees.
a. Promotion of VISN employees.
b. Reconsideration requests for promotion or change in assignment from
employees at field facilities within the respective VISNs. This applies to all
occupations except RNs [and APNs].
c. Temporary change in assignments to chief of staff or comparable positions in
tier 4 for renewable periods not to exceed one year.
a. Promotion of employees to grades GS-13 and below and to GS-14 grade levels
as delegated by the Network Director.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
b. Promotion of Pharmacists. Facility directors may delegate to the Chief of
Pharmacy Service the promotion of pharmacists in noncentralized assignments
below GS-13, Assistant Chiefs of Pharmacy Service at GS-13.
c. Promotion of all other hybrids, which may be delegated to the chief of staff, the
associate director or nurse executive, as appropriate.
d. Promotion of Optometrists.
e. Promotion of Chiropractors.
f. Promotion of Podiatrists.
g. Change in assignment of Dentists (staff dentists, service chiefs, and positions
comparable to service chief).
h. Promotion of Expanded-Function Dental Auxiliaries.
i. Promotion of Physician Assistants [at PA IV and PA V, which may not be
delegated to the chief of staff or lead PA].
j. Change in assignments of Physicians.
k. Promotion or advancement to a higher level within the grade of APN (Certified
Nurse Anesthetists).
l. Promotion of Registered Nurses at Nurse III and below, which may be delegated
to the Associate Director for Patient Care Services or nurse executive.
m. Promotion of Registered Nurses at Nurse IV and Nurse V, which may not be
delegated to the Associate Director for Patient Care Services or nurse executive.
n. Reconsideration requests for promotion up to the full performance level from
employees appointed under 38 U.S.C. §§ 7401(3) or 7405(a)(1)(B) at field
NOTE: When an employee on a time-limited appointment is advanced in grade
or level within the grade (Nurse I), those actions must be processed as a
conversion action after consideration by the appropriate approving official. Refer
to VA Handbook 5005, Part III, Chapter 5, paragraph 5.
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
If full-time, part-time or
intermittent employee is in a
then take these steps for promotion up to the full
performance level
Hybrid title 38 occupation
Upon receipt of Notice of Pending Personnel Action, the
HR Office will forward the original to the employee’s
service chief. A duplicate copy will be retained in the HR
Office as a suspense copy.
The immediate supervisor will notify employee of
eligibility for promotion, and employee will be given 30
days to submit a self-assessment. The immediate
supervisor will make a formal promotion
recommendation to the approving official based on an
evaluation of employee’s self -assessment,
performance, experience, and/or education, as
appropriate. Recommendation will meet criteria
described in section B, chapter 4, this part. .
Upon concurrence of the promotion recommendation by
the approving official, the appropriate personnel action
will be prepared and submitted along with supporting
documentation to the HR Office. In no case will the
promotion be effected later than the employee’s
anniversary date unless a future date, set by the
approving authority and at the election of the employee
when doing so, would benefit the employee (i.e., an
employee is due a within grade increase), and that does
not violate law or negotiated agreement.
If promotion is not recommended, the immediate
supervisor will notify the employee in writing that they
are not being recommended for promotion. The written
notice will state the reason(s) why the employee does
not meet the criteria for promotion, the right to
reconsideration, and that requests for reconsideration
must be preceded by an informal discussion with their
supervisor. Reconsideration request procedures will
follow criteria described in paragraph 7 of chapter 4, this
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
1. SCOPE. This appendix contains VHA policy on the assignment of non-patient care
duties to title 38 employees and when placement of title 38 employees in competitive
civil service positions is required; it establishes procedures for ongoing review of
these assignments; and it provides information on the conversion of title 38
employees to appointments under title 5 United States Code (U.S.C.). This appendix
sets forth VHA policy that title 38 employees are to be appropriately utilized.
2. POLICY. It is VHA policy that responsible officials assign title 38 employees duties
requiring clinical skills; that the utilization of title 38 employees in competitive civil
service positions is prohibited [(unless approved by the Office of Personnel
Management)]; and that positions which do not require clinical skills be placed in the
competitive civil service.
a. Network directors, facility directors and officials in VA Central Office are
responsible for:
(1) Ensuring that positions that require clinical knowledge, skills, and abilities
of an occupation covered by title 38 are not placed under title 5.
(2) Ensuring that positions that do not require the knowledge, skills, and
abilities of a health care professional are not removed from the competitive
civil service by placing a title 38 employee in the position. NOTE: Such
actions are contrary to title 5 U.S.C.§ 3302 and title 5 Code of Federal
Regulations (C.F.R.), part 1 (Civil Service Rule 1), and, in certain
instances, are considered a prohibited personnel practice as defined by
title 5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(6).
(3) Controlling the degree to which title 38 employees are assigned duties that
do not require clinical skills. However, when such action is necessary,
these officials must ensure that:
(a) Staffing is sufficient to provide patient care, continuous quality
improvement, health care education, research, etc.
(b) The assignment of the non-clinical duties is consistent with good
position management principles. The provision of administrative
support services needs to be evaluated in a comprehensive manner
at the organization and position levels. For example, would putting
employees performing related non-clinical duties under the control of
clinical managers result in improved services? Positions can also be
reengineered so non-clinical responsibilities can be assigned to
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
competitive service employees, making more clinical staff available
for patient care services. Positions that involve a mixture of clinical
and non- clinical duties are to be evaluated to determine if title 38
employees might be used on a part-time, consultative, collateral or
rotational basis. Also, non-clinical duties assigned to title 38
employees are to be reduced to a minimum and assigned to title 5
(c) Staffing patterns are established so that title 38 employees are not
routinely required to perform administrative or support functions that
do not require the services of a health care professional. This
includes title 38 employees assigned to evening, night, weekend, and
holiday tours of duty.
i Working with the chief of staff, nurse executive, HR Officer, and
other appropriate officials to apply the policies in this appendix
consistently throughout the organization. This includes reviewing
and bringing into conformance appointments or assignments
inconsistent with this appendix.
ii Converting positions that do not require clinical skills to the
competitive civil service, and either reassigning the incumbent title
38 employee or offering the employee the opportunity to voluntarily
convert to the competitive civil service using the Interchange
Agreement in appendix III-C. However, such conversion actions
must be based upon a [supervisor’s finding in collaboration with
profession’s SMEs and HR staff] finding that the position does not
require the services of a health care professional. Employees
requesting conversion must be advised, in writing, of the
implications of the decision on their pay and benefits (e.g.,
differences in leave accrual rates and, since conversion is
voluntary, these employees would not be eligible for pay retention).
In addition, new, current or converting title 5 employees who are
licensed in a title 38 occupation (e.g., M.D., R.N.) are to be advised
in writing that they are prohibited from engaging in professional
practice in their VA position. Copies of these statements are to be
placed on the left-hand side of the employee’s Merged Records
Personnel Folder. When employees are reassigned to patient care
positions, management must ensure that the employee’s
competencies and credentials (e.g., license) are current.
Reasonable measures must also be taken to reduce or eliminate
potential adverse effects on employees being reassigned. There
may be labor relations responsibilities to fulfill when an employee
is involuntarily reassigned from one bargaining unit position to
another. Managers are to consult with their labor relations advisor
to determine whether an obligation exists. NOTE: If the [finding
VA Handbook 5005/161 January 29, 2024
Part III
identifies that] the position requires a title 38 employee,
responsible officials are to evaluate the position to ensure it is
consistent with the criteria in preceding subparagraphs a (1) and a
b. Network directors, facility directors and officials in VHA Central Office cannot:
(1) Assign title 5 employees or former title 38 employees who have converted
to title 5 positions, any clinical responsibilities associated with a title 38
occupation. Such responsibilities can only be assigned to employees
appointed under title 38.
(2) Convert title 38 employees to title 5 positions to avoid pay limitations,
required waivers of qualification standards, competitive civil service
procedures, credentialing requirements or to circumvent provider-patient
(3) Establish title 5 positions in the occupations listed in 38 U.S.C. 7401(1) or
4. FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY. The Director, Workforce Management and
Consulting (106A) is responsible for the contents of this appendix.