14 Museum of Science
$30.8 million new gifts and pledges
$156.4 million endowment
383 full-time employees
162 part-time employees
35 temporary employees
400 volunteers contributed a total
of 33,919 hours to 29 different
programs—the equivalent of
16 full-time employees
1.4 million visitors and 45,964
member households
175 corporate members
132,906 school children participated
in field trips to the Museum
17,228 children and chaperones
attended overnight programs
100,182 individuals (86,326 school
children and 13,856 public audience)
served by Traveling Programs, covering
65,367 miles throughout New
England; $106,532 in scholarships
21,624 free Exhibit Halls admissions
provided to Massachusetts residents
qualifying for Electronic Benefits
Transfer (EBT) or Supplemental
Nutrition Program
$14,895 $14,623 $15,333
$51,274 $47,518 $48,612
$66,169 $62,141 $63,945
$41,645 $40,516 $42,620
$24,466 $21,605 $21,282
$66,111 $62,121 $63,902
2016 2017 2018
Operating Income
Total Operating Income
Operating Expenses
Program Services
Supporting Services
Total Operating Expenses
Net Operating Income
($ in thousands)
16.4 million
77.1 million
15.3 million
FY16 FY17* FY18
*The Museum received an unprecedented transformative
$50 million gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies in FY17.
Fall 2018 15
n MathWorks made a $10 million gift
to the Museum that will fund the
development of Tech Studio, a new
permanent technology and engineering
exhibit set to open in 2020. This is part
of the initial phase of the transformation
of the Blue Wing into an integrated
experience that engages visitors to be
the critical thinkers needed to shape our
technological future.
n At the midpoint of the three-year effort,
the Museum reached 75% of its $20
million goal for the Blue Wing Founders
Fund, which will support the Blue Wing
transformation. This impressive figure
was reached after a successful matching
fund challenge by trustee emerita Brit
d’Arbeloff generated $3 million.
n Nearly 1,000 people gathered a few days
before Pi Day (3/14) at City Hall Plaza
for the debut of the Museum-hosted
Boston Pi Party. The highlight—finishing
just shy of the American record for most
shaving cream pies thrown at one time.
The event was sponsored by Gillette,
Table Talk Pies, the City of Boston, and
Guinness World Records
n At the ninth annual Stars of STEM
signature celebration, the Museum
honored GE, a company that shares this
institution’s belief that when people are
inspired, they will be motivated to figure
out, to invent, and to create.
n Alison Gopnik, PhD, and Salman Khan
received the 2017 Bradford Washburn
Award. Gopnik is a world leader in
cognitive science, focused on children’s
learning and development, and Khan is
the founder of Khan Academy, a nonprofit
with a mission to provide a free, world-
class education for anyone, anywhere.
n The 2017 Col. Francis T. Colby Award
was presented to longtime Museum
supporters Wendy K. Kistler and M.
Dozier Gardner. Both have helped the
Museum in many ways, with Kistler
being instrumental in the creation of the
popular Butterfly Garden and Gardner’s
family foundation contributing challenge
grant funds to spur membership in the
Museum’s Annual Fund.
n George Whitesides, who is a pioneer in
microfabrication and nanoscale self-
assembly, received the 2017 Walker Prize.
n Among the film’s appearing on the Mugar
Omni Theater dome screen was Dream
Big: Engineering Our World, which
was developed with input from Museum
educators and president and director
Ioannis Miaoulis.
n Dell awarded two grants totaling nearly
$2.6 million to support the Museum’s
award-winning curriculum, EiE
, and for
the development of a computer science
curriculum for the William and Charlotte
Bloomberg Science Education Center.
Learn more on page 12.
n Visitors flocked to the Museum to see
engaging temporary exhibitions, including
A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature,
Crocs: Ancient Predators in a Modern
World, POPnology, and Space: An Out-
of-Gravity Experience.
n The Massachusetts Department of
Children and Families (DCF) and the
Museum entered into a partnership
that gives every child in foster care in
Massachusetts and their families free
access to the Museum, its programs
and exhibits, as well as scholarships for
summer classes and career readiness
opportunities for teens. The Museum
and the DCF came together through the
Wonderfund, a recently reestablished
private charity.
n The 20th anniversary of the Museum’s
Women in Science and Engineering
(WISE) Committee was marked with a
series of events, including a luncheon
with an all-female panel discussion on the
impact female STEM professionals have
on the Boston innovation economy.
$105 million
$146 million
$156 million
16.4 million
77.1 million
15.3 million
FY16 FY17* FY18
16 Museum of Science
* 10 or more years consecutive giving M Matching support
The Museum is deeply grateful for those individu-
als that make commitments to special initiatives,
endowment, and current-use support. Their
leadership gifts advance the Museum’s efforts to
push the boundaries of STEM education in both
informal and formal settings. Thanks to their
support, the Museum will realize its vision to
become the leading science center worldwide in
expanding the public’s access to, understanding
of, and critical thinking around engineering,
technology, and the sciences.
Individuals and Families
$1,000,000 or more
Brit d’Arbeloff*
Gwill E. York and Paul Maeder*
$500,000 - $999,999
Nonnie and Rick Burnes*
Therese and Kurt Melden
$100,000 - $499,999
Mary and John E. Abele/Argosy Foundation*
Richard Anders and Judy Paprin*
Amy and Joshua Boger
Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger*
Dr. Priscilla H. Douglas
Juan Enriquez and Mary Schneider Enriquez
Gretchen S. Fish
Johanna Friedenstein
Sandy and Dozier Gardner*
Karen and Gary Gregg*
Leslie E. Greis*
Daphne and George Hatsopoulos*
Ina and Lewis Heafitz Charitable Foundation*
Wendy and Philip Kistler*
Allinson Lamb Family Foundation
George Lewis
Alistair and Sharon Lowe*
Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch, PhD, JD
and Lars Liebisch
Ann Merrifield and Wayne Davis*
Shellie Miller and Jeff Arnold
Elizabeth Moore
Jane and A. Neil Pappalardo*
Daniel and Katherine Relihan
Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr.*
Rudy and Anne Ruggles*
Michael and Helen Schaffer Foundation
William M. and Judith A. Steul*
Joan and Herman Suit*
Susan and Michael Thonis* M
$50,000 - $99,999
Albert and Hilary Creighton*
Elise and Dozier L. Gardner*
Muriel Hurovitz
Ann and Ed Kania*
Donald and Edna Kaplan*
Susan C. Kaplan
The Kaufman and Rubin Family*
LARS Foundation*
Jack Little and Nancy Wittenberg*
Nordblom Family Foundation
Elise and Neil W. Wallace*
D. Reid Weedon, Jr.*
Constance V. R. White
$25,000 - $49,999
Brenda and Stéphane Bancel
Sarah and Jeffrey Beir*
The Joshua and Anita Bekenstein Charitable Fund
Michael and Lisa Bronner
Dorothy S. and Walter M. Cabot*
Mark Currie and Lynne Ferrari
The Tarrant Cutler Family
Nancy E. Dempze and Daniel J. Bailey III*
Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall*
Joanne and Paul Egerman*
Dr. Richard Eglen and Mrs. Angela Eglen M
Julie and Bayard Henry*
Emily C. Hood
Barbara and Amos Hostetter*
Dr. Timothy and Nancy Johnson
Kathryn B. Kavadas*
Anne C. Kubik and Michael Krupka
Tom and Bonnie Leighton
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr.*
Colleen and Howard Messing*
Jamie and Yiannis Monovoukas
Paul and Joyce Mucci Family Foundation*
James Rosenberg*
William Schawbel and Judy Samelson*
Fredi and Howard Stevenson
Brian Totty and Shernaz Daver
Jack Turner and Tee Taggart*
Marc and Nadia Ullman*
Corporations, Foundations, and
$1,000,000 or more
Bloomberg Philanthropies
MathWorks, Inc.*
National Science Foundation*
US Department of Justice
$500,000 - $999,999
Biogen Inc.*
The Charles Hayden Foundation
National Aeronautics and Space
Outfront Media
$100,000 - $499,999
Allen & Gerritsen
DC Beane and Associates
Best Buy Foundation
BNY Mellon*
Hermann Foundation
Institute of Museum and Library Services*
As a nonprofit organization, the Museum of Science relies on generous philanthropic
contributions from supporters like you so we can remain on the cutting edge for exhibitry,
programming, and curriculum. Our Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018)
Honor Roll recognizes your importance, and we are grateful to say, “Thank You.”
Brit d'Arbeloff, Marion S. Ellis, and Estelle M. Weedon
Priscilla Douglas
Donald and Edna Kaplan with Nile and Lee Albright
Fall 2018 17
Lowell Institute
The Lynch Foundation
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Vector Marketing
WCVB-TV, Channel 5*
$50,000 - $99,999
Coca-Cola Refreshments*
Francis T. Colby Trust*
CVS Health
Liberty Mutual Insurance*
National Grid*
Sanofi Genzyme*
WBUR 90.9
Edwin S. Webster Foundation
Wolfgang Puck Catering/Restaurant
Yawkey Foundations*
$25,000 - $49,999
BAE Systems*
Dassault Systèmes
General Electric Company
Microsoft Corporation*
Oracle Corporation
Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Sidney A. Swensrud Foundation
WBZ-Channel 4
Support from the members of the Museum’s
Annual Fund giving societies touches every area
of our institution’s operations. Their support sus-
tains our enterprise and their involvement in the
life of the Museum builds community and fosters
our reputation in the region and beyond.
$100,000 or more
Brit d’Arbeloff*
Sandy and Dozier Gardner*
Karen and Gary Gregg*
Jack Little and Nancy Wittenberg*
Jane and A. Neil Pappalardo*
$25,000 - $99,999
Mary and John E. Abele/Argosy Foundation*
Sarah and Jeffrey Beir*
The Joshua and Anita Bekenstein Charitable Fund
Michael and Lisa Bronner
Albert and Hilary Creighton*
Mark Currie and Lynne Ferrari
Joanne and Paul Egerman*
Dr. Richard Eglen and Mrs. Angela Eglen M
Elise and Dozier L. Gardner*
Julie and Bayard Henry*
Emily C. Hood
Barbara and Amos Hostetter*
Ann and Ed Kania*
Kathryn B. Kavadas*
Anne C. Kubik and Michael Krupka
Colleen and Howard Messing*
Paul and Joyce Mucci Family Foundation*
Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr.*
William Schawbel and Judy Samelson*
Fredi and Howard Stevenson
Susan and Michael Thonis* M
Brian Totty and Shernaz Daver
Marc and Nadia Ullman*
Gwill E. York and Paul Maeder*
Anonymous (2)
Gold Level
$10,000 - $24,999
Amy and David Abrams*
Geraldine Acuña-Sunshine and
Gabriel Sunshine
Richard Anders and Judy Paprin*
Brenda and Stéphane Bancel
Amy and Joshua Boger
Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger*
Nonnie and Rick Burnes*
Dorothy S. and Walter M. Cabot*
Richard A. Carpenter*
Norman and Heewon Cerk
Catherine and Peter Creighton
Nancy E. Dempze and Daniel J. Bailey III*
Jaishree and Desh Deshpande*
Susan and Gary T. DiCamillo*
Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols*
Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Eisenson
Juan Enriquez and Mary Schneider Enriquez
Gretchen S. Fish
Hannelore and Jeremy Grantham
Leslie E. Greis*
Jean and Henry Hall*
Daphne and George Hatsopoulos*
Gardner Hendrie and Karen Johansen*
Tina and Neil Horwitz*
Donald and Edna Kaplan*
Brian and Elizabeth Keane
Wayne and Norva Kennard*
Wendy and Philip Kistler*
Maria and Wes Kussmaul*
Lakeside Foundation*
LARS Foundation*
Pam Lassiter*
Leo Liu, MD and Pendred Noyce, MD*
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr.*
Alistair and Sharon Lowe*
Cynthia and Kent Lundberg
Therese and Kurt Melden
Jamie and Yiannis Monovoukas
Elizabeth Moore
Laura Barker Morse and Kenneth P. Morse*
Alison Nolan
Marianne and Kenneth J. Novack*
William O’Reilly Jr. and Elizabeth Ross
Thomas and Jennifer Pincince*
Johan Pontin
William and Helen Pounds*
Gene and Abby Record*
John Rick
James Rosenberg*
Carol A. and Matthew D. Shedd*
Deborah Sheedy* M
Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman*
Richard A. and Susan F. Smith
William M. and Judith A. Steul*
Joan and Herman Suit*
Jane and Payson Swaffield
Maryrose and Michael Sylvester
Jack Turner and Tee Taggart*
D. Reid Weedon, Jr.*
Mrs. John Weitzel*
Susan Whitehead*
George and Barbara Whitesides
Anonymous (2)
Silver Level
$5,000 - $9,999
Donald-Bruce Abrams and Roberta Rubin*
Allinson Lamb Family Foundation
Steven and Christine Bellon*
Thomas and Lisa Blumenthal
John M. Bradley*
Betsy Washburn Cabot*
Julie and Kevin Callaghan
Ian and Vicky Davis
Tim and Katie Delaney
Judith A. and Lionel P. Fortin*
Anne and Walter J. Gamble
C. MacKay Ganson Jr. and Julia K. Ganson
Granville C. Garth*
Jeff and Sena Gore
Helen Greiner*
Bambi Hatch*
Ina and Lewis Heafitz Charitable Foundation*
Patricia and Galen Ho
Dr. Barbara J. Hughey
Peter and Adrienne Jaffe* M
David L. Jegen and Cynthia Greene*
Aleksander Jonca and Erica Appleman
Susan C. Kaplan
Alexa and Ranch Kimball*
Jone LaBombard and William Noyce
Caroline and Andrew Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence*
Kirstin Lynde and Michael E. Kolowich*
Ariel and Christopher Maddocks M
Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch, PhD, JD
and Lars Liebisch
Bijoy Mathew and Sonali Patel-Mathew
Rebecca McNeill
Ann Merrifield and Wayne Davis*
Mr. and Mrs. Neal P. Miller
Michele Mittelman
Jill and Thomas Pappas
Rohit and Neeta Patel
Chinh Pham and Laureen McVay
Steven and Jill Purpura
Diane and Dan Riccio
Lisa and Jonathan Rourke*
Rudy and Anne Ruggles*
Stanley and Barbara Schantz*
David and Beth Shaw
Navjot and Nithya Singh
Brian and Stephanie Spector
Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2018
Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger
18 Museum of Science
Jay and Wendy Spencer
Aimee and Eric Sprung M
Maria and Ray Stata
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland*
Gerry Swislow*
Jean Tempel and Peter Wilson*
Barry Ticho and Allison August
Hal and Lisa Tovin*
Elise and Neil W. Wallace*
The Wapack Foundation*
Weiss Family Foundation, Inc.
Constantin von Wentzel and Shoma Aditya
Steve Woodsum and Anne Lovett*
Anonymous (4)
Bronze Level
$2,500 - $4,999
Vernon R. Alden*
Samuel Axelrod and Sarah Dowst
Mr. Steve M. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Becton Jr.*
Erica Bial
Susan and William Blinn
Willa and Taylor Bodman*
Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.
Mrs. Carol W. Bowen
Kerry Bowie and Sherri-Ann Burnett-Bowie
Sol and Rafael Carbonell
Hsi-Pen Chen and Kenneth Hancock
Chris and Nancy Coburn
Mr. Stephen E. Coit and Prof. Susan Napier*
Diana Collazo and Paul Gallo
Jorge Conde and Cristina Ferrer
Karen and Brian Conway
Lauren and Jared Cosulich
Mo and Stacy Cowan
Edith L. Dabney and the John H. Knowles
Flora and Anita D’Angio*
Mr. James Daniell and Ms. Susan LeClaire*
Mr. Nelson J. Darling Jr.*
Philip Davidson and Julia Twarog
Kim and Judith Davis
Bruce C. and Lynn B. Dayton
Matthew and Gabrielle D’Errico
Sally and John Dias*
Dr. Priscilla H. Douglas
Emily Ebert
Dale Edmunds and Barbara Fay
Fenel M. Eloi
Alexandra and Samuel Épée-Bounya M
Medha Sinha and Arthur G. Epker III*
Otgontsetseg Erhemjamts and
Tumennasan Bayar
Aaron and Caroline Falk
Cecilia Fernandez and Alex Long
Trinidad and Melanie Flores* M
Todd and Melissa Foley
Fabian and Suzanne Fondriest
Robert Frankston and Eleanor Elkin*
Dr. Nina T. Frusztajer
Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Garland*
John and Brenda Geishecker
Leilani and Andrew Germain M
Joan Goldberg and Thomas Malone
Jim and Kim Goldinger
Kaia and Jono Goldstein
Jonathan Goodman and Elizabeth Silverman
Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp and
Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp*
Mr. Lawrence A. Green*
Richard and Zeina Grinnell
Elizabeth and Phillip Gross
Ms. Anne B. Hagan*
Robert and Bethe Hagopian
Haley Family Foundation
The Helen G. Hauben Foundation*
Margaretta and Jerry Hausman*
Linda and Tim Holiner*
M. and Janet Howe
Carl and Toini Jaffe
Indu S. Javeri
Phil Johnson and Donna Gordon*
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone*
Salim Kabawat and Ann O’Connell
Jana and Tim Kierstead
David Kloss and Karen Scott
Tamara and Fred Ledley*
Dr. Robin Levin*
Andrew Ley and Carol Searle*
Stephanie and Thanasi Liakos
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lowell*
G. Raymond and Barbara Luddy*
Catherine Lyden and Joseph Siemiatkoski*
The Lynch Foundation
Doug and Amy MacDougall
Ted MacLean and Joanne Liautaud
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacPherson Jr.*
Stephen and Elena Marcus
Jasmine and Paul Mashikian
Ms. Ilene Mason
James and Susan McGlennon M
Dr. David J. McGrath*
The McGrath Family
Jane Mendillo and Ralph Earle
Greta Meszoely and Hamid Benbrahim
Retsina Meyer and Reuben Goodman
Dr. Ioannis N. Miaoulis*
Trevor Miller and Kim Williams
Pratyush Moghe and Asawaree Kalavade
Paul and Sandra Montrone
Lorraine and Charles Morss
Marisol Negrón and Joel Dawson
Paul and Marcela Noonan
Heidi Norchi and Terrence Norchi, MD
Mary Anne and Jeffrey North*
Chelsie and Alexander Olney
Ha and Randall Orbon
Gregory and Lori O’Shaughnessy*
Lynne and Tim Palmer
George and Melissa Papayannis*
Donald and Sandra Perrin
Ellen and Louis Piccioli
Robert and Sally Quinn*
Arthur and Paula Rabe
Daniel and Katherine Relihan
Daniel and Julia Rinehart*
Malcolm and Mona Roberts
Chris and Cathy Rogers*
Douglas Romich and Pat Tietbohl*
The Kaufman and Rubin Family*
Daniel and Ranella Saul
Rebecca B. Saunders*
Jacqueline Savoie and Dennis McCool*
Ms. Emily F. Schabacker*
Alan and Elizabeth Schlosberg* M
Miriam and Beverly Schwartz
Karl and Deborah Schwiegershausen*
Rudina Seseri and Adrian Ketri
The Shane Foundation*
Kay and Nicholas Shanny
Michael and Heather Sherman
Jordan and Rebecca Shin
Jenot W. and William U. Shipley, M.D.*
Mr. Arshad Siddiqui
Jennifer and Gregory Sieczkiewicz M
Lawrence and Joan Siff*
Norm Smith and Judy Reed-Smith
Kenneth and Carol Vash Spritz*
John Stafford and Morgan Hellmold*
Karel and Catherine Steiner*
Meeijih and David Sun*
Elinor Svenson
Addie Swartz and Joel Rosen*
David and Deborah Tancredi
Peter Thonis
Gene and Susan Tremblay
Anita Treohan
Margaret and Jim Wade
David and Lisa Walker
Daniel and Cynthia Whitney
Terry and David Wilkins
Oneeka Williams and Charles Anderson
Ms. Amy Morse Winslow and
Mr. Toffer Winslow*
Krishna Yeshwant and Munirih Qualls
Anonymous (6)
$1,200 - $2,499
Karen Agnew and John Huth
Bruce Anderson and Lara Sojka M
Mr. Patrick W. Bartlett*
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Bernstein*
Cynthia Breazeal and Robert Blumofe
Peter and Margaret Cimini
Susan and Gerald Cohen*
Henry Cohn and Rachel Miller
Jeffrey and Alison Corin
John and Cheryl Danieli
Charles and Patricia Davis*
Mr. Richard Donoho
Elisabeth M. Drake
Eicher Foundation
Stacy Cowan
Fall 2018 19
Marjorie Findlay and Geoffrey Freeman*
Steven and Renee Finn
Patrick Gan M
Kathy Grise and Alexandra Grise*
Michael and Jeanne Henry
Terron Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hood*
Paul Ippolito
Emily G. Kahn
Chingyun and Gerd Keiser
Timothy and Joan Keutzer*
John D. C. Little*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lubin*
Susan Mahan and Steven Kirincich
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Malpass Jr.*
Leslie and Colin Masson
McLane Harper Charitable Foundation
Henry and Michele Nasella*
Victor Nghe M
Peter and Kristin Nordblom
Michelle O’Connor
Frances and Michael Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perkins
Kathy and George Putnam*
Seshadri Rangarajan M
Liz Rietz and Kevin King
René and Susan Ruiz
Robert and Beth Sackstein*
Mira Sahney and Howard Tang*
Hope Sidman
Lori and Matthew Sidman
Paula Leventhal Sidman
Susan and James Snider
Nancy and Steve Stayton*
Steven A. Tague*
Alison and Kate Taunton-Rigby
Richard and Judy Usen
Paul and Jennifer Walsh
Shawn Warren and Shirley Jia*
Frederic Weldon
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley H. Willis*
Amy Woods*
Stanley Yamane and Stephanie Hawkins
Anonymous (2)
$600 - $1,199
Carolina Abuelo and Jonathan Leary M
Ms. Susan Aguiar*
Mr. Giovanni Alabiso*
Marc and Melanie Anderson*
Alma Antoniotti and Gail Jennes*
Shellie Miller and Jeff Arnold
Mark and Christy Arnold
Ben and Meghan Balbale
Jason and Julia Barone-Cichocki
The Barrington Foundation*
Cameron W. Beck
Andrew Bender
Peter and Cindy Bergethon
Jane and Jerry Berman
Glenn and Gail Blinckmann M
Steven and Gail Blumsack*
Susan Briggs
John and Kate Cabot*
Rebecca Cannon and Scott Miller
Brian and Laura Caputo
Ronald G. Casty
Alfred Cece and Nikolas Cameles
Feng and Shu-Mei Chen
Ibrahim Cisse
Ellen Cohen and Daniel Haber*
Thomas and Lisa Collins*
John Colonna-Romano
Reverend Louise Conant and
Dr. Loring Conant Jr.*
Susan and Geoffrey Coram
Catharine and William Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Dain
William Daniels
Dr. Randall Davis and Dr. Dana Penney
Marjory Taylor and Dean DeMaster
Mark and Laura DiNapoli
Marna Dolinger
Tina Donnarummo M
Robert Duby and Dale Gorman
Mr. Phillip Dunkelberger
Amy Edmondson and George Daley
Marion S. and David W. Ellis*
Brett and Britt Estwanik
Barbara Ewels and James Anderson
Jack and JoAnne Faer
Jacqueline and Graig Fantuzzi
John and Linda Felter
Kaja and Dan Fickes
Ellen Finneran and John Spanks
Nigel Foster and Susan Howitt*
Reg and Barbie Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Freiman
Shannon and Benjamin Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Bob W. Garthwait Jr.
Norman and Madeleine Gaut
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gelb
Harvey and Irene George*
Todd and Nicole Giaquinto M
Carol R. and Avram J. Goldberg
Jason Gorer and Nancy Rhei-Gorer M
Kenneth and Peggy Grace
Jonathan Green and Jennifer Stone*
Mr. Randy Greenwood
Thomas Grimshaw M
Vicki and Donald Gusso
Brian Hale and Stephanie Lin
Frank and Melissa Hanenberger
Nan and Bill Harris*
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hatfield Jr.
Michael and Sue-Ellen Haynes
Jeanne Hilsinger
Morton and Sandra Hoffman*
David and Becky Houston
Stanley A. Howe Jr.
Joan and Timothy Ingraham*
Christopher Jackson
Ronald and Kathleen Jackson*
Leslie Jeng and Jon Biotti
Paul Kazolias and Debra Mayo
David Kelly and Regina Recene
Meg and Jonathan Kelly
Amitha and James Knight M
Lydia Villa Komaroff and Anthony Komaroff
Anna Kuznetsova and Ronald Schafer
Jeffrey and Janet Larson
Jeanne Lauer-Williams and Mic Williams
Alexander and Eileen Leith*
Pamela Lenehan and Lawrence Geuss
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levin
Bruce Levine and Marissa Levine
Ms. Shi-Yi Liu
Carl and Bridget Long
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyman*
Stephen Lynch*
David Manfredi
Mark S. Manooshian
Joseph and Gwynedd Maranzano
Carol G. and Robert L. Mayer
Edwina and Richard McCarthy
Thomas and Emily McClintock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McConnell
Harriet B. McGraw
Eli Meir and Linda Rauch*
Ellen and David Morrison
Gerald and Lyn Mulligan
Ms. Catherine Murphy
Jennifer Nassour and Charles Brucato
Heather Nunn
Marnie Olena and Michael Klement
Jean Olson and Anne Deardon
Dr. Felicia Walton Pagliuca and
Mr. Joe Pagliuca
Jonah and Andrew Palmer
Maria and Thanos Pantazis
Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg*
Paula and Mark Petschek
Al and Martha Plante*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Poole*
Daniel and Jessica Poscover
Richard and Janet Post
Mr. William M. Raeder*
Lawrence Ralph*
Ram Rao and Maria Rodrigues
Thomas and Elizabeth Palmer Reilly
Suzanne and John F. Reno
Mr. and Mrs. William Phipps Rice
Frederick and Bonnie Rich
Mark and Lynne Rickabaugh
Mark and Etta Rosen
Bonnie and Thomas A. Rosse
Paul Rutz and Sandra Henry
Umit Sami
Nancy Sandman
H. Jay and Marilyn Sarles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Savoy
Robert W. and Natalie K. Schlundt
Robert and Catherine Schneider*
Bill and Jill Schoonmaker
Ken and Christina Schwaber
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Schwartz*
Daniel Schwinn and Caterina Bandini*
Tim Shannon
John and Sara Sharp
Bill Sherman
Stephanie and Alex Shimada-Brand
Melanie Silverman and Paul Soucy
Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2018
George and Melissa Papayannis and
their daughter Evanthia
20 Museum of Science
Stephen and Mary Jane Simo
Josh Simons
Sandra and Steven Smith
Venkat and Pratima Srinivasan
Ellie and Becky Starr
Jennifer and Seth Stier*
Yuliya and Jeff Sullivan
Alicia and Stephen Symchych
CC King and Tom Tarpey
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Their*
Ethelanne Trent*
Joseph Turner M
Glen and Andrea Urban
Steve and Pat Vinter
Jamie and Kyle Warner M
Mr. Walther T. Weylman*
Deborah and Charles Whitehead*
David Zabner
Anonymous (8)
$300 - $599
Mike and Denise Abell
Ned Abelson
Ellen and Richard Alexander
Mary Barbara and Michael B. Alexander*
Edward and Nicole Allie
Christiane and Joseph Alsop
Edythe and Jay Anderson*
Paula and Sheldon Apsell
Patricia Aronson
Joanne Ayers and Christine White
Colleen Bartling
Naomi and Gilbert Bass*
James and Edith Bastian
Cathryn and Gordon Baty
Steven Bearak
Robert Bechek*
Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes
Alex and Dana Begin
Robert and Judith Behn
Lawrence Bell*
Joseph Belliveau and Jennifer Osorio
Adam and Kayte Bellusci
Barry Berger and Kathleen Vieweg
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Besen
Gina and Enrico Betti
Firdaus and Jasmin Bhathena*
Govinda Bhisetti M
Carolyn and Susan Bingham
Ms. Nathalie S. Binney
Kol Birke and Melissa Chu
Carrie Bloom
Daniel and Kristine Blum
Kenneth and Robin Boger
Beth Erin Bookwalter and
Theodore Janowsky
Paul and Gail Bork*
Elizabeth Boskey
Shaun Bourque
Craig and Maureen Boyce
Ann Braude and Andy Adler*
David and Inbar Brenner
Daniel Bricklin and Carol Singer*
Michelle and George Brock-Fisher
Carolyn Brown
Judith and Bruce Bullard
Julian and Marion Bullitt
Jonathan and Rachel Burke*
Kennett and Barbara Burnes
David and Michael Carreiro
David and Ashley Casavant
Heather and James Case
Mr. Justin Casey
Douglas and Rebecca Castoldi
Michael and William Chamberlain
Raymond Chan and Lisa Mahle
Mr. William Chapin
Susan Chapnick and Madeline Brambilla
Melissa Chase and K. E. Duffin*
Krushnakant Chavan M
Peter Chechile M
Lina Chen
Hsinlin and Jennifer Cheng
Abigail Childs and Timothy Tetreault
David and Dorothy Ching*
Marla Choslovsky and Paul Greenberg
Judy Christensen
Dorothy and Niels Christiansen
Darren Chun and Melinda Lane
Ami Cipolla and Steven Samuels
Cheryl Clarke and Dennis Bell
Carolyn and John Coffey
Dvorit Gilad Cohen and Alon Cohen
Sherryl and Gerard Cohen
Thomas and Kathryn Colby*
Nancy and Douglas Cole
Cara Colgate and Chris Conley
John and Nichola Collins
Andrew and Rachel Cornforth
Elisabetta Cortesi and Michael Cima*
Paul Couto and Kim Fusaris
Elaine Cronin
Anne Crowley
Carol Curley and Peter Kellogg*
David Currie and Jackie Reis
Michael and Pauline Curtis
Glen D’Abate
Travis Dadoly M
Taci Darnell and Tanj Gunaratnam
Stephen and Mei Davis
Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell deBurlo Jr.
Serena Dee and Amelie Mailloux
Eileen Deignan and Victor Hsu
Jennifer and Donald Delikat*
Antonette and Philip Dennis*
Leslie DeSimone and Ken Descoteaux
Josh and Kim Devore
Warren and Elizabeth Dew
Robert and Lisa DiAdamo
Jacqueline and Brandon Dillman
Jon and Danya Dinwoodey
Joseph Dollard*
Joan and Kevin Donahue
Jonathan Donaldson
Steven and Peggy Dorval
Sucheta Doshi
Danielle Dougherty
Timothy Douros
John and Elizabeth Dowd
Nathan and Patty Dowden
Patricia Drake and Joseph Demanche
Corrie and Tom Dretler
Kevin Dunckel and Kathie Lyons
Ms. Meredith H. Dunn*
Susan Dunn and Robert Cunjak
John and Colleen Lyons DuPre
Zach Durant-Emmons and Willis Emmons
Susan and G. Nelson Eby
Mr. Simon Eccles
Harriett Eckstein*
Barbara Elia
Matthew and Weatherly Emans
Nate and Britt Emerton
Erik and Neslin Ergen
Brenda Eustace and Mark Saunders
Cynny and Michael Evanisko
Sean and Allison Faeth
Robert Faiman and Lynne Pentler M
Richard and Nancy Farrell
Sergio Fefer
Paul Feldman and Wendy Fain-Feldman
James Fitzgerald and Marjorie Osheroff*
Margrethe Flanders and Aaron Lamb
Barry and Xiaoling Fogel
Laura Fontaine and Amy Gindel
Stephen Foraste and Jacqueline Krasinski
Robert and Rebecca Forrester
Bruce Fox
Jill and Mike Frawley
Richard and Christopher Freiss*
Patricia Freysinger
Michael and Linda Frieze*
Andrew and Kelly Fulmer
Hilary and Christopher Gabrieli*
Mr. Mark Galvin
Robyn and Dale Garth
Jonathan Gertler and Jane Clark
Christopher Ghadban
Charles and Donna Gibson
Andrew Goldish
Jeff and Mal Goldsmith
Kathryn Goodfellow and Darren Beals
Diane and Lloyd Gordon
Friedrich and Antonia von Gottberg
Michael Grace
Priscilla Gray*
Diane and David Green
Michele Greenwald and Martin Bernstein
Arthur and Elizabeth Greenwood
Matthew Gregg
Lindsay and Garth Greimann*
Jennifer and Jeff Griffor
Joshua Guthermann and Ilana Blatt Eisengart
Anthony Habayeb
Carolyn and Hisham Hafez
Richard D. Hellwege and Amberin Kahn
Fall 2018 21
Nubar Hagopian
Mr. Geoff Hargadon
Brendan and Karen Harley
Michael Harmon
Richard and Lisa Hart
Chad and Jill Hauff
Barry Hedrick
Mr. Mike Heffernan
David and Carolina Heintz
Mr. Richard D. Hellwege
Hannah Henderson*
Joerg Heyer and Birgit Funke
Mr. and Mrs. John Ho
Yvette and Lawrence Hochberg
Jane Minkoff Hodes and Richard Hodes
Eloise and Arthur Hodges*
Jonnet K. Holladay*
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hollis*
Thomas Hollister
Glenn and Karen Hong
Dr. Cyrus C. Hopkins*
John and Hilary Hopkins*
Sharon Horrigan
Laura and Justin Houk
Mr. Doug Howard
Kelsey Hoyt
James Hutchinson
Allen Hwang and Supriya Rao
Sheri and Steve Idelman
Benjamin and Lesley Inker
Steven Isakoff and Sherri Spear
Joichi and Mizuka Ito
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jacobson
Jon and Mary-Kate Jamen
Todd James and Antonina Fedotova
Diane and Robert Jaye
Suriya Jeyapalan and Cora Jeyadame
Drs. Paula Johnson and Robert Sands
Eric Jonassen and Arlene Taros
Ms. Ashley Jones
Bryan and Sabra Jones
Elaine Joseph
Jay and Susie Jostyn
Suzan Kaitz
Sharon Kam
Samuel Kaplan and Rachel Wilson
Namrita Kapur and Tom DeWinter
Paul and Elizabeth Kastner*
Robert Katuska M
Christopher and Kendra Katz
Judith Katz and Dean Solomon
David and Harriet Kaufman
Courtney Keller
Lauren Kelley and Jon Levine
Zandra and Rob Kelley
Irv and Mindy Kempner
Mary and John Kennedy
Elizabeth Kent
Joseph Kesselman M
Adam and Mary Beth Kirsch
Norman and Nancy Klayman
Susan Knack-Brown and Alexander Brown
Priscilla Koepke and Nien Su
Richard and Amy Kohan
Timothy Kohler
Albert and Catherine Kopek
Jim and Patty Kraus*
Arthur and Deborah Krieg
Molly and Haven Ladd
David and Marianne Laffitte
Mary Pat Lancelotta
Mr. Anthony LaNeve
John and Randi Lapidus
Rob Larsen
Bill and Lisa Laskin
Dottie and Phil Laughlin*
Martha and Lucian Leape
Phillip Ledin
Yair Leviel and Carol Wong
Davi and Kenneth Levine
Alison Levy and Rebecca Scheier
Mr. Philip Lieberman
Drs. Manuel and Marcia Lipson*
Adam L’Italien M
Kathy Liu and Jonathan Zalesky
Dr. Shan-Lee Liu and Po-Shang Chen, Ph.D.
Sonia Lo
Thomas Loring
Saundra Loureiro and Joe Graceffa
Karen and Sean Lynn-Jones* M
Thomas and David Lyons
Joseph Peter and Cynthia Lyssikatos
Peter Mager and Michele Chabot*
Michael and Elena Majors
Diana and Renee Man
Ms. Grainger Marburg
Bryan and Carlene Marcotte
Dr. Pamela Marron
B. Diane Martin and David G. Shaw
Mr. Greg Martin
Jayne and Gerald Marx, MD
Michael Masscotte M
Segundo Mateo
Anne and Bill McCants
James and Diane McDermott*
Kenneth and Jaime McEnaney
Peter and Jeannette McGinn*
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGinnes
Alice McGrail*
Siobhan McMahon and Philip Holland
Stephen and Laetitia Mead Jr.
Cynthia Meadow
Megan and Udi Meirav
Glenn and Barbara Meurer
Catherine and Dominique Michaud
John Michopoulos and Kristin Scharf
Gary Miller
Ray and Christine Miller*
Sharon A. Miller
Dr. Kristin L. Mix
Christopher and Carin Moeder
Brian Moore M
Patrick Morley
Herbert and Frances Mower*
Benjamin Muchler
Raymond Mui and Susanna Lee-Mui
Ian and Michelle Mullet
Mark and Kathy Murcko
John Muresianu and Patti Satterthwaite
Ms. Teresa Murphy
Sandy and David Murray
Susan and Don Mykrantz
Darius Naigamwalla
Anil Nair and Graciely Faria
Tami Nason and Kent A. Lage
Bharath and Kara Nath
Tania and Les Nedbalek
Wendy Needham
Lex Nemzer
Peter and Beatrice Nessen
Elyse Newman
Christina and Peter Nicholas
Charles and Patricia M. Nichols
Suzanne Nizza and Peter Yang
Kenneth and Phyllis Nobel
Ms. Mary E. Noble*
Thomas Nolan and Laura McTaggart
Christine Olsen and Robert Small
Thor Olson
Claudia Ordonez and Frederic Little
Brita and Chris Outzen
Brooke Paige
Monica Parker-James and Martyn James
George and Wanda Patterson
Ms. Emily Paulhus
Russell and Meghan Perkins
Christopher and Victoria Perley
Robert and Veronica Petersen
Drs. Beverly and James Philip
Mr. Bruce Platzman
Ms. Joyce L. Plotkin and Dr. Bennett Aspel*
Jason Polasek
Thomas Poor
Patty and Chris Popov
William Porcaro and Susan Sweeney
David Prahler
John Quackenbush and Mary Kalamaras
Renee Rapaporte
Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2018
Justin and Laura Houk with their sons Jonathan and Rowan
22 Museum of Science
Susan and Jim Rapoport
Carey and Ann Rappaport
Dane Rasmussen and Michael Leslie
Richard and Gayle Rediker
Mr. Thomas Reilly
Ralph and Arlene Reinherz
Sara Remsen
Carl and Elisa Reppucci
David and Patricia Reske
Dr. and Mrs. William Ribich
Sybil and David Richardson
Ellen Rigatti
Nancy Riley
Dr. Ilonna Rimm and Dr. Joseph Madsen
Riptide Fund
Sir Richard Roberts
Doran Robinson and Vanessa Calagna
Wyley and Susan-Ellen Robinson
Bruce and Janice Rogoff
Christina and George Roman
Stacy and Steve Roman
Philip and Annelizabeth Rueppel
Mark and Elisia Saab
Susan Sachs
Mr. Francesco Salituro
Vijaya and Sundaresan Sambandam
Laura Sancken
Jason and Teresa Sanphy*
Annie and Fredrik Sarnblad
Tedd and Ella Saunders
David and Gail Schechter
Hib Schenck
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schepps
Steven Schlang and Laurie Mass
Richard and Sheila Schlesinger
Mrs. Helen Chin Schlichte*
Richard and Diane Schmalensee
Paige Schneider
Sarah and Chris Schoettle*
Hillary and Carlo Von Schroeter
Thomas Schuetz and Joan Petracca
Mr. J. Schuster
Ben Scotto
Suzanne Sears and Sarah Wood
Anastasia Semienko and
Shane Flannelly-King
Drs. Leslie and Harvey Shaff
Mr. Eric M. Shank
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Shanks Jr.
Mary Shannon and Natalia Sanchez
Michelle Shea Lasala and Elizabeth Shea
Ms. Mary Sherman
Robin Sherman*
James Shields and Gayle Merling
Jon and Teresa Shipp
Linda and Marc Shpilner
Nicole Sirianni and Jim Giron
Jonathan and Sue Sirota
Seth Sivak and Karina Snow
Thomas and Amy Skenderian
Kathy and Warren Skillman
Mary Slavet
Mrs. Terri Slivka
John and Nancy Smith
Ms. Melinda Smith
Jason Sordillo and Kathleen Ward
Rinaldo Spinella
Charles and Mindy Spitz
Richard and Leslie Staff
Antony and Ellen Stark*
Catharina and Frans Stassen*
Hillary and Andrew Stein
Mr. Alan Steinert Jr
Ted Stolz and Joann Kowalski
Mary Ann Streeter*
Charles and Marilyn Stuckey
Leslie and Dan Sullivan
Rob Swartz
Dave Swindell
Herbert and Marjorie Talcoff
Jared and Heather Tausig*
Jacob Taylor and Jean Park
Paul and Lauren Taylor
Walter and Lynn Tennant*
Jillian Terry
Janet L. Testa*
Mr. Jeremy Thai
Matthew and Dawn Thibeault
Ms. Joan Thompson*
Mr. John Thomson
Anne Thonis
Mr. Sam Thonis
Margaret and Olaf Thorp
Cathy and Sandy Tierney
John Todd and Stephanie Apprille
Patricia Todd
Michael and Kathy Trogolo
Joseph and Trudy Tumidajski*
Jillian and Roger Tung
Mrs. F. Cort Turner III
Maura Turner
Connor and Kristen Tyrrell
Lisa Underkoffler
Craig Underwood
Vincent and Joanne Vannah*
Anton and Susan Verhulst
Girija and Sanjeev Verma
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Verni
Kathy and Brian Vigneault
Dr. Pantel S. Vokonas
Eric and Lisa Volkin
Christian and Jana Vonhehn
Emily Wade
Mr. Julian Waits
Nathanael Waller*
David I. Walsh*
Craig and Robert Warden-Rothman
Stephen and Beverly Watson*
Mr. John Watters
Mrs. Joanne Weafer*
David Weinberger and Rungsima Moda
Ms. Susan B. Weir
Mr. Alex Weiss
Brandon and Amanda White
Peter and Rebecca White*
Mr. Troy Whitfield
Susan Windham-Bannister and Gordon Bannister
Debra Winslow
Sara Withington
Mark and LeeAnn Wolff
Tricia Wurster and Mark Kuper
Mr. Jin Yu Xiang
Heidi Yeh and David Bau
Charles and Margo Yie
David and Terry Yoffie*
Joyce Zakim and Peter Greenspan
Robert Zaret and Jean Holmblad
Charles and Margaret Ziering
Anonymous (13)
(Annual Fund gifts of $500 or more)
Carolina Abuelo and Jonathan Leary M
Samuel Axelrod and Sarah Dowst
Jason and Julia Barone-Cichocki
Amanda and Matthew Beaver
Adam and Kayte Bellusci
Erica Bial
Susan and William Blinn
Beth Erin Bookwalter and Theodore Janowsky
Mr. David Boudreau
Shaun Bourque
Carolyn Brown
David and Ashley Casavant
Mr. Justin Casey
Dr. Ibrahim I. Cisse
Henry Cohn and Rachel Miller
Cara Colgate and Chris Conley
Jorge Conde and Cristina Ferrer
Lauren and Jared Cosulich
Catharine and William Crawford
Travis Dadoly M
Philip Davidson and Julia Twarog
Tim and Katie Delaney
Josh and Kim Devore
Tina Donnarummo M
Sucheta Doshi
Danielle Dougherty
Emily and Sarah Ebert
Brett and Britt Estwanik
Greg Ferland
Kaja and Dan Fickes
Trinidad and Melanie Flores* M
Stephen Foraste and Jacqueline Krasinski
Jill and Mike Frawley
Leilani and Andrew Germain M
Mr. Christopher Ghadban
Mr. Andrew C. Goldish
Todd Woodworth, Retsina Meyer, and Reuben Goodman
Fall 2018 23
Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp and
Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp*
Chad and Jill Hauff
Michael and Sue-Ellen Haynes
Mr. Richard D. Hellwege
Mr. Terron Hill
Laura and Justin Houk
Kelsey Hoyt
Allen Hwang and Supriya Rao
Peter and Adrienne Jaffe*
Aleksander Jonca and Erica Appleman
Bryan and Sabra Jones
Ms. Elaine Joseph
Namrita Kapur and Tom DeWinter
Ms. Courtney Keller
Priscilla Koepke and Nien Su
Caroline and Andrew Lamb
Mary Pat Lancelotta
Mr. Anthony LaNeve
Mr. Michael Langer
Mr. Samuel Langer
Ms. Susan Langer
Sonia Lo
Cynthia and Kent Lundberg
Siobhan McMahon and Philip Holland
Cynthia Meadow
Retsina Meyer and Reuben Goodman
Ian and Michelle Mullet
Ms. Catherine Murphy
Robert Neary and Shoshana Burgett
Mr. Lex Nemzer
Elyse Newman
Suzanne Nizza and Peter Yang
Alison Nolan
Heidi Norchi and Terrence Norchi, MD
Gregory and Lori O’Shaughnessy*
Dr. Felicia Walton Pagliuca and Mr. Joe Pagliuca
Brooke Paige
Maria and Thanos Pantazis
George and Melissa Papayannis*
Ms. Emily Paulhus
Russell and Meghan Perkins
Kyle and Katie Peterson
Chinh Pham and Laureen McVay
Jason Polasek
Dane Rasmussen and Michael Leslie
Daniel and Katherine Relihan
Ms. Sara E. Remsen
Liz Rietz and Kevin King
Nancy Riley
Daniel and Julia Rinehart
James Rosenberg*
Mira Sahney and Howard Tang*
Umit Sami
Laura Sancken
Hib Schenck
Anastasia Semienko and Shane Flannelly-King
Jordan and Rebecca Shin
Jennifer and Gregory Sieczkiewicz
Melanie Silverman and Paul Soucy
Seth Sivak and Karina Snow
Ms. Nicole Solari
Aimee and Eric Sprung M
John Stafford and Morgan Hellmold*
Hillary and Andrew Stein
Yuliya and Jeff Sullivan
Mr. Rob Swartz
Dave Swindell
Paul and Lauren Taylor
Jillian Terry
Ms. Anita Treohan
Connor and Kristen Tyrrell
Craig and Robert Warden-Rothman
Constantin von Wentzel and Shoma Aditya
Tricia Wurster and Mark Kuper
Aldila Yunus
Mr. David Zabner
Providing crucial support to the Museum’s innova-
tive projects and programs, these donors’ vision
and generosity funds institutional priorities and
special initiatives.
$10,000 - $24,999
AIR Worldwide Corporation
H. G. and M. R. Anderson Foundation*
Mr. Robert Bacon
Dorothy S. and Walter M. Cabot*
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Current, powered by GE
The Tarrant Cutler Family
Paul and Pilar Davies
Nancy E. Dempze and Daniel J. Bailey III*
Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall*
John Fibiger*
Allan and Lee Gilbert
Roy and Myra Gordon*
John Hancock Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hildreth
Gilbert H. Hood Family Fund
The Joseph W. Hughes Revocable Trust
Ralph and Janice James
Wayne and Norva Kennard*
LARS Foundation*
Priscilla Lawrence and Patrick MeLampy
Kathryn A. Lynn
Massachusetts Cultural Council*
Microsoft Corporation*
Jamie and Yiannis Monovoukas
National Institutes of Health
Marc Rubenstein and Jill Hai
Saquish Foundation*
Secretaria Nacional de Ciencia,
Tecnologia e Innovacion
Eileen Shapiro and Reuben Eaves
Fredi and Howard Stevenson
The TJX Companies, Inc.*
Sidney and Libby Topol
Jack Turner and Tee Taggart*
Voya Financial
Xiaohua Zhang and Quan Zhou*
$5,000 - $9,999
Coca-Cola Refreshments*
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Grossman
The Helen G. Hauben Foundation*
Roy A. Hunt Foundation*
Massachusetts Department of Environmental
McNeill Baur PLLC
Deirdre Nickerson
Peak Event Services
Ms. Emily F. Schabacker*
Uvas Foundation
Margaret and Jim Wade
Scott Wayne
The late Stetson Whitcher*
Susan Whitehead*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Wirth
Yibing Wu
$1,000 - $4,999
Thomas Ajamie
The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
Chester Barnes
Bradford Barnet
Ms. Helen Barnet
Steven and Christine Bellon*
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
William Bogstad and Lenore Cowen
Boston Duck Tours*
C & W Services*
Betsy Washburn Cabot*
Cape Air
Frank O. Clark
Collaborative Communications Group
Austin Collias
Ms. Amy Costandi
Ms. Jacqueline Marie Cummings
Barbara DeButts
Danielle Dougherty
Katie Durant M
Eaton Vance Corporation*
Marion S. and David W. Ellis*
Alexandra and Samuel Épée-Bounya M
Eric Forish
Ed and Joyce Fredkin
Nick Funk
Regina Gaiotti and Gianni Marostica
Galerie D’Orsay
GE Foundation & GE Employees
The Gillette Company
Alyssa Goodman and Abby Schwartz
Chad and Jill Hauff
Health Warrior
Ms. Ruth Jamke
Angie and Derek Janssen
Aleksander Jonca and Erica Appleman
Ms. Katarzyna Jonca M
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.
Robert Kiernan
Eric Klotch
Adam Koppel and Brenda Haynes
Janet Kwon
Young and Janelle Kwon
Erling Lagerholm Living Trust
Lando and Anastasi, LLP
Mrs. Kathleen Largey
Pam Lassiter*
William Libby
Light Check Services Corp
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lowell*
Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2018
Ellen Piccioli and Julie Chen
24 Museum of Science
MacGillivray Freeman Films Educational
Al Mayers
Middlesex Gases & Technologies, Inc.*
Museum of Modern Renaissance
Network for Good
Heidi Norchi and Terrence Norchi, MD
Mr. Erik Norris
Mr. John Norris
Ohana Family Camp
Jill and Thomas Pappas
Ms. Katie Partyka
Chinh Pham and Laureen McVay
Arthur and Paula Rabe
Alexis Rogers and Amy Latanga
Cynthia Rubens
Stephanie Ryan
Mrs. Helen Chin Schlichte*
Mr. Adam Shain M
Samantha Spaulding
Jane and Payson Swaffield
The Wapack Foundation*
Mr. Jim Ward
Constantin von Wentzel and Shoma Aditya
Craig and Lynn Wheeler
$300 - $999
Geraldine Acuña-Sunshine and Gabriel Sunshine
Avinash Ahuja
Lee and Nile Albright MD/AMRF
Ames Boston
Daniel Bacon
Judith Bednarz
William and Alice Begley
Sarah and Jeffrey Beir*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Besen
Paul and Duschia Bodet
Patrick Boon
Boston Red Sox
Boston Showcase Company
Mrs. Carol W. Bowen
Walter Brown
Teresa Cahill and Paul Costas
Causecast Foundation
Stephanie Cave and Haley Freeman
Charles Hotel
Ms. Kate Chojnacki M
Community Boating, Inc.
Catherine and Peter Creighton
Janice and Leo Crosby
Mr. H. De Croy Roeulx
Matthew and Molly Cummings
Peter Dameris
Gary Dayharsh
Peter Devlin
Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols*
Natalie Dougherty
Alan Dzialo
Ashley Eckerlin
Dale Edmunds and Barbara Fay
Warren and Laura Empey
Marc and Jasna Finneran
Formaggio Kitchen Cambridge
Foxwoods Resort Casino
Jane and Larry Franke
Patricia Funk
Sandy and Dozier Gardner*
Jim and Kim Goldinger
Julie Gordon
Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp and
Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp*
Mr. Sean Gorman
Janna and Jonathan Greene
Dudley and Georgene Herschbach
Patricia and Galen Ho
Michael Holmberg
Honest Tea
Robert Houghton
James Irwin
Richard G. Jacobus Jr.
Peter and Adrienne Jaffe* M
Mark Jankowske
David Johnson and Miyoko Sato
Lucy Kirshner
Anne and Joe Klejna
Deborah Kochevar
Lydia Villa Komaroff and Anthony Komaroff
Maria and Wes Kussmaul*
John and Kathy Latu
Kirstin Lynde and Michael E. Kolowich*
Mr. Thomas Malone
Michael McKeon
Colleen and Howard Messing*
Mr. and Mrs. Neal P. Miller
Sandra Moose and Eric Birch*
Laura Barker Morse and Kenneth P. Morse*
Ashish Musale
Newport Bay Club And Hotel
James Newton
Ms. Brenda O’Brien
Joseph and Katherine O’Donnell
Ha and Randall Orbon
George and Melissa Papayannis*
Erik Pedersen
Daniel Piper
Professor and Mrs. William J. Poorvu
William and Roberta Powlis
Gene and Abby Record*
Christine and Stephen Reich
Rhythm Superfoods
John and Deborah Riley
Daniel and Julia Rinehart*
Jeffrey Roberts
Nathalie Roy and Colin Connolly
Royal Sonesta Hotel*
Andrew Ruggles
Christopher and Christina Ruggles
Rachel Ruggles
Andrew Russell and Helene Norton-Russell
Leslie Rylee
Timothy Rzeszutek
Mr. Ali Salehi
Keith Saltmarsh
Mr. and Mrs. Nicola Savignano
Rudina Seseri and Adrian Ketri
Jim Sewczak
Bill Sherman
Shurtech Brands, Inc.
Jodha Singhani M
Medha Sinha and Arthur G. Epker III*
Brian Smith
Sandra and Steven Smith
Ellie and Becky Starr
Stormalong Cider
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland*
Neil Swinton
Maryrose and Michael Sylvester
Table Talk Pies, Inc.
Steven A. Tague*
Benjamin Tarlow and Kimberly Hutchinson
Taylor And Taylor Whiskey Co.
Barry Ticho and Allison August
Ms. Karen Toohill
Jim Torgerson M
Total Wine And More
Tuckerman Brewing Company
James and Karen Tung
Ms. Cheryl Vozzella
W.S. Badger Company, Inc.
Nathanael Waller*
Paul and Jennifer Walsh
WCVB-TV, Channel 5
Chris Wietecha
Mrs. Beth Willett
XV Beacon
Michael Zampiceni
Zaozao Zhang
Anonymous (2)
Many corporations and organizations demon-
strate their commitment to their employees and
to the communities where they reside through
matching gift programs. The Museum is grateful
to the companies who support the philanthropy
of their employees by doubling or tripling the size
of their contributions. Some companies extend
matching gift benefits to retirees, spouses, and
corporate board members.
Aetna Foundation
Arbella Insurance Foundation, Inc.
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Bright Funds Foundation
CA Technologies
Causecast Foundation
Charlesbank Capital Partners
Corning Incorporated Foundation
IBM Matching Grants Program
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Keurig Green Mountain Inc.
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Merck Company Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
Network for Good
State Street Matching Gift Program
Target Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Texas Instruments Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Wellington Management Company, LLP
Anonymous (2)
The Museum is pleased to acknowledge the
following donor-advised funds for the role they
play in carrying out the intentions of so many of
our friends and supporters to help us achieve
financial success.
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
The Boston Foundation
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
The New York Community Trust
Pamela E. Pinsky Memorial
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
TIAA Charitable Inc
Fall 2018 25
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
The Museum deeply appreciates the following
companies that sponsor temporary and perma-
nent exhibits, Omni films, programs, prizes, events,
and other essential projects.
BNY Mellon*
Charlesbank Capital Partners
Coca-Cola Refreshments*
Current, powered by GE
The Gillette Company
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
MathWorks, Inc.*
McNeill Baur PLLC
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private
Wealth Management
Whole Foods Market
The Museum is especially grateful to these cor-
porations, foundations, and government agencies
for their unrestricted contributions that support
general operations, including maintenance of ex-
hibits and facilities as well as operating expenses
for educational programs.
AmazonSmile Foundation
BNY Mellon*
Coca-Cola Refreshments*
Massachusetts Cultural Council*
MathWorks, Inc.*
Richard & Susan Smith Family Foundation
Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust*
Support from our Premier Partners sustains our
mission by underwriting critical operating costs,
new programs, and the development of new
exhibits and curriculum.
MathWorks, Inc.*
Our corporate membership program offers
companies and organizations a unique and cost-
effective way to invest in the future of science
education while providing a host of benefits to
their employees, clients, customers, and partners.
Proceeds help to fund the Museum’s Community
Access Program, which enables nonprofit orga-
nizations the opportunity to experience hands-on
STEM learning at the Museum.
$30,000 or more
BAE Systems*
Bank of America*
Biogen, Inc.*
Bloomberg Philanthropies
BNY Mellon*
Bose Corporation*
MathWorks, Inc.*
NeuroLogica Corporation*
New England Development*
The TJX Companies, Inc.*
WCVB-TV, Channel 5*
Wolfgang Puck Catering*
$20,000 - $29,999
Massachusetts General Hospital*
National Grid*
Pfizer, Inc.
$10,000 - $19,999
Analog Devices, Inc.*
Berklee College of Music*
Boston University
Brigham and Women’s Hospital*
Cabot Corporation*
Eaton Vance Corporation*
Harvard Outings & Innings*
HubSpot Inc
MIT Activities Committee*
New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.*
Sanofi Genzyme*
State Street Corporation*
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Waters Corporation*
$5,000 - $6,999
Aqueduct Technologies
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Boston College
Boston Duck Tours*
Boston Scientific Corporation*
C & W Services*
Cambridge Savings Bank*
Charles River Laboratories, Inc.*
Current, powered by GE
Demoulas Foundation*
Eastern Bank
Google, Inc.
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care*
IBM Corporation*
iRobot Corporation
John Wiley & Sons
Liberty Mutual Insurance*
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Morgan Stanley*
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc.*
BrightSphere Investment Group*
Pegasystems, Inc.*
Proskauer, LLP
Royal Sonesta Hotel*
Sage Therapeutics
University of Massachusetts Boston*
USW Local 9360*
Wellington Management Company, LLP*
Wentworth Institute of Technology*
Wolf Greenfield
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
$2,000 - $4,999
24M Technologies, Inc.
Abcam, Inc.
Acceleron Pharma, Inc.
The Advent School
AEW Capital Management, L.P.
AGC Partners
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC.
Amadeus Hospitality Americas, Inc.
Anchor Capital Advisors LLC*
ARM Financial LLC
Bentley University*
Bethesda Lodge #30, I.O.O.F.*
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Blueprint Medicines
The Boston Chapter of the Links, Inc.
Brandeis University*
Brandeis University Student Activities
Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital*
Cambridge Brands, Inc.*
Cambridge Trust Company*
Cape Air
CDM Smith*
Community Teamwork Lowell
Connell Limited Partnership*
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.*
Corning Incorporated
Cummings Foundation*
DigiNovations, Incorporated
Dunkin’ Brands, Inc.*
East Cambridge Savings Bank*
Fellowship Health Resources
Flagship Press, Inc.*
John Hancock
Hollingsworth & Vose Company*
Hopedale Foundation*
Houghton Chemical Corporation*
HUB International New England, LLC*
International Data Group, Inc.*
L-com, Inc.*
Lowell General Hospital*
Lytron, Inc.*
MacDougall Biomedical Communications, Inc.
Merrimack College
MGH Department of Radiation Oncology
Microwave Development Laboratories, Inc.*
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.*
Momenta Pharmaceuticals*
Natixis Global Asset Management
Navy Morale Welfare and Recreation*
Needham Bank
Neighborhood Health Plan, Inc.
Northeastern University
Parent Talk, Inc.*
Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2018
Justin Harris and Anne Ruggles
26 Museum of Science
Parker Chomerics*
The Patient Family Housing Program
PTC, Inc.*
Putnam Investments
Schneider Electric*
Senior Metal Bellows*
Sensitech, Inc.
Shell TechWorks
Showa Boston
Simmons College
Sullivan & Worcester, LLP*
Taunton-South Shore Foundation*
Tillinger’s Concierge, Inc.
Vacuum Barrier Corporation*
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.*
Waltham Recreation Department*
Wellesley College*
William James College
Wolverine Worldwide*
World Sports Camp
ZipWall, LLC
Anonymous (2)
American Postal Workers Union #3844
Barings, LLC*
Bemis Associates, Inc.*
Boston Children’s Hospital Newborn Medicine
Boston Post Office Social & Recreation
Harvard College Events Board
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School
Lasell College
New Oasis International Education
North Coast Seafoods*
Phillips Academy
Scully Signal Company*
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
St. Ann’s Home
Named in honor of Brad and Barbara Washburn,
this legacy society recognizes those generous
individuals who have included the Museum in
their wills and estate plans or who have otherwise
entered into life income arrangements with the
Museum. The lives of future STEM innovators will
be greatly enriched thanks to the foresight and
generosity of these dedicated individuals.
Mary and John E. Abele
Vernon R. Alden
Edythe and Jay Anderson
Mr. David B. Arnold
Dorothy and David B. Arnold Jr.
John M. Bradley
Amelia Brock and Jerry Mechaber
Dr. Gail A. P. Bruns
Robert F. Bulens
Nonnie and Rick Burnes
Margaret Bush
Elizabeth Callanan
James I. Cash Jr.
Stephen E. Coit
Nancy E. Dempze and Daniel J. Bailey III
Marion S. and David W. Ellis
John Fibiger
Gretchen S. Fish
Elgie Ginsburgh
Julia Lynne Green
Ken and Roberta Green
Helen Greiner
Joan Stephens Hadly
Mary and Frederick Hafer
Jean and Henry Hall
John D. Hamilton Jr.
Daphne and George Hatsopoulos
Jonnet Holladay
Ms. Nancy Hollomon
Mrs. Judy Hood
Joseph and Mary Lou Hughes
Ruth Jamke
Gail Jennes and Alma Antoniotti
Ms. Courtney Keller
Wendy and Philip Kistler
Amy and Anastasios Kosmidis
David and Marianne Laffitte
Pam Lassiter
George and Emmy Lewis
Leo Liu, M.D. and Pendred Noyce, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy, Jr.
Barbara Lehman Luddy and
G. Raymond Luddy III
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Malpass Jr.
George Manoogian
Colleen and Howard Messing
Elizabeth Moore
Laura Barker Morse
Lorraine Morss
L.J. Petroff
Christopher and Sheryl Poole
Theodore J. Poulos
William and Helen Pounds
Mr. William M. Raeder
Heidi Reslow
The Kaufman and Rubin Family
Rudy and Anne Ruggles
Beth and Stephen Sanders
Rebecca B. and Preston H. Saunders
Jeanne E. Shaughnessy
Carol A. and Matthew D. Shedd
Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman
Carol Vash Spritz
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Steul
Joan and Herman Suit
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Sweetland
David and Lisa Walker
Estelle M. Weedon
Constance V. R. White
E. Andrew Wilde, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Wilson
Robin and Marc Wolpow
Brian Worobey and Cindy Cooper Worobey
Joseph Worthen II and Cynthia Worthen
Ms. Gwill E. York
Anonymous (6)
With eternal gratitude, we recognize those dear
members of our community who included the
Museum in their estate plans.
The late Stetson Whitcher
Francis T. Colby Trust
Erling Lagerholm Living Trust
Muriel Hurovitz
Memorial gifts and gifts that honor a special
someone or milestone are deeply appreciated
by the staff, volunteers, and governance of
the Museum.
Honorary Gifts
Jane Auster
Vijay Basani
Elizabeth Bell
John M. Bradley
R. Matt Fates
Bryan Gilbert Francis
Karla Gilbert Francis
Donna Goldberg
Adam and Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp
Gardner Gottsegen
Emily C. Hood
Grace Kam
Donald M. Kaplan
Carol Von Kelsch
Ranch Kimball
Wendy Kistler
Sandra O. Moose
Kathy O’Dowd
Chinh Pham
Jason Polasek
Kacie Rice
Joshua Rivera
Jon Robertson
Lori Sartre
Annette Sawyer
Michael Sherman
Dr. and Mrs. Herman D. Suit
Tamara Toub
Ms. Gwill E. York
Memorial Gifts
Erik Band
Vanu Bose
Edna Bosman
Caroline Coffman
George Davidson
Rich Depping
Stephen Gilbert
Gladys Gwiazdzinksi
Stephen Hawking
Helen and Chet
Doris Hiatt
Richard O. Howe
Joseph Hughes
Carolyn Kirdahy
Donald Miller
Pamela Pinsky
Brandon Pratt
Dr. Yoav Raz
Gregory Rick Jr.
Louis Rossetti Jr.
Supriya Rao and Allen Hwang
Fall 2018 27
Rachel Schechtman
Lloyd Sears
Robert M. Sherman
Varla Smith
Ira Stepanian
Daniel Walters
Dr. and Mrs. H. Bradford Washburn Jr.
D. Reid Weedon, Jr.
Glen Wetherell Sr.
Anthony Wilde
Bob and Kay Workman
The Museum is pleased to acknowledge the
following contributions of services and
gifts-in-kind valued at $500 and above.
Allen & Gerritsen
Boston Duck Tours*
Cape Air
Community Boating, Inc.
Dassault Systèmes
Foxwoods Resort Casino
Galerie D’Orsay
The Gillette Company
Jim and Kim Goldinger
Alyssa Goodman and Abby Schwartz
Health Warrior
Light Check Services Corp
Middlesex Gases & Technologies, Inc.*
Museum of Modern Renaissance
Ohana Family Camp
Outfront Media
Peak Event Services
Rhythm Superfoods
Shurtech Brands, Inc.
Table Talk Pies, Inc.
Taylor And Taylor Whiskey Co.
Total Wine And More
Vector Marketing
W.S. Badger Company Inc
WBQT 96.9
WBUR 90.9
WBZ-Channel 4
WCVB-TV, Channel 5
WJMN - JAM’N 94.5*
WKOX - Rumba 1430
WMJX - Magic 106.7*
Wolfgang Puck Catering/Restaurant Associates*
WROR - Classic Hits 105.7
WXKS - Kiss 108*
XV Beacon
The Col. Francis T. Colby Society is at the core
of Museum philanthropy as it recognizes donors
whose lifetime giving equals $100,000 or
more. It pays tribute to those members of our
community who have had an enduring impact
on the Museum. Italics indicate new member or
new level.
Chairman’s Circle
$20,000,00 or more
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon
(Gordon Foundation)
National Science Foundation
$10,000,000 - $19,999,999
MathWorks, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Yawkey Foundations
$5,000,000 - $9,999,999
Nonnie and Rick Burnes
Brit and the late Alex d’Arbeloff
Charles Hayden Foundation
Lowell Institute
Massachusetts Life Sciences Center
David G. Mugar
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gwill E. York and Paul Maeder
$2,500,000 - $4,999,999
Allen & Gerritsen
Best Buy Foundation
Biogen Foundation
Cummings Properties, Woburn and Beverly, MA
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Jane and A. Neil Pappalardo
Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust
Sanofi Genzyme
Clifford J. Schorer III
Joan and Herman Suit
U.S. Small Business Administration
$1,000,000 - $2,499,999
Mary and John E. Abele/Argosy Foundation
Bank of America
S. D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation/
Stephen Bechtel Fund
Arthur F. Blanchard Trust
Amy and Joshua Boger
Bose Corporation
The Boston Foundation
John M. and the late Jane C. Bradley
Coca-Cola Refreshments
Francis T. Colby Trust
Albert and Hilary Creighton
Jaishree and Desh Deshpande
Joanne and Paul Egerman
Sandy and Dozier Gardner
Google, Inc.
Daphne and George Hatsopoulos
Julie and Bayard Henry
Hewlett-Packard Company
Emily C. Hood
Edna and Donald M. Kaplan (Abraham Kaplan
Charitable Foundation)
Wendy and Philip Kistler
The Kresge Foundation
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
Kurt and Therese Melden
Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.
Colleen and Howard Messing
Elizabeth Moore
Museum of Science Volunteer Service League
National Endowment for Humanities
National Institutes of Health
Dawn and the late Rodger Nordblom
William and Helen Pounds
Suzanne and John F. Reno
Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr.
Michael and Helen Schaffer Foundation
Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation
Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman
Phyllis Stearns
Jacquie and the late Ira Stepanian
Belinda and the late Henri Termeer
Susan and Michael Thonis
U.S. Department of Justice
Elise and Neil W. Wallace
Edwin S. Webster Foundation
Estelle and the late D. Reid Weedon, Jr.
Anonymous (4)
President’s Circle
$750,000 - $999,999
Adobe Foundation
Dr. Gary and the late Dr. Joan M. Bergstrom
Julia Appleton Bird Charitable Trust
Alexis Borisy and Lia Meisinger
Cabot Corporation
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
The Cargill Foundation
Gretchen S. Fish
Karen and Gary Gregg
Highland Street Foundation
Ann and Ed Kania
Lakeside Foundation
George and Emmy Lewis
Leo Liu, MD and Pendred Noyce, MD (Noyce
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Amelia Peabody Foundation
Gene and Abby Record
Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation
Richard A. and Susan F. Smith
Verizon Foundation
$500,000 - $749,999
The Boston Globe
Bull HN Information Systems, Inc.
Maureen and Michael Champa
The Tarrant Cutler Family
Delta Dental of Massachusetts
Richard DiPerna and Jean Nichols
Federal Highway Administration
Jonathan and Amy Fleming
Anne and Walter J. Gamble
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Roy and Myra Gordon
John Hancock Financial Services
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Honor Roll of Donors | Fiscal Year 2018
Aleksander Jonca and Todd Chapin
28 Museum of Science
i2 Camp
Kathryn B. Kavadas
LARS Foundation
Ruby W. and Lavon P. Linn
Jack Little and Nancy Wittenberg
The Lynch Foundation
Ann Merrifield and Wayne Davis
Marianne and Kenneth J. Novack
Norman H. Read Trust
William M. and Judith A. Steul
Fredericka and Howard Stevenson
Suffolk Construction’s Red and Blue
Jane and Payson Swaffield
The Wapack Foundation
Wolfgang Puck Catering/
Restaurant Associates
Anonymous (3)
Founder’s Circle
$250,000 - $499,999
Amy and David Abrams
Vernon R. Alden
Richard Anders and Judy Paprin
Bain Capital, LLC
Mary and JP Barger
Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation
Sarah and Jeffrey Beir
Charles H. Blake Charitable Trust
BNY Mellon
Edith L. Dabney and the
John H. Knowles Family
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Deering Foundation
Nancy E. Dempze and
Daniel J. Bailey III
Susan and Gary T. DiCamillo
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory,
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus
Foundation, Inc.
Deborah Dunsire and Michael Hall
John and the late Barbara Fibiger
Elise and Dozier L. Gardner
GE Foundation & GE Employees
The Gillette Company
Google Community Grants
Fund of the Tides Foundation
Haley Family Foundation
Ina and Lewis Heafitz
The Hearst Foundations
Hermann Foundation
Barbara and Amos Hostetter
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Abigail P. Johnson and Christopher
Susan C. Kaplan
Tracy and Jonathan Kaplan
Wayne and Norva Kennard
Sonya and Raymond C. Kurzweil
(Kurzweil Technologies, Inc.)
Maria and Wes Kussmaul
Pam Lassiter
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Loring III
Alistair and Sharon Lowe
Kathryn A. Lynn
Carol G. and Robert L. Mayer
Laura Barker Morse and Kenneth P.
National Endowment for the Arts
National Geographic Society
National Grid
John R. Nelson
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical
Research, Inc.
The Polaroid Foundation
Ann and John Rutherford
William Schawbel and Judy
Grace Gardner Schoelkopf
Jenot W. and William U. Shipley, MD
State Street Foundation
Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens
Sidney A. Swensrud Foundation
Edward A. Taft
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Unisys Corporation
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Energy
Diana Gardner Vogel
Margaret and Jim Wade
Susan Whitehead
Roxanne Eigenbrod Zak and Michael
J. Zak
Xiaohua Zhang and Quan Zhou
Anonymous (2)
$100,000 - $249,999
AARP Andrus Foundation
Charles E. & Caroline J. Adams Trust
Lee and Nile Albright, MD/AMRF
Amgen Foundation
H. G. and M. R. Anderson Foundation
Dorothy Arnold
Astaro, Inc.
The Paul and Edith Babson
Brenda and Stéphane Bancel
DC Beane and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Becton Jr.
The Joshua and Anita Bekenstein
Charitable Fund
Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Edward J. Boudreau Jr.
Robert F. Bulens
C & W Services
Dorothy S. and Walter M. Cabot
The Edmund and Betsy Cabot
Charitable Foundation
Richard A. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Truman S. Casner
Citizens Bank
Mr. Stephen E. Coit and
Prof. Susan Napier
Cornerstone Charitable Foundation
Corning Incorporated Foundation
The Cranberry Institute
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Alice Willard Dorr Foundation
Dr. Priscilla H. Douglas
Eastern Bank
Eaton Vance Corporation
Harriett Eckstein
Sally and the late
George P. Edmonds Jr.
Marion S. and David W. Ellis
The Ellison Foundation
Juan Enriquez and Mary Schneider
Ford Motor Company
Friendly Ice Cream Corp.
Robert G. and the late Constance
B. Fuller
Granville C. Garth
Carol R. and Avram J. Goldberg
Diane and Lloyd Gordon
Grand Circle Foundation
Hannelore and Jeremy Grantham
Leslie E. Greis
Mary and the late Frederick Hafer
Jean and Henry Hall
Mary Harris and the late
W. Van Alan Clark Jr.
Bambi Hatch
The Helen G. Hauben Foundation
Gardner Hendrie and
Karen Johansen
Robert and Diane Hildreth
Jane and Mark Hirsh
Gilbert H. Hood Family Fund
Judy and the late Charles H. Hood
The Hyams Foundation
IBM Corporation
iRobot Corporation
Susan and the late Robert F. Jasse
Dr. Timothy and Nancy Johnson
Juniper Networks
Brian and Elizabeth Keane
KeySpan Energy Delivery
John S. and James L. Knight
Stephany L. and Joel A. Kozol
Anne C. Kubik and Michael Krupka
Allinson Lamb Family Foundation
Charlotte and the late Allen Latham Jr.
Kenneth D. and Ardelle F. Legg
Tom and Bonnie Leighton
Linde Family Foundation
Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
Kirstin Lynde and Michael E. Kolowich
Louise P. and John H. MacMillan IV
Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch and
Lars Liebisch
Massachusetts Board of Higher
David McCord and Stephen
Merck Company Foundation
Jamie and Yiannis Monovoukas
Sandra Moose and Eric Birch
Lorraine and Charles Morss
Motorola Foundation
Paul and Joyce Mucci Family
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
New England Financial
Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial
Nordblom Family Foundation
NSTAR Foundation
OneWorld Boston, a Cummings
Foundation affiliate
Oracle Corporation
Rose-Marie and Eyk Van Otterloo
Parker Chomerics
The Peabody Foundation, Inc.
Philips Healthcare
Anna and the late Ervin Pietz
RBC Wealth Management
Leilani and Andrew Germain and their children
Fall 2018 29
Daniel and Katherine Relihan
The Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
James Rosenberg
Bonnie and Thomas A. Rosse
Lawrence J. and Anne Rubenstein
Rudy and Anne Ruggles
Sagamore Foundation
Samsung Telecommunications
America, LLC
Santander Bank
Rebecca B. and the late
Preston H. Saunders
William and Bertha Schrafft
Charitable Trust
Naomi Seligman
Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc.
Carol A. and Matthew D. Shedd
Drs. Eleanor and Miles Shore
Lawrence and Joan Siff
Skywalk Observatory
Helen C. and John K. Spring
Kenneth and Carol Vash Spritz
Maria and Ray Stata
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland
Tee Taggart and Jack Turner
Teradyne, Inc.
Brian Totty and Shernaz Daver
Gene and Susan Tremblay
Marc and Nadia Ullman
U.S. Department of Labor
Uvas Foundation
VFA, Inc.
Steve and Pat Vinter
Mrs. John Weitzel
Constance V. R. White
Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust
Anonymous (4)
Many of the Museum’s most
enduring programs, exhibits, and
popular attractions are supported
by endowed funds. The Museum is
enormously grateful to those whose
vision and generosity will fund our
educational mission in perpetuity.
Acquisitions Fund
Lee and Nile Albright Symposium
Vernon Alden Endowed Internship
H.G. and M.R. Anderson Planetarium
Maintenance Fund
David B. Arnold and Dorothy Q.
Arnold Endowed Fund
Leo and Phyllis Beranek Fund
Warren Berg Internship Fund
Joan and Gary Bergstrom Discovery
Center Endowment Fund
The Biogen Idec Foundation Science
Education Fund
William and Charlotte Bloomberg
Science Education Center
Edward and Lois Bowles Unitrust
Jane and John Bradley Endowed
Educational Fund
William Brewster Fund
Amelia Brock Innovation Fund
Romaine R. Bruns Endowment Fund
Henry W. Buhler Fund
Thornton W. Burgess Fund
Cahners ComputerPlace Endowment
Helene R. and Norman L. Cahners
Marie E. Carter Funds
Truman S. Casner Fund
Francis T. Colby Funds
Mrs. Edward D. Cole Fund
Collections Conservation Fund
Karl T. Compton Fund
Computer Clubhouse Fund
The Computer Museum Exhibits/
Programs Fund
James A. Cooper Memorial
Endowment Fund
Francis and Sanda Countway Fund
William C. and Jessie B. Cox Fund
Edward Dane Fund
Brit and Alex d’Arbeloff Exhibits
Maintenance Fund
Arthur Vining Davis Foundation Fund
Francis Wright Davis Fund
Marion L. Decrow Fund
Deshpande Endowment Fund for
Girls in STEM
Frank and Cora Dewick Fund
Robert Dunn Fund
Joanne and Paul Egerman
Technology Endowed Fund
David W. and Marion S. Ellis
Endowment Fund
Ellis/Schmitt President’s
Discretionary Fund
Stephen Elmont Memorial Fund
William B. and PT Farinon
Endowment Fund
Barbara and Milton Feinberg
Endowment Fund for Programs
John A. and Barbara M. Fibiger
Endowment Fund
Waldo Emerson Forbes Fund
Joseph F. and Clara Ford Fund
Free Admissions
General Endowment Fund
Genzyme Endowment for
Biotechnology Education
William Germeshausen Fund
Gilliland Observatory Fund
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Sophia and Bernard M. Gordon
Endowed Fund
Dr. Marvin C. Grossman Fund
Melville Bell Grosvenor Fund
Henry and Jean Hall Special
Exhibitions Endowed Fund
Henry Snow Hall, Jr. Fund
Hall of Human Life Endowment
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Endowment Fund
William Randolph Hearst Fund
Julie and Bayard Henry Fund for
Research and Evaluation
Hermann Foundation Endowment
Carlyle and Constance Holt Fund
David H. Holt Memorial Fund
Emily C. Hood Endowed Fund for
the Advancement of Science and
Roger Fellowes Hooper Fund
Clement S. Houghton Fund
Dr. John D. Houghton Exhibit Fund
John K. Howard Fund
Louis J. Hunter Fund
John Bernard Swett Jackson Fund
Evelyn M. Jenks Fund
Jenks Omni Admissions Fund
Joseph Kaplan Funds
Carl T. Keller Memorial Fund
Anita B. Kingan Fund
Kistler Endowed Fund for the Care
and Presentation of Living
Christos Kosmidis Discovery Center
Endowed Internship
Emma Gildersleeve Lane Fund
Isadore “Hank” Levy Fund
Muriel G. S. Lewis Exhibits Fund
Charles Lund Fund
Alice Wellington Lyman Fund
Charles W. Lynn, Jr. Endowment
George and Marjorie Lyon Fund
Bradley E. Marks Memorial
Internship Fund
MathWorks Technology and
Engineering Fund
Joan (Paddy) Matloff Fund
Charles McMahon Discovery
Center Fund
Charles McMahon Human Body
Connection Fund
William and Ramona Mercer
Endowed Fund
Charles E. Merrill Fellowship Fund
Susan Minns Fund
Charles S. Minot Fund
G. Gardner Monks Internship Fund
Richard S. Morse Fund
Museum of Science
Maintenance Fund
National Endowment for the
Humanities Fund
Roger L. Nichols Exhibits Fund
Roger L. Nichols Internship Fund
Novack Family Youth Education Fund
John O’Bryant Scholarship Fund
Kenneth Olsen Fund
Jane and Neil Pappalardo Fund
for Programs
Theodore G. Patterson Fund
Kenneth E. Pauley Endowed
Internship Fund
Frank E. Peabody Fund
Ned Pearce Memorial Fund
Sarah P. Pratt Fund
John W. Randall Fund
Reno Family Foundation Endowed
Fund I & II
Leslie A. and Marilyn J. Riseberg
Endowment Fund
Edith Morse Robb Fund
Edward and Bertha Rose Fund
Alfred and Susan Row Fund
Susan Saltonstall Fund for
Dr. Robert Channing Seamans
George and Virginia Shattuck
Fellowship Fund
Barbara and Malcolm L. Sherman
Fund for Adult Programs
Eleanor and Miles Shore Endowed
Internship Fund
George W. Smith and Robert C.
Jordan Fund
George Willard Smith Fund
Russell and Andree Stearns Fund
Stepanian Family Technology
Education Fund
Joan and Herman Suit Fund for
Elihu and Clarissa Thomson Fund
Trustees Discretionary Fund
Turner/Taggart Endowment for
Design Challenge Relevance
William J. Walker Prize Funds
Gretchen Osgood Warren Fund
Washburn Award Fund
Barbara and Bradford Washburn
Traveling Fellowship Fund
Bradford and Barbara Washburn
Discovery Fund
Edith Hall Washburn Fund
Robert C. Waterston Fund
D. Reid Weedon, Jr. Endowed
F. Carrington Weems Fund
Huntington Frothingham Wolcott
The Women in Science Endowed
Fund for Innovation
Gwill E. York and Paul A. Maeder
Mona and Malcolm Roberts
30 Museum of Science
Joining the Boards of Trustees and Overseers
Otgo Erhemjamts
Bentley University
Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp
Raphael and Raphael, LLP
James Rosenberg
Combined Jewish
Barry Ticho
Stoke Therapeutics
Nilanjana Bhowmik
Converge Venture Partners
Erica Bial
Lahey Clinic
Lynn Wheeler
Michael Magliochetti
Riverside Partners
Yasmin Causer
Greta Meszoely
Kent Lundberg
Keeling Flight
Anne Morriss
GenePeeks Inc.
Jennifer Zarutskie
Wave Life Sciences
Christine P. Bellon
Christine P. Bellon is the general counsel
for Forma Therapeutics and was previously
senior vice president of legal affairs for Relay
Therapeutics. Prior to Relay, Bellon was vice
president of legal affairs and corporate secretary
at Blueprint Medicines with key roles in
building the company’s global IP portfolio and securing strategic
partnerships in rare genetic diseases and cancer immunotherapy.
A Museum overseer since 2012, she served as board chair from
2015 – 2018. She has run the Boston Marathon
three times
and climbed Mount Washington four times to raise funds
for the Museum.
Juan Enriquez
Juan Enriquez is the managing director at
Excel Venture Management, a bestselling
author, and cofounder of multiple startups.
He is recognized as one of the world’s leading
authorities on the economic and political
impacts of life sciences. Enriquez serves on
many boards, is a TED All-Star having led nine TED talks and
many TEDX talks. He was the founding director of the Life
Sciences Project at Harvard Business School and a fellow at
Harvard’s Center for International Affairs. A Museum overseer
since 2003, he serves as co-chair of the Blue Wing Imagination
Task force and chair of the prizes and awards committee.
Adam M. Koppel
Adam M. Koppel has been the managing
director of Bain Capital Life Sciences since
2016. He was initially with Bain Capital Public
Equity from 2003 to 2014, before becoming
the executive vice president of corporate
development and chief strategy officer at Biogen.
Koppel sits on the board of several publicly traded companies
and is a former director of PTC Therapeutics. Koppel sits on
the Newton-Wellesley Hospital board of trustees, the Partners
HealthCare Innovation advisory board, and the Society for
Neuroscience investment committee. He previously sat on
the board of Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley.
Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch
Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch is the executive
vice president, chief business officer at Ipsen,
where she oversees search and evaluation,
business development, and strategic alliance
management. She has had several previous
leadership roles, including at Axcella Health
Inc. and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., where she led
and executed multiple business development transactions. A
Museum overseer since 2015, she was the 2008 winner of the
Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology Leadership
Award, serves on boards for AGTC, Alivio Therapeutics, and
Aeglea BioTherapeutics. She is a Suffolk University trustee and
an overseer of the Boston Ballet and Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center.
Rudy L. Ruggles III
Rudy L. Ruggles III is the founder and
president of Future Fixers, an organization
dedicated to empowering young people
worldwide to use their creativity and knowledge
to identify and solve problems. Previously,
he was president of Collaborative Innovation
Services, a consultancy that helped organizations use the tools
and principles of sustainability to create innovative solutions to
strategic and organizational challenges. Ruggles has published
several books and articles, including co-authoring “Disruptive
Innovation and Social Change,” which was published in Harvard
Business Review in 2006. A Museum overseer since 2014, he ran
with the Museum’s Boston Marathon team this past April and is a
weekly Tech Studio volunteer.
Fall 2018 31
Chair, Board of Trustees
Gwill Elaine York
Vice Chairs,
Board of Trustees
Joshua Boger
Deborah Dunsire
Paul Egerman
Richard I. Anders
Stéphane Bancel
Joshua Boger
Alexis Borisy
Michael Bronner
Richard M. Burnes Jr.
Yet-Ming Chiang
Stacy L. Cowan
Nancy E. Dempze
Jaishree Deshpande
Richard A. DiPerna
Deborah Dunsire
Paul Egerman
Gretchen S. Fish
Gary R. Gregg
Helen Greiner
Leslie E. Greis
Steven Haley
Donald M. Kaplan
Wayne M. Kennard
Ranch C. Kimball
Maria L. Kussmaul
Patricia M. Lassiter
Kate Levin
Joy Lucas
Kurt Melden
Howard Messing
Yiannis Monovoukas
Elizabeth Moore
Alison Nolan
Thomas J. Pincince
Johan Pontin
Elizabeth G. Riley
Malcolm L. Sherman
Lawrence A. Siff
Payson Swaffield
Maryrose Sylvester
Michael G. Thonis
Susan E. Whitehead
Susan Windham-Bannister
Gwill Elaine York
President and Director,
Museum of Science
Ioannis N. Miaoulis
Chair, Board of Overseers
Christine P. Bellon
Corporation Counsel
William R. O’Reilly Jr.
Volunteer Service League
Barbara A. Ewels
Chair, The Innovators
George Papayannis
The Commissioner,
Massachusetts Department
of Elementary and Secondary
Jeff Wulfson
The Commissioner,
Massachusetts Department of
Conservation and Recreation
Leo Roy
Vernon R. Alden
J.P. Barger
Edith LaC. Dabney
John A. Fibiger
Walter J. Gamble
Paul E. Gray*
Mrs. Roger L. Nichols
James R. Nichols
Ralph Z. Sorenson
Neil W. Wallace
Sinclair Weeks Jr.
John E. Abele
Richard A. Carpenter
Brit J. d’Arbeloff
Sally L. Dias
Gary T. DiCamillo
M. Dozier Gardner
Diane R. Gordon
Daphne Hatsopoulos
Julie E. Henry
Emily C. Hood
Wendy W. Kistler
Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr.
William A. Lowell
Laura Barker Morse
Kenneth J. Novack
Jane Pappalardo
Eugene E. Record Jr.
John F. Reno
William Schawbel
Matthew D. Shedd
Howard H. Stevenson
Joan C. Suit
Samuel O. Thier
President Emeritus
David W. Ellis
* deceased ** resigned
Chair, Board of Overseers
Christine P. Bellon
Vice Chairs, Board of
Kimberly A. Goldinger
Richard Grinnell
Chinh H. Pham
Shoma Aditya
Jeffrey M. Arnold
Steven M. Bauer
Jeffrey R. Beir
Christine P. Bellon
Carol W. Bowen
Kerry Bowie
Ian A. Bowles
Cynthia Breazeal
Betsy Washburn Cabot
Maria Sol P. Carbonell
Mary A. Ciampa
Christopher M. Coburn
Stephen E. Coit
Diana Collazo
Jorge C. Conde
Catherine Creighton
Mark G. Currie
Ian L. Davis
Joel L. Dawson
Elisabet de los Pinos
J. Timothy Delaney
Andrea DiFabio
Mark L. DiNapoli**
Priscilla H. Douglas
Dale C. Edmunds
Richard M. Eglen
Fenel M. Eloi
Juan Enriquez
Samuel Épée-Bounya
Cecilia Fernandez
Nina T. Frusztajer
Dozier L. Gardner
Kimberly A. Goldinger
Norman W. Gorin
Richard Grinnell
Evelynn M. Hammonds
Barbara J. Hughey
Peter Jaffe
David L. Jegen
Paula A. Johnson
Phil T. Johnson
Susan Kaplan
Brian T. Keane
Adrian Ketri
Jana P. Kierstead
Michael E. Kolowich
Caroline M. Lamb
Tamara Shapiro Ledley
Robin Levin
Stephanie Behrakis Liakos
Leo X. Liu
Sharon E. Lowe
Douglas E. MacDougall
Ted MacLean
Paul A. Maeder
Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch
Ilene Mason
Bijoy Mathew
James M. McGlennon
Lynne T. Miller
Pratyush Moghe
Terrence W. Norchi
Mary Anne North
Mark Nunnelly
Gregory M. O’Shaughnessy
Judy M. Pagliuca
George Papayannis
Thomas L. Pappas
Chinh H. Pham
Ellen G. Piccioli
Steven Purpura
Katherine Relihan
Mitchel J. Resnick
Daniel Rinehart
Chris Rogers
Marc A. Rubenstein
Rudy L. Ruggles III
Robert Sackstein
Eileen Shapiro
Michael S. Sherman
Robin E. Sherman
Rebecca Shin
Navjot Singh
John Spencer Jr.
Aimee Sprung
John Stafford
Charlotte Streat
Addie Swartz
Richard E. Tinsman Sr.
Hal R. Tovin
Jack Turner
James F. Wade
David E. Walker
Terry Wilkins
Oneeka Williams
Amy Morse Winslow
Krishna Yeshwant
Nile L. Albright
Mrs. Walter M. Cabot
Albert M. Creighton Jr.
Marion S. Ellis
Boruch B. Frusztajer
Owen J. Gingerich
Marvin C. Grossman
Ina B. Heafitz
Gardner C. Hendrie
Jonnet K. Holladay
Richard M. Hunt
George Lewis
Lorraine Graham Morss
Peter Nessen
Edith Hall Overly
Donald M. Perrin
Joyce L. Plotkin
Helen M. Pounds
George Putnam
William M. Raeder
Judy Samelson
Helen Chin Schlichte
Marvin G. Schorr*
Arthur R. Schwartz
John A. Shane
Jenot W. Shipley
Normand F. Smith III
Carol Vash Spritz
William M. Steul
Fredericka O. Stevenson
Ralph C. Sweetland
Gene Tremblay
Joanne Weafer
Charles V. Willie