Florida A & M University
Office of Human Resources
Procedure No. HR-3012
Subject: The Employee Assistance Program
Authority: Florida Statutes 110.1091
Revision(s) March 2017
The Employee Assistance Program, provided by Aetna Resources for
Living, is there to help University employees in the strictest confidence with
behavioral disorders, medical disorders, or substance abuse problems or who
have an emotional difficulty that affects job performance.
1.0 General Information
A. Florida A&M University has contracted the services of Aetna Resources for Living, an
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider to make available counseling, therapeutic,
or other professional treatment services to assist employees in finding solutions to
personal problems that may adversely affect job performance. The program provides
confidential information, assessments, advice, and referrals.
B. The EAP provides access to the services of experienced and professionally trained
counselors whose knowledge and expertise span a multiplicity of areas, including but not
limited to the following:
1. Child and elder care issues
2. Alcohol/drug abuse
3. Life improvement issues
4. Difficulties in relationships
5. Stress and anxiety issues with work or family
6. Depression
7. Personal achievement
8. Emotional well-being
9. Financial and legal concerns
10. Grief issues
2.0 Eligibility
A. The services of the EAP are available to all salaried non-OPS employees (Faculty, A&P,
including the Executive Service and USPS), and their dependent family members (as
defined by the State Health Insurance Program).
B. The University provides eligible employees and their dependent family members with up
to three counseling sessions per problem per fiscal year. The University pays the cost of
this service. If further help is needed, the counselors will then give advice on how to
obtain this support and they will also advise on the relevant cost.
Adopted Effective Date
Review or Revisions 03/07/2017
3.0 Confidentiality
A. The EAP offers employees and their dependent family members the highest level of
confidentiality, and operates within the privacy scope of the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
B. The University is not informed by the EAP of the employees or dependent family
members who are using the services. However, statistical data on the number and
categories of assistance are provided to the University for use in facilitating the
evaluation of the EAP. No specific data pertaining to any individual employee will be
made available to the public or the University community.
C. Any disclosure of information relative to the use of the EAP services can only be made
with the written consent of the employee. However, information may be disclosed under
extreme or exceptional circumstances such as, if a child is at risk of serious neglect or
abuse, or there is a risk of harm to self or others through harmful or criminal activity.
4.0 Assistance Process
A. Internal Process
The EAP provides a short term intervention service for employee difficulties. Employees
experiencing difficulties in the work place or with family can contact the EAP service
provider directly through a toll-free number.
B. External Process
If the nature of the difficulty is such that further professional help is considered desirable
the EAP provider will refer the employee to an appropriate expert, for example,
a psychologist. The expert will work directly with the provider on all referrals.
5.0 Referral Process
A. Informal Referral (Self-Referral)
An informal/self-referral occurs when an employee who is experiencing personal or on-
the-job difficulties needs to resolve these matters privately and confidentially without
management intervention, s/he contacts the EAP provider directly for confidential
B. Formal Referral
A formal referral occurs when there is a decline in the employee’s job performance
and/or behavior as it relates to the fulfillment of assigned job duties and responsibilities.
1. EAP is contacted by the Office of Human Resources to discuss the
employee’s performance concerns after consultation with the supervisor
and/or appropriate managerial authority.
2. The employee is provided with an EAP brochure and the employer specifies
the expected changes and expected feedback from the EAP provider.
3. The employee is asked to sign a Release of Information form (ROI) that
allows the Office of Human Resources and management to track the
employee’s scheduled appointments, compliance with instructions and
recommendations from the EAP provider.
C. Mandatory Referral
Mandatory referrals are made to the EAP provider by management when an employee is
at the time-to-take corrective action or marginal work performance stage; when
discipline or termination of the employee is imminent; or when there are mitigating
circumstances which management believes that there is an opportunity for the employee
to resolve his/her problem. Compliance with such a referral is mandatory and failure to
follow through with the EAP referral evaluation, treatment, and service recommendations
in full may be the basis for termination of employment.
1. EAP is contacted by the Office of Human Resources to discuss the
employee’s violation of University policies and regulations and any concerns
for the employee’s imminent risk to him/herself or others in the workplace.
2. The employee is mandated to attend EAP (The employee’s job is at risk if
the employee does not follow through with the assessment and
3. The employee is provided with an EAP brochure and management specifies
the expected changes and feedback from the EAP.
4. The employee is asked to sign a Release of Information form (ROI) that
allows the Office of Human Resources and management to track the
employee’s scheduled appointments, compliance with instructions and
recommendations from the EAP provider.
6.0 Contact information
Employee Assistance Program, Aetna Resources for Living
Toll-Free number: 1-800-272-7252
Website: http://www.mylifevalues.com
Username: FAMU
Password: FAMU